What is the difference between pride and pride: signs, deliverance and how to deal with the feeling

Pride: what it is, how it differs from pride and how to recognize it: Pexels Pride is one of the deadly sins. This character trait is characterized by selfishness, contempt and disrespect for people. What is meant by pride, why it and pride are completely different concepts, how to get rid of the negative manifestations of this quality?

List of sins

In the Orthodox Church there is no generally accepted complete list (“canon”) of sins, just as there is no strict classification of them. For example, pride is a sin against God, and against one’s neighbor, and even (ultimately) against oneself. In addition, pride is contained in many other sins, or rather, in all, just as pride includes vanity, conceit and many other sins, passions and vices: “Whoever keeps the whole law and sins in one thing, he becomes guilty of everything”
(James 2:10).

In Orthodoxy, pride is considered the greatest sin against God.

Protodeacon A.V. Kuraev notes that

What is pride

The study of pride is at the intersection of psychology, philosophy and ethics. Pride is the opposite of humility. A proud person is incapable of making compromises, concessions, or sacrificing something (sometimes himself).

There is no shame in being proud of well-deserved successes, but constantly inserting your “I” into the topic is not good. A proud person looks at everything with contempt. And in fact, he does not respect himself, although he positions himself almost as the creator of the whole world.

Pride is attributing great merits and merits to oneself, overestimating oneself against the background of belittling the dignity of other people. A proud person believes that only he is worthy of attention, praise, and admiration. Because of his beliefs that the inner world of other people does not deserve attention, and people can and should be treated like things, the bearer of pride receives hatred from his environment and persecution.

What else is dangerous about pride?

  • A person forgets that he is not perfect, that failures happen to everyone, and circumstances do not always turn out the way we want.
  • The more pride is nourished and developed, the less a person conducts an internal dialogue and the more he blames the universe itself, and does not see his fault in the causes of failures.
  • After this, the process of self-destruction of the individual, withdrawal from reality, often begins, and the experiences themselves, negative emotions, have a destructive effect on the body.
  • Pride does not allow making concessions and provokes conflicts. As a result, friends and loved ones turn away from the person, but the proud person himself does not understand that it was he who betrayed everything for the sake of his pride.
  • If pride is combined with cruelty, then a tyrant will appear before us.

Pride in Orthodoxy

Pride in Orthodoxy is one of the sins. But living in the 21st century, our society no longer pays much attention to religion, so for some people this is an empty phrase. But still, the church and the commandments serve a better purpose than we are used to thinking about.

Just imagine, if we remove all religion and commandments, most likely society will degrade, because there is no divine creature above them that watches over it. Yes, maybe this is strange and we can say that there are people who absolutely deny God and still this does not lead to house.

But still, in our psyche there is such a part of the personality that condemns bad behavior in us, one might say this is morality. Suppose there were no commandments, and we would not know about them, accordingly our moral part would not protect us from negative behavior. Therefore, my opinion is that religion is like a kind of spiritual barrier, so that people do not dance into complete chaos, but on the contrary, they are actually more supportive of each other and build a civilized society, and not like barbarians.

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How to get rid of pride?

You can fight it in several ways. Having realized how pride differs from arrogance, the most important thing is to find this vice in yourself. Some people strive to destroy an unpleasant quality with one blow. This is the path of hermits, saints who, through deprivation, try to achieve perfection.

If we talk about ordinary people who are characterized by both pride and pride, then another method will suit them. It is based on the following:

  1. Awareness of the world and oneself. The purpose of any person is to bring joy and light to the earth. The ability to give is a natural need of the soul. A person who does not do this drives himself into suffering.
  2. Self-improvement and self-knowledge. You cannot spend all your vital energy just to satisfy the needs of the body. The mind simply degrades in such circumstances. It should be remembered that each person has his own earthly purpose. In order for harmony to settle in your soul, you should analyze in what area you are able to bring benefit to humanity. It is in this direction that you need to improve yourself.
  3. Development of necessary qualities. Pride is counterbalanced by such qualities as gratitude, humility, hard work, responsibility, faith, charity, and love. By developing them, a person is able to overcome an unpleasant vice.


Pride is a positive quality of a person, as it manifests itself in respect for oneself or another person. How often have we been proud of the achievements of our parents, grandmothers or great-grandfathers. Many grandfathers took part in the Great Patriotic War and returned as winners. We are proud of our mighty Fatherland, as we are the descendants of the victors.

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Pride is a sense of self-worth. We were taught from childhood that a person sounds proud. Man has mastered space, discovered the laws of the universe, learned to fight the natural elements and conquered many previously incurable diseases.

Pride manifests itself in respect for oneself and others. If a person feels his own dignity, then he also respects this in other people. Very often, a person falling into pride tries to cover up his sin with pride, explaining his actions with noble goals and ideas. However, remember that in the manifestation of pride there is no humiliation or indifference to others; if it appears, we are not talking about pride, but about arrogance.

So what is pride: a feeling or an emotion?

