How to caress a man so that he remembers for the rest of his life

Having met, young people evaluate and study each other for some time. It’s good if they have common ground - hobbies, interests, common views on various issues. This makes it easier to understand and makes lovers closer. But sooner or later, feelings that flare up will lead to intimacy, and it is important for a girl to understand what and how to do in bed in order to please a guy or a mature man.

Unfortunately, the success and duration of the romance depends on the first physical contact, and disappointment on the part of the chosen one will put an end to the relationship that has not yet begun. The most unpleasant thing in intimacy, as well as in life, is insincerity, and if it can be hidden during a conversation, then in sex it is almost impossible to do this. And the point is not even that sometimes a woman has little experience in this area. First of all, you need to understand what a man expects from her.

Despite the fact that sex refers to the physiological aspect of the human personality, relationships between representatives of different sexes are built on many psychological nuances. Having studied them, any girl has a chance to win the heart of her loved one.

What kind of caresses do men like?

Men love gentle caresses in foreplay, which turns into active stimulation of the genitals. Physical satisfaction comes first for them. And to get it, it is important to use all points of his body.

Men simply love foreplay! If your partner quickly wants to move on to intimacy, you (or another partner) pleased him incorrectly.

Believe me, with the right actions, he will want to come back to you again and again for a new dose of pleasure. A satisfied and satisfied man will give you an unforgettable experience in return.

Take the initiative

Initiative is punishable. But not in the intimate sphere. When a girl caresses a guy of her own free will, it drives him crazy. Don't be afraid to change your position or invite your loved one to make love in the bathroom, on the balcony or right on the kitchen table!

Scientific research confirms that guys are more interested in those girls who can and want to show desire for sexual intimacy, and are not afraid to talk about it openly. Perseverance, determination, passionate looks and touches are your trump card.

Don't be overly persistent. A man is a predator and hunter by nature. He likes to “conquer” a woman, be more active and realize that her pleasure is in his hands. Let him feel like the master of the situation more often, and you only occasionally take the remote control of his body.

Tease him

Men really like it when women either increase or decrease the intensity of caresses. Be playful, assertive, submissive. Men love foreplay when their companion changes tactics, igniting serious passions in him.

You will definitely drive any gentleman crazy by slightly reducing the intensity of caresses when he is already close to the peak of pleasure. Unpredictable behavior in bed is the key to a quality intimate life without fading passion.


Even if you are in a long-term relationship, compliments are necessary. Talk to him - silence is not an ally of pleasure. Men love not only physical affection, but also mental affection. Everyone wants to know that they are special and desired. There are never too many such words.

Talk about what you want him to do to you, share ideas, focus on what turns you on about him. Dirty words are especially stimulating. They will ignite passion in a guy, even if he did not plan to make love, but wanted to fall asleep after a hard day at work.

Find out the secrets: How to excite a guy so that he wants you madly.

Erotic massage

Erotic massage as foreplay – hitting the bull’s eye. And if you do it with aromatic oil, then it completely looks like a scene from adult films that all men love to watch.

The main thing is to make sure that your lover is not allergic to oil. It is better to prefer fragrance-free products.

Dim the lights for a calming ambiance. And before the procedure, pay attention to your hands - lubricate them with moisturizer, go for a manicure.

A pleasant erotic massage is just what the doctor ordered, especially if your partner has come home after a hard day at work. The process allows you to smoothly approach intimacy and relax your loved one.

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Don't try to go straight to the secret places. Start the massage with light strokes, gradually increasing their intensity and pressure. Not only women like tenderness and caresses.

Don't bypass erogenous zones. Don’t devote all your time to them, but stimulate them periodically:

  • neck;
  • area behind the ears;
  • breast;
  • stomach;
  • brushes;
  • fingers and toes.

Listen to your partner's wishes by stimulating his favorite places.

The most important part of foreplay is touching and caressing the guy’s most erogenous area. Stimulate not only the organ, but also the area around it. Do not make unnecessary movements, but try to be gentle and careful. Start stimulating the genital organ with stroking and light touches, after applying oil and lubricant to your hands.

Don't delay the massage. As soon as you feel that the man is ready for a spicy continuation, finish the procedure and proceed to the next stage of love games.

Arms and legs

There are many active points concentrated in the palms and feet, the stimulation of which will generate a desire for intimacy. Caress your loved one's hands, squeezing them tightly during foreplay or intimacy. This will add a dose of sexual excitement.

Stroke the fold line under your elbows, move your fingers over the skin, and do acupressure on your palms. The chosen one will receive especially vivid pleasure from the impact on the inner thigh, bend of the knee and foot.

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Head, lips, ears

In men, these parts of the body are just as sensitive as in women. You can do a relaxing head massage or play with your hair. This will lead him to the “right” mood.

Caressing the lips of a loved one may involve licking with the tongue and touching with the fingers. Such actions will cause a storm of passions in your partner!

The ears are an erogenous area. Pay attention to her by biting her earlobes, licking and sucking her ears. Don’t forget to quietly whisper compliments to your loved one – this is also a kind of foreplay.

