Psychological trainings – how to study people’s psychology effectively?

Psychological trainings quite successfully replace individual consultations with psychotherapists.

Online trainings by psychologists are aimed at working through specific human problems. With the help of distance learning, you can increase your effectiveness as an employee or manager, deal with your fears and barriers, and improve relationships with loved ones.

We have compiled for you a large list of centers that provide psychological training, which you can complete remotely and increase your effectiveness in all areas.


Website: Duration: 6 months Cost: from 15,000 rubles.
per month Fundamentals of Psychology Duration: 6 months Cost: installments for 3 months from 15,000 rubles per month

This course is a quick introduction to psychological science, which will allow you to gain knowledge sufficient to continue your studies at a professional level.

  1. Training takes place online. You can watch recordings of lessons in a homely, comfortable environment and conveniently integrate the course into any schedule. Every week - short texts and videos with a total duration of up to 2 hours. Access to materials remains forever.
  2. Online meetings with an expert Once every 2 weeks on weekends, students go to practical lessons, where they reinforce the material in the format of an interactive conversation and answering questions. There is a recording available for those who were unable to attend.
  3. Opportunity to become part of the community All course students get into a chat where they communicate with future colleagues, share useful materials and receive each other’s support. Here you can discuss training issues and share your experiences.
  4. Standard certificate Upon successful completion of the exam, students receive a standard certificate (200 hours), which confirms the level of their knowledge.

Course program

Module 1: History of Psychology Module 2: Theories of Cognition Module 3: Theories of Emotion Module 4: Theories of Motivation Module 5: Theories of Behavior and Learning Module 6: Personality Psychology Module 7: Social Psychology Module 8: Developmental Psychology Module 9: Evolutionary Theories in Psychology Module 10: Biology and Psychology Module 11: Clinical Psychology Module 12: Psychology of Subjective Well-Being Module 13: Conclusion

The course is suitable for those who have just begun to be interested in psychology and are considering this field of activity. It will allow you to try on our atlas of psychological disciplines and professions: from research psychologists to consultants, and choose what best suits your skills and tasks.

Essentially, “Fundamentals of Psychology” is the first step on the path to becoming a psychologist. You will be able to consider all directions and choose the one in which you want to develop further or understand that this is not your profession.

The training will also be useful to all those who are interested in psychology and who want to use scientific psychological knowledge to improve their lives.

Popular exercises

In psychological practice, there are a large number of exercises that can be divided into separate groups depending on the purpose:

  • development of communication abilities;
  • improvement of memory - visual, spatial, short-term, long-term, olfactory, selective;
  • increasing self-esteem.

Each type has many separate exercises, which differ in the way they are carried out, but are aimed at achieving the same goal.

To improve communication abilities

A common problem is difficulty communicating with other people.

Such individuals do not know how to make new acquaintances, experience difficulties in communicating with colleagues and management, and experience discomfort when being in society.

To develop communication skills, you can use different techniques.



  1. The participant remains alone in the room, reads the text from a sheet of paper and tries to remember it.
  2. The next participant enters the room. The first person tells him what he managed to remember.
  3. The next participant is invited into the room, to whom the second person tells what the first person told him.

The number of stages depends on the number of participants. At the end, an analysis of the source text and information that reached the end of the chain is carried out. The procedure teaches people to communicate and shows that individuals add “on their own” to the text.

Continuation of someone else's thought

You can perform the exercise alone or with other participants. Such a game must have an announcer (a live presenter or a speaker from a TV or computer). You need to listen to the speaker for 1-2 minutes and think about how you can develop his idea, to what options you can bring it to.

The Mystery of Lewis Carroll

The text of the riddle is “how is a raven like a table?” Two people need to do this exercise. Participants say one word at a time and begin to look for similarities between them.

Dialogue with the mirror

A simple exercise to develop communication skills. Performed alone. You need to go to the mirror and start thinking about something. It is important to express your thoughts out loud. It is necessary to gradually develop the topic, connect sentences according to meaning.

Talking with your mouth full

The exercise develops diction. You need to put a spoon in your mouth and try to pronounce the words clearly.

To improve memory

A simple but effective training for memory development is memorizing pictures. For example, cars, objects, living beings are drawn on a piece of paper. The person must look at the sheet for a few seconds and remove it. Wait 5 minutes and write down on another sheet what was shown in the pictures.

A person must go into detail and describe the color, shape, and constituent elements of the object shown in the picture.

For visual memory

To train visual memory, use the game “Find the Differences”. Similar pictures can be found in magazines, children's books, and the Internet. You need to draw complex patterns, come up with geometric shapes with many angles and connecting lines.