First of all, of course, emotion. You are proud of the achievements of your country, your child, your neighbor. Be proud that through great work you were able to reach the top in creativity and science.

Why not be proud - invested in the desire to be the best and knowledgeable

It is important not to overstep the boundaries between pride and arrogance, not to lose a sense of proportion when your true pride simply develops into arrogance and arrogance

Being truly proud, you will defend your achievements and try to help your neighbor. Becoming a participant in a big business is also a great success.

But as soon as you become selfish and stop respecting the opinions of others, this is where pride is born. A person imagines himself to be all-knowing, loses his own dignity, values ​​only himself and his achievements.

You need to not only understand this, but also experience it for yourself - as soon as you begin to consider yourself right in everything, stop learning and listening to your interlocutor - misunderstanding is born and justice and Honor are lost.

Moscow Sretenskaya Theological Academy

Hierodeacon Kirill (Popov) 06/17/201736269
For the most complete understanding of what pride is and what its properties are, it is necessary to establish and clarify the meaning of this concept, and for this to identify its functioning in the Greek language: it was into it that the text of the Septuagint was translated and written New Testament. And then we should clarify the meaning of this term in the Slavic and Russian languages ​​in which we read the Holy Scriptures.


Turning to the text of Holy Scripture makes it possible to see that to name the passion of pride, along with the basic concept called “pride” in Russian, the word “pride” is also used, which is more characteristic of the Slavic tradition - the Church Slavonic biblical text. At the same time, a number of examples allow us to talk about some regularities in the use of these units, determined, among other things, by the context.

First of all, let us turn to the texts of Holy Scripture written in Greek. The main Greek term for the passion of pride is the word ὑπερηφαν ία

(in Latin
) .
At the same time, the dictionary materials of the ancient Greek language allow us to draw attention to some features of its existence. Thus, the dictionary of the Greek language of the New Testament for the Greek ὑπερηφαν ία
gives the Russian equivalents “pride, arrogance, arrogance”[1].
At the same time, the dictionary entry of the bilingual dictionary by A.D. Weisman allows us to see the internal form of this complex word: ὑπερηφαν ία
- excessive pride, arrogance, as well as
ὑπερηφ ᾰνέω
- to be too proud, to be arrogant[2], similar information is found in the Great Ancient Greek Dictionary:
ὑπερηφ ᾰν ία
- 1) arrogance, arrogance, contempt; 2) neglect, contempt[3]. The very presence of the first part of this Greek word, meaning “strongly, extremely;” to an even greater extent; above, above”[4].

Carrying out an ascetic analysis of the passion of pride, S. M. Zarin points out: “In its philological composition, υπερήφανος

means a person who shows “himself” excessively, i.e., who, having enormous self-esteem, puts his personality to the fore in any case.
Thus, ύπερηφανία
is very often associated with external pomp and luxury”[5].

Notable in this sense are the previously noted biblical verses testifying to pride (Greek: ύπερηφανία

- glory.
) of the Lucifer (Obd. 1:3), exaltation and arrogance (Greek
- glorious
) of Antiochus Epiphanes, who plundered the temple (see 2 Mac. 5:21; 1 Mac. 1:20-22, 24 ), the arrogance of Moab (Greek
- glorious
) (Is. 16:6).
The use of Greek is also characteristic. ύπερηφανία
) when describing the pride of a sinner, which is also manifested in his outer appearance (Ps. 73:6-9).

Another of the main designations of the passion under study in the Greek language is also the word ὕβρις

S. M. Zarin notes that it, “without a doubt, is connected with υπέρ
and actually means placing oneself above all boundaries,
At the same time, ὕβρις
can sometimes manifest itself in neglect of sacred, divine laws”[6].

The studied biblical material allows us to note the use of the word “proud” in many contexts describing the sinner’s deviation from the righteous ways of the Lord.

Indeed, the studied biblical material allows us to note the use of the word “proud” in many contexts describing the sinner’s deviation from the righteous ways of the Lord - His laws. This is a mention of the eyes of the proud (Greek ὀφθαλμ ὸς
- glorious
eye of the annoyor
) (Ps. 6:17), and about the resistance of the wicked to God with a proud neck (Greek
- glorious
The arrogance (Greek ὕβρις
- glorious
) and arrogance (Greek
- glorious
) of the proud are placed on a par with other iniquities (Is. 13:11), pride (Greek
- glorious
) and arrogance ( Greek
- glorious
) Moab implies both malicious intentions towards the wickedness of one's neighbor, and opposition to the people of Israel - the people of the Lord of Hosts, to whom the Law was given (Isa. 16:6; Zeph. 2:10).

The connotation of boastfulness in this word is also found in some biblical passages.

