Psychology trainings and psychological exercises

Psychological trainings quite successfully replace individual consultations with psychotherapists.

Online trainings by psychologists are aimed at working through specific human problems. With the help of distance learning, you can increase your effectiveness as an employee or manager, deal with your fears and barriers, and improve relationships with loved ones.

We have compiled for you a large list of centers that provide psychological training, which you can complete remotely and increase your effectiveness in all areas.


Website: Duration: 6 months Cost: from 15,000 rubles.
per month Fundamentals of Psychology Duration: 6 months Cost: installments for 3 months from 15,000 rubles per month

This course is a quick introduction to psychological science, which will allow you to gain knowledge sufficient to continue your studies at a professional level.

  1. Training takes place online. You can watch recordings of lessons in a homely, comfortable environment and conveniently integrate the course into any schedule. Every week - short texts and videos with a total duration of up to 2 hours. Access to materials remains forever.
  2. Online meetings with an expert Once every 2 weeks on weekends, students go to practical lessons, where they reinforce the material in the format of an interactive conversation and answering questions. There is a recording available for those who were unable to attend.
  3. Opportunity to become part of the community All course students get into a chat where they communicate with future colleagues, share useful materials and receive each other’s support. Here you can discuss training issues and share your experiences.
  4. Standard certificate Upon successful completion of the exam, students receive a standard certificate (200 hours), which confirms the level of their knowledge.

Course program

Module 1: History of Psychology Module 2: Theories of Cognition Module 3: Theories of Emotion Module 4: Theories of Motivation Module 5: Theories of Behavior and Learning Module 6: Personality Psychology Module 7: Social Psychology Module 8: Developmental Psychology Module 9: Evolutionary Theories in Psychology Module 10: Biology and Psychology Module 11: Clinical Psychology Module 12: Psychology of Subjective Well-Being Module 13: Conclusion

The course is suitable for those who have just begun to be interested in psychology and are considering this field of activity. It will allow you to try on our atlas of psychological disciplines and professions: from research psychologists to consultants, and choose what best suits your skills and tasks.

Essentially, “Fundamentals of Psychology” is the first step on the path to becoming a psychologist. You will be able to consider all directions and choose the one in which you want to develop further or understand that this is not your profession.

The training will also be useful to all those who are interested in psychology and who want to use scientific psychological knowledge to improve their lives.


A person who has completed socio-psychological training:

  • knows how to establish emotional contact;
  • organize space for communication;
  • determine the emotional state of the opponent by his reactions;
  • create a favorable psychological climate;
  • listen and understand;
  • control external manifestations of one’s own emotions and feelings (postures, facial expressions, gestures);
  • argue your opinion and position;
  • resolve conflict situations.

The training provides knowledge from the field of psychology of the individual, group, and communication. The training is an educational course, and therefore the full scope of the results becomes noticeable after a while, in a few weeks or months, when all the emotions subside and only the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities remain. There is no need to undergo training frequently – once every six months at most.

International School of Professions

Website : Cost : from 6,800 rub. per course

The International School of Professions offers 12 online courses in practical psychology. Here you can study neurolinguistic programming, sales psychology, communication psychology, features of relationships between children and parents, etc.

You can join the group at the beginning of each week. Thanks to the flexible schedule, you can study in any group. Upon completion of the courses, a diploma is issued.


  • Profession Psychologist-consultant
  • Coaching courses
  • Psychology courses for beginners
  • Courses in psychology of relationships between men and women
  • Child psychology courses for parents
  • NLP courses
  • Communication courses (communication with people)
  • Speed ​​reading courses. Memory development
  • Networking courses: establishing business contacts
  • Courses of modern psychological techniques
  • Psychological counseling courses
  • Psychodiagnostic courses

Basic Methods

The key principle of psychological training is the combination of various types of activities during classes. They have a lot of communication:

  • discussions in which participants in group work can express their thoughts on a particular issue based on their knowledge and previous experience, as well as expand, deepen, and sometimes rethink and change them;
  • situational tasks, which represent a group search for a solution in a particular proposed situation;
  • surveys, during which participants not only actively participate in the discussion, but also learn to analyze;
  • brainstorming sessions in which the most daring ideas on the issue under consideration are expressed and discussed.

But the main feature of the training is the use of a large number of psychological exercises and games. They are needed for relaxation, switching attention, acquiring certain knowledge and skills, and creating a comfortable atmosphere. They can also be aimed at finding a way out of difficult situations by communicating with other participants and developing specific communication skills. In addition, psychological games and exercises serve as a tool for managing the group process, and always have a clearly defined goal that meets the needs of the group and the topic of the training.

The number of exercises and games is in the hundreds. Some of them are quite famous, others are simply interesting, but all of them simulate some kind of life situation, through which the participants themselves discover how they can perceive themselves and others differently, what they can change in their behavior to achieve the desired results. Thus, participants in psychological trainings are not taught how to live - they acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in the process of exercises and games.

Types and types of psychological exercises and games used in training.

