Clinical psychology: what kind of profession is it, where and who can you work with?

Forbes and Money magazines included the specialty of clinical psychologist in the list of promising professions of the 21st century. This specialization relates to both medicine and psychology. It has already gained popularity abroad, but in Russia this trend is just emerging. School graduates who are serious about choosing a future profession and studying such lists and ratings began to ask the question: “Clinical psychologist: who is this, what does he do?” The answer to this question is revealed below in the article.

Who is a clinical psychologist?

Clinical psychology is a branch of psychological science that focuses on identifying and treating emotional and behavioral disorders, including learning disabilities, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.

A specialist protects and supports a person’s mental health, drawing on medicine and psychology. The expert has a higher education, but he does not have the right to resort to drug treatment. The doctor works with disorders of attention, will, emotions and thinking using psychological methods, using cognitive-behavioral and psychoanalytic therapy instead of prescribing medications. Most often, a clinical psychologist treats neuroses in people with a relatively healthy psyche.


The competencies of a clinical psychologist include:

  1. Carrying out work aimed at restoring mental health and correcting deviations in the personality development of patients.
  2. Identify factors that hinder the harmonious development of the client’s personality.
  3. Carry out activities on psychoprophylaxis, psychocorrection, psychological counseling of patients, thereby providing assistance to patients and their families in solving personal and everyday psychological problems.
  4. Carry out psychodiagnostic studies and diagnostic observations of patients.
  5. Interact with the attending physician to draw up developmental and psychocorrectional programs taking into account individual, gender and age factors of patients.
  6. Collaborate with medical personnel to train them in issues of medical and social psychology, deontology.
  7. Evaluate the results of psychological, therapeutic and preventive measures.

The list of job responsibilities presented above requires a specialist to have certain qualities and skills. For example, this type of professional activity should be paid attention to applicants who have the following qualities:

  • Humanitarian mindset;
  • Analytical thinking;
  • Broad outlook;
  • The ability to find an approach to a person;
  • Tendency to work with arrays of information;
  • Availability of lexical skills;
  • Logical abilities;
  • Ability to concentrate;
  • Stress resistance.

In addition to personal qualities, a specialist in the field of clinical psychology must have the following skills and knowledge:

  • Knowledge of conducting psychological examinations;
  • Have a general understanding of family, individual and group counseling methods;
  • Awareness of experimental psychological techniques;
  • Knowledge of approaches to organizing a psychotherapeutic community and a psychotherapeutic environment;
  • Ability to apply neuropsychological research techniques in practice;
  • Ability to apply remedial training techniques;
  • Have an understanding of computer diagnostic methods;
  • Possession of knowledge of conducting personality-oriented and professional trainings;
  • Ability to use various methods of psychological correction.

What does such a psychologist treat?

The specific training of clinical specialists allows them to work with a number of conditions and disorders:

  • anxiety manifestations - attacks of panic, anxiety, fear, aggression;
  • dysfunctions of a sexual nature - inability to achieve orgasm, low desire, short sexual intercourse;
  • depressive phenomena - loss of the ability to have pleasure, depression of the emotional background, deterioration of mood;
  • asthenic disorders - increased fatigue, decreased energy and productivity;
  • sleep problems - deterioration in sleep quality, constant drowsiness, insomnia.

The main attention of doctors is focused on anxiety and depressive symptoms, on people with disabilities and their adaptation in society, as well as maintaining students in an emotionally healthy state while receiving education (they engage in psychoprophylaxis).

Medical psychologist and therapeutic activities

In clinical or health care settings, psychologists often conduct behavioral assessments and interviews. They also conduct personality tests. In addition, their tasks often involve conducting group activities. They inform the public about methods aimed at reducing stress, offering useful advice to those who decide to give up bad habits. Also, such specialists teach people how to eliminate unhealthy lifestyles.

Nuances of the profession

Clinical psychologists identify emotional, behavioral, or mental health problems in patients' lives. Through observations, interviews, hypnotherapy and tests, the doctor determines existing and potential dysfunctions. Then the specialist creates a correction program in accordance with the needs of the person. Psychologists systematically track the progress of therapy to ensure its effectiveness. If necessary, the course of treatment is adjusted.

In their work, clinical psychologists:

  • identify existing violations;
  • develop and implement a therapeutic plan;
  • help patients identify purpose and take action to achieve personal, social and professional improvement;
  • monitor the progress of therapy at regular appointments.

A visit to such a specialist allows you to harmonize the patient’s mental and psychological state, level out the manifestations of depression, which improves the quality of life.

Art therapist

An art therapist helps you solve your problems through immersion in art. This can be drawing with paints, on the sand, dancing, music and more.

