9 tips on how to forget the past, forgive and let go of resentment

  • September 14, 2019
  • Psychology of Personality
  • Yana Yakovenko

George Orwell, in his famous dystopia, stated: “He who controls the past controls the future.” In everyday life, our perception of the past also influences future behavior. Therefore, it is extremely important to learn to stop living in the past. How to do this? We will discuss this issue further.

Why leave the past in the past?

Mistakes you once made drag you down. It is as if you are walking along the road with your back turned to it. As a result, you see neither the beauty around you nor the final destination ahead. You only see your footprints. Sounds sad, doesn't it?

If you can accept your past mistakes, you will face the future with confidence. Even serious crimes have a statute of limitations, do you really have to torture yourself for life?

Some people relive their past mistakes over and over again, while others find the strength to look forward. Psychologists note that much depends on the inner core of the individual, on the people around him, and even on childhood. However, if you consider yourself a weak and vulnerable person, this does not mean that you are not able to pull yourself together and change your own life. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to stop living in the past.

Forgiving yourself and your actions will give you inner freedom. A person who is shackled by past grievances and failures cannot develop spiritually. How to stop living in the past? Psychology offers the following methods.

Effective techniques for dealing with memories

If you cannot get rid of memories of the past using basic methods, use additional techniques that work quickly and clearly. Here are the main ones:

  • Positive attitude. Before you get out of bed in the morning, tune in to perceive something new. Program yourself for the fact that the new day will bring positive moments, which will subsequently fall into the “piggy bank” of your pleasant memories.
  • Give the negative to the water. If you feel like your thoughts are overwhelmed by negative memories of the past, go to the sink and turn on the water. Looking at the stream, scroll through your head everything that worries you, imagining how negative emotions flow down the drain along with the water.
  • Change your surroundings. The ideal scenario is a radical change of residence. A more realistic option is to add new details to your environment (re-glue the wallpaper, hang new curtains, acquire a new interesting hobby).
  • Expand your social circle. Contacts with people help you switch from negative thoughts to interesting conversation. It’s good if, during a period of emotional decline, you communicate with some new people with whom you do not have common negative memories from the past.
  • Change your image. Internal transformation, according to psychologists, occurs much easier if it is accompanied by external transformation. Visit the hairdresser, adjust your wardrobe, join the gym - update your appearance.
  • Get rid of bad habits. Oddly enough, this is a common recommendation from psychologists. The fact is that alcohol and nicotine depress the psyche, forcing you to return again and again to unpleasant moments of the past. By giving up these habits, you will cleanse your body and thoughts.

Change your own life

Many people are interested in how to get rid of the past and live in the present. It sounds very difficult, but the main thing is to change your own life.

So, how to forget the past and live in the present? First of all, you must realize that you want this. Understand that the past is preventing you from living here and now. Now you face the most difficult thing - changing your own thinking. Yes, yes, changing the perception of the world around us is the key to getting rid of the past. We will consider how to do this further, but for now let’s turn to the auxiliary points.

So, how can you learn not to live in the past? First, you need to cleanse and harmonize the space around you. Get rid of old things that may indirectly remind you of negative past experiences. Once you throw away everything that has been cluttering your home, you will feel much better mentally, because your home is a projection of your emotional state.

Try to harmonize the space around you. Rearrange your furniture, buy some accessories, or surround yourself with flowers. You should be as comfortable as possible in your own home.

Do something with your free time. After all, you find it for memories and self-pity. Try to find a more useful use for this watch. For example, take a driving/dancing/embroidery course. Or study any creative skill on your own, because today you can find many instructional videos on the Internet. It is useful to do yoga and master meditation.

You can also completely change your clothing style and hairstyle. Women cut their hair precisely when they feel they need to get rid of accumulated negativity. And it settles on the hair.

Fill with concrete

Remember the joke about how the rich man and the poor man shared three wishes from the Goldfish? The rich man asked to remove all the poor from his living space, leaving only the elite equal in status there, and to surround this living space with a high fence so that no rogues could reach him. The poor man, in turn, asked the Goldfish to fill the pre-fenced space with concrete. It sounds rough, but sometimes you have to use rough methods to get results.