Chest, neck and back

It is a mistake to think that guys' breasts are less sensitive than girls'. First, warm it up, massage it, and start playing with the nipples. If the man allows it, kiss them, caress them gently with your fingers, play with your tongue.

The nipples get hard, do you hear your partner’s languid, rapid breathing? - you are doing everything right. You can kiss the breasts one at a time. If you have long hair, use it by tickling your torso.

The back of the neck is also considered an erogenous zone for the stronger sex. When a woman caresses her, a man gets goosebumps and a trembling desire arises. Change gentle caresses to more energetic ones so as not to cause severe tickling, otherwise this will make the person laugh and will not allow him to concentrate on the process.

There are many nerve endings concentrated on the back, and by caressing them, the girl will not leave her partner a chance not to get pleasure. A guy will appreciate it if a girl gently runs her nails along his back, strokes and licks his lumbar region.


In caresses, it is important not to rush. Building a path of kisses from the chest, slowly slide to the stomach. While you rub your nipple and neck with your lips, allow yourself to be pampered a little. Run your hand along the line of contact with the body of the swimming trunks, place your hands under the elastic band, move your hand towards the inside of the thigh, barely touching the genital organ.

Then return your hand to your stomach. Then pass it along the waist, up, and roll it onto your arm through the armpit. Caress more than just your breasts with your lips. Run your tongue around the navel, bite your lover's belly, and return to the neck and lips.

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Below the belt

It is impossible to become a skilled lover without knowing how to caress a man below the waist. Useful tips to help make a guy feel good:

  • move up and down with your hand clenched in a fist;
  • clasp your hands together with your thumbs sticking out. Place the sexual organ in the formed “ring” and caress it;
  • clasp the penis with both hands so that one is higher than the other. Twist them in different directions, simulating unscrewing the lid;
  • put your thumbs together, clasp your palms around the organ, stimulating it with them and caressing the frenulum. Try to do both at the same time;
  • Don't forget to pay attention to the scrotum. To warm up your partner, try opening your mouth wide and blowing warm air onto the scrotum.

You need to caress the male genital organ delicately (especially in the scrotum area) using lubricant.

Why is potency impaired?

Potency disorders are not only a problem for the elderly. A man can encounter it at any age. In most cases, age factors will vary:

  • Age 18-20 years. One of the most common physiological reasons is hormonal imbalances. Often, psychological factors associated with insufficient experience in sex are added to them. The young man tries in every possible way to hide his lack of experience and, as a result, places inflated demands on himself. When real intimate life does not live up to these expectations, severe stress occurs.
  • Age 30-40 years. In middle-aged men, potency disorders are more often associated with constant stress. The situation can also be aggravated by emerging diseases of the vascular system. Another reason is prostatitis. This disease has been rapidly becoming “younger” in recent years, as a result of which a man can encounter it at almost any age.
  • Age 50-60 years. At this age, the natural processes of aging of the body take effect. Additionally, if a man is taking medications, impotence may be a side effect.

Regardless of a man’s age, all reasons leading to disorders can be divided into two large groups – physiological and psychological. In each case, treatment requires an individual approach.

What not to do in foreplay

Foreplay for men is like honey for bees, but there are maneuvers that they will not like and will even discourage further desire to make love. Not worth it:

  • biting or pinching the male genital organ;
  • do not rush, moving from one type of affection to another, which seems ridiculous. Pay full attention to one area in order to move on to another;
  • be shy about fantasies and afraid of experiments. Monotony gradually kills mutual attraction to each other;
  • put on stiletto heels. These shoes seem sexy, but not in all circumstances. There are scenes with shoes in adult films, but the actors are paid for it. Sharp shoes will not bring positive emotions to your partner.

Also, men are not happy with the use of edible clothing, creams to stimulate arousal, and even food (strawberries, honey, cream, etc.). But this doesn't apply to everyone. It's better to ask your partner directly what he doesn't like.

Physiological causes of potency disorders

  • High sports loads. Excessive exercise initially leads to decreased libido. The first signs of impaired potency gradually appear. A similar effect can be achieved not only by the exercise itself, but also by certain medications taken by athletes.
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse. Substances contained in tobacco smoke and alcohol have a strong effect on the vascular system. Blood circulation is impaired, and this can even lead to complete impotence.
  • Poor nutrition. Any excesses in nutrition lead to the development of various diseases. They, in turn, contribute to the development of erectile dysfunction.
  • Excess weight. Overweight men develop a whole bunch of problems. Hormonal levels change and less testosterone is produced. The load on the cardiovascular system increases, which directly affects erection.
  • Various diseases. Various diseases can cause disturbances in potency up to its complete loss. Injuries to the lower spine, cardiovascular diseases, and endocrine disorders have a great impact on the sexual sphere.

When a man experiences a weak or absent erection, he first needs to identify the underlying physiological causes. Often, simply eliminating such causes, for example, giving up alcohol and smoking, normalizing nutrition and losing excess weight, allows you to quickly solve the problem. If you have diseases that affect potency, you should consult your doctor. Sometimes adjusting the treatment program helps restore normal sex life.

