Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a severe X-linked disease for which there is still no effective treatment.
Causes of development of the disorder Hysterical conversion disorders have several aspects of formation and differ in some mechanisms.
Peripheral neuropathy (nerve neuropathy) refers to damage to the peripheral nervous system, the extensive system of communication nerve fibers
Syndrome or symptom? Very often, many people confuse the concept of symptom and setting sun syndrome.
September 14, 2019 Personality psychology by Yana Yakovenko George Orwell in his famous dystopia argued:
Visual memory reflects a person’s ability to perceive and store information about an object in the external world received
Many patients report that they have goosebumps on their head, but what is it?
Deciding to divorce your husband is always difficult - perhaps it is even more difficult than deciding
Dissociative fugue is a psychological pathology that occurs acutely against the background of unfavorable life events. Patient
Incredible Facts When you understand the law of attraction and begin to put it into practice, you