Worldview: what is it - a detailed example, types, structure


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The process of human personality formation begins in early childhood. As we grow and mature, each of us tries to find our place in the world and develop an attitude towards different aspects of life. Because people are brought up in different environments and have different experiences, their outlook on life can differ significantly. Let's try to figure out what role worldview plays in a person's life and what this term means.

What is a worldview?

Worldview is a system of views, assessments and ideas about the world, formed on the basis of factual knowledge, life experience, moral, moral, philosophical and other value judgments.
This concept combines factual knowledge and all kinds of beliefs. In this case, we can talk about both the worldview of an individual and the worldview of a social group or other community. Despite its pronounced subjective nature, it, as a rule, has historical and social conditionality. A person’s worldview is formed and developed throughout life. Initially, it is strongly influenced by emotional judgments, but over the years it becomes more conscious.

There are two levels of worldview:

  • Ordinary. At this level, worldview is built through sensory cognition based on everyday emotions and experiences.
  • Rational. This is a more meaningful level. It is based on rational cognition, so it is formed in people with developed critical thinking.

The most important characteristic of a worldview is its integrity. Despite the fact that it is a complex system of views, its elements are always brought to some “common denominator”. If some new information appears that does not fit into the worldview, an explanation is invented for it that allows the contradiction to be eliminated, after which the worldview again becomes an integral system.


This is already a set (system) of concepts that are abstract abstract definitions, that is, the relationships between ideas that exist in the psyche of every person. The peculiarities of a worldview include the fact that it can exist without linguistic means; we have an internal feeling, and we may not express it out loud.

But understanding the world is impossible without a linguistic analogue, that is, it is impossible to grasp and understand some things without pronouncing them.

Example of worldview

As we have already discussed, worldview is a system of views and assessments about the world around us, people, and ourselves. Of course, the worldview is very multifaceted and concerns many aspects of life, but as an example, let’s go through the most important aspects. So, an example of a worldview:

The world around us exists according to certain laws, some of which are fair, others not quite. On the one hand, if you work and put in the effort, then everyone can achieve success. This is true. However, not everyone has equal opportunities. Due to health problems, some people have a much harder time from birth. It's not fair. But it’s impossible to change this, so all I have to do is accept these rules and try to do what I can with what I have. However, whenever possible, I believe it is necessary to help people who need it, trying to make the world a little better.

There is nothing supernatural in the world - everything functions according to rules that are explainable from the point of view of science. Science has already been able to explain much of what is happening around us, but much remains to be studied. For me, studying the world around me is of great interest; I love to comprehend the secrets of space and never cease to be amazed at the immense size of the universe.

People are divided into good and bad. Understanding who is in front of you is often difficult, and sometimes even impossible. But everything secret becomes clear - sooner or later every person reveals his true essence. Because of this, I am in no hurry to trust and open up to people until it becomes clear to me for sure that the person can be trusted.

I am a good person, but not perfect. I consider qualities such as honesty, integrity, and the ability to keep one’s promises to be among the most important qualities of a person. I try to cultivate and maintain these qualities in myself. Meanwhile, I also have a number of disadvantages, which include the desire to criticize others, teach without asking, and interfere with my advice left and right. This quality complicates my relationships with others, so I try to restrain myself.

I consider it inappropriate to search for what the meaning of life is, since you cannot find a single answer to this question, no matter how much you search. However, the lack of meaning does not make life worse. The only thing that matters is whether I am happy or not. If yes, then I'm on the right track. If not, then you need to change something in life, try something new. The main thing is to remember that every day is beautiful and unique in its own way. Every day deserves a chance to be the best you can be in life.

This example contains only a small part of what is included in the concept of worldview. The text could be continued for a long time, but you got the main idea. In simple terms, worldview is an attitude towards everything that is around and an awareness of one’s place in this world.

Religious type

The second type is the type of religious worldview.
Scientists associate the emergence of religion with the development of class society and the emergence of inequality, both social and material. Thus, an ironclad need arose to get rid of possible social tensions, coups, and revolutions. Religion easily and conveniently took over the baton from mythology in order to avoid unrest. Even the term “relegae” itself means “to bind.” The religious worldview, the significance of which is greater progressiveness for society, in this sense bypasses the mythological one. In religion, a person has the right to some freedom. This is especially clearly expressed in Christianity through free will: God controls the universe, and we ourselves are responsible for our destiny.