For spatial memory

To develop spatial memory, you need to blindfold yourself and try to walk from the bedroom to the living room or kitchen. It is important to remove sharp objects and cover the corners with a soft cloth.

For short term memory

It is easier to develop short-term memory with the help of pictures in which you need to look for differences. Another option is to open a book on a random page, quickly read what is written on it, and tell it to your interlocutor.

For long term memory

To develop long-term memory, you need to constantly ask questions to yourself. They may concern different periods of time.

For selective memory

To train selective memory you will need 2 or 4 decks of playing cards. They need to be laid out in front of you face down. After that, open cards 2 at a time. If they match, put them aside.

For olfactory memory

To develop olfactory memory, you need to learn to associate a certain smell with an event. This will help you remember information when a familiar scent arises.

To increase self-esteem

To achieve your goal, you need to set realistic goals for yourself every day, achieve them, and write them down in your diary. It is important to learn to ignore failures. Frequent conversations with people who have a positive attitude towards the individual will also help in increasing self-esteem.

International School of Professions

Website : Cost : from 6,800 rub. per course

The International School of Professions offers 12 online courses in practical psychology. Here you can study neurolinguistic programming, sales psychology, communication psychology, features of relationships between children and parents, etc.

You can join the group at the beginning of each week. Thanks to the flexible schedule, you can study in any group. Upon completion of the courses, a diploma is issued.


  • Profession Psychologist-consultant
  • Coaching courses
  • Psychology courses for beginners
  • Courses in psychology of relationships between men and women
  • Child psychology courses for parents
  • NLP courses
  • Communication courses (communication with people)
  • Speed ​​reading courses. Memory development
  • Networking courses: establishing business contacts
  • Courses of modern psychological techniques
  • Psychological counseling courses
  • Psychodiagnostic courses

Center for NLP in Education under the leadership of A. Pligin

Website: Phone: Cost: from 5,000 rub. per course, there are free materials

Distance course NLP Practitioner.

Knowledge of psychology opens many doors for us. Psychological literacy solves many problems and tasks.

One course will replace the need to complete many marathons and short courses. Saving time and resources and teachers with more than 20 years of experience. One of the best NLP centers in Russia.

What problems can the course solve?

  1. Get additional tools for working in coaching/consulting or working with people
  2. Changing profession to coach/consultant
  3. Misunderstanding in communication
  4. They're manipulating, but I don't see it
  5. I have conflicts, conflict situations often arise either at home and with loved ones or at work
  6. I have difficulty establishing contact with people
  7. I get involved in conflicts in the family or at work
  8. I live at the mercy of emotions, I experience stress
  9. I react strangely to different situations without understanding why
  10. I experience fears and phobias
  11. Can't achieve goal
  12. Feeling like I'm hitting the ceiling
  13. I can't figure myself out


  • Course "NLP Practitioner"
  • Course “Communication and protection against manipulation”
  • Course "Communication and State Management"
  • Course “Condition Management and Working with Fears”
  • Course "Conflict Resolution"

Center for NLP in Education under the leadership of A. Pligin

  • For 25 years the Center has been specializing in teaching neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)
  • The only organization in Russia included in the International Encyclopedia of NLP
  • He is the exclusive representative of the European Association of Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy (NLPt) in Russia
  • Most NLP trainers in Russia and the CIS countries are graduates of the Center
  • Advocates for environmental friendliness and responsibility in the use of NLP

Teachers: Andrey Pligin and Alexander Gerasimov - experience in the field of NLP for more than 20 years.

To get acquainted with the Center, you can register for a trial lesson, go to the website and register!

Advantages: • Center in the education market for more than 20 years • Payment by installments up to 12 months • Curator 24/7 • Full certification course NLP Practitioner according to the European standard • 5 training modules • International certificate • Practical work in a group with students • 70 hours of training material, 48 video lessons • 100 hours of practice • Handouts and homework for each lesson

What trainings to watch right now

There are interesting free trainings from Netology. Almost all of them take place in a group format, and students take part in them.

Here is a list of free materials from Netology - look through them and select what you need. In addition to online trainings, the list also includes webinars; I cannot “filter” them because they are all on one page.

And here is a link to free materials from Skillbox. There are also trainings that are conducted in a group format. I find psychological training especially interesting.

There is also the VseTrainings project, which contains information about a wide variety of offline trainings in any city in Russia. Go there, enter your city and select the training that you like.

A lot of digital training can be found on the Training Space website. All trainings there are sorted into groups, there are materials for managers, sales specialists, HR, and so on.