Art therapist's work:

  • organizing classes aimed at developing motor and cognitive skills;
  • creating trusting relationships, comfortable conditions for maximum self-expression and communication;
  • assistance in knowing and exploring oneself, accepting oneself and feeling personal value;
  • providing opportunities to explore creativity and discover oneself through it;
  • relaxation, detachment from conflicts with the help of therapy.

An art therapist works in adolescent and children's centers, medical institutions, correctional schools and kindergartens. You can open your own psychology office and conduct art therapy: individually or in groups.

The work will be of particular interest to young specialists. Art therapy is creativity, working with young people, so finding yourself in the profession will be easy. Art therapy is taught in courses, after which you can start working.

Requirements for a specialist

The specialist should not have neuropsychic pathologies, cardiovascular dysfunctions, attention and memory disorders, as well as problems with hearing, vision and speech. A clinical psychologist must be professional, competent, and responsible. Interaction with patients involves the need to think systematically and logically. Such a doctor needs to understand the value of health, be capable of empathy and compassion, and constructive interaction with other specialists to solve common problems.

Trust service specialist

A trust service specialist often not only helps, but saves people’s lives. The trust service is a psychological ambulance service. Consultations are anonymous. The main task of a specialist is to prevent a rash act based on emotions and to calm the caller.

What does a trust service specialist do:

  • provides psychological assistance over the phone;
  • conducts confidential conversations;
  • provides consultations by telephone;
  • helps the client gather strength and survive a difficult situation;
  • Informs clients about related organizations that can help in a particular situation.

Such a specialist must have strong nerves, since it will be difficult for a former student to withstand such psychological pressure. Working in a support service will require a lot of experience and a lot of knowledge from different areas.

Pros and cons of the profession

Despite the fact that the specialist is not a doctor and cannot provide medical services, this does not detract from all the advantages of the profession. This:

  • demand;
  • the opportunity to provide assistance by observing positive trends from what has been done;
  • the ability to instantly find a common language with the interlocutor, understanding whether he is telling the truth;
  • opportunity to engage in individual practice.

In addition to the positive aspects, the professional activity of an expert is also characterized by some disadvantages:

  • psychological involvement in a person’s problems and feelings;
  • the need to suppress one's own emotions;
  • disappointment in the absence of a therapeutic effect;
  • high psycho-emotional tension.

Daily interaction with patients whose psyche is unbalanced can provoke mental exhaustion and a revision of moral principles.

Career guidance specialist

A career guidance specialist is a specialist who helps teenagers decide on a suitable profession and identify their individual strengths through tests and dialogue.

Work of a career guidance specialist:

  • interviews and diagnostic tests on professions and aptitudes;
  • trainings;
  • classroom hours with specialists working in various fields;
  • excursions to possible places of work.

Schools, colleges, career guidance centers and employment centers are where psychologists are needed.

The profession is more likely to appeal to young professionals, since here you have to communicate more with teenagers with different characters. Career guidance is a less complex profession than others where psychologists are needed, since people come not with a psychological problem, but with a request for help in deciding on their life’s work.

A private psychologist can provide career guidance, providing additional services. It is desirable, in addition to psychological education, to have experience working in recruitment agencies, to know diagnostics and psychological techniques.

Is career growth possible?

Career prospects depend on the chosen course of professional activity.

  1. You can improve as a specialist by working in a school, nursing home, rehabilitation center, enterprise or hospital. Development will occur through increasing experience, adopting new competencies, and increasing qualification status.
  2. There is an opportunity to become a leader, heading a department, or opening a private clinic.

This branch of psychology allows you to earn an advanced degree as well as advance in teaching and research.

Place of work

Thanks to the extensive knowledge that specialists receive during their studies at a university, a clinical psychologist has a wide choice for work, and not only in the field of psychology.

So, this profile implies both the opportunity to engage in private practice and provide consulting, and to find application for your knowledge in the following institutions:

  • Children's or adult hospitals;
  • Polyclinics, at psycho-neurological dispensaries;
  • Hospices;
  • Medical institutions where there are patients with various physical or mental disorders;
  • Various hospitals specializing in working with patients suffering from neuroses or other borderline conditions;
  • Nursing homes;
  • Boarding schools and orphanages where there are children with various developmental disabilities;
  • Rehabilitation centers


You can get a diploma in your desired specialty at any higher education institution that has a psychology department. If you wish, you can go to study at the Russian National Research Medical University, St. Petersburg State University, or another university that trains specialists in a similar profile.

The Academy of Professional Standards also offers its services. Here, doctors and medical workers can undergo professional retraining and receive a certificate with the right to practice medicine. Training is conducted in full-time and part-time format using distance technologies. To undergo retraining in this area, you need a diploma in Psychology, as well as a medical education.

Which universities can you get an education in Russia?

