How the law of attraction works and 5 steps to getting what you want

Incredible facts

When you understand the law of attraction and begin to put it into practice, you will begin to notice amazing changes that will happen in your life.

What is the law of attraction?

In simple words, the law of attraction states that your thoughts and feelings attract events that arise in your life.

. Thus, positive thoughts and feelings bring positive experiences into your life, and negative ones bring negative events. In a broad sense, you create all the experiences you have.

It is quite difficult to imagine that you yourself are the creator of all the events that happen in your life. What about illness, unhappy relationships, wars, crime and poverty? Proponents of this theory believe that all of these experiences resonate with your “frequency.”

What is the basis of this law?

The essence of the law of gravity. Answer the question: what do you want?

The law of attraction is one of the natural laws of the universe. The remaining laws sound like the Law of Faith, the Law of Expectations, the Law of Reason.

But let's return to the law of attraction of thoughts. Its essence is extremely simple and literally duplicates the words of my grandmother: everything in a person’s life is determined by his thoughts. They are a living magnet that attracts all events to themselves.

Thoughts are the power that is given to us at birth. But most of us don't even think about it. Because we basically don’t pay attention to how we think. We think about what to say, what to write, but we rarely think: “Did I think correctly?”

The influence of the power of thought is underestimated, although even science adheres to the fact that attraction is a physical process.

The law of attraction has several important consequences, which are also the essence of the power of thought: everything we value increases. Everything we focus on as much as possible gets stronger.

A simple example: are you happy? Happiness will increase. Are you sad? The sadness will increase along with your thoughts about it.

To learn how to attract good things into your life, you need to understand one important thing - what you really want.

Have you ever seriously thought about this question? 90% of us think they know what they want. But this is not true at all. We release our desires into space without even understanding whether we are formulating them correctly.

So, choose a time, be alone with yourself and think about what you really want. Think carefully, consider what you would like to remember in old age. Write these goals down on a blank sheet of paper and begin your journey towards making them a reality. At the same time, do not forget that if you focus on your goals, you will only enhance their speedy implementation.

Read also:

How to understand what you want from life

Goals, visualization and actions

The second important rule is maintaining unity in the process of setting goals, visualizing what you want and taking actions to achieve them. Motivation should smoothly turn into action. If this unity is broken, then the law of attraction will not work.

First, you need to clearly define the goals you will strive for. After all, if you yourself don’t know what exactly you want, how will you get it? In addition, correct goal setting, when you seem to “lay out your desires,” can inspire. What was previously only an amorphous intention becomes a conscious desire.

The second stage of realizing what you want is visualization. It is advisable to present an image of the ultimate goal, what you are striving for, as accurately as possible. High-quality visualization helps to determine not only the final result of the work, but also to identify ways to achieve it. A fairly popular method in this regard is the creation of a so-called “wish card”.

A wish map is a special poster that is a collage of images of what is desired in different areas of life - work, family, friends, etc. The wish card itself cannot make a person happy or lead to the achievement of goals. However, it helps to highlight and formulate the most desired dreams, remember and work on their fulfillment every day.

Third, goal setting and visualization should always be followed by action. It should be remembered that the law of attraction is not based on magic. The application of this law can help in achieving goals, but without real work on yourself and on achieving the planned result, you should not count on success.

Impact with the power of thought: how to attract positive energy into your life

  1. The most important thing is positive and pure thinking. Find something to be happy about and something to thank the Universe for. Believe me, soon negative events will completely leave your life forever.
  2. Visualize! The more clearly we imagine our desires, as if they were happening in reality, the more signals we send into space.
  3. Decide on the values ​​in your life. If you find it difficult to set goals right away, understand what you value most. And from there, move towards setting goals.
  4. Be grateful. Influencing with the power of thought works for those who know how to give thanks. Remember that you have something that many do not have. Find something to be grateful for and say thank you to the Universe every day.
  5. Approve. Use ready-made affirmations or come up with your own. Powerful statements and influence with the power of thought are the ideal alliance for making dreams come true.
  6. Learn to let go. Look at your life from the outside and think, is it possible that something or someone is stopping you from moving towards your goals? Let go of everything in your life that is pulling you back, and you will immediately begin to move forward.

Looking Back and Gratitude

It also happens that the desired goal is achieved, but a person does not feel pleasure and happiness. And not because of dissatisfaction with the result obtained, but because of forgetfulness and lack of gratitude. In fact, how often do we thank fate, our neighbors, life itself for everything we have? Do we feel gratitude for all the good things we have in this life? New problems will always appear, but should they deprive us of happiness and joy from all the good things that happened?

