How to keep a work diary effectively - the Bullet journal method in Russian

Diary - what is it and what is it eaten with? Surely you have asked similar questions. In fact, this is a very necessary thing for a successful person. After all, if you do a bunch of things in a day, then it’s simply impossible to remember them, you can forget about something important. But you want to create the impression of a reliable man. Is not it? Next, we will explain how to keep a diary, what is the difference between them and other useful nuances.

Bullet Journal

How to keep a diary

In 2013, designer Ryder Carroll created a flexible planning system that allows you to keep all your ideas and tasks in one place.
This is Bullet Journal: Who, What and Why Bullet Journal is a hybrid of a diary, habit tracker, idea list and much more. The Bullet Journal: The Notebook is a dotted notebook in A5 format that is ideal for a Bullet Journal: it’s convenient to write, draw and draw in. But you can take any thick notebook.

Leave the first pages for the table of contents.

The next spread is a plan for six months. Using horizontal lines, divide the page into three sectors, and write the name of the month in each of them.

Next is the plan for the month. On the page on the left, write down the numbers and days of the week in a column, and write down events and meetings whose dates are already known. On the next page, indicate goals and plans that are not yet tied to specific days.

The next spread is devoted to daily affairs. Set a date and write down all the tasks in a column. Bullet Journal has its own Bullet Journal: The Notation System:

  • dot (•) - task;
  • circle (°) - meeting or event;
  • dash (–) — note;
  • asterisk (*) — urgent matter;
  • exclamation mark (!) is an interesting idea that is important not to lose.
You can also create lists and collections in the Bullet Journal (for example, a list of books you want to read), keep a habit tracker or track expenses. Write down everything you want, draw, draw, fantasize, most importantly, do not forget to number the pages and include each section in the table of contents.

What are the advantages

  • Bullet Journal is an undated diary that can be started from any day. Or abandon it for a while and not worry that there will be empty pages, which can be very demotivating.
  • It combines many functions and helps organize different aspects of life.
  • Bullet Journal has a table of contents that makes it easy to navigate your ideas and plans.
  • This planning system is very flexible and has almost no rules. Therefore, it is suitable for both minimalists and creative people.

What are the disadvantages

  • For those who are accustomed to classic diaries, the system may seem too sophisticated. You need to remember the conventions, design the pages yourself, and figure out how it all works.
  • For a “correct” Bullet Journal, you will need a notepad that is spot on; these are not sold everywhere.

How can I apply?

Bullet Journal leaves a lot of room for imagination. You can get by with just a notepad and pen. And if your soul asks for creativity and bright colors, try to come up with an interesting design for each spread. Here are some options:

Monthly plan

Plans for the week /

Monthly plan

A wish list

Success Journal

At the end of your planner, set aside a few pages to write down your accomplishments. Every day it is recommended to write down at least ten points of those cases in which you showed your best side. In a week, a piggy bank of 70 points is collected, where you are great. Reviewing your success journal regularly is a great boost to your self-esteem. Try to correlate your achievements with the goals and objectives that you set for yourself. This will allow you to start wanting to do more and more every day.


How to keep a diary

This technique of The Autofocus Time Management System helps you effortlessly tame the chaos in your business and avoid losing important ideas.
Any notebook will do. You need to write down all the tasks that come to mind. If any of them are tied to a specific date, indicate it. When there are no urgent matters left, open your notebook and glance down the list, choosing those activities that you are currently passionate about. Completed items are crossed out. Pages without open tasks are marked with a cross.

Similarly, in stream mode, you can record ideas, dreams, plans, etc.

What are the advantages

  • Requires almost no time or effort. There is no need to divide things into categories or use conventions.
  • “Autofocus” is suitable for people with moods and chaotic natures who find it difficult to plan.

What are the disadvantages

  • Some ideas and things to do can get lost in such a large list. Especially if you have bad handwriting.

How can I apply?

"Autofocus" does not involve much decoration: it is designed as a very minimalistic planning system. But after you have written down all the things, you can draw a beautiful title with felt-tip pens. Or stick themed stickers next to some items. Phone - next to the reminder to make a call, envelope - where you need to send a letter. And so on.

Design with stickers and felt-tip pens / stellabeaustickerco /

Beautiful headers and stickers / chajaneri_study /

Do it

If you don’t like to make plans for the future, but always write down your upcoming tasks, then the Do it app will become your indispensable assistant. Here all tasks are planned only for the current day and the next. Nothing except. The app's interface is as simple as its function. It looks like a simulator of two pages of a notebook. On the left side are tasks for today, on the right - for tomorrow. With the same simplicity, you mark completed tasks (they are simply crossed out). Everything is clear and very simple. Download the application for iOS, for Android

The Muse and the Monster

How to keep a diary

The system was invented by artist Yana Frank - primarily for creative people and freelancers.
That is, for those who have a lot of flexible creative tasks. Each working hour is divided into blocks: 45 minutes for creative or intellectual work, and the rest of the time for routine activities. During this fifteen-minute period, it is better to engage in those tasks that do not require mental stress. If you work at home, you can wash the dishes or water the flowers. If in the office, sort the papers, make copies of documents.

Yana also emphasizes that creative tasks must be planned, and as carefully as possible. This will make it easier to tackle them and you won’t waste time thinking about what to do now. Not just “write an article”, but “Monday - looking for material, Tuesday - making a plan, Wednesday - writing a draft, Thursday - editing.” And so on.

Same with routines: make a list of activities that you should spend time on daily, weekly, and monthly, then write them down in a notebook.

What are the advantages

  • It’s easy to figure out, any convenient notebook will do.
  • The system is easy to adapt to yourself and your needs.

