I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid: why it's scary to change jobs and what to do about it

Previously, a person who was engaged in constant learning and self-development was called an “eternal student.” The transition to remote work, new formats of education, the realization that you can work more for yourself, and not spend two to four hours a day commuting to work and back - all this leads to the fact that the demand for changing professions is growing every year. . Not so long ago, it took an average of five years to make a quality transition from one profession to another. Now, thanks to affordable training and retraining, such a transition can be accomplished much faster. Plus, you can move to different positions within the same company. In general, today there are no professions left that one could learn one day and work in them for the rest of one’s life. This is due to the constant development of both technology and people and companies.

Nowadays, in order to make a career turn and become a sought-after junior in a new profession, you don’t need to spend a lot of time. I managed to work as a forensic expert, psychologist and Internet marketer: five years ago I completely changed my career path, quit the government and embarked on the path of a novice marketer.

Now I am actively realizing myself as a psychologist: I provide consultations with those who are changing their field of activity and adapting to a new place of work, including those who want promotion and development in their industry. I work as a mentor in the “Internet Marketer” course from Yandex.Practicum, and I run a Telegram channel about psychology.

In this post I will touch on several topics at once. Let's talk about a career crisis after 30: what to do if you feel stuck. Let's discuss the correct setting of goals for self-development, without which it is impossible. Let's evaluate the role of mentors for those who need it. Also under the cut - about the correct positioning of yourself at work and the division of attention.

Personal experience

At the age of 30, a crisis came in my career.
I had work experience in only one field, and there was one entry in my work book - “service in the internal affairs bodies.” The career was developing positively: a move to Moscow, a promotion, but the joy became less and less every day. In 2021, I deliberately took a business trip for three months in order to somehow reboot and clear my head, and also began to actively engage in marathon running. I wanted to hold out until the end of the year, go on a long vacation and begin fulfilling my duties with renewed vigor, but at some point I realized that I had hit a wall, that I was breaking myself, that every day I got up with force and literally forced myself to go to work . In such situations, either you break the wall (if it makes sense), or the wall turns out to be stronger than you (which is more often the case).

If you find yourself in this state, then changing your activity or place of work may be the right step. A person often pushes himself to the last minute, expects that changes are about to happen, he just needs to be patient a little more (and then be patient some more), but they don’t happen, he postpones his decision, and so on in a circle.

In fact, he lacks determination. Because it requires some effort. To go with the flow, you don’t have to do anything, but to develop and be successful, you need to constantly find resources within yourself and strain yourself. This is the only way to move forward. There is a suitable phrase about this: “To live is to make an effort.”

But often something holds us back. In psychology, this is called “limiting beliefs”; they can be expressed in pictures or voices of loved ones: “You can’t / you won’t succeed / now is not the time / be patient / wait,” etc. You can contact a psychologist and work through this, but the most effective way to deal with fears is to meet them halfway.

If you have made a decision within yourself, you need to follow it. Therefore, it is important to spend internal resources on its formation.

small salary

The most popular reason for changing jobs is low wages. Even if the specialty is chosen to your liking and the work brings moral pleasure, a small salary can become a serious incentive to change your place of work. In addition, the salary may not correspond to the duties performed. In other words, one person can do the work of several employees. Unfortunately, this situation occurs in almost every enterprise.

Of course, in private companies the possibility of negotiations with the administration regarding a salary increase is not excluded. If the conversation is unsuccessful, you can quit.

The situation is more complicated in budgetary organizations. Here the salary is fixed and its increase is possible only in case of career growth. Of course, there are all kinds of bonuses and monetary incentives, but they usually go to selected employees. In this case, trying to change your job to a more promising and paying one is the only correct decision. At the same time, you should be confident in a successful outcome and have no doubt that you can find a job that will pay more than in your previous place.

When is it worth changing jobs, and when not yet?

It’s easy to understand whether you should quit your job or not. The most important thing is that changing activities and professions does not feel like running away from yourself. Escape is the desire to go somewhere here and now, to just drop everything and change it. Transition is a conscious choice, with plans and goals. And the subjective reaction to what is happening will be different. Escape is a spontaneous reaction, almost unconscious, transition is the feeling that you have become one step higher, that you want to consciously develop.

Because if you are now running away from the situation, then it will definitely happen again, perhaps on a different level.
We need to resolve all existential issues here and now, and only then calmly change something in life. You can read as many posts as you like about how the main purpose of work is participation in challenges, federal-scale projects, etc. But if, first of all, you are simply uncomfortable, inconvenient, and communication with colleagues and superiors is non-stop stress and lack of constructiveness, the challenge here will be simply to survive and not go crazy.