Along with these names of pride, which are most often found in biblical and patristic texts, there are others. In some cases you can see the word αλαζονεία

- among the classics, as S. M. Zarin notes, it means “boasting”[7].
The tinge of boasting that this word has is also found in some biblical passages: with great pride (Greek ἀλαζονε ίας
- glorious
) the military leader Nicanor, appointed ruler of Judea during the time of the Maccabees (2 Maccabees 15:6), extolled himself (Greek
ἀλαζονε ίας
- glorious
’s own strength instead of trust in God, denounced by the Apostle James (James 4:15-16), self-praise (Greek
ἀλαζ όνας, ἀλαζ όνες, ἀλαζο νε ία
- glorious,
proud, majestic, pride
) refers to the pride of people who have departed from God (Rom. 1:28-31, 2 Tim. 3:2-5, 1 John 2:16).

τύφος is also found in tests

about such possible pride (Greek τυφωθε ὶς
- gloriously
) of a bishop appointed from among the converts (1 Tim. 3:6); the apostle also speaks of pompousness (Greek
τετυφωμ ένοι
from Greek
τ υφóω
- glorious
) as a property of people who have departed from God (2 Tim. 3:2-5).

In Hebrew, pride is called gaavah

(אָוָה) - arrogance, majesty, inflation, this concept is often translated as “superiority”, “arrogance”, “pride”, “ascension”.
The Hebrew verb gaah
literally means “to grow; rise high." From him come words that convey the idea of ​​pride, such as “arrogance”, “vanity”, “greatness”[9].

We can conclude that the Slavic word “pride” in ancient Greek has several meanings.

Thus, we can conclude that the Slavic word “pride” in the ancient Greek language has several meanings - arrogance, arrogance, exaltation, arrogance, etc. It is noteworthy that in the Biblical text in Greek the word “pride” has a different semantic connotation, expressing that or another degree of destructiveness of sinful passion, while the Slavic text reflects the entire essential completeness, integrity and multidimensionality of the passion of pride.

Having briefly outlined the features of the use of these concepts in the original languages ​​of the Holy Scriptures of the New (Greek) and Old (Hebrew) Testaments, it can be noted that the words “pride” and “arrogance” in relation to biblical texts, as follows from the analysis of Old Slavonic sources[10], can convey the same Greek concept - ὑπερηφαν ία

At the same time, the Old Slavonic gradyni
is a correspondence of the Greek
μεγαλαυχ ία
“boasting, boasting, arrogance” [11] and
“puffiness, pride, arrogance, conceit, empty imagination” [12].

Each of the two concepts has a number of other, distinct meanings and correspondences in Greek.

The same can be noted in the Church Slavonic language: while the definitions are identical: pride - “arrogance, arrogance” and pride - “pride, arrogance”, each of the two concepts has a number of other, different meanings and correspondences in the Greek language[13].

Analysis of the previously cited biblical passages shows, however, greater consistency in the transmission of the corresponding Greek words in Church Slavonic compared to the word usage of the Synodal Translation. Thus, the Greek units ύπερηφανία

correspond [14] to both Slavic words - “pride” and “pride”; also the Slavic “pride” can be translated by the Greek
ἀγερωχ ία
“pride, arrogance”.
For all other Greek basic names of pride, the proud and their actions, there are other synonyms in the Slavic language: Greek. ὕβρις
- glory.
annoyance, reproach, contempt
units of the same root Greek. τύφος
- glory.
became proud, pompous
Greek ὕψωμα, ὕψος, ὑψ ώθη
- glory.
exaltation, exaltation, ascended

A noteworthy observation on the content of Greek concepts conveyed by Slavic vexation

), annoyance and pride are found in St. Basil the Great in his interpretations of the prophet Isaiah.
Explaining the words of the prophet (Is. 2:12), the saint o[19][20]. The Rich Man and Lazarus
At the same time, the word “pride” used in the Synodal Version may not be equivalent to the word ὑπερηφαν ία

, and others - “glory” (
) (Isa. 14:11), “arrogance, insolence” (
) (Jer. 50:31-32), “arrogance, arrogance” (
) (Sir. 47:5 ).
“Pride” in the Russian Synodal translation corresponds to the Greek ὕβρις
(along with “arrogance”, “arrogance”, “arrogance”),
(also translated into Russian “arrogance”, “arrogance”, “exaltation”),
(also Russian . "arrogance").
It can be seen that these words, to a greater or lesser extent, correspond to the basic meaning of the Greek ύπερηφανία
, therefore, in order to form a correct opinion about what meaning was originally contained in it, one should turn primarily to the Church Slavonic text, which is more oriented towards the Greek text.

The material from historical dictionaries makes it possible to talk about greater consistency observed in the past when translating from Greek.

