Why keep a personal diary: Pxhere Keeping a personal diary is an excellent psychotherapeutic practice and a good
General information If you believe the statistics, at least every tenth person on the planet suffers from migraine.
Inadequate sleep, stress at work and constant tension lead to systematic destruction of the mechanisms of stable
One way or another, it is common for everyone to worry. Everyone has experiences inside them that
Ivan Vdovin 6813 1 0 The most common emotion, of course, is resentment and roots
Internal and external motivation: which is more effective? There is hardly a person who does not know that
Suicidal behavior includes thoughts of suicide, attempts to commit suicide, and
Mechanism of occurrence According to the mechanism of occurrence, dizziness is divided into systemic - associated with the vestibular apparatus,
Anatomy and nodes of the sympathetic trunk Sympathetic trunk (also called the borderline sympathetic trunk) -
Behavioral psychotherapy is perhaps one of the youngest methods of psychotherapy, but along with