  1. For acquaintance. Short exercises during which the group and the coach can get to know each other and get additional information about the participant, for example, find out his profession, what he likes to do in his free time, what his temperament is, etc. Such exercises also create an atmosphere of trust in the group and provide emotional and verbal contact between the participants and the leader.
  2. For warming up - short games and exercises with a large content of active movements (jumping, movements of the head, arms, legs, etc.), used at all stages of the training to “warm up” the group by changing the psychological and physiological state of each participant. They also stimulate thinking, promote concentration, and improve mood.
  3. On group cohesion - carried out in the event of the emergence of several informal groups that may interfere with the process, or if there are a couple of leaders in the group who are trying to demonstrate their priorities, or if there is a need to overcome barriers in communication between participants, or when it is necessary to unite group members.
  4. Psychodiagnostic - allow you to “probe” the personal characteristics, emotional state, and development of mental processes of the participants.
  5. Communication – develop communication skills necessary to adapt to the social environment:
      ability to smooth out conflicts;
  6. speak easily and convincingly;
  7. listen and hear;
  8. have developed intuition in communication;
  9. present yourself effectively.
  10. For the necessary personal changes. This is a symbol for the main, most numerous exercises aimed at developing or demonstrating those basic psychological qualities or skills that the training participants came for:
      developing - for the development of mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, imagination, sensory perception) and personal properties (the ability to empathize, increase self-esteem, tolerance for others, self-confidence, etc.);
  11. correctional – aimed at correcting behavior and correcting personal characteristics (aggression, jealousy, greed, etc.) that interfere with social adaptation (especially in childhood);
  12. psychotechnical (psychotechnics) – contain systems of techniques and methods of self-regulation for managing mental and psychosomatic processes.
  13. Body-oriented . Among them, we can highlight relaxation exercises - for relaxation at the moment of group fatigue, breathing exercises (train proper breathing skills), eye exercises, dance-movement and dance-song exercises (relieve the fear of expressing yourself and standing out), as well as non-verbal and pantomime exercises , which help in establishing social contacts.
  14. Entertaining - do not carry a semantic load, but help relieve tension and release emotions.
  15. Rituals for the beginning and end of group work help maintain the community of participants, separate classes from each other, and create a special training atmosphere that is not similar to ordinary life.

In addition to communication, communication exercises and games, psychological training often includes role-playing games, which help to identify errors in communication and behavior and analyze them. They can be spontaneous - carried out without preparation and are focused on current problems at the moment, and plot-based - they solve general problems. In both cases, participants have to play certain roles, which, among other things, contributes to the development of creative potential.

In the specialized literature there is the term “psychogymnastics”, which has a narrow and broad meaning. In the first case, it means all the games and exercises used in the training in which participants communicate through movement. They are aimed at solving group dynamics control problems, i.e. These are the well-known warm-ups.

Psycho-gymnastics in a broad sense is one of the methods of correctional work with children, the main task of which is to teach the child to cope with life’s difficulties. During psycho-gymnastic classes, children are taught to express emotions through movements, facial expressions, gestures, overcome barriers in communication, and understand themselves. Once completed, children express their feelings more easily and understand others better. Psychogymnastics also contribute to the development of character traits such as confidence, honesty, kindness, etc., and the elimination of all kinds of fears, apprehensions, and insecurities.

Center for NLP in Education under the leadership of A. Pligin

Website: Phone: Cost: from 5,000 rub. per course, there are free materials

Distance course NLP Practitioner.

Knowledge of psychology opens many doors for us. Psychological literacy solves many problems and tasks.

One course will replace the need to complete many marathons and short courses. Saving time and resources and teachers with more than 20 years of experience. One of the best NLP centers in Russia.

What problems can the course solve?

  1. Get additional tools for working in coaching/consulting or working with people
  2. Changing profession to coach/consultant
  3. Misunderstanding in communication
  4. They're manipulating, but I don't see it
  5. I have conflicts, conflict situations often arise either at home and with loved ones or at work
  6. I have difficulty establishing contact with people
  7. I get involved in conflicts in the family or at work
  8. I live at the mercy of emotions, I experience stress
  9. I react strangely to different situations without understanding why
  10. I experience fears and phobias
  11. Can't achieve goal
  12. Feeling like I'm hitting the ceiling
  13. I can't figure myself out


  • Course "NLP Practitioner"
  • Course “Communication and protection against manipulation”
  • Course "Communication and State Management"
  • Course “Condition Management and Working with Fears”
  • Course "Conflict Resolution"

Center for NLP in Education under the leadership of A. Pligin

  • For 25 years the Center has been specializing in teaching neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)
  • The only organization in Russia included in the International Encyclopedia of NLP
  • He is the exclusive representative of the European Association of Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy (NLPt) in Russia
  • Most NLP trainers in Russia and the CIS countries are graduates of the Center
  • Advocates for environmental friendliness and responsibility in the use of NLP

Teachers: Andrey Pligin and Alexander Gerasimov - experience in the field of NLP for more than 20 years.

To get acquainted with the Center, you can register for a trial lesson, go to the website and register!

Advantages: • Center in the education market for more than 20 years • Payment by installments up to 12 months • Curator 24/7 • Full certification course NLP Practitioner according to the European standard • 5 training modules • International certificate • Practical work in a group with students • 70 hours of training material, 48 video lessons • 100 hours of practice • Handouts and homework for each lesson

mental skills

Website: Phone: Cost: from 800 rub. for the training

Online training “Psychology of influence.

How to influence people” - you influence, not on you, you decide, not for you, they follow you, not them!

  • Colleagues in five minutes convince the client to pay twice as much for functions that are not useless, but how is it unclear?
  • Do you deserve a higher salary, but your boss doesn’t “see” it?
  • Do you want a new handbag, a vacation at sea, change your car, but your husband doesn’t “hear” you?
  • Do you need to fulfill your sales plan, but can't?
  • Have you been waiting for a promotion for a long time, you work for two people, you told the management about this many times, but they appointed someone else?

How to achieve your goals? What do you need to do to get everything from life? The answer is simple - learn to influence!

Online trainings are also available:

Feedback Psychology of compatibility Setting goals How to understand a child? Personality types, etc.


· Correlation of the concepts “group psychotherapy”, “group psychocorrection” and “group training”

·General understanding of psychological training

·Specific features and main training paradigms

The relationship between the concepts of “group psychotherapy”, “group psychocorrection” and “group training”

You have repeatedly come across the words “training”, “group psychological work”, “group psychotherapy”. What do they mean? Do they mean the same thing or are they different concepts?