If nothing helps you get away from thoughts about the past, simply concrete the sarcophagus of your negative memories, forming layers of new positive impressions. You may first just have to forcefully remember that you once wanted to sign up for dancing or boxing, and go to the fitness center next weekend to find out the cost and schedule of classes. Remember that you dreamed of seeing the zoo in Berlin - by the way, one of the best in the world - and start planning a trip to Germany. Yes, just do physical labor, which in itself distracts from bad thoughts.

Maybe you should join some online community of interests, for example, photographers, musicians, chess players, and start communicating there. Many such online parties eventually go offline. Therefore, when such an opportunity arises - and it will definitely appear - you can go to a chess tournament, a music festival, or a photo exhibition in a new city.

And a few more words about your social circle. Look around carefully - maybe there is someone next to you who constantly reminds you of the difficult moments of your past? Maybe even out of a good desire to sympathize and support? If so, thank them and say that you no longer need such sympathy. If, under a good guise, there is an energy vampire hiding who needs your suffering, refer to your busyness and begin to gradually reduce the time of toxic communication.

Could you have changed anything?

Alas, humanity has not yet invented a time machine. Everything that has sunk into oblivion cannot be returned or corrected. Therefore, change your attitude in your role in past failures. Perhaps you could change something. Perhaps you missed many opportunities that fate provided you with. However, in fact, you were not the master of the situation: you were influenced by other people and events, as well as the worldview of that time.

Understand that little depended on you. Even if this was not the case, a little self-deception will not hurt. After all, the past cannot be corrected.

Recommendations from a psychologist: how to learn to forgive yourself

How to forgive yourself for past mistakes - advice from a psychologist:

  1. Realize that you are the only person you will spend your entire life with. You are the only one you can always rely on. Any other person can leave your life. Make friends with yourself. And for this you need to forgive, love and accept yourself.
  2. Replace self-flagellation with healthy introspection. Instead of drowning in guilt and shame and simply reliving the past over and over again, learn to analyze traumatic situations and learn from them.
  3. Learn to love yourself unconditionally. You are valuable and deserving of love for the mere fact of your existence. Stop trying to earn good treatment for yourself. You deserve it for nothing.
  4. Study the life stories of famous people. In interviews, media personalities willingly share their problems and methods for solving them. Many openly tell what they were once ashamed of, what they scolded themselves for and how they eventually forgave. For example, the famous actress and TV presenter Larisa Guzeeva for a long time could not forgive herself for her cold attitude towards her own children, as well as for alcoholism, indecent behavior, disruption of performances, etc. But the woman found the strength to take the path of correction, let go of the past and prove to herself and others that she could live differently.
  5. Consult books. For example, read the book by M. Mikhailova and M. Arkhipova “Forgiveness. How to make peace with yourself and others.”

Group psychotherapy is very helpful in forgiving yourself. If you cannot yet contact a psychologist, then find a support group on the Internet. For example, on psychological forums people actively share their experiences of forgiveness. And some psychologists conduct free consultations via chat and answer user questions.

Important! Understand that everyone makes mistakes. This is fine. And life doesn't end there.


  • https://blizosti.net/kak-otpustit-proshloe-i-nachat-zhit-zanovo/
  • https://psyfiles.ru/phobias/zivu-proslym.html
  • https://www.Teatr-Benefis.ru/staty/psihologiya/kak-legko-otpustit-proshloe-i-nachat-zhit-nastoyashhim/
  • https://uspeh-woman.com/otpustite-svoe-proshloe-i-osvobodite-sebja/
  • https://heroine.ru/10-sovetov-dlya-tex-kto-ne-mozhet-otpustit-proshloe/
  • https://mozaic-life.ru/otpustit-proshloe-i-nachat-zhit-nastoyashchim/
  • https://knife.media/toxic-cargo/
  • https://vsvoemdome.ru/psihologiya/samorazvitie/kak-otpustit-proshloe
  • https://FB.ru/article/399772/kak-izbavitsya-ot-proshlogo-sovetyi-psihologov
  • https://astro7.ru/online-journal/luchshie-stati/ochishhenie-ot-proshlyih-svyazey-kak-otpustit-proshloe.html
  • https://lifemotivation.online/razvitie-lichnosti/samopoznanie/kak-prostit-sebya

Forgive yourself and others

Here's how to stop living in the past. After all, resentment is an emotion that destroys a person from the inside. It nests in the heart, preventing you from breathing and enjoying life. Resentment towards yourself and other people flows through your veins like poison. The ability to forgive, including oneself, is extremely important for every person. First of all, resentment creates health problems. However, it also prevents you from loving and breathing deeply.