Material from historical dictionaries

makes it possible to talk about greater consistency observed in the past when translating from Greek.
Dictionary XI-XIV centuries. allows you to see a more accurate correspondence between ancient Russian. gardyni “arrogance, arrogance; arrogance" Greek. ὑπερηφανία
“arrogance, arrogance, contempt”, while pride with the same meaning “arrogance, arrogance;
“puffiness” is a translation of a number of Greek concepts: ἀλ ᾱζονε ία
“boastfulness, boastfulness, arrogance, arrogance”,
τ ὴν ὀφρ ῦν
, associated with the meaning of “furrow one’s eyebrows, wrinkle one’s brow, look gloomily or proudly”[21],
ὑ περηφανία
"arrogance, arrogance, contempt",
"puffiness, pride, arrogance, conceit, empty imagination",
"impudence, insolence".
This usage is in many ways different from that noted in Old Church Slavonic, and in some cases in Church Slavonic .
Here it seems important to mention the history of the words being analyzed. The structure of both concepts is pride

- indicates that they are of the same root and obviously go back to the common Slavic basis gъrdъ, which supposedly had several meanings: “picky”, “picky”, “picky”[22]. In some related languages, this stem has acquired a slightly different semantic meaning: Slovenian “gȓd” - “ugly” (the negative connotation remains). In addition, following M. Vasmer, many researchers, when establishing the origin of the word “proud”, consider it necessary to draw a parallel with the Latin “gurdus” - “stupid”.

Consideration of the word “pride” in biblical-theological dictionaries and encyclopedias is generally based on the text of the Holy Scriptures and initially determines that pride is a negative quality.

Consideration of the word “pride” in biblical-theological dictionaries
and encyclopedias
is generally based on the text of the Holy Scriptures and initially determines that pride is a negative quality. For example, such an understanding of pride as a sin is found in the Biblical Theological Dictionary of 1872, edited by V. Mikhailovsky,[23] which is a translation of the French dictionary of 1862 with the addition of some extracts from non-canonical books. Thus, it notes the condemnation of pride by God, its consequences, foundations, and provides examples of proud people. The dictionary entry from B. Getze's Bible Dictionary (1923)[24], which also defines pride as a sin, is organized in a similar way.

The Brockhaus Biblical Encyclopedia (first edition, 1960) indicates that “pride in the biblical texts implies arrogance,” and also, citing the concepts of “pride, vanity, arrogance,” o[25].

Material from the Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology (1996) indicates that the concept of “pride” “is sometimes mentioned in the Old Testament in a positive sense” [26] when denoting the greatness of God, the main one is its negative sense. In the New Testament, the meanings of all words that name pride are specific and have only a negative meaning[27]. The dictionary entry examines in some detail the usage of Hebrew and Greek texts, identifying biblical contexts that describe the proud, indicating the consequences of pride.

A new understanding of this concept, largely determined by the translation of the dictionary from French into Russian, is contained in the Catholic Dictionary of Biblical Theology (first edition, 1970). It actually reflects an attempt to consider the possible positive connotations of the word “pride”, to set it off from the meaning of the concept “pride/arrogance”. At the same time, “pride/arrogance” is traditionally presented by the authors as a sin, a negative quality through identifying, on the basis of the Holy Scriptures, various forms of pride (vanity, arrogance, arrogance, arrogance), its consequences, examples of the proud and their punishment.

Another “pride”—boldness—requires additional comment.

Another “pride”—boldness—requires additional comment. “There is no special expression in the Bible for pride in a positive sense, but the characteristics of this quality are based on two moral states. One of them is always noble and is translated into Greek. in the word παρρησία

, related to the concept of “freedom”.
Jews express it using paraphrases: stand up straight, with your face raised, openly express your opinion; pride manifests itself in complete freedom of speech and behavior. Another state is close to the feeling of trust and represents, as it were, its radiation; the Greeks designate it with the word хαύχησις
, which means “to boast about something,” to lean on something in order to have a confident posture - for the full realization of one’s existence before oneself, before others, before God Himself; this kind of Pride can be noble or vain, depending on whether it rests on God or on man”[28].

However, it is necessary to note that the concept of παρρησία

has in Greek, as can be seen on the basis of dictionary materials, a meaning that is not directly correlated with the meanings of other terms that directly refer to pride: “1. frankness, directness, 2. intemperance of the tongue, 3. daring, courage,” and therefore is translated when translated into Russian as “hope, daring, confidence”[29], but not “pride.”

In the Catholic Encyclopedia, pride is considered to be a negative quality in a person and the most ungodly sin. Pride is defined as excessive self-love, a sense of one’s own superiority. A proud man breaks away from the subordination of Almighty God and lives by his own rules. This shows contempt and rejection of God[30].

It seems inappropriate to try to justify human pride by contrasting it with so-called “pride” on the assumption that pride is good and pride is bad.

“Pride” is discussed in a similar way in the Great Bible Dictionary (2001). Its authors, defining that pride “in a positive sense is real and justified self-respect” [31] (in this case, it is conveyed by the Greek concepts παρρησία

), oh, therefore “attempts to justify human pride by contrasting it with so-called “pride” on the assumption that pride is good and pride is bad seem inappropriate”[32].

In the patristic Greek dictionary Lampe GWH pride ( ὑπερηφανία

) is defined as arrogance (
), a sin that kills the soul (
sin which destroys soul
) [33].

The Orthodox Encyclopedia says that pride is one of the main human vices. It can also be denoted in other Greek. words, acquiring various semantic shades (conceit, arrogance or arrogance, boasting, arrogance). In the Bible, pride does not appear as a positive quality; the Holy Fathers consider pride as a grave sin[34].