A few terminological notes should be made. To denote various forms of group psychological work, a fairly large range of terms are used, the boundaries of the scope of which are very blurred: group psychotherapy, psychocorrectional groups, experience groups, training groups, active learning groups, practical experimental laboratories. Often groups of the same species are called differently by different authors. Without a doubt, this situation with unsettled terms is associated with the relative novelty of this area of ​​practical psychology and, to a very large extent, with the fact that such groups work at the intersection of psychotherapy and psychocorrection, on the one hand, and training, on the other (see Fig. 1 ).

Rice. 1. Correlation of the concepts “psychotherapy”, “psychocorrection”, “training”

As a result, the use of any term is not entirely adequate, since it is extremely difficult to determine where the border between psychotherapy, psychocorrection, training and personal development itself lies. Yet, apparently, most often various forms of group work are designated by the concept of “training groups”. Realizing the relativity of this term (as well as the frequently used term “group training”), in the future we will use it, meaning by training groups not only the well-known T-groups, but in general all specially created small groups whose participants (mentally healthy people) with the assistance of a leading psychologist are included in a unique experience of intensive communication, focused on helping everyone in solving various psychological problems and in self-improvement (in particular, in the development of self-awareness ).

The emergence of psychological training as a new form of interaction between a psychologist and people in need of psychological help, and between these people, is closely related to the development of group psychotherapy and psychocorrection. At the same time, we consider it necessary to outline the difference between these concepts.

Psychotherapy is currently understood as a complex therapeutic verbal and non-verbal effect on a person’s emotions, judgments, and self-awareness in many mental, nervous and psychosomatic diseases. Conventionally, a distinction is made between clinically oriented psychotherapy, aimed primarily at mitigating or eliminating existing symptoms, and personality-oriented psychotherapy, which seeks to help a person change his attitude towards the social environment and his own personality . (See “Psychology. Dictionary”, edited by A. V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky, 1990)

Psychological correction is defined as a directed psychological impact on certain psychological structures in order to ensure the full development and functioning of the individual (G. L. Isurina, 1990).

Group psychological correction is usually considered not only (and not so much) as a method used in medicine, but also as an area of ​​activity for a practical psychologist (not necessarily a psychotherapist).

Group psychotherapy is much older than psychological training - researchers date its emergence in the proper sense of the word to 1904-1905, linking this moment with the medical activities of I. V. Vyazemsky (Russia) and J. Pratt (USA), and the emergence of the term “group psychotherapy "We are indebted to J. Moreno, who proposed it in 1932. Meanwhile, the origin of psychological training is considered to be only the 50s, when M. Forverg developed a new method, the basis of which was role-playing games with elements of dramatization and which was called socio-psychological training - SPT. Based on extensive experimental research work, Forverg concluded that SPT has an effective influence on increasing interpersonal competence through the internalization of changed personality attitudes and their transfer to professional activities.

What are the main differences between group psychological training and therapy, correction and education?

Firstly , unlike psychotherapy, the goals of training work are not directly related to treatment . The leader of the training is focused on providing psychological assistance , and not on therapeutic effects. This provision, of course, does not exclude the possibility of using health procedures. Not only actually healthy people can participate in the training, but also neurotics and people in borderline mental states. In the latter case, a practical psychologist (who does not have a medical education) is recommended to work together with a clinical psychotherapist.

Secondly , the difference between psychological training and psychocorrection is determined by the fact that the training pays attention not so much to the discrete characteristics of the inner world, individual psychological structures, but to the development of the personality as a whole. In addition, correction is directly related to the concept of the norm of mental development, which it is oriented towards, while in some types of training the category of norm is not accepted at all.

Thirdly , training work cannot be reduced only to training, because the cognitive component is not always the main one in training and can sometimes be absent altogether. A number of experts believe that the most valuable thing for training participants is to gain, first of all, emotional experience. However, psychological training is very closely related to developmental education , understood in the broad sense of the word.

With all this, psychotherapeutic, correctional and educational methods can be used in the training, which in a number of cases does not allow one to unambiguously determine the form of group work.

General idea of ​​psychological training

Group psychological training is a set of active methods of practical psychology that are used: 1) as part of clinical psychotherapy in the treatment of neuroses, alcoholism and a number of somatic diseases; 2) to work with mentally healthy people who have psychological problems in order to assist them in self-development . We pay more attention to the consideration of group training in its second meaning.

In the “Psychological Dictionary” (1990), socio-psychological training is defined as “an area of ​​practical psychology focused on the use of active methods of group psychological work with the aim of developing competence in communication.” Group psychological training is not limited to socio-psychological training. The scope of its application is much wider than that of the latter, and is by no means limited to the development of effective communication skills and increasing communicative competence.

One of the leading training specialists in our country, Yu. N. Emelyanov training,” in our opinion, in the structure of Russian psychological speech should be used not to designate teaching methods, but to designate methods for developing abilities to learn or master any complex type of activity, in particularly communication” (1985, p. 89). Following this approach, he proposes to clearly distinguish between educational and training aspects in the work of the group. One can agree with this view, adding that training is not only a method of developing abilities, but also a method of developing various mental structures and the personality as a whole.

Currently, in the literature and practical work, the term “training” is interpreted much more broadly than it was understood just a few years ago. Thus, a well-known specialist in the field of neurolinguistic programming and acmeology A.P. Sitnikov gives the following definition of training: “Trainings (educational games) are synthetic anthropotechnics that combine educational and gaming activities, taking place in the conditions of modeling various gaming situations...” (1996, p. 144). At the same time, by anthropotechnics he understands such a component of acmeological practice, which is aimed at transforming “the abilities naturally given to a person” (M.K. Mamardashvili) and forming on their basis the cultural phenomenon of professional skill. He identifies three main anthropotechniques: teaching, teaching and play.

