Married mistress of a married man - psychology of relationships, causes and consequences

Love does not depend on the stamp in your passport. Therefore, when choosing a partner, a person is rarely interested in the marital status of the chosen one. Sometimes the bonds of marriage bind one of the lovers, but it happens that both partners have already managed to start a family. What pushes people to cheat? What are the distinctive features of the relationship between a married man and a married woman? Can they be happy? Let's try to answer several fundamentally important questions.

Why do wives cheat?

Many perceive male adultery as the norm, attributing everything to physiology and polygamy. They have many signals: they want change, they want to express sexual energy and just have fun. Many people don’t even think that a guy’s betrayal counts.

But girls are usually treated more demandingly, and therefore they are accustomed to hiding an affair more carefully. Let's figure out where it comes from. The usual “excuses” for men are unacceptable here:

  • Sexual attraction at the level of instinct - women are more likely to focus on feelings and emotions.
  • Novelty is repulsive, because they are attracted to stability.
  • Self-affirmation - no, because only a guy can assert himself, and for a girl such a reputation will only become offensive.

It is interesting to note that the real reasons are strongly related to the marital relationship. Common reasons why a married woman falls in love with a married or single man:

  • Poor relationship with your spouse, lack of affection, care, tenderness and sense of security. Psychological discomfort.
  • Lack of attention: the husband does not notice the new haircut or new clothes. He spends all his time in the garage under the car or in the company of his friends, leaving his wife to while away the lonely evenings.
  • Revenge. What if the man has already been caught in adultery? Of course, many go through this stage, forgive, try to forget, but subconsciously there is a certainty that the traitor should be punished.
  • Dissatisfaction in intimate life. Sometimes the spouse stops performing marital duty altogether or performs it, caring exclusively about his own pleasure - no foreplay, prolonged caresses, romance or gratification of sexual desires. The second common option is satiety with monotony.
  • Lack of emotions. Sometimes it happens like this: boring, the same, stable. I want adventure, like in a romantic film - an explosion, a storm, but at home everything is ordinary. Everyday life eats up men too - they stop expressing their feelings, which leads to a complete emotional vacuum in the family.
  • Finding the perfect love or a prince on a white horse. Often marriage occurs after an unplanned pregnancy or for other reasons, when they hoped for “endure and fall in love.” But all the years of marriage they are looking for that one and only.
  • Love. An outburst of intense mutual feelings can lead to an affair.


Married lovers</p>

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