Erogenous zones of men

Properly caressing your partner is an art. Let's summarize what points you need to influence so that he calls you a goddess in bed:

  • head, neck, arms;
  • breast;
  • abdomen (the lower abdomen in front of the pubis is especially sensitive);
  • inner thigh;
  • ears;
  • small of the back;
  • palms and feet;
  • genital organ

Start at the top and gradually work your way down. Do not neglect a single point, smoothly using each of them. Combine their stimulation: head and chest, neck and penis, etc. Sometimes return to places you've already covered.

Vary your pace, strength, and demeanor from playful to submissive. Don’t be afraid to experiment and ask your loved one which parts of his body are most sensitive to caresses.

Have conversations

Sexologists say that a shared bed is a place for friendly conversations, and not just for sex. Thanks to the conversation, it is possible to tune in to psychological comfort. Paul Rosenblatt conducted a number of surveys before writing his book. They showed that for most married and unmarried couples, bed is a place where they can discuss common interests and forget their problems. The main thing during intimacy is not to touch upon everyday topics, such as what to cook for breakfast or who will throw out the garbage. There is something about the late hours of the day that opens one up to communication and revelation. Scientists say that conversations after sex improve sleep, making it more complete.

Psychological basis of sex

Love will sooner or later lead a couple into bed. But even if people are united not by a sublime feeling, but only by comfortable communication, mutual attraction can become the basis for closer contact.

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Psychological aspects of good sex:

  • mutual trust, lack of fear;
  • emotional connection;
  • sympathy;
  • desire for intimacy.

This is enough to allow yourself a connection that brings pleasure to partners and makes their lives richer and happier.

Sex with lover

There should be no restrictions on sex with your lover if the relationship lasts for a long time. A liberated girl is every man’s dream. To make your lover's heart beat faster, you need to know a few secrets:

  1. A mistress should look impeccable. If the meeting is scheduled in advance, you should prepare carefully - update your manicure, do hair removal, choose the best set of underwear.
  2. Confidence makes a woman a queen in bed. She adds courage in her movements, lights a fire in her eyes and charms a man.
  3. A girl should be active and take the initiative. Active actions, the first steps towards, openness and accessibility - this is what a man wants. A lover will idolize a woman who will give him what he wants.
  4. A lover will definitely appreciate a woman’s efforts when her partner pays attention to his pleasure. You can please your chosen one in different ways if you use your imagination.
  5. Vulgar behavior is considered unacceptable. Contrary to popular belief, it scares men away, and some even feel disgusted by it.

In addition, we must not forget about the basis of good sex - the right psychological and emotional mood. There is no need to take negative emotions and experiences to bed. Sex is the time when you need to forget about everything and experience moments of pleasure.

Different zodiac signs

When having sex with partners of different zodiac signs, a woman should express herself differently:

  • Aries needs spiritual intimacy; without it, he simply cannot experience passion for his partner. With a long relationship, he will agree to sexual experiments. When it cools down in the sphere of intimate life, it breaks off the relationship.
  • You won't be able to get a Taurus into bed quickly, but if he falls in love, he will repay you with fidelity. He is gentle in sex, loves romance and experiments. If you refuse sex, you will feel rejected.
  • Geminis, on the contrary, light up quickly, but also burn out. If a sign representative becomes bored in bed, he will quickly find a replacement partner. Dominant, experimenter, romantic.
  • Cancer loves to be praised, complimented, and cared for. Then he is ready to become even better at sex and please his partner.
  • Leo will only appreciate a bright, confident, strong personality. He loves compliments, experiences defeat painfully in bed, but remains faithful to his lady of his heart.
  • Virgo is calm both in life and in intimacy. Men of this zodiac sign are rarely capable of passion and tenderness; they are great conservatives.
  • Libras love long foreplay and are ready for love games and making fantasies come true. But it will take a long time to achieve them.
  • Scorpio is tireless and passionate in bed. His main goal is to bring his partner to orgasm, and after that finish himself. He is an experimenter and inventor. She loves to inflame her partner from a distance with intimate photos, erotic correspondence, and conversations about sex.
  • Sagittarius easily finds himself in bed with new ladies. You can seduce him simply by wearing erotic lingerie and high-heeled shoes. Doesn't like to experiment too much.
  • Capricorn subjugates his partner to his will. He chooses positions, toys and places for sex himself. The lady can only fulfill the wishes.
  • Aquarius prefers light affairs. He likes to try new positions and is easily excited by offering something unusual.
  • Pisces look for a partner for sex for a long time, because they are afraid to be the first to get closer. But in intimacy they strive to satisfy their partner. They are not leaders and have difficulty agreeing to experiments.

Always pay attention to the zodiac sign of your future partner. The horoscope will tell you how to behave correctly with the man you like in bed in order to please both yourself and him.

Behave correctly in bed so that the man considers you the best lover and does not even allow the thought of cheating. Good sex is the key to love, devotion, tenderness and trust.

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