Check out my selection of psychology courses. There are many psychological courses and trainings there, including completely free ones.

mental skills

Website: Phone: Cost: from 800 rub. for the training

Online training “Psychology of influence.

How to influence people” - you influence, not on you, you decide, not for you, they follow you, not them!

  • Colleagues in five minutes convince the client to pay twice as much for functions that are not useless, but how is it unclear?
  • Do you deserve a higher salary, but your boss doesn’t “see” it?
  • Do you want a new handbag, a vacation at sea, change your car, but your husband doesn’t “hear” you?
  • Do you need to fulfill your sales plan, but can't?
  • Have you been waiting for a promotion for a long time, you work for two people, you told the management about this many times, but they appointed someone else?

How to achieve your goals? What do you need to do to get everything from life? The answer is simple - learn to influence!

Online trainings are also available:

Feedback Psychology of compatibility Setting goals How to understand a child? Personality types, etc.

“Hello, you are greeted by a famous Canadian company...”

Probably, many have heard such major words from a charming young man with a Hollywood smile and sincere joy in his eyes. Usually such a meeting took place somewhere near the metro or on the station square. The seller joyfully announced to the passerby that he had the rare good fortune to take part in the advertising campaign of a famous Canadian (American, Australian) company. Usually, under the pressure of his sunny charm, the attacked citizen rarely showed any intention of critically evaluating the things offered to him.

Even a non-specialist understands: in order for such types to be able to successfully “sell” dubious quality flashlights and irons from their hockey bags to Muscovites and (mainly) guests of the capital, they must first be well trained by someone. Try to stay and watch how cleverly such peddlers play on human weaknesses, offering a gift in the form of a “first-class” buttock massager in addition to the “exclusive vacuum cleaner” at half price. By obsessively thrusting bright boxes into the hands of a potential buyer, street sellers correctly count on the fact that many of us have a much stronger “grasping” reflex than a “giving” reflex. At the same time, young people do not care at all that the device they sold will most likely break down tomorrow. The main thing is to talk the next client down and make your daily profit. Who trains such “traveling salesmen”? All the same business coaches. Typically, companies that recruit people for such work have a long-tested system of constantly reproducing new personnel. A coherent structure is created: only the most talented are sent to special training, who, in turn, as “sergeants” (or “foremen”) will train the newcomers who are interning with them - “soldiers”.

However, one should not think that the fashion for business, free from moral restrictions, flourishes only in the spontaneous world of street trading. And quite reputable companies often instill predatory instincts in their managers. Today, too many domestic entrepreneurs, who have gone through the school of the first years of “wild capitalism,” are convinced that competition must be conducted according to the laws of a full-scale battle, in which no prisoners are taken, and the wounded are finished off. Unfortunately, demand dictates supply. It is enough to read advertisements for various trainings on the Internet (“Attack Sales”, “Psychokarate”, “Psychology of Influence: Counterintelligence Version”) to be convinced that the demand for instructors in the strategy and tactics of combat operations against competitors and clients is extremely high. One can only hope that with the establishment in business circles of such a fundamental concept as business ethics, more civilized rules of the game will come into fashion.

Terra Amour

Website: Phone: Cost: from 4900 rub. for the training

Why might you be interested in Terra Amour psychological training?

Online psychology trainings save you money on solving psychological problems because their cost is less than participation in face-to-face psychological trainings. Your costs for organizing psychological training are minimal - a personal computer connected to the Internet.

You will be able to participate in the training from any convenient place - in the office, on a business trip, on vacation, at home. This means you won’t have to interrupt important and interesting learning, even if you just need to find a computer connected to the Internet.

During the online psychological training, you will receive access to your personal account, where you can download a video recording of each lesson, as well as all handouts.


  • How to stop quarreling?
  • How to choose a future profession?
  • Wise parent?
  • How to end the conflict?
  • How to manage emotions?

The main thing is the result

Organizing a training is a simple matter, but profitable. And many people take advantage of this. How many times in my presence people simply got up and left classes, how many times I myself felt bored and even funny. So the first and most important thing you should pay attention to when choosing psychological training is its effectiveness.

Regardless of what methods of solving personal problems the training offers, the main thing is that it leads you to your goal and gives practical results. It took me a while to understand this. As a result of my many years of experiments with trainings and psychological studies, I came to the conclusion that it is very difficult to eradicate psychological problems in oneself - this requires years of work, tons of shed tears. How else, because the most effective methods of healing come through tears and mental pain. It was precisely because of this prevailing opinion that my acquaintance with the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan came as a shock to me.