Expanding the boundaries of use of the concept of “training” is associated, first of all, with an increase in the range of goals, much wider compared to previously defined goals (development of communication competence). Thus, the goals of specially organized trainings are personal growth, learning new psychological technologies or developing new behavioral patterns. A.P. Sitnikov, for example, understands the program-target orientation of the acmeological training he developed “as the focus of training as a system of education and training of professional personnel on recreating the holistic phenomenon of professional excellence, characteristic of a specific type of professional activity” (1996, p. 172).

It seems to us that in the current situation, the term “training” covers such a wide area of ​​practical psychology, intersecting with group psychotherapy, psychocorrection and training, that it would be unlawful to narrow the range of application of this term, denying a whole range of psychological methods the right to be called training.

Specific features and main training paradigms

Specific features of trainings , the totality of which makes it possible to distinguish them from other methods of practical psychology, are:

·compliance with a number of principles of group work;

· focus on psychological assistance to group members in self-development, while such assistance comes not only (and sometimes not so much) from the leader, but from the participants themselves;

· the presence of a more or less permanent group (usually from 7 to 15 people), periodically gathering for meetings or working continuously for two to five days (so-called marathon groups);

· a certain spatial organization (most often – work in a comfortable isolated room, participants sit in a circle most of the time);

· emphasis on relationships between group members, which develop and are analyzed in the “here and now” situation;

·use of active methods of group work;

·objectification of subjective feelings and emotions of group members regarding each other and what is happening in the group, verbalized reflection;

·an atmosphere of relaxedness and freedom of communication between participants, a climate of psychological safety.

Within these features, there are a huge number of modifications of specific forms of training, which differ greatly from each other in a number of ways. There is a particularly large variation in the time the groups work: from two days to five or more years with weekly meetings (for example, in group analysis). An important common feature of trainings is their staged nature, determined by the socio-psychological patterns of development of a small group. As a rule, in the process of any training three main stages can be distinguished: initial, working and final. Sometimes these stages are characterized as the stages of “thawing”, “change”, “freezing”.

Training, being a form of practical psychological work, always reflects in its content a certain paradigm of the direction that the psychologist conducting the training sessions adheres to. There are several such paradigms

1. training as a unique form of training , in which harsh manipulative techniques with the help of positive reinforcement form the necessary patterns of behavior, and with the help of negative reinforcement, harmful and unnecessary ones, in the opinion of the leader, are “erased”;

2. training as training , as a result of which the formation and development of skills and abilities of effective behavior occurs;

3. training as a form of active learning, the purpose of which is primarily the transfer of psychological knowledge, as well as the development of certain skills and abilities;

4. training as a method of creating conditions for self-disclosure of participants and their independent search for ways to solve their own psychological problems.

Paradigms are arranged in the list according to the degree of decrease in the level of manipulativeness of the leader and increase in responsibility for what is happening during the training and awareness of group participants. The “trainer” takes full responsibility for the changes occurring in the participants and is absolutely not interested in the level of awareness of group and intrapersonal processes. The “trainer” delegates only a small part of the responsibility to the “trainees” and is engaged in “coaching” to develop the necessary skills and abilities. The “teacher” is capable of collaborating with the participants, but usually takes a position “from above” and does not risk completely giving group members responsibility for them. The “leader” takes responsibility only for creating favorable and safe conditions for the participants in which the start of self-change is possible.

Different understandings of the psychological meaning of training are reflected in the variety of titles of the specialist conducting the training: presenter, leader, group director, coach, expert, facilitator, etc. Of course, not every training conducted can be confidently attributed to any one of the identified types , since usually the training is given not one, but several specific tasks, the solution of which can be carried out using end-to-end methods in different directions. In addition, the literature has repeatedly emphasized the significant role of the personality of the leader of the training group, whose individual style and characteristics can sometimes run counter to the paradigm of the psychological direction in which he works, and be of greater importance than the methods and techniques he uses.

The exercises and techniques characteristic of a particular psychological school of training are nothing more than a tool, the result of the use of which depends not so much on the quality of this tool, but on the personality of the master working with it. As a result, we believe that even outwardly strictly manipulative techniques of neurolinguistic programming can be used not for the purpose of manipulation, but to facilitate the processes of self-disclosure and self-actualization of group members.

Material taken from the book by I.V. Vachkov BASICS OF GROUP TRAINING TECHNOLOGY

Terra Amour

Website: Phone: Cost: from 4900 rub. for the training

Why might you be interested in Terra Amour psychological training?

Online psychology trainings save you money on solving psychological problems because their cost is less than participation in face-to-face psychological trainings. Your costs for organizing psychological training are minimal - a personal computer connected to the Internet.

You will be able to participate in the training from any convenient place - in the office, on a business trip, on vacation, at home. This means you won’t have to interrupt important and interesting learning, even if you just need to find a computer connected to the Internet.

During the online psychological training, you will receive access to your personal account, where you can download a video recording of each lesson, as well as all handouts.


  • How to stop quarreling?
  • How to choose a future profession?
  • Wise parent?
  • How to end the conflict?
  • How to manage emotions?

Why training is important for employees

Not only do employers underestimate the importance of psychological training; employees themselves also often ignore them. The reasons are different; many people have a bad attitude towards the trainings due to the suspicion that psychologists are “brainwashing” them.

In world practice, it is customary to consult a psychotherapist when problems arise, but Russians prefer to talk with friends or simply “get through” the problem. True, because of such decisions, people are left with “scars”, because real problems are not solved this way.

It is also important for workers to understand that their emotional state affects the work process

. If a person comes to work in an irritated state, he begins to communicate rudely with colleagues, and thereby creates tension in the office. Psychological training helps to cope with emotional stress.

Another advantage of participating in psychological trainings is that they are free

(that is, their employer pays). So why not take advantage of what is offered for free?

In addition, psychological trainings are aimed not only at work issues, but also at solving personal problems. Any techniques that can be used at work can be used in life situations.

There is another type of employee who, no matter how hard they try, cannot achieve a promotion on the career ladder.