To summarize, it is important to note that in the biblical contexts of the Greek and Slavic traditions, it is precisely the negative properties of this passion that are designated with pride.

To summarize, it is important to note that in the biblical contexts of the Greek and Slavic traditions, it is precisely the negative properties of this passion that are designated with pride. The term “pride” in the Holy Scriptures is replaced by the word arrogance, arrogance, but this word is present in the translations of Scripture into Russian. At the same time, modern researchers sometimes determine the possibility of identifying some of its positive features based on an analysis of concepts that are in some sense correlated with it. In this regard, it is necessary to turn to the corresponding traditions of word usage. Based on the issue considered, our position agrees with the point of view of the pre-revolutionary researcher Bishop. Vissarion (Nechaev), who said: “The Word of God often speaks of pride, but it does not know noble pride at all... The Holy Scripture only exposes and condemns pride as a grave sin”[35].

Thus, turning to dictionary and encyclopedic materials allows us to say that pride is traditionally interpreted exclusively as a negative quality, and only over time attempts have been made to define some positive shades of meaning for this concept. The peculiarities of such word usage can be found in modern European languages[36], which can be seen in the example of the Russian book tradition, which will be discussed in more detail in the following parts of this article.

monk Kirill (Popov)

[1] Greek-Russian Dictionary of the New Testament. - M.: RBO, 2012. - P. 215.

[2]Weisman A. D.

Greek-Russian dictionary. - St. Petersburg, 1899. - Stlb. 1280.

[3]Large Ancient Greek Dictionary. - M.: State Publishing House of Foreign and National Dictionaries, 1958. - P. 787.


[5]Zarin S. M.

Asceticism according to Orthodox Christian teaching. T. 1. Book. 2. - St. Petersburg, 1907. - P. 297.



[8]See right there.

[9]Shapiro F. L.

Hebrew-Russian dictionary. - M.: GIINS, 1963. - P. 244.

[10] Old Church Slavonic dictionary. - M., 1994. - P. 178.

[11]Large Ancient Greek Dictionary. - M.: State Publishing House of Foreign and National Dictionaries, 1958. - P. 648

[12] Weisman A.D.

Greek-Russian dictionary. - St. Petersburg, 1899. - Stlb. 1264.

[13] Dyachenko G., prot.

. Complete Church Slavonic dictionary. - M.: Father's House, 2013. - P. 128.

[14] In this case, only cases of using nouns are indicated, that is, adjectives and verbs formed from them are not considered separately, the content of the corresponding root -gord-.

[15] Patrologiae cursus completus seu bibliotheca universalis, integra, uniformis, commoda, oeconomica, omnium SS. Patrum, doctorum, scriptorumque ecclesiasticorum … Series Graeca in qua prodeunt patres, doctores scriptoresque ecclesiae graecae AS Barnaba ad Photium / By: Migne, J.-P. (Jacques-Paul), S. Basilius Cesarienses Episcopus. Tomus XXX. 1857. - P. 261.

[16]See ibid.

[17]See ibid.

[18] See ibid.

[19] Ibid. P.263.

[20] Works like those of our holy father Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia. Interpretation of the prophet Isaiah. - M.: Own printing house, 1900. - P. 100.

[21] Weisman A.D.

Greek-Russian dictionary. - St. Petersburg, 1899. - Stlb. 915.

[22] Vasmer M.

Etymological dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 volumes / M. Vasmer. — 4th ed., stereotype. - M.: Astrel, 2004. - T. 1. - P. 109.

[23]Biblical Theological Dictionary / ed. V. Mikhailovsky. - M.: Publishing House of the Holy Vladimir Brotherhood, 1995. - P. 81-84.

[24] Bible Dictionary by B. Getze. - M.: Pastor Goetze Publishing House, 2011. - P. 88.

[25] Brockhaus Biblical Encyclopedia. - M.: Kostyukov, 2009. - P. 203.

[26] Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology. Ed. W. Elwell. - M.: Bible for everyone, 2005. - P. 246-247.

[27] Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology. Ed. W. Elwell. - pp. 246-247.

[28]Dictionary of Biblical Theology. - M.: Kairos, 2003. - P. 225-231.

[29]Symphony of dictionary forms. Dictionary definition. Electronic resource. // URL: https://manuscript-bible.ru/S/D/7061.htm#pa%u0453r%3Dhs%u042Ba (date of access: 03/01/2016).

[30]TheCatholicEncyclopedia.Volume 12. NewYork, 1911.P. 405

[31]Walter Elwelly Philip Camfort

. Large Bible dictionary. — M.: The Bible for everyone. 2007. - P. 311.

[32] Ibid.

[33]LampeG.WH Apatristicgreeklexicon. - P. 1439.

[34] Litvinova L.V.

Pride // Orthodox Encyclopedia, ed. Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill. T. 12. - M.: Moscow Patriarchate, 2011. - P. 108.