Education in the field of psychology is provided by both higher education institutions and colleges. Of course, it is best to choose the first option. Since even after receiving a specialty on the basis of an average professional level, you will have to enter and complete your studies at a university. There are usually no problems with choosing an educational institution. There is a psychology department in almost any educational institution. But it’s worth choosing those that specialize in this particular area, or have a good level of prestige. This will ensure a fairly high level of training and will give you all the knowledge you need.

In the course of mastering the profession, future psychologists learn not only to work with people of different ages, but also develop methodological recommendations, correction programs, therapy, examinations, and more. Students undergo a list of general education subjects that do not depend on their choice of profession. Core disciplines are studied in more depth. These include: general, social, developmental, educational and other types of psychology. Psychodiagnostics and psychotherapy, correctional and developmental psychology are also studied.

Specialists receive comprehensive knowledge in psychology and medicine

The workshop block occupies a special place in the learning process. Students are required to undergo “field” practice, that is, directly in medical institutions and correctional centers. The cost of training per year is 80,000 rubles. Depending on the chosen educational institution, fees increase.

Psychological education can also be obtained abroad. Countries such as the UK, USA, Canada, and Australia offer a large number of programs in this area. This level of preparation provides certain advantages. Firstly, in their home country preference is given to those specialists who studied abroad. This is due to the fact that students receive modern knowledge, exchange experience and technologies with others. Secondly, you can find a vacancy immediately after receiving your diploma abroad, which is what many strive for.

The average cost of training is 250,000 rubles.

Some universities provide distance education. In this case, the period for mastering the profession is increased by one year, since an individual work plan is drawn up for the applicant. Such a program allows you to study at a pace and speed that is, first of all, convenient for the student. In this case, you can combine the education process with your main activity, for example, work. And the fact that you can listen to lectures and study material without leaving your home helps save money and time that would otherwise be spent on travel. The remote form itself does not in any way infringe on the student’s knowledge. After receiving a diploma, the specialist has every right to work in the field of clinical psychology.


The remuneration of a clinical psychologist is calculated based on a number of factors:

  • professional experience;
  • places of work;
  • region.

The overall average salary of experts of this kind is about 30 thousand rubles. In Moscow this figure is twice as high. A young specialist begins his career with a salary of approximately 15 thousand rubles.

Clinical psychology is an extraordinary field that requires deep general and specialized knowledge. In addition, the field requires constant self-improvement and systematic interaction with other specialists. The profession is suitable for people with a humanitarian predisposition and opens up prospects for personal and career advancement.

Who is this specialty suitable for?

A clinical psychologist works directly with a person’s fragile inner world. Therefore, this specialty is suitable for those people who have interest and respect for others. Those who are ready to delve into other people's problems with one single goal - to help. In professional activities, a professional will have to face different human boards.

For a psychologist, it is important to be able to win people over and inspire trust.

In order to perceive them without aggression and irritation, you will need such a quality as tolerance. To win over the patient and inspire confidence in him, the specialist will need sensitivity and sensitivity. Feeling pain, joy, sadness, the mood of another person, a psychologist will be able to provide timely and necessary help at this very moment. But the most important thing is love for people, the desire to help. All this clearly illustrates who the profession of clinical psychology is best suited for.

The work of a psychologist is a lot of work. The amount of knowledge in the field of medicine and diagnostics that an employee must have is sometimes intimidating. But the grateful eyes of patients, their sincere respect exceed all costs. And the state, for its part, provides excellent wages. All this makes the profession of a clinical psychologist not only popular, but also in demand.

Subjects studied by students

The disciplines necessary for students to fully master their specialty can be roughly divided into several blocks. Among them, an important place is occupied by the practical block, which will teach you how to apply your knowledge in conditions close to real activities in medical, educational, recreational and other institutions.

Students will gain knowledge in the following subjects:

  • general education subjects required by a student regardless of the field of study (sociology, ethics, culture, history, etc.);
  • various areas of psychology (general, social, organizational, developmental, pedagogical, conflictology and others);
  • psychodiagnostics, psychotherapy;
  • correctional, developmental psychology;
  • psychology of extreme and emergency situations;
  • basics of psychological counseling;
  • block of workshops.

Where do they work?

Psychologists work in medical centers, clinics, private institutions or universities. Some, as a rule, choose to specialize in a specific field, for example, oncology, gynecology, and so on. Other professionals prefer to work in government. As part of this work, they have the opportunity to manage public health programs and also influence government policy.

Psychological services are also being actively developed in other sectors: production, industry, trade, finance, but today its units can not be found so often, they are not provided by the legislative framework.

Activities are carried out in social security services in government institutions, psychological support is provided to unemployed citizens, disabled people and elderly people who are supported by the state.

The position of psychologist was introduced in military units of the Ministry of Defense.

The psychological service also works with convicts, conducting psychodiagnostics to study personality characteristics, group and individual psychocorrectional work. There are psychologists in the penal system of the Ministry of Justice; a special Center for Psychodiagnostics of Military Medical Commissions has been created.

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