. There are several possible reasons for this:

  • inability to present information;
  • stiffness in negotiations;
  • fear of career growth or increasing level of responsibility;
  • downplaying one's professional qualities;
  • diffidence.

Psychological trainings allow people to open up, speak out and get rid of their fears.

Website: Cost: from 600 rubles. for the training

Supervisory online group

The group is a small expert community whose main focus is the analysis and maintenance of the professional activities of each of its participants, the opportunity, with the help of other specialists, to see their clients, themselves, and their place in the profession in general, more voluminously and comprehensively, research and the formation of an individual style in work, awareness of one’s strengths and areas of growth.

"I'm fine!" — online group about overcoming anxiety and uncertainty

The online group “I’m doing well” will give you the opportunity to exchange your emotional states and receive feedback from other people. This will reduce the feeling of loneliness or, conversely, tension from the inability to be alone, and will help you more easily adapt to the new situation. At the same time, it is the prevention of nervous breakdowns and dark thoughts.

"7 days without stress"

Have anxiety, uncertainty and panic settled in your home and are taking away more and more strength? Maintaining internal balance and calm in a crisis is real! The time has come for new opportunities - let's discover them together at the online marathon!

Why do we need training in psychology?

Any training is an interaction experience. Psychological training is the experience of interacting with oneself. Participants are faced with internal problems that they did not even know existed. Old grievances, unfinished relationships, stress, carefully forgotten by the consciousness, sit like splinters deep in the soul.

Psychologists call this the unconscious or subconscious (another useful term). Like a war fragment, an old mental wound can remind itself at the most inopportune moment.

Conclusion . Psychological training forces participants (sometimes against their will) to admit that they have problems.

The stated topic may resonate in the soul with a completely different problem. Thus, participants who came with the goal of losing weight cry over their children’s situation: their parents did not praise them for their excellent grades. And after the training, they still lose weight, because the situation has been lived to the end and there is no point in eating it up.

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And the problem voiced: I want to get my ex back, evokes less emotion than memories of ridicule from classmates. In the end, it turns out that the ex simply looks like the offender and was chosen as a whipping boy.

Conclusion. Psychological trainings show: all areas of life are so interconnected that by pulling a thread in one of them, you can unravel an impressive tangle of problems.

The group moves into situations artificially created by the coach. But he experiences emotions here and now. At the first classes you can see people sitting with glued smiles and eyes full of tears, because crying is bad. But at the next meetings everyone burst into tears together. Both women and men. Participants learn to recognize their right to “shameful” feelings: anger, envy, fear, jealousy.

Exercises help you not to accumulate negative emotions in yourself, but to properly throw them out in the right place and at the right time. And after that, participants allow themselves to be gentle, show compassion, and simply have a hug with their family.

Conclusion. Psychological training reminds participants that they have the right to simple human emotions.

After attending several events related to psychology, the stages passed no longer seem like something extraordinary. But for uninitiated participants, much becomes a revelation. Psychology is a powerful tool, and training is the first step on a long path called “know yourself.”

Take the test: introvert or extrovert?

Sex education center "Secrets"

Website: Phone: +7 (812) 509-62-20 Cost: from 1800 rub. for the training

To improve your relationship with the world and yourself, you need to learn to understand your feelings and emotions. They are a powerful resource that gives a person energy and strength to move towards happiness and success. Feelings are literally a sensor of processes occurring inside us. The ability to understand yourself will be your best assistant in the game called “life.”

At the “How to Manage Emotions” training, you will understand the true nature of illnesses, learn to manage yourself and the situation, distinguish real feelings from feigned ones, identify emotional pressure, manipulation and resist them.

Attention: this training is aimed at in-depth study of the psychological states of the individual. Girls, bring mascara and foundation with you to restore your makeup after class. Also, those who are more than 15 minutes late are not allowed into the hall, because it is during these 15 minutes that psychological “immersion” occurs.

Both men and women can take part in the training.

What is taught in psychological trainings

Psychological training is a group form of working on oneself - with one’s behavior, capabilities, limitations, rules and problems. In it, participants learn to adequately perceive themselves, adapt to the conditions of society, develop their own potential and abilities, and interact with others. The target audience for such classes is very diverse. Psychological trainings are conducted for:

  1. persons with addictions, somatic diseases, neuroses - within the scope of clinical psychotherapy;
  2. mentally healthy people - with the aim of helping in self-development and regardless of age (in kindergarten, school, in an organization).

Based on this, their primary task is to improve a person in terms of social adaptation, communication skills, and instill personal, socially useful individual skills. In this connection, you should come to them only voluntarily and with the attitude of “realize-change.”

You can work on yourself in many areas, both personally and professionally. The following areas of psychological training are distinguished:

  1. “I - I” are aimed at change at the personal level.
  2. “I – Others” implies changes in interpersonal relationships. Participants are encouraged to seek data regarding, for example, the impact of their behavior on others, or the manner in which they communicate with others.
  3. “I am a Group” is focused on changing the personality of each participant as a member of social society.
  4. “I am the Organization” - focused on a specific individual - a member of a large organization. His experience of interpersonal interaction (communication) in conditions of intergroup competition, conflict and cooperation is considered.
  5. “I am a Profession” are focused on the subject of a specific type of activity - they explore his feelings, aspirations, life values ​​that he receives and realizes in the conditions of his professional activity.

Within the framework of this typology, in the specialized literature there are many classifications of psychological training. They differ both in the tasks they solve and in the methods of implementation. Here are just some of their types.