It is vitally important to be able to look back: evaluate your achievements, rejoice at success, enjoy pleasant events and life in general. And be grateful for everything that we managed to achieve - grateful to fate, to those around us and to ourselves.

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What attitudes put a barrier between you and the Universe?

Why is it important to set realistic goals for yourself and understand your values ​​correctly? The fact is that influencing with the power of thought will work if you do not demand abundance.

It is the wrong attitude that can become a barrier between you and the Universe. Do you feel like you're not rich enough? Although in fact you are a very wealthy person. Do you want to travel more? Although you have already visited 5 new countries over the past year. Such things should not be asked from the Universe.

Appreciate what you have and focus on what you really need very much. It is important that your thoughts are positive and do not harm anyone. Then there will be no barriers between you and the Universe to fulfill your dreams.

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How the Law of Attraction works for me

In general, in life I am a rather pragmatic person; I look for logic and cause-and-effect relationships in everything. Despite the fact that my entire site is dedicated to the power of thought, I am still surprised every time I see manifestations of the Law of Attraction. And he works all the time, constantly. The trick is to learn to see it. But then a white streak seems to open up, when everything comes together amazingly.

For example, I recently decided to run in the morning. I decided that I would start as soon as the snow completely melted. And suddenly my husband gives me wireless headphones with the words: “what if you decide to run.” After this, my mother gives me Nordic walking poles.

This morning I looked out the window and made sure that the snow had finally melted and everything was dry (this happens a little later outside the city). And about an hour later I receive a newsletter with a detailed article about how to run properly, how to eat while doing it, where to start and what to pay attention to.

And then I thought about miracles in my life. I sit, think, remember interesting incidents and how it all began. Another hour later I receive a letter from Sveta with a new article about miracles. I sighed and decided to write too)

How the Law of Attraction attracted me to Korean cosmetics

The latest surprising coincidence was Korean cosmetics. One of my friends sells hyaluronic acid from Seoul (which is cheaper than in any salon that has crazy markups). I’m not particularly interested in this yet, but she studies all the new products and tells me about achievements in this industry, including regular skin care cosmetics.

She told me about “bomb” masks that can be used at home, but with the effect of salon procedures. She lives far away, I listened, she wanted masks, but somehow I didn’t get around to doing it.

On my birthday, I went out with three close friends (others). One gave me a set of Korean cosmetics. The second is a jar of Korean mask. The third is that same “bomb” set of masks and at the same time the book “Korean Philosophy of Beauty”, which she personally translated.

Three friends, independently of each other, gave me the cosmetics I was thinking about. I didn't tell them anything about this. And there are many such examples.

How did my Law of Attraction begin?

But such materialization of thoughts was not always the case. Once upon a time there were no miracles, I often focused on what I didn’t have. When we first met Svetlana, she called me the Fairy of Pessimism and the Master of Skepticism.

Our meeting and the forum (it was much more active then) greatly influenced me. I voraciously read books on positive thinking and practiced various techniques. My thinking was changing, and at that time I began to write articles about it (for example, here: Positive thinking and Positive thinking. On the importance of a positive attitude)

The first results began to appear.

Later, I took Svetin’s Course in Miracles “Magic for Every Day-1”, and he inspired me so much that we already wrote “A Course in Miracles-2” and “A Course in Miracles-3” together.

And now I would like to summarize what is most important for the Law of Attraction to start working.

How to make the Law of Attraction work

1. Acceptance of the current situation as it is.

I have downfalls and difficult times. The article I linked to above describes in detail the “Oh well” principle.

I am still guided by this, it is one of my favorite principles that helps acceptance.

For example, today I have a flight to Greece, but my visa is still not ready?

Well, okay. It’s a shame, my vacation for the last two years, but what can I do, I can’t influence the consulate. I relaxed. What will be will be.

By evening the visa is ready, but the plane has already departed. And then my friend gives me her accumulated miles, and I fly off on the first flight for free. I accepted the situation, and I got the best airline, a non-stop flight and a good plane (everything was much worse on the last minute package).

Or, for example, did a crazy UAZ drive into our car in another country? Unpleasant. Well, okay. As a result, the driver begged us not to call the traffic police, paid a large amount, and upon return we repaired the car under CASCO.

Or, even worse, a huge truck rammed the entire left side of my car. Well, I thought, the main thing is that no one was hurt. But it took a long time, and I saw a cafe right next to the road. I bought some delicious buns and cappuccino and was just settling down to have breakfast when I saw a traffic police car. Everything was arranged quickly, I did it without stress, and for many years later I stopped by this wonderful cafe with positive memories, no matter how strange it sounds. Nerves are more expensive.