[35]Vissarion (Nechaev), bishop.

Pride. - St. Petersburg, 1899. — P. 4.

[36] Dictionary of Biblical Theology. - M.: Kairos, 2003. - P. 227.

What does pride create?

  1. Negative attitude. It is caused by complete disrespect, contempt, and ignorance of other people and their values.
  2. Negative emotions that corrode the soul. Qualities such as contempt, disrespect, envy, sarcasm, disgust and rejection, anger, and resentment make a person deeply unhappy.
  3. No response. Communication with such people is quite difficult. As a rule, there is a desire to close yourself off from them and not encounter them again. Only wise and strong individuals are able to sympathize with those who are infected with pride.
  4. "Soap bubble". Man relies on illusions. Unfortunately, this is a false greatness. In most cases there is nothing behind it.
  5. Vulnerability. Such individuals are immune to any criticism. They are suspicious, touchy and aggressive. Losing external support, and therefore feeding their “I,” they “deflate” like a rubber balloon. After all, they have no real support.
  6. Self-intoxication. The owner of pride believes that he has already achieved everything. This opinion does not allow you to set new goals and strive to achieve them.
  7. Conflict. One of the common traits inherent in such individuals. Unfortunately, this often destroys trust, feelings and kindness.

Should you be proud of yourself?

A secular person may not understand this position. We are brought up in the spirit of constantly striving to become better than others at something: tying our shoelaces more accurately, getting an excellent grade in school, enrolling in a prestigious university and getting a good job. Having the best, modern, expensive things makes a person successful in the eyes of society. Therefore, questions arise about what feeling an arrogant and vain person experiences: pride or pride controls his consciousness?

It is often said that the pride that drives us to gain recognition is not such a bad feeling. Thanks to pride, new technologies are developed and professional qualifications are acquired. For the sake of experiencing a positive emotion, people are able to work tirelessly.

To achieve the title of Olympic champion, athletes train to the limit of human capabilities. When one of them achieves a brilliant result, the media and fans only say that this is entirely the achievement of the champion. There are also examples of how an insignificant accident leads to injury and sometimes death of an athlete. But these are also the consequences of his pride in his strength or dexterity, the desire to reach even greater heights and receive another portion of fame and experience a new attack of self-satisfaction.

Are religions so wrong that they consider both pride and pride to be the same mortal sin? When achieving success in any business, you must always keep in mind the inexplicable fact that not everything depends solely on a person’s efforts. And even in legitimate pride, there can always be a little negative desire to look in the eyes of others as the best, superior to everyone who is not currently on the podium.

How to get rid of pride?

According to psychologists, pride is a vice that gradually leads to extensive personality degradation. Therefore, it is worth seriously thinking about how to overcome a character trait that distorts your worldview.

So, the following ways will help you free yourself from this vice and rehabilitate yourself as a person:

Recognition of the existing problem. A sober look from the outside at your behavior will be the first step towards the correct formation of your own personality.

Analysis of personal qualities. Write down your strengths and weaknesses. If you are honest with yourself, you will see that you also have shortcomings, and that you have difficulty in doing things. This will help you identify the groundlessness and absurdity of your own claims to others.

Be mindful of other people's feelings. Everyone has the right to express their opinion, but this should not be confused with tactlessness. There is no need to go where they are not asked, to convey your opinion through insults and humiliation. All this is called moral violence. And you are the rapist here. The culture of communication is one of tolerance and tact. The interlocutor should feel it. While working on politeness, you can familiarize yourself with Dale Carnegie’s outstanding work “How to Win Friends.”

Keeping a personal diary. It is recommended to describe the negative consequences of manifestations of pride, as well as successes in the fight against it. After a month, you will be able to compare your successes and achievements. This will give you strength to continue to fight the problem.

Teaching true humility. A humble person does not try to jump above his own head. He knows his weaknesses and works hard on them. He does not go to the extreme of self-flagellation if something does not work out. A humble attitude helps you focus on the problem itself and not on yourself. This allows you to control and not complicate the situation.

Refusal to evaluate others. Understanding that others should not adapt to your fictitious standards and criteria will help you stop looking for flaws in others.

Selfless altruism. Involves caring for others, focusing on their problems and wanting to help them. Altruism is an excellent tool in the fight against pride. It helps you expand your social circle and find true friends.

Healthy acceptance of criticism. Advice from loved ones can be invaluable support and timely help.

Therefore, it is important to be able to accept them. A person who knows how to listen wins the affection of others.

Dirty work

People who consider themselves celestials will never perform work below their level. To overcome pride, you can take on the dirty work yourself. For example, do a general cleaning of the house or dig up a garden. Better yet, get a job as a cleaner for a month.

Refusal of flattering people. Flattering treatment can cause pride even in modest people who hear how they are constantly fawned over. Such communication causes harm by developing arrogance and arrogance. Therefore, you should stay away from insincere friends.

How to become a proud girl?