  1. Self-regulation skills development training. These include auto-training and biofeedback training, widely used in the rehabilitation of various pathologies. They develop the ability to control and manage the state of their own body and emotions.
  2. Communication trainings. They teach how to solve problems that arise in the process of communication - interpersonal or business, and teach behavior in various situations. So, those who experience difficulties during a job interview, or know that it’s time for a salary increase, but are embarrassed to tell their bosses about it, should come here.
  3. Trainings that stimulate personal growth. The principles of their implementation were laid down in the 50s in the USA, when working with groups of dependent and emotionally unstable people. They were helped to increase self-esteem, become more relaxed, develop charisma, etc. Today's participants also realize and overcome their complexes. Here they will be “pulled out” of all unconscious fears, relieved of internal barriers, after which they will be taught to more adequately assess their abilities, notice their mistakes when communicating, and will also help develop certain facets of personality such as self-understanding and the ability to perceive other people.
  4. Educational trainings. They develop specific skills necessary primarily for professions related to communicating with people. These are trainings for teachers, psychotherapists, trainers, managers, as well as trainings for sales, negotiations, and team building.
  5. Social and psychological trainings. These are a kind of life lessons in a softened form. Here they teach the intricacies of interaction in a social environment and learn to cope with difficult life situations.
  6. Business trainings. Aimed at modifying or developing business knowledge, skills and attitudes for the successful implementation of business tasks, increasing the efficiency of production activities, business interaction, and increasing the organization’s profits. Among them are trainings of professional skills, or corporate trainings, which are aimed at improving the professional skills of workers - both experienced and beginners; as well as trainings for professional and personal growth aimed at identifying external and internal resources for professional self-development of employees.

Ultimately, group members are helped to understand themselves, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and also learn to understand others, correct their behavior, and become more successful in their professional activities or life in general.


Website: Phone: +7 800 707 6294 Cost: not specified

Online training Puppeteers | Manipulation Without Boundaries

You will learn:

  • How different psychotypes try to control you. The main types of unconscious manipulations.
  • You will become familiar with the main personality types and the basic manipulation patterns of each. Learn to quickly determine your psychotype.
  • Types of manipulation from “toxic” people. You will become familiar with advanced types of manipulation. Learn to see how psychopaths and toxic individuals are trying to control you.
  • Types of hypnotic manipulations. You will learn what hypnosis is. Get to know the types of hypnosis. Find out how Directive Hypnosis differs from Ericksonian Hypnosis. Get acquainted with Gypsy hypnosis, and most importantly, learn how to use it all and defend yourself.

Training takes place on a special ICDS platform. Each student has an assigned supervisor - a practicing ICDS expert. The curator checks homework and gives feedback. Leads the student all the way until he understands the topic of the lesson. Through the curator, you can get an answer from any course teacher.

Website: Phone: , Price: from 4500 rub. for the training

Self-confidence training

Does it bother you when people get impudent? Are you getting insolent at home, at work or on public transport? But would you agree that the most offensive thing is when someone who does not have even 2% of your beauty, your intelligence or talent achieves your goals? And you stand there and think: how can this be? The thing is that they believe in themselves and do not doubt for a minute that they deserve success. Unlike you...

Do you often doubt yourself? Do you think about decisions for a long time? Are you afraid to take the first step? You can't say, "No!" Do you sacrifice your desires for the sake of others? Do you often feel awkward, embarrassed or ashamed? Are you used to being comfortable and good to everyone? Have you forgotten when you did something for yourself?

The course “Self-Esteem for 10 Cows” is:

  • 10 video lessons.
  • 15 podcasts.
  • 24 exercises.
  • 21 homework assignments.
  • 3 meditations.
  • 2 decks of metaphorical cards.
  • 3 weeks.
  • personal feedback.
  • 10,000 students (in 6 months).

Psychological exercises for every day

It’s not for nothing that mathematics is included in the entrance exams for the Faculty of Psychology. Our sciences have a lot in common! In psychology, including family psychology, there are many different exercises. I suggest you familiarize yourself with some of them. Everyone will be able to use them in their family.

  1. My favorite method, which I rank first, is “How cool!” . It consists in starting each of your reactions to an unexpected event (good or bad) with the phrase “How great!” And it doesn’t matter that things aren’t going well and those around you won’t understand you at first. Such a reaction from the environment will even play into your hands - your brain, in a panic, will begin to figure out why this is great. You can further enhance the effect of the method - immediately say: “This is so great, because...” And then your brain will save you!
  2. We are introducing a mandatory procedure “5 joys of the day” . You, your partner, children, parents - anyone, anyone - participates in it. In the evening you tell each other five pleasant events of this day. Their significance is not important, what is important is that they bring you joy. This will teach you to notice good events and not focus on bad ones, and also to share good news with your loved ones first of all.
  3. Introduce rewards for yourself . At least once a month, give yourself a nice little thing or a meaningful gift. It is important to promise yourself it in advance and wait to acquire it.
  4. Another exercise is a vision board . It is a poster or stand on which images of what a person wants to get from life are placed. She is a powerful weapon in the fight for your dreams. The main principle of its action is the correct formation of images of one’s own dreams and visualization of what is desired.

In the center of the board, place a photo of yourself in which you are sincerely happy and experiencing joy. And then start placing photographs or drawings around you of what you want to get out of life or what you want to achieve in it. To create a vision board, select life-affirming, beautiful, bright and expressive pictures depicting what you want.

For each sector, select separate photos: for the marriage sector - a picture depicting a happy family; for the career sector - an image of a successful businessman; for the material wealth sector - a car, a house, a dacha; for the sector of spiritual life - photos, for example, of countries where I would like to visit...

On the vision board you need to place images that reflect the final result of your efforts, dreams that have already come true, and opportunities that have been realized. If desired, the images can be accompanied by short comments (written in present tense).

  1. With all our desire to think positively, we ourselves subconsciously block the achievement of the goal! It’s like we’re repeating “I’m healthy and happy,” but at the same time the thought runs through us: “Well, how can I be healthy when there’s an epidemic around us.” Or “where does happiness come from with such a euro exchange rate?”

