Boring, painful, difficult: how to understand that your relationship is on the verge of breaking, and what to do then

“Woman, I don’t dance...”__8230

It cannot be said that the main component of a relationship is sex, but one of the most, that’s for sure. Therefore, if your partner refuses you sex for any reason, ring the bells, because this is an alarming sign. It’s good if you know why he doesn’t “dance” with you, for example, illness or fasting. But if this is not the case, then perhaps the reason is another woman.

A more difficult option is if you yourself feel sympathy for another man, and therefore do not want sex with the current one. Then definitely the existence of your couple will soon come to an end.

Forgive your loved one for past mistakes

If you don’t want to one day lead your relationship to collapse, then stop reminding your significant other about the mistakes you’ve made. Yes, you were once inflicted with severe pain as a result of a rash act, but you should not remind your partner of this every time the opportunity arises, since such relationships become extremely uncomfortable over time. Understand the fact that you yourself are far from an angel. Yes, perhaps you don’t have such negative experiences behind you as your other half, but everyone has their shortcomings. Try to notice only the good in each other, and then you will have a chance to start your relationship from scratch.

And there is silence between us2

Communication is what unites both of you. After all, you didn’t date or live together for beautiful eyes. Therefore, if suddenly you stopped talking, seeing each other only in bed or at breakfast, that’s it, write letters. Only by having something to talk about can a couple last for many years. And this is not only a shared life, when you, for example, say what to buy in a store. This is art, and feelings, and everything around. Silence between you will not lead to good things.

Frequent quarrels, scandals and airing of grievances also signal tension in relationships. Of course, sometimes you can’t do without this; reconciliatory sex is especially good. But if every day you break plates, throw an iron at your loved one, or drown in the bathroom from resentment, then it’s time to think about whether such a relationship is worth your nerves.

Why does a relationship with a loved one end?

Each person, like each couple, is very individual, but there are a number of mistakes that are very common in women's behavior in family life. They can cause both a weakening of feelings and a breakup.

  1. Trying to change a man . Living together with a loved one is also a common life. Such a life is very different from the candy-bouquet period and first dates. Living in the same house, you begin to notice many features of a person’s character and habits that you could not think of before. People are not perfect and the traits of another person may not only not be liked, but simply infuriating. However, not everything about another person can be changed. It is important to distinguish habits from character traits. The habit of not closing the tube of toothpaste can be eradicated, but pedantry is a character trait. It is better not to touch her - this can lead to a breakdown in family relationships.
  2. The influence of the opinions of others . No matter how strong the love, couples have to live surrounded by other people: friends, relatives. It is far from a fact that a woman’s relatives have the same bright feelings for her chosen one as she does. And since women are more sensitive to the opinions of others with their inherent increased emotional instability, their attitude towards their loved one may change. Such a girl herself may begin to demand from a man what he lacks, according to her mother or friends. As a result, the marriage collapses.

  3. Unfounded scandals. Of course, any couple has disagreements. This is fine. But the way to solve them is important. Starting a public scandal over any little thing is a bad tactic. You need to try to control your emotions and not splash out a sea of ​​aggression on your partner at the first opportunity.
  4. Silencing the problem . If controversial issues are not resolved, they will only accumulate and corrode your warm feelings for each other. If you do not voice the problem, then the man may not guess about it. It’s easier not to hush up unpleasant topics, but to talk about everything right away.
  5. Financial questions . Money problems can also ruin a couple’s life. Depending on how the lovers live, separately or together, it is necessary to determine the method of distributing funds around the household and for personal purposes. When living together, it is also advisable to have a joint budget. And if the couple still lives separately, then it is advisable to waste less time on trifles. Warm feelings cannot be preserved if you quarrel every time, counting who paid for what and how much.
  6. Mistrust and surveillance . A man, like a woman herself, needs free space. It’s normal when each of the couple has the opportunity to relax with friends, go to a bar, cafe or fishing. If you love your spouse, you need to trust him. Constant suspicions, checking your phone and pockets will not strengthen his love. This also applies to scandals over a minute delay from work.
  7. Comparisons with others. If your choice has already fallen on this man, then you were attracted to some positive traits in him. Without a doubt, there are also negative ones. We are all human, and each person is very individual. There is no need to constantly compare your current partner with your ex. It will be unpleasant for him. Appreciate what you have today.

These are only the main reasons for the deterioration of relations with my husband. You can find many other reasons to break up. But by avoiding only the above mistakes, spiritual intimacy can be improved and prolonged.

In order not to get hung up on little things and to be happy, every girl should remember first of all about love. If you are loved, then this is what you need to appreciate. After all, love is a gift from heaven.