To forgive another person, put yourself in their shoes. Remember that you sometimes undeservedly offend other people. Have there been similar situations in your life?

Psychologists are sure: a person who is not able to forgive himself cannot grant forgiveness to others. This is an axiom. So start with yourself. Realize that you are imperfect. And so do the people around you. This simple truth often eludes us, who are so intolerant of each other's shortcomings.

Perform an emotional reset

In the process of searching for means and ways to get rid of jealousy of the past, a person tries to be calm and balanced. But this is not always the right approach. Negative emotions need to be released to make room for new positive thoughts and feelings.

This can be done in a variety of ways. You can scream loudly, break a cup, tear a newspaper into small pieces, cry your heart out. In terms of emotional release, physical activity helps well, which also brings considerable benefits to the body in terms of health and aesthetics.

The past is the teacher

Everything that the Universe sends to us should be perceived as a test, a test of strength, and not as punishment. Any situation, especially an unpleasant one, is sent to us for a specific purpose - to learn something. For example, after breaking up with your loved one due to a wrong decision, you learned to appreciate dear people. After spending several years indulging in your bad habits, you realized that time needs to be valued, and you also realized which addictions you need to get rid of.

Of course, you have made mistakes in the past. Perhaps the wrong decisions had fatal consequences. But would you be where you are today if you hadn't made mistakes? Alas, it is the wrong decisions that make us better and wiser.

Help yourself readjust

By letting go of the past, you create space for a new future. And by clinging to the old negativity, you will most likely repeat the same mistakes. I understand that in reality all this is more difficult than in words. Especially when you have just recovered from pain or are still trying to survive the storm in your own life. Therefore, I will give some tips that help me:

  • Learn to be grateful. This won't solve all problems, but it will help change your mindset. You will notice the good things in life that you usually take for granted.
  • Change your environment. It greatly influences feelings and behavior. It is not necessary to burn everything connected with the past (although sometimes you would like to) . Let your environment represent everything you want to become, not what you used to be.
  • Talk to a therapist. I think this should be done at least once in your life. A psychotherapist is a coach, only not for the body, but for the mind. It will help you notice repeating patterns in your life. He is also objective, you can tell him everything, knowing that he will not judge.
  • Take care of yourself. Treat yourself to something pleasant to close one chapter of life and begin another. And regularly take care of your mental balance. For example, play sports, travel, start new hobbies.

Fix what can be fixed

Life goes on, you need to learn this simple truth. And it does not continue in your memories and soul-searching. Every minute counts down precious time. But our life is not so long as to allow ourselves to neglect even one second.

Think about what past mistakes you can correct today. For example, you offended a friend in your youth, but you are still tormented by feelings of guilt. Find her on social networks, try to talk and ask for forgiveness. It is unlikely that she still holds a grudge against you. Of course, your friend may turn out to be a rather vindictive person who will refuse to accept your apology. Don't let this bother you. The main thing is that you apologized.

Remember that you always have the opportunity to change something. You only need the present and the future for this.

5 steps to free yourself from old relationships


This Privacy Policy, hereinafter referred to as the Policy, applies to the processing of personal data that can be obtained by the individual entrepreneur Murakhovskaya Margarita Mikhailovna from individuals (subjects of personal data) on the basis of the Constitution of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Personal Data” dated 01.06.2010 No. 2297-VI (hereinafter referred to as the Law), as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (EU General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as the GDPR) and other applicable European data protection legislation , collectively referred to hereinafter as Legislation.

The website https://margaritamurakhovskaya.com/ (hereinafter referred to as the Site) is managed by individual entrepreneur Margarita Mikhailovna Murakhovskaya (hereinafter referred to as the Administration). The administration cares about the confidentiality of your data. In this regard, the Administration has developed this privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”), the purpose of which is to inform you about the procedure for collecting, storing and processing personal data and information provided to you through this Site.