I'll tell you about one wonderful exercise. Wake up in the morning and say to yourself mentally, or better yet out loud: “It’s great that this day has come. I allow (permit, command - you can choose any word you like) myself to live this day the way I want! I will achieve all my goals." And if that same negative thought arises in your head, you say: “And I forbid such thoughts and all obstacles to exist on this day!” Then count out loud “one, two, three” and clap your hands! This exercise is good to do with children too! You should start your day with it, and end it with “five joys.”

It is important to have a plan for the day, and it is better to make it the day before. But don’t set limits and boundaries for yourself! After all, things often don’t work out precisely because we ourselves are afraid, slow down, and don’t realize our capabilities. Try doing this exercise for at least 21 days, or better yet, make it a habit.

  1. By engaging in visualizations, activating the power of thought, and dreaming, people often turn this activity into an obsession . They think, they play it in their heads. If we imagine at this moment the brain as a separate being, then it sits and thinks: “Guard! How long can you think about this? This hasn’t happened yet, but there are already so many problems!” And he does everything to prevent this obsessive “trouble” from happening. With good intentions, of course.

I offer you the following method of struggle . Open your notes in your phone and select a date exactly one year from now. Write all your dreams there as accomplished. And close it, with a reminder that will work in a year. All! Forget it, don't go into the records. If it works, evaluate the result. You will probably be surprised!

Today there is a lot of debate about whether it is good to live in a positive world, or, more precisely, to try to artificially create it for yourself. I am sure that the efforts spent on ensuring that there is peace, tranquility and a positive attitude in the family will return to you like a boomerang, manifesting itself in your children. They will grow up in a friendly atmosphere and become confident people. And this is very cool!


Website: https://www.mcpir.r Phone: Cost: not specified

Training “Psychology of Love Relationships”

During the training you will receive tools and understand how to use them:

  • To build harmonious relationships with the opposite sex without manipulation
  • To improve self-esteem and self-acceptance
  • To improve relationships with parents and loved ones

ATTENTION! The training will not include esotericism, palmistry or fortune telling on various subjects. All training methods have been tested in hundreds of individual consultations and are a successful psychotherapeutic experience that has proven its effectiveness, helping to improve relationships and solve problems for hundreds of couples.

VALENTIN PLOTNIKOV - author and presenter of the training “Psychology of Love Relationships”

Practicing psychologist-psychotherapist, certified trainer Current member of the professional psychotherapeutic league Psychological education: Kirov University of Practical Psychology Advanced training: “Psychological counseling and psychotherapy” - First University of Professor V.V. Makarov according to the professional program (grants the right to conduct professional activities) “Eriksonovskaya” therapy” – Institute of Group and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy M.R. Ginsburg

Presenter's personality

Not every person has the right to conduct training. Firstly, it is necessary to undergo special training, and secondly, certain individual and personal characteristics are needed. The presenter performs 5 roles during the training:

  • organizer and leader (instructor, director);
  • psychoanalyst (with a healthy distance and a personally neutral attitude towards the participants);
  • manager-commentator (psychological professional support);
  • intermediary manager (manages the process, but is not responsible for its progress);
  • one of the group members (equal status with the other participants, a person with his own characteristics and life problems).

The leader chooses a leadership style, which largely depends on the previously chosen role. As with leadership in a broad sense, there are 3 possible styles: democratic, authoritarian and permissive. Sometimes an authoritarian style is necessary (when participants become disoriented and stressed, the atmosphere is tense, strict adherence to the lesson plan is required to stabilize and normalize the situation), but in other cases the democratic style is optimal. It is possible to use an authoritarian style in the first lessons (participants have not yet been freed from the shackles of habits and need management) with a gradual transition to a democratic one. Sometimes there is a need to change the style several times during one lesson.

Leadership style does not depend on the course itself or the school (institution) where it is taught. It depends only on the leader.

Personal portrait of a successful presenter:

  • focus on the client (participants), desire and ability to help;
  • flexibility and tolerance, abstraction from personal opinions and feelings;
  • openness to other opinions;
  • the ability to create a favorable and comfortable atmosphere, receptivity;
  • the ability to be open, despite professionalism, to show true emotions;
  • enthusiasm and optimism, creativity, faith in the abilities of each participant to change, learn and develop;
  • restraint and self-control, poise, developed self-control;
  • self-confidence, love and positive attitude towards oneself, developed self-awareness (knowledge of needs and motives, strengths and weaknesses), adequate self-esteem;
  • developed imagination and intuition;
  • high intelligence, education and special education, which gives the right to conduct trainings.

The training leader must combine a creative, sensitive and unconventional person with a qualified specialist and professional.

They train trainers in higher education institutions and non-profit training schools. The presenter must clearly see the goals he wants to achieve and have a large selection of professional methods and means of achieving them, be able to react quickly and improvise.

Wellbeing Academy

Website: Cost: from 2700 rub. for the training

Thanks to the online training “Positive Thinking”, you will master practical technologies for getting out of difficult situations, quickly finding the right solutions, and creating a great mood in any conditions. Learn self-healing techniques. Learn to harness the power of your unconscious.

Get answers to your most important questions:

  • Why is negative thinking more common than positive thinking?
  • how to learn to think in such a way that your wishes come true easily and quickly
  • how to use the power of the unconscious for self-healing and in order to get the results you want to get

This training will have a positive impact on all areas of your life. Each technique is a clear algorithm, having mastered which you will be able to control and direct the course of your thoughts. You will become masters of your thoughts! It will become much easier for you to cope with everyday tasks, make the right decisions, get to the essence of things, easily manage your mood, throw out of your head what you consider unnecessary.

What does psychological training give to an athlete?

The psychological preparation of an athlete is no less important than daily hours of training in the gym, pool or stadium. The ability to manage emotions gives an athlete a huge advantage over his opponents. An athlete who regularly works with a specialist and performs psychological exercises is able to concentrate on the goal and is more resistant to stress. After psychotraining, athletes improve the accuracy of movements, the ability to optimally expend energy, and the ability to relax and restore energy in a short time.

