Come il faut and bad manners
Come il faut - what it is, the essence, concept and meaning of the term.
Updated July 24, 2021 599 Author: Dmitry Petrov Hello, dear readers of the blog. All
girl's arrogant look
Who is a cynic and what is cynicism - signs, reasons and how to behave with such people
What constitutes cynicism is, in simple words, a quality of a person, one might even say -
Conformism – Historical “adjustment” or a type of socialization?
This article was developed under the heading: Psychology. Section: Philosophy. Human life in society in
What does an individual mean: differences with other concepts, signs and qualities, socialization
An individual is a separate individual that combines a unique set of innate qualities and
What is imagination
The essence of imagination and its mechanisms, the role of imagination in psychology
One of the features that distinguishes man from animals is his ability to come into contact with
What is voluntarism in simple words? Definition of this concept
What is voluntarism in simple words? Definition of this concept
Good afternoon everyone, dear readers of the blog. Probably many have heard the word voluntarism, but not
Thinking: what it is and how it happens
What is thinking and what are the basic thought processes?
Thinking is the conscious perception of the surrounding world in all its manifestations, the creation of ideas about the subject
Altruism and altruist - definition, types, social role
Altruism is not a very common phenomenon these days. Altruists delight some, surprise others,
Dark adaptation
What is adaptation - its types, purpose and areas of application (biology, psychology, personnel adaptation)
Updated July 23, 2021 512 Author: Dmitry Petrov Hello, dear readers of the blog. Term
cosmic psychology
Psychology as a science. Development of ideas about the subject of psychology
Despite the fact that man is in constant development, and the world around him is
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