The most effective way in this case is to get a little busy at work and turn your attention to yourself. Yes, yes, on yourself, you = priority, that's normal. Because burnout is a state when we forget about ourselves, our desires, interests, hobbies. It’s worth slightly reducing your involvement in work processes and switching them to ordinary human pleasures. After all, this is your life, and work and money are the way to live it well.

You shouldn’t change your job if you don’t have the feeling inside that you have taken everything from it, that there are still unfinished tasks and projects, that you are generally comfortable in this atmosphere and environment, that there are areas for growth and development.

In general, you should leave when all opportunities to work with pleasure at your current place of work have been exhausted. If you clearly understand that you cannot cope with tasks or they bring you nothing at all except wasting time, if communication with colleagues means strained smiles and constant passing of responsibility, if attempts to discuss the situation with management have not borne fruit, know: this is the moment , there is no need to delay.

Answer another important question for yourself: do you want to change your job or change the type of activity itself and your own specialization? A person may be satisfied with the list of work responsibilities, he may enjoy performing them, continuing to improve his own skills, but he may be greatly demotivated by the company itself: conditions, salary, team. Or, conversely, you may be completely satisfied with the company, but at the same time you do not like the responsibilities - which means it would be good to simply move to another position within this company.

There are often cases when people think that they are completely burnt out professionally, after which they decide to change their profession altogether. But it turns out that they were simply fed up with a particular company, and they would have been fine in another if they were doing the same thing.

What you definitely shouldn't agree to

Do not be tempted by offers to work without registration, with a salary in an envelope. Unscrupulous employers are now trying to explain this by the need to save on taxes in difficult times. But just with this option you will find yourself at great risk. You will not have any guarantees, and they can say goodbye to you at any time, regardless of whether there is a second lockdown or not.

Recommendation: before agreeing to a job offer, be sure to ask about the formal aspects of employment, warn that you are only interested in a completely white option, and ask them to send you an employment contract in advance for review. This will make it clear that you do not agree with gray and black schemes. And be sure to look for reviews about this employer - if people write that there are employment scams here, don’t take the risk.

Understand where you want to go

There is one fairly simple but effective exercise.
Write a short description of your vision for the work, using about 250 words—less than a printed page. Here's my example: I love communicating with people and truly enjoy meeting new people. I also enjoy helping people become better people, discover themselves and gain new experiences. That’s why I chose the path of a PR and marketer for myself, because communication is at the heart of this work. I also like helping professions, and I want to be useful to people, help them solve problems and overcome difficulties. That’s why I also do mentoring and psychological counseling.

Make the same description by analogy, only this time about your views on life. Describe your dream job, for example, to become a big director in IT, as well as your ideal life: say, live where it’s comfortable and work without fuss.

Now compare them and ask yourself a few questions: “In what ways do your views coincide? How are they different? Does one follow from the other? If your requests don’t quite match, it’s time to clarify your path: get a job in a company, improve your qualifications, start saving for a house, etc. The main thing is to understand why right now, at the current point, you are unhappy, what motivation do you have to go and change all this.

For example, you wrote that you want to help people, but at the same time you work as a salesman, or vice versa, you like constant communication with people, but work as an accountant. This basic approach allows you to understand the vector and choose the direction of movement.

Internally, we almost always understand what we would like to do, although we do not always admit it to ourselves. But almost anyone can say how they see themselves in a few years. And I’m not talking about the tired “Where do you see yourself in our company in five years” here.

It is important to decide on the profession and functionality in which you want to develop, and the industry and field can always be changed. Moreover, now many areas and segments of business intersect very closely with each other. Especially in IT. If, for example, you choose the profession of “Internet marketer”, then you can work in almost any industry: IT, FMCG (consumer goods), banking sector - Internet marketing is the same everywhere, plus or minus. With the same profession, you can become an account manager, a classic marketer, and even open your own business.

Don't be afraid to change something. Part of choosing a job is luck, but it comes when some action is taken. I went for an interview with one company four times, I really wanted to get there, I applied from different angles and for different positions, but in the end they didn’t take me to it, but they took me to a competing company on completely different, more favorable conditions. Leave room for positive accomplishments.

Alexander Filimonov 11/14/2017, 16:14

The article itself is simply FEAR.

  • Answer
Alexander Naumeiko 11/15/2017, 06:12

When giving advice, do not make mistakes in words. It turns out that I give advice while making mistakes. Not serious;)

  • Answer
Anastasia Chernaya, Content Manager of the Work.ua website 11/15/2017, 10:15

Alexander, if you notice a mistake, point it out and we will fix everything.