As a result of psychotraining, athletes’ attention, perception, and reaction speed improve. The athlete becomes more confident in his abilities, his self-esteem grows.

Psychological training of an athlete is aimed at:

  • increasing resistance to stress;
  • mastering the ability to quickly relax and mobilize the body and psyche;
  • increasing self-confidence through positive thinking and internal dialogues;
  • improving the ability to concentrate and focus.

Psychological training allows you to increase motivation, teach you to visualize a goal and maintain attention on it until it is achieved.

Author's training by Tatyana Rusina

Website: Cost: from 5000 rub. for training

Great training PRO Relationships

After the training you will learn:

  1. Why is it difficult for you in certain relationships?
  2. How to find your partner if you don’t have a partner or relationship right now
  3. Create a partner with the qualities you need
  4. How childhood experiences influence current relationships
  5. About the difference between male and female perception of reality, their attitude to the same things and phenomena
  6. Improve your relationship with your partner by correctly distributing roles in the relationship
  7. What kind of relationship do you need?
  8. What are the ways to resolve conflict situations?
  9. Stop devaluing your family life
  10. Where do your conflicts come from?

Purchasing training materials is absolutely safe for you: the author assumes all risks. The guarantee period is 90 days from the start date of the course.

Personal Development Center "Arcanum"

Website: Cost: 6500 rub. for the training

Online training “The power of thought: managing the future”


Your close friends have long been materializing all their goals in reality, and you remain an observer from the outside.


You came to this planet with the gift of having everything you want, living where you want, doing what you want.


These blocks obscure not only the mental layer of consciousness and thought, but also descend to the physical layer, being reflected in the body and changing physiology.

  • Techniques for managing your reality.
  • Methods of influencing space and situations.
  • Working with concentration and remote viewing techniques.


Socio-psychological training increases the socio-psychological competence of the individual through the development of specific (goal, objectives and topic of the training) competencies. Training can be considered both as a method of group counseling and as a method of influencing an individual (team) with the aim of changing the team, the characteristics of behavior and thinking of the individual.

Competence in communication and social interaction is one of the most important. Therefore, socio-psychological trainings are used in the training of doctors, teachers, psychologists, executives, managers and other specialists whose profession is associated with daily social contacts. Trainings help to form “social immunity”.


Website: Phone: Cost: from 7000 rub. per person

Positive Parenting

Training – PRACTICUM is interesting for:

  • Parents of children and teenagers
  • Teachers and psychologists working with children and families
  • Coaches who choose to specialize in working with parents

As a result of the training workshop you:

Research from the point of view of positive parenting and get an answer to your specific situation in relation to your child (children) Develop communication skills with children in a coaching style Master a 7-step model for the development of exactly those qualities of a child that are important to him and you

This will allow you:

Hear and listen to your child, building a harmonious relationship with him Ask effective questions that develop your child Help your child to be more independent, creative and effective in studies and extracurricular activities, clubs Create even greater trust and understanding in relationships with your child and in the family in in general Strengthen the child’s motivation to study and achieve

International educational

Website: Cost: from 7900 rub. for the training

Does your child provoke you - as if he deliberately wants to annoy you?

  1. He gets stubborn and does everything the opposite.
  2. Doesn't hear you or your requests.
  3. He is capricious, whines and distracts from business.
  4. Manipulates to get his way.

A GOOD CHILD AND A CALM MOM IN 6 WEEKS This comprehensive system of basic knowledge on child psychology will help you step by step build a respectful, trusting and supportive relationship with your child, where there is no place for shouting, threats, insults and punishment.

In just 6 weeks you will learn to negotiate with your child quickly and easily in any, even the most difficult situation!

Who will this be useful for?

  • If you are expecting a baby and want to learn in advance how to raise a child in an atmosphere of respect, acceptance and support.
  • If your child is from 2 to 12 years old, he is a toddler, a preschooler or a primary school student and you understand that it is important not to miss the time of personality formation, which will affect his entire life.

Academy of Female Excellence

Website: Phone: +375 (29) 344-44-80 Cost: from 5000 rub. for the training

If you understand and feel that your life is not yours at all, but you don’t know how to change it, then this training is definitely for you. The purpose of the training is to analyze points of failure and find out areas of growth, come to an agreement with the subconscious and remove all obstacles on the path to the life of your Dreams and take the most important and first steps towards a happy, fulfilled and abundant life.

Having a difficult relationship with your partner? Problems with children? Poor financial condition? Illness, depression and depression?


Darling, it's never too late to change everything! Do you want to be happy? Do you want to live well? Do you want to get everything from life?


  • earn a lot
  • have a dream relationship
  • travel around the world
  • build a successful career
  • have perfect health and a beautiful body
  • live an ideal life



The training scenario is developed in advance; as a rule, it involves several sessions. Each lesson is an experience for the participants. Individual lessons are structured approximately according to the following plan:

  1. The training begins with the introduction of participants. A game or exercise for self-presentation with a “snowball” element is suitable for this. If the participants are already familiar, then the names are remembered only by the presenter. The self-presentation option can be different, for example, name the name of the previous participant, your own and three verbs about yourself.
  2. This is followed by a warm-up with communicative, emotional and behavioral exercises. This is followed by a group discussion and identification of the purpose of the lesson (in addition to the general goal, there are separate ones for the lesson). A couple of situations are selected for discussion and role-playing games (the participants themselves suggest something that is “painful” and relevant right now). At the end of each game or exercise, a group discussion is held, the participants evaluate their activity and condition.
  3. This is followed by narrowly focused exercises to develop specific skills and abilities.
  4. Game exercises reinforce a relaxed atmosphere.
  5. Reflection throughout the lesson.
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