Of course, not all situations can be easily accepted. But most of the troubles that we dwell on for a long time are quite possible.

2. The second key point, which has been talked about a lot in different aspects, is Gratitude. I won’t describe it in detail, but everything is clear.

3. Focus on the good. Where attention goes, energy goes (this is especially clear at marathons).

I learned to think about what I want, and not about how bad everything is now.

For example, not “I’m so tired of working, I can’t see any progress, I don’t have money for a vacation,” but I performed simple techniques.

For example, when a trip to the seaside was cancelled, I stopped thinking about the fact that I had no one and nothing to go with. Instead, I put a photo of me swimming in the sea on my desktop.

During that year I went to the sea 4 times.

The Law of Attraction worked great. The two trips were unexpected and completely amazing. For example, I was sent on a business trip to Dubai at the expense of the company. Or, another example, a former colleague whom I had not seen for a hundred years called and said: “Do you want to fly for a week on a promotional tour to Madeira? 500 Euro". For 500 euros (at that time, 20 thousand rubles) to Madeira? Of course I want.

Later, I tried another method: I set a photo of a beautiful beach and sea as a screensaver on my phone, looked at it and was happy.

This picture came to life almost exactly. The beach pleased with its desertedness and swings:

4. I stopped caring about the lack of material things. I need a laptop, but I can’t buy it. No, no, I will keep it in focus that I need it, but when it is, then it will be. So, within 2-3 months I got three laptops, and for free. The Law of Attraction was amazing in its simplicity. I myself would never have imagined in my life that a wish could come true this way. Therefore, it is very important to think about WHAT you want, but not think about HOW to get it.

How can I get a new laptop for free?

For example, they may call you on a business trip for a presentation for which they purchased a lot of laptops. The company did not need them in the future. And after the presentation they say: “Kat, don’t you need a laptop? Maybe you can take them, we don’t know where to put them.” It's that simple. Many years have passed, but this laptop still serves my mother.

I would call this principle “Don’t sweat it.” Everything appears at the right time.

5. Avoid negativity and people who treat you poorly.

I don’t read the news and have limited my interactions with people who make me feel empty after meeting them. This doesn’t always work out, then I use Negative Drain. I don’t like to be charged with negative emotions and other people’s attitudes.

I also avoid judgment. This has been happening for a long time, even when I read a wonderful post from Blondi on the forum:

By the way, I recently found one interesting way for myself to calm down and, as a result, be positive. We all periodically find ourselves in a bad mood, and sometimes even in a terrible mood. I personally tend to judge people, even in my thoughts, but still. I am often aggressive towards people, although I don’t show it. As a result, I was simply fed up with my own aggression, I analyzed its reasons and realized that it all comes from the fact that I consider myself competent to judge some things that do not concern me.

Well, even a trivial example, when you stand in line and are nervous because the buyer in front of you is choosing for a long time. Or something else, come up with it yourself. So, now every time I get irritated and want to judge someone, I tell myself: “It’s none of my business.”


And this phrase turned out to be so effective, you have no idea! I instantly calm down and lift my spirits.

Strangers rarely annoy me now. And even if this happens, I put myself in the shoes of this person. Did some scoundrel cut you off? I can do this too sometimes, by accident. Is your child screaming so hard his ears are blocked? But mine can do the same in other circumstances. Etc.

I also began to be less critical of myself.

6. There are many techniques in the course of miracles that help you see and create happy events, but this is for now.

I used others before, but also in the same spirit. Basically, they were all from the forum or from books.

And now I want to share some with you.

The Law of Attraction in action. Techniques from the forum that open a white stripe

1. For example, I really like the “3 miracles” technique.

Immediately after waking up, sweetly stretching in bed, say the following words: “ Today 3 miracles will happen to me.”

" Thus, from the very morning we set ourselves up for exceptionally happy events and magical interaction with the Universe. Don’t forget to write down all the miracles that happened to you during the day in a special notebook or notebook every night before going to bed.

Not only do I love this technique, forum users wrote about it:

…Although I don’t believe in magical rituals and Simoron techniques, I decided to try the “3 miracles” technique […] I just woke up in the morning, remembered your post and firmly decided: today 3 miracles will happen to me.
And they happened! Not to say that they were such miracles as the world had never seen, but at least what happened was a miracle for me personally and for the first time in my life. The most amazing thing is that all this can happen in one day. ...Girls, I can’t calm down about the “3 miracles” technique, I tried it for several days in a row and it works every time!
Only for this you also need to learn to see these miracles. Take everything pleasant that happens to you as miracles, be it a smiling passer-by, a bus arriving on time, or the sun peeking out from behind a cloud. Don’t think that these are ordinary little things; such small miracles add up to a continuous stream of luck. Yes, you will see for yourself - the longer you use this technique, the more significant and significant your miracles become.