  • Answer
Lyuda Vlasyuk 11/15/2017, 08:42

)))) every article is an anecdote. It is impossible to get rich working for someone. Recommendations for losers...

  • Answer
Victoria Belous 11/15/2017, 15:17

Where are editors looking? Mistakes, nothing but mistakes!

  • Answer
Lyuda Vlasyuk 11/17/2017, 09:16

What would you like ? They are written by ordinary workers, parts of the matrix, they don’t think, they just survive like everyone else

  • Answer
Alexander Mikhailenko 11/20/2017, 15:04

Country of smart people and smart girls, write better, my dears!! If you criticize someone else's, offer your own. If you offer - do it!!!!

  • Answer
Nikolay Yurchenko, TOV Spektr 11.27.2017, 17:54

Sound thoughts. It is worth thinking about for those who cannot understand themselves.

  • Answer
Yura Kamenchuk 03/06/2018, 12:56

fight and overcome

  • Answer
Olga Slepchuk 03.26.2018, 10:32

And I really like the article. The main thing is action, without moving forward nothing will happen by itself. And mistakes... nonsense, the main thing is the essence!

  • Answer
Volodymyr Monosyuk 06.06.2018, 11:10

Nah... This is not Rio de Janeiro!

  • Answer

Setting a goal

So, you have decided to make changes in your life. Now the goal you are striving for should always be formulated inside. Because sometimes you will be thrown back, doubts, fears will come, “Am I doing everything right” and similar things. At these moments, a clear internal focus will allow you to stay on track.

I remember lying curled up on the bed, and I didn’t want anything, but I knew that I just had to take one small step, then another. I had a clear picture in my head of my life in five years, which I imagined. And I can say that this approach works. My picture of 2021 is 95% the same as the one that I have now realized in my life.

When drawing up a long-term plan, you need to record important intermediate milestones, for example, writing a resume, passing an interview, gaining the necessary experience in the position. Essentially, this is your compass by which you can always compare whether you are moving in the right direction.

You will be tossed around, as if on waves, because some things will be easy and thrown upward, progress can be very fast, and at some point there will be a feeling that you are standing still.

My little advice: to cope with anxiety, do not be afraid to contact various specialists - career consultants who will help you create and prepare a resume, mentors who will help you understand problem areas, psychologists to model and work out alarming situations.

Simple rules for conflict-free care

Having found a new job, you need to try to leave with dignity. After talking with your former employer, thanking him for his experience and years of service together, you can say goodbye to the team. It is recommended to organize a small corporate event or just a tea party with people who helped the employee and were his faithful colleagues. When leaving, you should not miss the opportunity to meet with former colleagues in a common field of activity. Therefore, it is important to remain on friendly terms with the employees of the former enterprise.

Learn to build a personal brand

You need to understand that when you change your profession, you enter a market where there are already many specialists with more experience than you. This is fine. You just have to work hard to make a name for yourself in a new field. Your most important competitive advantages are that you come from a different industry and your life experience. The latter plays a key role. The ability to adapt your past experience to the new reality gives you multiple growth, especially if you come to a young field where you are over 30 years old, and the average age of specialists is 25.

In my work, I practice the 80/20 approach. But it’s not about performance, it’s about focus. I devote most of it to work tasks, and the second to gaining experience, which I lack. I'm looking for niches in which I can develop.

It is important to be proactive - high involvement in work produces positive results. You need to constantly ask yourself the question: “What else can I do? What experience am I missing? Where can I get it? Complete projects that you can be proud of and that you can add to your portfolio. Your activity is directly proportional to your position and salary.

Another competitive advantage is the ability to position yourself at work and show the results of your activities. Don’t sit in the trenches: you’ve done a small project - tell your colleagues, speak at a meeting, just throw a small case with a few sentences into the work chat, discuss with the guys from a related department, ask for advice - perhaps something can be improved or the effect can be enhanced.

In this way, you will be able to develop working acquaintances and at the same time establish yourself on a positive side for the employer. Just remember that if you haven't shared the results of your work, then no one has seen it, and no one except you knows that it was even done.

New management

After a person gets a job at a new company, it takes him about two to three months to adapt. It is very important to find a common language not only with colleagues, but also with management. Otherwise, the person simply will not pass the probationary period. It is not for nothing that in many banks and serious organizations it is three months.

After the manager takes a closer look at the new employee during the trial period, he will draw conclusions about the advisability of keeping him for a permanent period. It is important to show all your best qualities and make a favorable impression on your superiors.

Get the necessary knowledge and skills

Five years ago, when I changed my field of activity, there were practically no comprehensive courses and programs that would allow me to obtain a new profession online. At that time there was no full-fledged institute for supporting people who want to change something in their activities. Now the situation is completely different: there are many books, online courses, video lessons, including both paid and publicly available. The main thing is to decide what exactly you want and allocate the right amount of time to achieve the goal.