What are the disadvantages

  • The method is not suitable for those who do not manage their time. So, the doctor does not choose when to perform emergency surgery.
  • Planning things this way is difficult if you have strict rules at work - for example, only one break.

How can I apply?

Initially, the diary “365 days of a very creative person,” released on the basis of this system, resembled a coloring book. And Yana Frank welcomed drawing and any creative experiments in a notebook. For example, you can highlight section titles with decorative tape or display a floral design in the margins of the page.

Decorative tape and floral patterns / einfach_lilienhaft, journal_junkies /

Drawings and stickers / my_pplanner /



A simple planner for managing affairs, both work and personal. The application allows you to structure tasks and control their implementation. In the free version, the user has access to the following functionality: adding, editing and marking tasks, access to a calendar for the years ahead and much more. You can run the application both online and offline - everything is synchronized via the cloud. Edits and changes are immediately displayed to the entire group that is working on this task. Download the application for iOS, for Android

Not to do list

How to keep a diary

The method was created in order to learn how to prioritize and manage to do the most important thing.
All tasks are divided into three lists: to-dos, completed to-dos and not to-dos. You can add only three points to the first one, no more. Other activities are considered not so important and end up on the not-to-do list. The completed task from the first column must be moved to the second. This, by the way, increases How Checklists Train Your Brain To Be More Productive And Goal-Oriented dopamine levels, and with it productivity. Space is freed up in the to-do list for a new activity, which can be moved there from the third group.

What are the advantages

  • The system helps you figure out which tasks are really important and which can be left for later.
  • The method is very simple and convenient, suitable even for beginners in planning.

What are the disadvantages

  • Some tasks may get lost in the to-do list and remain unfulfilled.
  • For those who like to structure everything, such notes may seem too chaotic.

How can I apply?

Complete your lists with pictures, stickers, and magazine clippings.

Stickers and pictures / my_pplanner /

Design with stickers and cutouts / angeltemte /

Decide on your goals

What do you want to track in your journal: work achievements, study progress, personal plans, travel, business ideas, or all at once? Will it be a creative diary or a list of routine tasks? Once you answer this question for yourself, it will be easier to decide on the format of your bu-jo.

You can fill the journal with anything, as long as it is useful and enjoyable. If you start a bu-jo for personal purposes and are not going to post its photos on social networks, then you don’t have to think about the external design, but if your goal is to become famous on Instagram, then you will have to spend money on good stationery and watch a couple of video tutorials on calligraphy.

System 1–3–5

How to keep a diary

You can only schedule nine things to do each day, no more.
The first - the task of the day - is the most important thing, it must be completed. The next three are also important, if possible, deal with them as well. The remaining five are small minor tasks that you can start if you have some free time. Unfinished tasks are carried over to the next day.

What are the advantages

  • Simple, fast, convenient. Any notepad will do.
  • The system will teach you how to set priorities.
  • Suitable for those who are just starting to keep a diary.

What are the disadvantages

  • For those with a lot of tasks to do, a limit of nine tasks per day may seem ridiculously small.

How can I apply?

For example, make a beautiful collage next to your task list.

Design using collage / wikat.planning /

Collage in a diary / wikat.planning /

Collage and drawings / wikat.planning /

Let's start training

Indeed, you have to learn how to properly keep a diary so that it brings benefits and not just takes up space. First, it is recommended to monitor your schedule for a week. That is, you literally fill out the schedule for each day, minute by minute. From the moment the alarm clock rang until you went to bed, you will need to record minute by minute what you did. This will allow you to analyze how much time is spent on unnecessary things.

So, the week has passed. Review your notes and create a graph that shows how much time was spent on each activity. If watching TV or talking on the phone is in the lead, and you complain about the lack of time to clean the room, you clearly need to reconsider your schedule.

How not to abandon your diary

  • First, figure out whether you need it. If you have a good memory and not many tasks, a diary will be a waste of time and effort.
  • Maintain your plan in a way that is convenient for you. Even if it doesn’t look like the beautiful notepads from social networks. Design the notebook as you like, write down what you think is necessary: ​​any small matters or only important meetings. There are no rules, and the planner is your tool, not your master.
  • Choose the perfect notepad. One that will fit into any of your bags and will not irritate you. If you're scared of writing in an expensive notebook, it's better to choose something simpler. If missing pages make you feel bored and demotivate, forget about dated planners.
  • Always keep a notepad handy. Carry it with you to work, for a walk and to a cafe. Take it out of your bag as soon as you get home. Before going to bed, don't forget to put it on your bedside table.

What changes will happen in your life if you keep a diary?

A diary is, to some extent, a magical tool. You become more productive and can analyze your results yourself.

Why you should do frog tasks first

  • Keeping a diary promotes self-organization and discipline.
  • Will help you climb the career ladder by maintaining a project calendar or monitoring the time for submitting reports to management.
  • Strengthens stress resistance. No one is immune from stress, but a diary will help you properly prepare for it.
  • Will increase the amount of personal time. By reorganizing your day, work will no longer occupy all your living space, you will have time for a hobby or family.
  • Will make your vacation more productive. Having completed all the recorded tasks, you will be able to have a comprehensive rest, which in the future will have a positive impact on your career and improve your health.

What else can you write in a notebook?

The main idea of ​​a “bullet journal” is that it is easy to customize it to suit your needs, taking into account exactly your needs and wishes. I don’t like long-term planning - schedule short-term tasks for the week; I don’t like scheduling the month by dates - make a turn with a regular calendar; you need a more detailed distribution of tasks during the day - divide them by time.

Here you can create so-called checklists. Thanks to them, you can track, for example, how much water you drink a day, whether you sleep enough, whether you have completed all your household chores, whether you have done your morning exercises or gone to the gym, etc.

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