The girl is characterized by the following features:

  1. Self-esteem. She knows her worth and will not allow anyone to disrespect her. It is impossible to conduct a dialogue with such a girl in an insulting tone, to manipulate and subjugate her.
  2. Sustainability of life principles . The girl has a clear system of values ​​and life attitudes that she follows. No one can force her to renounce her beliefs for any gain. For example, such a girl will never communicate with a person who humiliates her dignity just because he has material wealth.
  3. Striving to achieve goals . Achieving your goals is necessary to obtain pleasure and joy from the results of your own activities. It is pride that stimulates one to develop and master skills in order to occupy a worthy social position in the future.
  4. Independence . A self-respecting girl will never be dependent on another person, because she always strives to be responsible for her own life. She demonstrates a desire to get an education, master a profession and realize herself in it. Moreover, such a position does not contradict the main roles of mother and wife.

How to be proud in the eyes of a guy?

The proud man is deceived by the Devil

Speaking about pride, it is necessary to remember about such a concept as spiritual charm. Seduction is the activity of the Enemy of the human race who has taken the form of an angel or even Christ himself. A person captivated by it can do unusual things.

So a proud person, for example, may believe that he has achieved a lot in science due to the fact that he is “special”, a genius. However, the basis of such a statement is the desire for fame. There is no question of humility here.

If we talk about those proud people who are within the church fence, then many heretics have fallen into the sin of pride. Hence the declaration of themselves as prophets and saints, or statements about the gift of prophecy.

Such prominent ascetics as elders Joseph the Hesychast, Paisius the Svyatogorets and Daniel of Katunak wrote about the danger of spiritual seduction for the Orthodox.

See also the article Why children die

How to help a person overcome pride

But it often happens that with all the immense desire to get rid of pride, a person cannot overcome this feeling himself.

If such a moment comes, it is very important to listen to people who want to help you in your difficult struggle with pride. Many of them have come into contact with the problem of pride and many have effective advice that will help you too

If you decide to restore balance in the soul of a proud person, then only by constantly talking through the problem and correct “sawing” can you achieve a result. But don’t forget about the “no more than two times” rule. Repetition more than twice causes irritation, rejection and rejection of information in a person. If a person wants to hear, he will do it even after two times.

Sometimes it is worth becoming a guide, taking your neighbor by the hand and opening doors for him to another world that is not typical for him. Show a proud person that even with his inaction, the world will not collapse, and the universe will not change its cycle; that people can live by their own “imperfect” rules and still be happy; that you don’t need to sacrifice yourself, performing super-tasks, while destroying yourself and your life.

How to get rid of pride, how to help others - there is a wide choice of methods, but it is worth remembering that the main thread should be service - to other people, society, the universe. And so, by trying every day to become better, you will change not only yourself, but also the world around you.

Where does pride come from?

Pride is formed in childhood, and this is understandable; everything is formed from birth. Our whole behavior pattern. Everything we become is determined by our environment. Pride is no exception.

Let's take an ordinary child who started going to school, how do his parents treat him, does he feel their love for him, does he feel that they are proud of him? If YES, then the child will live a happy life, if NO, then he will follow the path of arrogance, emotional distress and other bouquets until life teaches him a lesson and he realizes that he was wrong.

It turns out that if a child has struggled all his life to prove to his parents/relatives that he is good, worthy, to be loved, he will constantly prove so, but all this evidence will develop into self-doubt. But it is difficult for a person to live without feeling confident in himself, so he will carefully hide all self-doubt under the guise of arrogance, emotional distress, arrogance, and so on. If you see a person with excessive pride, know that such a person is very unsure of himself and suffers deep in his soul and needs love.

Read more: How to develop intuition

It’s also cool, if you read these lines and understand that pride is in your blood and realize this, then write to me, we’ll work on this moment to change your life for the better. Free consultation 30 minutes online.

Methods of dealing with dangerous passion

Pride is a mortal sin that must be gotten rid of. If a person realizes that he is in the grip of vice and wants to defeat it, then he will have to go a long way and humbly accept the trials sent by the Creator.

Recognize the problem

This is the first and most important step towards healing. It is difficult to do, but without awareness of the problem it is impossible to find a solution. You will have to learn to analyze your actions, thoughts and develop self-esteem.

Awareness is the first step to healing from sin

View the horizons

There are many people in the world who occupy the highest rung in society. If you look down on others, others may also look down on your achievements.

Hang out with more successful people

A useful experience will be communicating with people who have achieved significant heights not only in their careers, but also in their personal lives. You need to observe how they build communication with business partners, colleagues, friends and relatives. If evaluating the achievements of others leaves an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul, then you should ask yourself why this person is successful, and you have not yet stepped onto a new stage of development.

Constantly change your hobbies

The constant desire for self-development and learning new things will open your eyes to the fact that there is still a lot to learn and what to strive for. Once you reach the top in one, look for a new hobby and try to become a pro at it.

Work with your own shortcomings

A proud person does not see his own shortcomings and does not know how to work with them. Therefore, a blank sheet of paper will come in handy, on which you should write down all your shortcomings. If it is difficult to determine them yourself, then it is worth remembering the words of the people around you. The compiled list should be in front of your eyes so that you become aware of the number of shortcomings.

