How to recognize an egoist
Who is an egoist: definition, types, characteristics of a person in simple words. What is selfishness: is it good or bad? Relationships with an egoist: philosophy, consumerism
If there are consumer people in your environment who only take but give nothing in return,
verbal communication
Verbal communication: what it is, examples, types, meaning
Greetings, friends! There are two main channels of communication between people: verbal and non-verbal. First
primary needs
Primary human needs and ways to satisfy them
Manifestation of need Need is manifested in the selective attitude of the individual to the existing conditions of the external world and
person's character
How to determine a person's character at the first meeting: 11 ways
Good afternoon or evening, dear readers. Each of us has an individual character, and of course,
What is morality - functions, norms and principles of morality
Updated July 24, 2021 465 Author: Dmitry Petrov Hello, dear readers of the blog. Majority
conflict classification
Classification of conflicts: essence, causes and types
Conflicts are an integral part of a person’s life in society and his interaction with other people.
What are human needs - 5 main theories in psychology
This article was developed under the heading: Psychology. Section: Philosophy. Every person studying at school
art therapy
Properties and benefits of art therapy. Application. Possibilities
Art therapy can be called one of the most interesting, attractive and even mysterious areas of practical psychology
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Gestalt therapy - what is it in simple words?
We explain the concept of Gestalt therapy using simple examples. How can a Gestalt therapy specialist help? What methods does a Gestalt therapist use?
Motive: what is it in psychology. System and types of motives
In the most general and broad sense, a motive is a question, a reason, a circumstance among others.
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