Website: Cost: from 600 rubles. for the training

Supervisory online group

The group is a small expert community whose main focus is the analysis and maintenance of the professional activities of each of its participants, the opportunity, with the help of other specialists, to see their clients, themselves, and their place in the profession in general, more voluminously and comprehensively, research and the formation of an individual style in work, awareness of one’s strengths and areas of growth.

"I'm fine!" — online group about overcoming anxiety and uncertainty

The online group “I’m doing well” will give you the opportunity to exchange your emotional states and receive feedback from other people. This will reduce the feeling of loneliness or, conversely, tension from the inability to be alone, and will help you more easily adapt to the new situation. At the same time, it is the prevention of nervous breakdowns and dark thoughts.

"7 days without stress"

Have anxiety, uncertainty and panic settled in your home and are taking away more and more strength? Maintaining internal balance and calm in a crisis is real! The time has come for new opportunities - let's discover them together at the online marathon!

Psychological trainings for primary schoolchildren

Psychological exercises for training children of primary school age should work through their main internal problems and teach them to cope with them independently in the future.

Psychological training for children 7-9 years old should include:

  • acting techniques;
  • relaxation exercises;
  • various diagnostic techniques;
  • art therapy;
  • role-playing games.

They will help you simulate different situations and play out possible behavior options.

"Mood Barometer"

To begin with, the game leader must show the children a real barometer and tell them what it is and what it is used for. After this, the guys must use their hands to “measure” their mood. For example, tightly clenched palms indicate a bad mood, and widely spread hands indicate a good mood.

"What I Love to Do"

This game allows children to learn something new about each other. One of the participants should, using gestures and movements, “tell” the children about any activity that he likes: reading, drawing, dancing. The rest look carefully and try to guess what activity is meant. After the showing participant finishes his “story,” everyone begins to guess. It is necessary to say at the end whether any of the guys guessed it. Next comes the next player.

"I like…"

The guys stand in a circle. The person starting the game should turn to the person sitting on the left and start talking with the phrase: “Kolya (Misha, Sonya, etc.), I like...” Then comes any compliment to the participant: “... your eyes / how you draw / how you dance.” And so on in a circle until it reaches the one who started.


We need to put the children in one column. From this moment on, they become a large river, which can spill into two so-called branches - two small rivers. To show how this river overflows, the presenter places two guys - leaders - at the beginning of the river and takes them in different directions. The guys behind them should stand behind one of the leaders, then behind the other - in turn. It is important to take into account the desire of each leader. This is how children learn to form subgroups.

"Princess Nesmeyana"

One of them sits on a chair placed in front of the children. Now he becomes “Princess Nesmeyana”, who needs to cheer up and make her smile. To do this, the guys take turns telling the “princess” about her merits - the beauty of her eyes, her ability to sing well, and so on.


Children stand in the so-called magic circle. One of them ends up in its center. You need to keep your back straight and your legs together. The guys around him raise their hands to about chest level. The distance between them and the one standing in the center should not be large, because he begins to fall in any direction, and the guys must catch him. This game is based on trust - the ability to show it (falling) and justify it (children must have time to catch it and carefully put it in place).

"Good warmth"

Children stand in a circle and take each other's hands. This game exercise is to transfer spiritual “warmth” to each other. This is done with a gentle handshake. The first player passes to the player on the right, who passes to the other, and so on until the chain ends with the one who started. At first the game is played with open eyes, and then, at the beginning of the second round, the guys close their eyes.

Sex education center "Secrets"

Website: Phone: +7 (812) 509-62-20 Cost: from 1800 rub. for the training

To improve your relationship with the world and yourself, you need to learn to understand your feelings and emotions. They are a powerful resource that gives a person energy and strength to move towards happiness and success. Feelings are literally a sensor of processes occurring inside us. The ability to understand yourself will be your best assistant in the game called “life.”

At the “How to Manage Emotions” training, you will understand the true nature of illnesses, learn to manage yourself and the situation, distinguish real feelings from feigned ones, identify emotional pressure, manipulation and resist them.

Attention: this training is aimed at in-depth study of the psychological states of the individual. Girls, bring mascara and foundation with you to restore your makeup after class. Also, those who are more than 15 minutes late are not allowed into the hall, because it is during these 15 minutes that psychological “immersion” occurs.

Both men and women can take part in the training.

Definition of the concept

Let's see what the word “training” means according to Wikipedia.

Training (from the English training or train - training, teaching, education) is a method of active learning that is aimed at developing knowledge, skills and social behavior.

In simple terms, this is a group lesson in a classroom where people gain practical skills. Theory in the training takes up only 10–20%. The rest of the time is devoted to practice and active interaction within the group.