Scope of this policy. This Policy applies to “personal data and information” collected by the Administration using this Site. “Personal data and information” means data that personally identifies you, both separately and in combination with other information available to the Administration. Examples of personal information include your name, address, email address and other information you may provide when you use the Site.

By using this Site, you accept the practices described in this Policy. If you do not agree with this Policy, please do not use this Site. The administration reserves the right to make changes to this Policy at any time. Any changes are put into effect by setting out the new edition of this Policy. We recommend that you review this Policy regularly to stay informed of any changes and how your information may be used.

  1. Terms used in this Privacy Policy:

Subject of personal data is
an individual who visits the Site to purchase or order services. Or intends to purchase or order services and whose personal data is being processed. Such an individual must have the required amount of legal capacity. The administration cannot collect and process information from an individual under 18 years of age. Consent to the processing of personal data of such persons must be provided by the legal representatives of such a minor/minor.

Personal data
means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”).

Personal account is
a section of the online service, which the User can access after registering in the online service https://margaritamurakhovskaya.com/ and entering a unique login and password. The Personal Account contains the User’s personal data and is intended to view and manage the available functionality of the online service.

A personal data controller
is a natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means for the processing of personal data and has primary responsibility for their processing. Within the framework of this Policy, the Personal Data Controller is Margarita Mikhailovna Murakhovskaya, a sole proprietor.

Site Administration (Administration) –
individual entrepreneur Murakhovskaya Margarita Mikhailovna, authorized employees to manage the site, acting on her behalf, who organize and (or) process personal data, and also determine the purposes of processing personal data, the composition of personal data to be processed, actions ( operations) performed with personal data.

is a subject of personal data, any legally capable individual who has joined this Policy in his own interests, registered in the online service https://margaritamurakhovskaya.com/ using the Internet.

  1. General provisions


The Policy applies to all personal data that may be obtained by the Site Administration in the process of using the online service. This Policy applies to personal data received both before and after the entry into force of this Policy.


The purpose of the Policy is to provide the User with the necessary information that allows them to assess what personal data and for what purposes are processed by us, methods of processing and ensuring security.


When using the online service, the User, by providing the Administration with his personal data, including through third parties, acknowledges his consent to the processing of his personal data in accordance with this Policy.


In case of disagreement with the terms of this Policy, the User is obliged to stop using the online service.


Consent to the processing of personal data may be withdrawn by the subject of personal data. If the subject of personal data withdraws consent to the processing of personal data, the Administration has the right to continue processing personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data if there are grounds specified in the Legislation.


The site administration does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the User and does not have the ability to assess his legal capacity. However, the Administration assumes that the User acts in good faith, carefully, provides reliable and sufficient personal data and makes all necessary efforts to keep such data up to date, and does not violate the rights of third parties.


By agreeing to the terms of this Policy, the User confirms that at the time of collection of personal data, the User is notified of the persons to whom personal data is transferred, the content and purpose of collecting personal data. The User confirms (guarantees) that the personal data transferred to the Site Administration for processing was transferred with the consent of the owners of the personal data and within the framework of the Legislation.


The site administration, having received personal data from the User, does not undertake the obligation to inform the subjects (their representatives), whose personal data was transferred to it, about the beginning of the processing of personal data, since the obligation to provide appropriate information when concluding an agreement with the subject of personal data and/ or upon receipt of consent to such transfer, is borne by the User who transferred the personal data.


The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Law. The processing of personal data of persons located in the EU or who are EU citizens is regulated in particular by the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”). Also, the legislation of other countries may establish additional requirements.


This Policy applies to all information that the Site Administration can obtain about the User when using the online service, as well as during the implementation by the Administration of any agreements and contracts with the User.


This Policy is an internal document of the Site Administration.


The personal data controller is exempt from liability for the consequences arising in connection with the processing of personal data by him, if he is not responsible for the event that led to the occurrence of such consequences.


You also agree that the Owner of personal data has the right to provide access and transfer your personal data to third parties without any additional messages only if the purpose of their processing does not change and only in cases provided for by this Privacy Policy and/or the legislation of Ukraine .