Painstaking work to eliminate each of the shortcomings will help you achieve harmony with yourself and mutual understanding with others. If necessary, you can seek help from a specialist or spiritual mentor. Author's advice

Criticize yourself

Self-criticism is a very important and useful quality that will help stop proud urges in time. Comments can be in your head, written down on paper or a voice recorder, or spoken out loud

The main thing is not to be afraid and not to give yourself any concessions.

Self-criticism allows you to stop proud urges in time

Ask a loved one for criticism

The sin of pride clouds sobriety of thinking and does not allow one to critically evaluate one’s actions. Ask people you really trust to name your top three personality flaws. You need to think about what you hear, and when you realize that your interlocutor is right, you can get to work.

Man is a very emotional creature, but he can achieve anything he wants if he puts in the proper effort and trusts in the mercy of the Creator. However, having reached the top, many indulge in pride, forgetting that it will destroy all achievements and will not allow them to discover new horizons.

What to do if you have pride?

If you suddenly realize that you live with excessive pride, then you are already halfway there. Because you can simply reconfigure yourself to different behavior. But this is only half the problem, you will consciously rebuild yourself, but what is deep in our psyche and what is the root of the problem cannot be changed so easily, so it is better to consult a psychologist who will correct the past behavior pattern, change the life scenario and make you happy. Sign up for a free study, I will be glad to open for you a new horizon of self-understanding.

Words that are similar only in sound?

Words that are similar in spelling and sound are paronyms. They are so similar that they may seem to have the same root, but unlike truly related words, their meanings are very different. Based on the meanings indicated in dictionaries, it is usually concluded that positive pride and negative pride are similar words to each other. This implies that their meanings are very different /

But what is the difference between pride and arrogance? It is generally accepted that pride is a natural and positive emotion when achieving success. A person may be proud of a job well done, winning a sporting event, or acquiring knowledge or things. Speaking about pride as a positive feeling, they give examples of joy for one’s own child who has entered a university, or respect for another person who has achieved some success.

Pride is defined as the tendency to consider oneself better than others, extolling one’s own personality, but belittling the dignity of other people. At the same time, it is often confused with arrogance (the tendency to judge a person’s merits by their position in society), and with vanity (the desire to receive recognition or praise for owning something), and with self-affirmation (the desire to increase self-esteem by judging another). Of course, the listed qualities can hardly be called positive personality traits.

But is it rare that parents, proud of their child’s achievements, consider themselves to be the reason for this? They have such a high opinion of their teaching talents that they do not notice the achievements of their son or daughter’s peers, especially if they themselves have little interest in the area in which other children achieve success. Extolling the virtues of their child, who has won a small victory, they form in him vanity, a desire for self-affirmation, and arrogance.

Pride in one's country can lead to chauvinism. In this case, too, there is rarely a question of respecting the neighboring state or other peoples. The victory of the football team is equated with the exaggerated value of every citizen of the country who supports the team, although real success belongs only to the athletes.

There are many examples. They all boil down to this: where pride is found, pride is always present. A positive emotion at some elusive moment becomes its opposite. How big is the difference between pride and arrogance and does it exist at all?

Where does pride come from?

Pride is a type of sympathy for a person/environment/object, etc. Pride cannot be expressed if a person is indifferent or hates the object.

Although, who am I kidding, pride is also a slightly inflated emotion. But everything is within reason. Adequately. For example, when people are proud of their heroes, we slightly inflate them in comparison with other heroes of other nations.

During pride, we associate ourselves with the object of pride.

Pride of humility

A successful fight against a serious vice leads to humility. And then life takes on new colors. After all, humility is:

internal self-restraint (spiritual freedom); absence of arrogance and pride, which is replaced by meekness, patience and prudence; recognition of God and peace in the soul; an indicator of knowledge and inexhaustible strength; harmony in everything.

Achieving such a state is a very difficult task.

A person who takes this path must be truly courageous and spiritually strong, for he will have to go through many tests, the main one of which is himself. Therefore, if someone wants to gain humility, it is important to be able to take the first step - to recognize their sin

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And it is he who will be the most significant. Until then, nothing else can be done. The famous theologian C. Lewis once said:

It often happens that people deny their sin, passing it off as imaginary virtues. To do this, you need to know the main differences in order to be able to correctly and timely determine the significance of the defect.

Pride is the main sign of low self-esteem.

Low self-esteem affects success, achieving goals, and happy relationships. The lower your self-esteem, the higher the chance of not being fulfilled and “fucking up” your life.

The longer you do not solve problems with self-esteem, the deeper the problem will go and it will be more difficult to get rid of, and this is fraught with stress, depression and illness.

The simplest and most effective solution is to raise self-esteem, find the root of the problem, which lies in childhood, and close the gestalt. And then self-esteem will rise.

Sign up for a consultation with me, we will solve the problem of self-esteem and make you successful

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