Often, training centers conduct lectures under the guise of training. And then, instead of doing practical exercises, a person watches slides on the screen and listens to the trainer’s presentation. This can also be useful, but people come to the training specifically for practice. After all, you can’t learn to swim or ride a bike by watching people do it on a monitor.


Website: Phone: +7 800 707 6294 Cost: not specified

Online training Puppeteers | Manipulation Without Boundaries

You will learn:

  • How different psychotypes try to control you. The main types of unconscious manipulations.
  • You will become familiar with the main personality types and the basic manipulation patterns of each. Learn to quickly determine your psychotype.
  • Types of manipulation from “toxic” people. You will become familiar with advanced types of manipulation. Learn to see how psychopaths and toxic individuals are trying to control you.
  • Types of hypnotic manipulations. You will learn what hypnosis is. Get to know the types of hypnosis. Find out how Directive Hypnosis differs from Ericksonian Hypnosis. Get acquainted with Gypsy hypnosis, and most importantly, learn how to use it all and defend yourself.

Training takes place on a special ICDS platform. Each student has an assigned supervisor - a practicing ICDS expert. The curator checks homework and gives feedback. Leads the student all the way until he understands the topic of the lesson. Through the curator, you can get an answer from any course teacher.

How does the training work?

Training usually begins with theory, which students simply receive from the teacher. For example, at a profiling training, the teacher will first tell you what profiling is; at a swimming training, the teacher will explain and show what to do to avoid drowning.

Then practice begins. In most cases, in a group format. All training participants are divided into groups and begin to solve the tasks that were assigned to them. Each participant makes his own contribution to the “common” cause.

The teacher can take part in group work of students, or he can “outsource” it to students, that is, allow them to independently search for solutions to assigned problems.

The third stage is discussion of the results. Here the teacher is always present and gives his comments, recommendations and assessments.

The fourth stage is reflection, or introspection. At the reflection stage, all training participants summarize the experience gained.

Website: Phone: , Price: from 4500 rub. for the training

Self-confidence training

Does it bother you when people get impudent? Are you getting insolent at home, at work or on public transport? But would you agree that the most offensive thing is when someone who does not have even 2% of your beauty, your intelligence or talent achieves your goals? And you stand there and think: how can this be? The thing is that they believe in themselves and do not doubt for a minute that they deserve success. Unlike you...

Do you often doubt yourself? Do you think about decisions for a long time? Are you afraid to take the first step? You can't say, "No!" Do you sacrifice your desires for the sake of others? Do you often feel awkward, embarrassed or ashamed? Are you used to being comfortable and good to everyone? Have you forgotten when you did something for yourself?

The course “Self-Esteem for 10 Cows” is:

  • 10 video lessons.
  • 15 podcasts.
  • 24 exercises.
  • 21 homework assignments.
  • 3 meditations.
  • 2 decks of metaphorical cards.
  • 3 weeks.
  • personal feedback.
  • 10,000 students (in 6 months).

What kind of training is this?

Now there are several solutions to solve internal problems of companies, and one of them is psychological training. It is clear that they do not solve all problems, but they can still be useful. Such trainings can be divided into several subtypes


  • business trainings;
  • self-development trainings;
  • motivational trainings;
  • trainings on communicative competence;
  • time management.

In fact, there are many more of them, and these are just the main types - which companies order more often than others.

Business trainings

To business trainings

include trainings that help increase specialization, self-confidence, and also maintain a certain level of style and speech of specialists. Such trainings are developed for each group of employees separately, that is, for management personnel - some, middle management - second, ordinary specialists - third.

For example, company directors and department heads

offer training on successful negotiations, managerial image and style, or leadership qualities.

For middle management

Trainings on personal and career growth, successful negotiations and team building are suitable. Supervisors, senior operators, and mentors are invited to such business trainings.

For specialists

business trainings are more reminiscent of motivational ones, but still with elements of increased specialization. Such trainings allow lower-level employees to realize the significance of their work and also increase their self-confidence.

Typically, speakers offer training on career growth, joining a team, or developing personal image and importance in a team.

Self-development trainings

Psychological trainings on self-development

help a person stabilize their emotional background. Personality is a set of traits and qualities of an individual - so, any person can simultaneously be an employee, a student, someone’s child, a family member, a parent, and possibly a grandparent. And all these qualities must be combined in one person.

Sometimes it is very difficult to combine all this in oneself, especially when some changes have occurred in life, for example, a child was born or a person changed his job or specialization.

Self-development training does not depend on the specialty of employees

, their main differences are emotional directions. Such trainings can be conducted on:

  • stress resistance;
  • recognition of the integrity of one’s own “I”;
  • increasing self-confidence;
  • understanding the fundamentals of psychology and others.