2. Memoir

Every evening you need to write down the key event of the day, at the end of the week - the key event of the week, at the end of the month - the key event of the month. There should be only one event. It can be both positive and negative, relating to both work and any other activity. The main thing is that it is key. Start writing your “MEMOIR” today. But first, write down your goals for a certain period - one, two or ten years. Later, periodically analyzing the “memoir”, you will be able to:

- see the main interests of your life, what you really consider important to yourself; - assess whether you are moving towards your goal or moving away from it; or maybe you will understand that you don’t need to achieve it at all.

3. Success Diary

3. Every evening, record in your Success Diary (be sure to write, thinking is not enough) three things that you did well. Also, these could be events that caused positive emotions, compliments, etc.

4. From the book “Brain Rules”

The brain will forget almost all information that you do not repeat.

No matter how painful it may be for all the “sufferers” to hear, the brain only remembers what you repeat. What does this have to do with “sufferers”? And despite the fact that it is quite easy to get rid of any suffering: you just need to stop constantly thinking about it. We can say that this is the secret of getting rid of, for example, unhappy love: you block the internal dialogue, and the brain soon forgets everything that happened.

Scientist Hermann Ebbinghaus proved this fact using the example of schoolchildren. Herman became famous for making a surprising discovery: people forget 90% of what they learn in class within 30 days. And the highest percentage of forgetting occurs in the first hours after the lesson.

Everything you think, say, feel and do, you attract to you like a magnet.

Whenever you appreciate the happiness present in your life, it multiplies!

The Law of Attraction works, that's how it works. Simple and even complex miracles are easy to create...

A person, like a sponge, absorbs the world around him if he does not install an internal filter.

Often at school they don’t like children who have their own opinions; it’s easier to control the crowd, but this is the only way you can become an individual, find your way, open up to the world, believe in your potential. Anxiety and suspiciousness lead to uncertainty and the inability to become leaders in life. And people who know how to enjoy life, regardless of circumstances - grades, problems and in the future - easily cope with difficulties and do not lose heart.

We come to the conclusion: a person can change the world by changing himself from the inside at the level of thinking and perception of life. This path is the most correct, because changing those around you is a thankless and unrealistic task. And in your new role, you will attract new situations, new acquaintances with like-minded people, and gain more opportunities to move forward. The power of positive thinking helps to create miracles in life and make significant changes.

Someone can independently tune in to the desired wavelength using self-hypnosis, listening to music, someone resorts to religion and reads the Bible. There are many ways, everyone chooses the one that is closer in spirit. Often the state of stress is associated with excessive stress and feelings of guilt, which interfere with a normal life.

You need to fight this, learn to let go of the past and forgive yourself for past actions, trying to be better in the present and future, to match your inner image. Otherwise, problems, illnesses, and constant failures are inevitable. A person himself does not allow himself to live a life full of joy on a subconscious level. Likewise, resentment towards other people destroys inner peace, interferes with positive thinking, and leads to stress and illness. You should rely on yourself in everything and accept that the world and people are imperfect and prone to making mistakes and forgetting something. When doing good to others, do not expect gratitude, learn to rejoice at the opportunity to help, to make the world a better place.

Often by helping your loved ones realize themselves and believe in themselves, you yourself gain inner strength and become more open to the world and life.

To change your life and achieve success, think more often about future victories, smile, be ready to accept something new, create a positive atmosphere around, filling the world with joy. You shouldn’t always expect good things from life, more often you first need to give: love, care, make efforts to achieve a goal - and the world will reciprocate!

What not to do to be happy?

If a person wants to be happy, then he should not wait for any specific circumstances. In the end, he may simply become disappointed. You must be able to enjoy every moment and appreciate them.

A happy person must have principles that should be followed throughout his life. First of all, you need to forget about grievances. They will never hit the offender, but they slowly eat the offended one.

In addition, you should never allow anyone to influence your own mood. Also, a happy person should not complain about his illnesses or make diagnoses on his own. Health is an area whose energy needs to be protected in a special way.