Change of specialty

Sometimes, in order to successfully find a new job, it is necessary to change not only the place, but also the specialty. Today, mechanics, turners, plumbers and other technical professionals are again held in high esteem. On the other hand, the rapid development of IT technologies requires programmers, system administrators, and web designers. All this can be learned even in adulthood. The main thing is to find good retraining courses or dare to get a second higher education. This way you can solve the problem of how to change jobs at 40 by mastering a new specialty. After all, as the old movie says, “at 40, life just begins.”


  • Most importantly: don't be afraid.
    Changing jobs is normal, don’t be led by old stereotypes, habits and other people’s opinions.
  • Listen to yourself.
    Decide what exactly you are bored with: the duties themselves and the profession in general, or work in a specific company.
  • Set yourself a goal.
    Be sure to formulate for yourself what exactly you want to achieve. A clear goal is easier to achieve than the fulfillment of ephemeral desires.
  • Use the tools.
    Books, courses, webinars - everything is for you. The main thing is to choose, start and continue practicing.
  • Invest in yourself.
    You need to build a personal brand not only in public positions.
    If you're a great developer at a company, people need to know that you
    the great one.


There are other reasons to change jobs. It happens that an employee is forced to be fired. This fact is perhaps the most unpleasant reason for changing jobs. The reasons for dismissal can be different - from the dissolution of a department or an entire company to the elimination of a position. In this case, the main thing is not to panic and not to look for the culprits of your problem. Even if you were fired due to failure to fulfill official duties, this is a good reason to analyze your mistakes and draw appropriate conclusions. This situation also helps you understand whether you want to stay in the same field or radically change your field of activity.

Dismissal is unpleasant not only for the person fired, but also for the person doing the firing. For most management, this step is not easy. But if this has already happened, you need to conclude that you should say goodbye to this company and look for happiness in a new field.


If you decide to change your job, don't be afraid of change

If a person decides to radically change his career, he must be prepared for the fact that this process will not be quick, it will take months, since he will have to learn a lot, acquire new skills, and relearn.

  1. Be prepared for the fact that you will not be able to immediately become a full-fledged specialist. Initially, you will be hired as a student or assistant in order to gain experience, even minimal, in a new profession.
  2. Do not rush to quit until you have found a new place for your work.
  3. Try to keep everything to yourself, do not share personal things with others, do not tell them about your plans for the future. This way you can make a lot of ill-wishers and envious people; moreover, the news that you want to quit may reach your boss ahead of time, and you can still change your mind.
  4. When leaving work, leave gracefully, don’t burn bridges, don’t make trouble with your colleagues, don’t express all the accumulated negativity to the team. The earth is round, it is unknown how everything will turn out. Try to maintain a good relationship with your boss.
  5. When settling for a new job, do not speak negatively about your previous place of work. The new employer and colleagues may not like this, and they will get a bad impression of you.

When thinking about how to change jobs, it is important to be absolutely confident in making this decision. Take your time, weigh all the pros and cons, think through your motivation, probe the waters, and only then act if you really need it.

Prepare for interviews

Proper preparation is 70% success!

It is necessary to prepare for any business meeting and here is what you need to know before going to the interview:

Read about the company and the vacancy.

There is a chance that you will be asked a question like “What do you know about our company?” strives for 99%.

Obviously won't add any benefits to you
“I didn’t have time” “I heard something like that”

Answer these questions for yourself:

"Why am I going to this

Trite? But consciously


Think about what to wear to the meeting. The options “I’m going from the dacha, I’ll run to their office” are unlikely to make anyone happy. You shouldn’t choose a style that’s unusual for you either. Ask the recruiter about the dress code - this way you won’t be able to understand whether the company’s corporate culture suits you or not.

Think about what time and how to get to the office. You should not schedule more than two interviews in one day.



Sell ​​yourself as a specialist.

And no matter how strange this phrase may sound, it is exactly so. You sell yourself as a specialist, they sell you a vacancy.

Anyone who works in sales understands what we're talking about. Your resume is a commercial offer, and you are the seller of your competencies, knowledge and skills!

The labor market is highly competitive in almost all areas, so be active.

Selling yourself wisely is
Actively send out your resume for the vacancies you like, and read the description carefully. Often, employers ask cover letters to begin with a certain phrase, or include specific information, and if you just sent a resume, you will automatically be rejected.
Call and find out how long it will take to review your resume and what your next steps will be.
Forget about
“Well, I’ve already written everything in my resume, what else should I tell you?”


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