Most often, such trainings take place in the form of a lecture and question-and-answer session.

. People are allowed to “talk it out”, talk about their fears and concerns, ask for help in solving their problems, or apologize. During the training, the speaker explains that all these emotions are a normal human state. He gives advice on how to get rid of fear or become more confident.

Motivational trainings

Motivational trainings are becoming the most popular among companies

. They, logically, help motivate employees to conscientiously perform their work duties.

There is currently another crisis in the economy; many are dissatisfied with their jobs due to low wages, work schedules, uninteresting tasks or difficult working conditions. And, of course, the employer cannot individually raise the salary for each employee or give an “indulgence” every time, just so that the specialist does not quit.

And this is where motivation comes to the rescue. Such trainings include:

  • material and non-material motivation;
  • commitment (loyalty) to the organization;
  • personal effectiveness.

Most often, such trainings are conducted for management positions; ordinary employees do not need such knowledge

. It is the department heads who know their employees and what is important to them.

Such training allows managers to motivate the team from a psychological point of view - after all, not everyone needs money (more precisely, everyone, but each person has his own threshold). But, for example, the opportunity to climb the career ladder or get an irregular work schedule is already a good incentive to continue working.

Trainings on communicative competence

Trainings on communicative competence

allow you to resolve disagreements that arise in almost any team. This requires training on resolving conflict situations, overcoming the fear of “speaking in public,” and developing a business style of communication in a team.

Such psychological trainings are most often carried out for specialists, but some companies also send managers to such training - after all, they are also employees, albeit with a higher status. But if the manager does not know how to resolve conflicts in the team or periodically becomes the subject of conflict (which happens in practice), then there will be no work in the department, and ordinary employees will change every few months.

The hardest thing to do is conduct such trainings for general directors.

, since their competence is much higher than that of other employees.

Therefore, business leaders try to sign up for an off-site seminar, which is intended exclusively for directors. At such trainings, managers share personal experience in resolving conflicts in organizations and what they apply in practice.

Time management

And the last type of psychological training is time management.

. This training is interesting to everyone without exception. Moreover, the advice that the speaker voices can be applied in life. At such a training, visitors are told about the real problems that arise at work due to problems with planning - that is, about “time thieves”. These could be people, hobbies, or any other activities.

Many people are faced with a situation when you are working and a colleague comes in and instead of working, he starts telling his problems or stories from his life, and his colleagues waste precious time that they could use profitably. At time management trainings, they tell and clearly show how you can quickly end a conversation without offending your interlocutor, and how to prevent similar situations in the future.


The same goes for coffee or tea breaks, favorite games, or hanging out on social networks.

But this does not mean that the employee should completely abandon such moments. The training tells how to reduce the loss of working time and increase the productivity of rest or work breaks.

The listed psychological trainings are only the main part that is used by corporate customers. In reality, there are many more of them, the focus is wider, and each of them helps to achieve a particular goal



Website: https://www.mcpir.r Phone: Cost: not specified

Training “Psychology of Love Relationships”

During the training you will receive tools and understand how to use them:

  • To build harmonious relationships with the opposite sex without manipulation
  • To improve self-esteem and self-acceptance
  • To improve relationships with parents and loved ones

ATTENTION! The training will not include esotericism, palmistry or fortune telling on various subjects. All training methods have been tested in hundreds of individual consultations and are a successful psychotherapeutic experience that has proven its effectiveness, helping to improve relationships and solve problems for hundreds of couples.

VALENTIN PLOTNIKOV - author and presenter of the training “Psychology of Love Relationships”

Practicing psychologist-psychotherapist, certified trainer Current member of the professional psychotherapeutic league Psychological education: Kirov University of Practical Psychology Advanced training: “Psychological counseling and psychotherapy” - First University of Professor V.V. Makarov according to the professional program (grants the right to conduct professional activities) “Eriksonovskaya” therapy” – Institute of Group and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy M.R. Ginsburg

Children's psychological trainings: some rules

Of course, you can develop your own laws and rules for each specific group of children, but we recommend that you definitely include the following points:

  • confidentiality;
  • the right to personal opinion;
  • sincere communication;
  • listening = respect for the speaker.

We hope that these simple and interesting training exercises will help you realize your educational and training goals and achieve high results in the personal development of your students.

Wellbeing Academy

Website: Cost: from 2700 rub. for the training

Thanks to the online training “Positive Thinking”, you will master practical technologies for getting out of difficult situations, quickly finding the right solutions, and creating a great mood in any conditions. Learn self-healing techniques. Learn to harness the power of your unconscious.