No one under the age of 18 should provide personal information through the Online Service. We do not knowingly collect personal information from persons under 18 years of age. Parents and guardians should monitor their children's related activities at all times.

  1. Composition of personal data


The Administration, in order to carry out its activities and fulfill its obligations, processes the User’s personal data provided by him during registration on the website https://olgasmirnova.com/ and stored in his personal account.


The User’s personal data includes: last name, first name, patronymic, email address, mobile/landline phone number, country of residence, place of work, position, date of birth.


Data that is automatically transmitted to the Administration when the User uses the online service using software installed on the device: IP address, information about the browser and the type of operating system of the device, technical characteristics of equipment and software, date and time of access to the online service.

  1. Grounds and purpose of processing personal data


The grounds for processing personal data are:

ü consent of the subject of personal data to the processing of his personal data by the Administration;

ü the conclusion and execution of an agreement, one of the parties to which is the subject of personal data or which is concluded in favor of the subject of personal data, or for the implementation of activities preceding the conclusion of an agreement at the request of the subject of personal data;

ü the need for the Administration to fulfill the requirements stipulated by the Legislation.


The Administration uses personal information collected through the Site to:

ü provision of information and services requested by you;

ü security and fraud prevention;

ü effective customer service;

ü personalization of use of the Site;

ü display personalized advertising when visiting the Site;

ü providing you with special offers and other information that, in our opinion, may be of interest to you (but only with your permission)

ü providing you with information and messages about your use of the Site;

ü providing you with invitations to take part in surveys and provide us with your comments;

ü better understanding of your needs and interests;

ü improving the content, functionality and usability of the site;

ü improving our products and services;

ü improving our marketing and advertising activities;

ü any other purposes specified in the current privacy notice or other agreements between the individual entrepreneur and you.

  1. Personal data storage period


Personal data is stored for no longer than is necessary for the purposes of its processing.


After the subject of personal data is no longer a user of the site by deleting an account on the Site, his personal data is also automatically deleted.


The Administration has the right to minimize the User’s personal data or make the data anonymous so that it can no longer be associated with the User personally. In this case, the Administration can use this information without further informing the User.

  1. Safety of minors


The site is not intended for minor users. The Administration takes security issues very seriously, especially in relation to persons under the age of majority, and therefore, for its part, the Administration appeals to parents to explain to their children about Internet security issues, their specific purpose and the need to use those or other services of the Site.

  1. Interaction of the site with other resources. Cookies and similar technologies


When the User uses the services, the pages of the site may contain codes from other Internet resources and third parties, as a result of which such Internet resources and third parties receive your data. Consequently, these Internet resources can receive and process information that you have visited these pages, as well as other information transmitted by the User’s browser. Such Internet resources can be social network plugins (for example, Discus, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, etc.).


The use of these services by the Administration is necessary for operational analysis of site visits, internal and external assessment of site traffic, browsing depth, and user activity. The Administration does not store or process data received from these services.


Accordingly, if the User, for any reason, does not want these services to gain access to his personal data, the User can voluntarily log out of his account or profile and clear cookies (through his browser).


The administration uses cookies and other web technologies to collect information and support certain site functions. For example, these technologies are used for:

  1. a)
    collecting information about how visitors use the Site: pages visited, duration of stay on each page;
  2. b)
    determining the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and managing them;
  3. c)
    support the functionality of the Site, for example, to eliminate the need to re-enter input data that is already in our database, or re-set preferences already set on previous visits to the Site;
  4. d)
    to personalize your experience with the Site.


If you do not want to receive cookies, you can set your browser to reject these cookies. In addition, you can also delete our cookies when you leave the Site. Although you are not required to download cookies when you visit the Site, if you set your browser to reject cookies, you may not be able to use all of the Site's features.

  1. Interaction with third parties regarding personal data


The Administration does not transfer personal data to third parties, except in cases where such transfer is required by law, at the request of the subject of personal data, or in other cases set out in this Policy. The Administration understands that personal information is valuable and an integral content, including the personal non-property rights of any individual, therefore it takes all possible measures to protect the personal information of Users, voluntarily and consciously transferred by Users to the Administration.


