Pleasure, knowledge or duty: where philosophy suggests looking for the meaning of life
Although the meaning of life is a traditional question of philosophy, scientists began to study it specifically only about
Inferiority complex: what it is, how to get rid of and overcome this feeling
Surely everyone once felt insecure, was excited before making an important decision or going out
Man writes in a notepad
What are cognitive abilities: a simple definition and methods of development
Updated July 24, 2021 979 Author: Dmitry Petrov Hello, dear readers of the blog. Maybe,
Conformal behavior - a variant of the norm or deviation
Briefly described, a conformist personality type in psychology is a tendency to change one’s
shaping behavior
Personal maturity indicator: moral qualities of a person
Landmark, position, principles Moral guideline, these are the goals and prohibitions (existing in the mind) that
Ring on the pier
Married mistress of a married man - psychology of relationships, causes and consequences
Love does not depend on the stamp in your passport. Therefore, when choosing a partner, a person is rarely interested in family
Using a questionnaire you can determine your temperament type
What is “character”: concept, 7 main components
Character (from the Greek charakter - seal, embossing, distinctive feature, sign, sign, feature. The concept of “character”
interpersonal communication
Lecture notes “Types of interpersonal communication (imperative, manipulative, dialogical communication).”
“Communication” is one of the central categories in modern psychology and stands on the same level
cyst of the pineal region of the brain in a child
Cyst of the pineal region of the brain: causes, consequences and treatment
The pineal gland or pineal gland is a neuroendocrine gland located between the hemispheres of the brain
15 best books on psychology and psychotherapy
Where to start studying psychology on your own: instructions from scratch for beginners
Psychology is a vast academic science that is difficult to fully master on your own. But this
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