The influence of the environment on the materialization of thoughts

The energy of thought is fueled by both the person’s environment and the internal state that it creates. The company of degenerate people, prone to harmful addictions and vices, greatly influences the life of anyone. They live in the sphere of negative thoughts, feelings and images, creating the corresponding energy around themselves. You will not find support and a positive attitude from them. On the contrary, their society is like a quagmire that takes away strength and into which you sink deeper and deeper.

3 simple steps towards limitless possibilities:

Conversely, the thought receives an additional charge when a person finds himself in a circle of supportive, positive-minded friends. Their optimism, ability to enjoy life and believe in the best create an energizing environment. Together you build a common sphere of goodness and light. In such conditions, thoughts materialize faster and better. You multiply each other's strength. So be careful in choosing your environment: it can either inspire you and lift you to heights, or drag you down to the bottom.

How to avoid slipping into negativity?

The easiest way to know if you are thinking correctly is to become aware of how you feel. If you feel any discomfort, anxiety, irritation, it means that you are overcome by negative thoughts. Once you understand this, it becomes much easier to control it.

If you are worried about a situation, you need to reduce the importance and calm down about its resolution. Or if in your case there is not and cannot be an end result, it is something that constantly bothers you (for example, you consider yourself fat), then you need to use affirmations. This is a very effective tool for getting rid of negative beliefs.

You can find affirmations that work in the following articles:

Affirmations of the day. How to attract success, wealth and luck into your life Affirmations for love? Why not! What money affirmations really change reality?

And in the video:

What thoughts need to be eradicated?

All negative thoughts materialize sooner or later. If you think that your husband is irresponsible, then, according to the law of reflection, he will behave irresponsibly towards you.

But once you start thinking about your man, that he is always attentive to your requests, that he approaches issues responsibly, and soon he will correspond to your idea of ​​him. And this applies to absolutely all areas of life.

Typical negative thoughts about relationships:

  • no one loves me
  • I cannot build a harmonious relationship with another person,
  • I can't meet a worthy couple,
  • my partner is cheating on me,
  • I cannot count on my spouse in a relationship;

Typical negative thoughts about your career:

  • in order to achieve a lot, you need to weave intrigues and play games,
  • I won't be able to build a good career because I'm not worthy,
  • getting a job in a big company is only possible if you have connections,
  • a good career requires a complete renunciation of personal life,
  • at one time I was not able to enter a prestigious university, which means I will not be able to build a successful career;

Typical negative thoughts about money:

  • money is evil
  • You can only make good money through illegal means,
  • Only the chosen ones or the lucky ones get rich,
  • money comes from hard work,
  • money flows away like water;

Typical negative thoughts about health:

  • I have had poor health since childhood,
  • I get cold easily
  • I have a high risk of developing hereditary diseases,
  • I can't live normally without pills,
  • I'm allergic to literally everything.

Can a person influence external circumstances?

An interesting question - we do not choose life, country, parents, the world around us, but we choose our attitude towards reality, we can transform it. It happens that in the same conditions someone feels happiness, and another feels sadness, the world is the same, people and thoughts are different. Those who live on the positive side are always happier and luckier, finding new opportunities and chances for growth. And others say: “lucky”, because they themselves do not believe in their own strength and cannot succeed.

You could say, new thoughts - new life! Thoughts are material, any changes should be made, starting with yourself, studying the area where things are not working out, why there are constant failures, finding the root of the problems, identifying attitudes at the subconscious level. It will help to write down all your thoughts on this issue; perhaps you don’t know how much negativity has accumulated towards the issue of finances, personal relationships or other areas.

There is an expression: “Wherever a person goes, he always takes himself along!” Yes, it is negative thoughts and attitudes that are obstacles, stones that prevent the inner potential from being fully revealed and pull down. They are acquired in the process of life: from parents, friends, from the media, television programs.

How to learn positive thinking

The basis of mastering a skill is forming a habit. For example, being sad because of failure is a bad habit. But we are so used to it that we don’t even notice. Everything happens automatically, of course. This is how you need to train yourself to think positively, and constantly.

Did something not work out? Next time it will work. The main thing is not to focus on the bad, so that the subconscious does not fulfill our desire for this bad. When we persistently think about something, the subconscious perceives our thoughts as a guide to action. This is where all our troubles come from.

How to deal with negativity correctly? You can’t ignore it and you can’t get hung up on it: these are two extremes from which you need to free yourself. There is negativity, it needs to be fixed in the mind. But it is temporary. Therefore, there is no point in being sad because of temporary events. Negativity needs to be corrected or eliminated, and move on with your life. Instead of tears and despondency, you need to immediately search for a solution to the problem, and this is where the skill of positive thinking comes in handy.

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