The Site may contain links to other websites (for informational purposes only). When you follow a link to other websites, this Policy will not apply to such sites. In this regard, the Administration recommends reviewing the privacy and personal data policies of each site before transferring personal data by which you can be identified.

  1. Confidentiality of the activity of the subject of personal data on the Site


Information about the activity (traffic) on the Site of users that pass through the network, or the user’s email, is protected in accordance with the law. That is, the Administration in no way or manner violates the secrecy of the user’s “activity” when the latter uses the services of the Site.

  1. Conditions for access to personal data


The procedure for accessing personal data of third parties is determined by the terms of the user’s consent provided to the owner of the personal data for the processing of this data, or in accordance with the requirements of the law.


The user has the right to receive any information about himself from any subject of relations associated with personal data, subject to the indication of the last name, first name and patronymic, place of residence (place of stay) and details of the document identifying the individual submitting the request, except in cases established by law .


User access to personal data is free of charge.


Delaying the user's access to his personal data is not permitted.


Delay of access to personal data of third parties is permitted if the necessary data cannot be provided within thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request. In this case, the total period for resolving the issues raised in the request cannot exceed forty-five calendar days.


The notice of postponement is brought to the attention of the third party who filed the request in writing with an explanation of the procedure for appealing such a decision.


The decision to delay or refuse access to personal data can be appealed to the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights or to the court.

  1. Rights of the subject of personal data


The Administration brings to your attention your rights as a subject of personal data, which are regulated by the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Personal Data”, namely:

  1. a)
    Know about the sources of collection, the location of your personal data, the purpose of their processing, the location of the processor of personal data, or give appropriate instructions to authorized persons to receive this information, except in cases established by the Law.
  2. b)
    Receive information about the conditions for providing access to personal data, including information about third parties to whom his personal data is transferred.
  3. c)
    To access your personal data.
  4. d)
    Receive no later than thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except in cases provided for by the Law, an answer about whether his personal data is being processed and what kind of data.
  5. e)
    Submit a reasoned request to the Administration to object to the processing of your personal data.
  6. f)
    Submit a reasoned request to change or destroy your personal data if the data is processed illegally or is unreliable.
  7. g)
    To protect your personal data from illegal processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to deliberate concealment, failure to provide or untimely provision, as well as protection from the provision of information that is unreliable or discredits the honor, dignity and business reputation of an individual .
  8. h)
    File complaints about the processing of your personal data to the Administration, to the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights or to the court.
  9. i)
    Apply legal remedies in case of violation of laws on the protection of personal data.
  10. j)
    Introduce clauses limiting the right to process your personal data when providing consent.
  11. k)
    Withdraw consent to the processing of personal data.
  12. l)
    Familiarize yourself with the mechanism for automatic processing of personal data.
  13. m)
    To be protected from an automated decision that has legal consequences for him.


To update, access, make changes, block or delete your personal data, withdraw consent to the processing of personal data that you provided to the Administration in accordance with this Policy, or in the event of any comments, wishes or claims regarding your personal data, processed by the Administration, please contact the Administration: by email to e-mail: [email protected]


The administration is ready to provide data subjects with information about which of their personal data is being processed.


The user can make a request for this information at any time, including by contacting the Administration. At the same time, when contacting, the User must inform us of his specific requirements so that the Administration can legally consider the User’s request and provide a response.


Please note that if the Administration is unable to verify the User’s identity by exchanging electronic messages or when the User contacts by phone, or in case of reasonable doubts regarding the User’s identity, the Administration has the right to ask the User to provide an identification document, including through personal appearance at the address of the Administration location. Only in this way can we avoid disclosing your personal data to a person who may pretend to be you.


The administration will process requests as soon as possible, but at the same time, please remember that providing a complete and legal answer regarding personal data is a complex process that can last up to a month.

  1. Policy Change

12.1. Changes and additions may be made to this Policy periodically and without prior notice to the user, including when legal requirements change.

12.2. If significant changes are made to this Policy, the Administration will post a message on the Site and indicate the period for these changes to come into force. If you do not refuse to accept them in writing within the specified period, this means that you agree to the relevant changes to the policy.