Pathological jealousy in men

Relationships on the brink: execution cannot be pardoned3

If the recipe for your relationship doesn't include trust, there's nothing to talk about. Without trust, it’s even difficult to be friends, let alone family. Having stopped trusting your partner, suspecting him of all mortal sins, you will be constantly in a state of stress, tormenting both yourself and him with jealousy.

The same can be said about the ability to forgive. By forgiving the mistakes of others, you make life easier for yourself, first of all. For resentment has a habit of accumulating in a black lump, which in the end will still spill out, only with much greater losses. Nobody says that everything needs to be forgiven. But minor grievances are possible, and this will not mean that you are humiliated. No, you are being wise. Therefore, decide for yourself where to put a comma in the phrase “execute cannot be pardoned,” since your relationship has reached such a dead end.

Bottom line

There are a large number of recipes for saving love relationships. Returning romance to a relationship, transforming your own appearance, making surprises, changing your behavior that annoys your partner, etc. Any efforts will lead to a positive result if both partners need the relationship.

However, the result becomes sad if only one person works to preserve the relationship. In this case, his partner does not need an alliance. He will continue to do things that will destroy their relationship, no matter what the partner does. Anyone who tries to save a relationship will constantly encounter misunderstanding, cruelty and rudeness towards him.

You should see when they are trying for the sake of the relationship, and when the partner no longer needs them. If only one partner is working to preserve the union, he should stop fruitless attempts.

Soothe my sorrows4

Young, in love and happy. From the very beginning of the relationship, you have fun, joyfully, and comfortably together. All this is great, so when you no longer have anything to laugh about or spending time together does not smell like fun, then you are on the verge of breaking up.

A partner who doesn’t want to please someone else with something has cooled down. There are no old feelings if he doesn’t make you smile. It's even worse if some actions on his or her part begin to irritate you. For example, you were never annoyed that he didn’t clean up his cup, but then suddenly it started to piss you off. And you start to get nervous, making him feel guilty, it’s unclear why. This behavior will quickly put an end to your relationship.

Complex nature

Sometimes you just get into a relationship with a person with a very complex character who is not able to tolerate some of the actions of his partner. Most often this happens when the relationship involves partners with a large age difference. For example, if a 25-year-old guy finds himself a 16-year-old girl, then she will have to come to terms with a lot, since her character is still in constant development. The guy will never accept the erroneous worldview with which he himself lived as a teenager, so the girl will have to be flexible and adapt to her gentleman. However, there are also those individuals who categorically refuse to change for the sake of their loved one. Because of this, a break in the relationship may well occur. The man will simply find a more flexible girl, and the proud person will remain alone.

Call me, call5

There are already 40 missed calls on your or his phone, but what does that mean? But only what your partner doesn’t want to say. It's one thing if it's a one-time incident. But, if ignoring becomes more and more frequent, a breakup is inevitable.

The same applies to publishing joint photos on social networks. Lovers, as a rule, love to show their happiness to the whole world. Therefore, both of them have joint photographs flashing on their pages, where they kiss, smile, hold hands or hug. So if one of you stopped publishing them, then he stopped loving them. This means your relationship is on the brink.

Become an outlet for your significant other

Many people start relationships precisely so that they always have someone to rely on and someone to talk to in difficult times. A real wife knows how not only to cook borscht and make dumplings, but also to support her lover in time if he is worried about problems at work. The true and irreplaceable woman is the one who always understands her other half perfectly and supports her in difficult times. No man wants to leave a relationship in which he is comfortable.

You must learn to inspire your lover to various achievements in one area or another, remaining faithful and devoted even at the moment when the rest of the world simply turns away from him. Become a real muse for him that will inspire him every morning. To do this, it is not at all necessary to be a vest for him, into which he can cry if something happens. You just need to be able to choose the right words in difficult times. Perhaps the man will not even understand that he was inspired by you, but his subconscious will never allow him to commit a rash act by breaking off relations with you.

If the reason for the breakup was cheating

It is quite difficult to renew a relationship if one of the partners regularly deceived his other half. In this case, you will need to explain to the person the reason why you had to lie.

Many explain this by saying that the lie was for the good. However, it is worth understanding that any deception has a negative impact on relationships.

It is important to try to explain to your partner that the lie was a mistake. It is necessary to promise and keep the promise that this will not happen in the future.

If the essence of the problem is systematic betrayal, it will be extremely difficult to gain trust again. Most people believe that this act is a betrayal. Not every person can live with a person who regularly cheated on him.


If you have a problem, it's worth talking about it. Only without demagogic excesses - unnecessary words and excessive dramatization. Speak simply and honestly, without exaggerating or being theatrical. On the other hand, if your lover comes to you with a similar conversation, be attentive to him: listen and try to understand what he wants to say (even if you are tempted to be offended by something that you heard in these words). Don't judge or be prejudiced: most problems can be solved with a reasonable and careful approach.


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