Get answers to your most important questions:

  • Why is negative thinking more common than positive thinking?
  • how to learn to think in such a way that your wishes come true easily and quickly
  • how to use the power of the unconscious for self-healing and in order to get the results you want to get

This training will have a positive impact on all areas of your life. Each technique is a clear algorithm, having mastered which you will be able to control and direct the course of your thoughts. You will become masters of your thoughts! It will become much easier for you to cope with everyday tasks, make the right decisions, get to the essence of things, easily manage your mood, throw out of your head what you consider unnecessary.

How to choose a training

If you are now thinking about which training to go to, then here are some recommendations that will help you make the right choice.

Decide on your goals

Ask yourself the question: “Why do I need this?” Why should you learn French? Why do you need to know first aid rules?

The stronger the motivation, the better. There are a lot of interesting things around, but our time during the day is still limited and we inevitably have to make a choice.

If you don’t have a goal and you go to training just for the sake of it, then when you need to make an effort to solve a problem, you will “give up.” You have no goal, no desire to do anything and “stress.”

As a result, the training will not give you any results; your time will be wasted.

Find out who is conducting the training

Often it is not so much the description of the training that is important, but the description of the teacher’s personality. Find out who this person is, what successes he has achieved, and whether he is worth “listening to” in principle.

For example, I would go to interviewing training from Vladimir Pozner. Because I like his interviews, I like the questions he asks. It’s unlikely for training from Dudya. He may also be a professional, but his interviews personally don’t grab me as much.

Compare the price and your income

There is no need to go to very expensive trainings. You are unlikely to be able to recoup them quickly. And if the program disappoints you, you will reproach yourself for throwing money away.

Opinions differ regarding free training. We all know that “free is not valuable” and that “free cheese is only in a mousetrap.” And also that “expensive and cute, cheap and rotten.” But personally, I know how to appreciate free things. And I also know how to choose high-quality free trainings (well, it seems to me).

So everything here is subjective.

Author's training by Tatyana Rusina

Website: Cost: from 5000 rub. for training

Great training PRO Relationships

After the training you will learn:

  1. Why is it difficult for you in certain relationships?
  2. How to find your partner if you don’t have a partner or relationship right now
  3. Create a partner with the qualities you need
  4. How childhood experiences influence current relationships
  5. About the difference between male and female perception of reality, their attitude to the same things and phenomena
  6. Improve your relationship with your partner by correctly distributing roles in the relationship
  7. What kind of relationship do you need?
  8. What are the ways to resolve conflict situations?
  9. Stop devaluing your family life
  10. Where do your conflicts come from?

Purchasing training materials is absolutely safe for you: the author assumes all risks. The guarantee period is 90 days from the start date of the course.

Why do we need training in psychology?

Any training is an interaction experience. Psychological training is the experience of interacting with oneself. Participants are faced with internal problems that they did not even know existed. Old grievances, unfinished relationships, stress, carefully forgotten by the consciousness, sit like splinters deep in the soul.

Psychologists call this the unconscious or subconscious (another useful term). Like a war fragment, an old mental wound can remind itself at the most inopportune moment.

Conclusion. Psychological training forces participants (sometimes against their will) to admit that they have problems.

The stated topic may resonate in the soul with a completely different problem. Thus, participants who came with the goal of losing weight cry over their children’s situation: their parents did not praise them for their excellent grades. And after the training, they still lose weight, because the situation has been lived to the end and there is no point in eating it up.

And the problem voiced: I want to get my ex back, evokes less emotion than memories of ridicule from classmates. In the end, it turns out that the ex simply looks like the offender and was chosen as a whipping boy.

Conclusion. Psychological trainings show: all areas of life are so interconnected that by pulling a thread in one of them, you can unravel an impressive tangle of problems.

The group moves into situations artificially created by the coach. But he experiences emotions here and now. At the first classes you can see people sitting with glued smiles and eyes full of tears, because crying is bad. But at the next meetings everyone burst into tears together. Both women and men. Participants learn to recognize their right to “shameful” feelings: anger, envy, fear, jealousy.

Exercises help you not to accumulate negative emotions in yourself, but to properly throw them out in the right place and at the right time. And after that, participants allow themselves to be gentle, show compassion, and simply have a hug with their family.

Conclusion. Psychological training reminds participants that they have the right to simple human emotions.

After attending several events related to psychology, the stages passed no longer seem like something extraordinary. But for uninitiated participants, much becomes a revelation. Psychology is a powerful tool, and training is the first step on a long path called “know yourself.”

Personal Development Center "Arcanum"

Website: Cost: 6500 rub. for the training

Online training “The power of thought: managing the future”


Your close friends have long been materializing all their goals in reality, and you remain an observer from the outside.