12.3. Please review the Policy from time to time to ensure you are aware of any changes or additions.

12.4. The administrative body for the protection of personal data in Ukraine is the Office for the Protection of Personal Data of the Secretariat of the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights (https://www.ombudsman.gov.ua/ru/page/zpd/). You can contact him with complaints or suggestions if you believe that the User’s rights have been violated in connection with the processing of personal data.

Throw out negative emotions

What has been accumulated inside for years needs to be thrown out. Everyone does it differently. Many women choose to cry out their pain. There is no need to be shy about shedding tears over events that are long past. Allow yourself to cry as long as necessary to feel liberated.

You can also go to the gym and beat a punching bag/break unnecessary plates/scream out your emotions.

How to stop living in past relationships?

Perhaps many people ask themselves this question, especially women. Each has its own story, but it ended the same way - with separation. And then the woman begins to analyze the situation, to think that she did something wrong. It is important to understand one truth: even if you made a mistake somewhere (and since responsibility for the relationship lies with both partners, you should not blame only yourself), the past cannot be returned. However, it gave you a priceless gift - experience. Now you will think several times before making a similar mistake.

There is no need to kill yourself for a man who left you. If this relationship brought you only joy and pleasure, thank him mentally and let him go in peace. If the result was constant quarrels and misunderstandings, you should thank the Universe that it was all over. Because things would only get worse further. Gradually you would hate each other.

People are forced to constantly improve spiritually. And it is precisely the failed relationships with the opposite sex that suggest what exactly we are doing wrong. Perhaps you are too dependent on your partner? In this case, it’s time to make an effort to learn to live in harmony with yourself, and not look for replacement in another person. The first thing you need to understand is that past relationships are experiences that made you a more whole and thoughtful person. And they were sent to you precisely for this purpose. It couldn't have been any other way. And your life goes on. And it continues here and now.

Don't fight disappointment and pain

We often look for answers to our questions externally: in books and podcasts, in trainings and seminars, from mentors and spiritual teachers. But this does not always help to understand your aspirations, and sooner or later you need to look inside yourself.

In this case, disappointments and painful memories will inevitably surface. You want to run away from them, but you have to look them in the face. And then you will notice this paradox: the more you fight the pain, the more you give it strength. And when you finally let go of this struggle, it becomes easier.

It's quite difficult. The need to give up goes against everything we are constantly taught: to strive, to push, to endure, to win. But when we surrender, we find peace and find inspiration. And this is not the same as reconciling and falling into apathy.

When you let go of the desperate desire to change the situation, you finally become free.

And you can only live a meaningful life in this state of freedom and self-expression without excuses. Understand that disappointments and pain are a natural part of life. Don't be afraid of them. Yes, you can get your heart broken, you can get fired from your job, your creative project can fail.

But what you learn in the process will help you grow and become a different person. The only way to avoid disappointment is to never take risks. But it will be a very limited life.

Don't live in the past, live in the present

Here's what the famous writer and psychologist Dale Carnegie thought about the past and future:

The first and most important thing a person should know about anxiety is that in order to crowd out anxiety from one’s life, one must make every effort to distinguish between the past and the future.

Carnegie proposes installing “iron doors” between them, thereby creating the “sealed compartments” of today. It is necessary to live in the present, without regretting the past and without worrying about the future. Otherwise, past experiences and thoughts of hope will create anxiety and worry.

Be happy and enjoy today. You have probably already been told once: “Don’t live in the past, live in the present.” It's time to understand that you are here and now. You are neither in the past nor in the future.

Some answers

Remember that everything that happens to you is not a test and it is not a problem. These are your lessons and training.

Perhaps some of you will have questions about the injustice of this world in your minds. But our world is measured down to the millimeter. And everything in it proceeds as it should.

  • Why did some people survive the war?
  • This means their souls had to learn compassion and mercy. They had to go through this suffering in order to be purified.
  • Why do people get serious illnesses?
  • A person earns his own diseases. Based on his behavior and thoughts, he acquires one or another disease. Sometimes this is a punishment for bad deeds in a past life.
  • Why do children suffer and die?
  • These are the lessons of their parents or the whole family.
  • Why do they take the brightest and most talented people at a young age?
  • This means they fulfilled their mission in this particular incarnation. By the way, their next incarnation will be even more successful.

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