You came to this planet with the gift of having everything you want, living where you want, doing what you want.


These blocks obscure not only the mental layer of consciousness and thought, but also descend to the physical layer, being reflected in the body and changing physiology.

  • Techniques for managing your reality.
  • Methods of influencing space and situations.
  • Working with concentration and remote viewing techniques.


Socio-psychological training increases the socio-psychological competence of the individual through the development of specific (goal, objectives and topic of the training) competencies. Training can be considered both as a method of group counseling and as a method of influencing an individual (team) with the aim of changing the team, the characteristics of behavior and thinking of the individual.

Competence in communication and social interaction is one of the most important. Therefore, socio-psychological trainings are used in the training of doctors, teachers, psychologists, executives, managers and other specialists whose profession is associated with daily social contacts. Trainings help to form “social immunity”.


Website: Phone: Cost: from 7000 rub. per person

Positive Parenting

Training – PRACTICUM is interesting for:

  • Parents of children and teenagers
  • Teachers and psychologists working with children and families
  • Coaches who choose to specialize in working with parents

As a result of the training workshop you:

Research from the point of view of positive parenting and get an answer to your specific situation in relation to your child (children) Develop communication skills with children in a coaching style Master a 7-step model for the development of exactly those qualities of a child that are important to him and you

This will allow you:

Hear and listen to your child, building a harmonious relationship with him Ask effective questions that develop your child Help your child to be more independent, creative and effective in studies and extracurricular activities, clubs Create even greater trust and understanding in relationships with your child and in the family in in general Strengthen the child’s motivation to study and achieve

Two training goals

What is training, not in terms of format, but in terms of purpose? It is a teaching method that helps a person solve a specific problem. And he does this in two ways. Firstly, by providing a person with tools that allow them to achieve the desired effect, overcoming all obstacles. In this case, the training will be called instrumental. Secondly, the training can be aimed at instilling the skills of a general vision of the problem and mastering the basic mechanisms of its occurrence and solution for independent adequate selection of specific tools. In other words, a person is not given one specific “pill” for a problem, but an understanding of the concept - knowledge of how, when and what kind of “pill” to make and take in each particular situation. This is what training is called fundamental.

International educational

Website: Cost: from 7900 rub. for the training

Does your child provoke you - as if he deliberately wants to annoy you?

  1. He gets stubborn and does everything the opposite.
  2. Doesn't hear you or your requests.
  3. He is capricious, whines and distracts from business.
  4. Manipulates to get his way.

A GOOD CHILD AND A CALM MOM IN 6 WEEKS This comprehensive system of basic knowledge on child psychology will help you step by step build a respectful, trusting and supportive relationship with your child, where there is no place for shouting, threats, insults and punishment.

In just 6 weeks you will learn to negotiate with your child quickly and easily in any, even the most difficult situation!

Who will this be useful for?

  • If you are expecting a baby and want to learn in advance how to raise a child in an atmosphere of respect, acceptance and support.
  • If your child is from 2 to 12 years old, he is a toddler, a preschooler or a primary school student and you understand that it is important not to miss the time of personality formation, which will affect his entire life.


Advice from psychologists on conducting psychological exercises:

  1. You need to come to training in a good mood. If negative thoughts, aggression or resentment predominate, it is recommended to do breathing exercises and master meditation. An experienced psychologist can teach these techniques.
  2. In unclear situations, it is necessary to clarify the information of interest with the presenter.
  3. Communication with other training participants outside the training rooms should be maintained.

When performing psychological exercises, it is important to be sincere, so that the answers are reliable, the feelings and emotions are real.

Psychological training will help you achieve personal growth, success in your own business, and relationships with your loved one. Exercises allow you to overcome barriers, fears, and doubts. It is important to choose an experienced presenter.

Academy of Female Excellence

Website: Phone: +375 (29) 344-44-80 Cost: from 5000 rub. for the training

If you understand and feel that your life is not yours at all, but you don’t know how to change it, then this training is definitely for you. The purpose of the training is to analyze points of failure and find out areas of growth, come to an agreement with the subconscious and remove all obstacles on the path to the life of your Dreams and take the most important and first steps towards a happy, fulfilled and abundant life.

Having a difficult relationship with your partner? Problems with children? Poor financial condition? Illness, depression and depression?


Darling, it's never too late to change everything! Do you want to be happy? Do you want to live well? Do you want to get everything from life?


  • earn a lot
  • have a dream relationship
  • travel around the world
  • build a successful career
  • have perfect health and a beautiful body
  • live an ideal life


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