If we compare the deities of Ancient Greece and Christian ones, we can see that the Greek gods had a distinct essence and were not always superior to humans, while the gods in modern religions are supernatural. Despite the apparent secularization, beliefs in higher beings are leaving their leading positions, but in the coming years they will definitely remain firmly on the throne of world power.

Characteristic features of worldview

Both individual and social worldviews are characterized by the following features:

  • Historical conditioning. A person’s worldview is formed on the basis of the worldview of the society in which he grew up. Thus, both the public and individual worldviews, as a rule, deeply contain the problems experienced by this society, various “historical traumas,” significant events, and so on.
  • Relationship with beliefs. Each person has his own life principles and beliefs, and they are always closely interconnected with his worldview. As we age, some beliefs change, and this affects our worldview. Of course, there is also an inverse relationship. New knowledge and life experiences can influence worldview, and this affects beliefs.
  • Dependence on emotions. Most people sincerely believe that their worldview does not in any way contradict the laws of logic and common sense. But in reality everything is somewhat different. Our worldview is formed primarily on the basis of an emotional assessment of various events that we experience ourselves or observe from the outside.
  • Dependence on knowledge. Factual knowledge about the surrounding reality also has a significant impact on the worldview in the process of its formation and development. For example, it changes dramatically for people who study basic psychology as they begin to better understand other people's motives (and even their own).
  • Possibility of active formation. In most cases, the worldview is formed passively, based on the most available information (books, television shows, serials, etc.). However, each person has the opportunity to independently seek new knowledge, making efforts to consciously shape their worldview and their individuality.

Mythological type

Mythology at its core is a fantastic reflection of reality, which at the same time claims to be the status of reality. These are not just fairy tales, legends, parables. This is a person’s ability to describe this world.

But why explain the space around us? To stop being afraid of him. That is why mythology has an anthropomorphic character, because all the deities representing the elements are endowed with a human appearance. Until now, as before, mythology plays a leading role in the modern world. It is preserved thanks to the same semantic load and charge that were born in primitive society.

The fact is that people are accustomed to completing a complete picture of the world in their imagination, otherwise they feel uncomfortable in limbo. The crumbs of existing knowledge cause horror at the all-encompassing ignorance, so man has learned to independently transform the space around him.

Worldview structure

To better understand what a worldview is, let’s analyze in detail its internal structure and highlight all the elements from which it is formed:

  • Knowledge. There are different types of knowledge (empirical, theoretical, professional, practical). As a rule, it is the presence of real knowledge that allows a person to be confident in the correctness of his assessments when forming a worldview.
  • Feelings. Worldview is formed not so much in the process of cognition, but in those moments when a person evaluates events and phenomena and connects them with some feelings and emotions.
  • Values. This is another concept inseparable from worldview. Each person has his own individual system of values ​​- the things to which he attaches the greatest importance. And this system serves as the prism through which he looks at the world.
  • Actions. Both bad and good deeds are manifestations of a worldview. For example, when committing an ugly act, a person can justify it with the belief that “the world is unfair anyway, so there is no need to try to be good.”
  • Beliefs. Beliefs usually refer to views about how the world around us works, how it should work, and how people should act towards each other. And this is one of the most important components of a worldview.
  • Character. Character has a significant impact on a person’s daily behavior, determining not only his actions, but also his reactions to external events. Therefore, it has a significant impact on how worldviews are formed and developed.

Concept, types, levels

What exactly is it, and what role does worldview play in a person’s life? The concept, used in the manner familiar to us, was first used by the representative of classical German philosophy, Friedrich Schelling. He suggested that there is this interesting thing called “view of the world” and that every person has this view.

Today we are talking about the fact that the definition of “worldview” includes several components: firstly, it is a worldview, a worldview, this is actually a worldview level, and a worldview. Let's take a closer look.

Components of a worldview

Worldview is usually divided into three components:

  • Attitude. This is the emotional component of the worldview. When interacting with the world around us, a person evaluates the events taking place, and he develops an understanding of how fair the world is to him and in general. Some people rejoice at good luck and anticipate success, while others experience the opposite feelings. Thus, according to their worldview, people are divided into pessimists, who believe the world is unfair, and optimists, who believe that the world is favorable to them.
  • Worldview. This component is similar to the previous one. A person can consider the world friendly or hostile, and based on this build his picture of the world. Worldview determines how a person sees others and how he positions himself. He may consider himself a winner or a loser, and those around him as friends or enemies.
  • Worldview. This component characterizes the level of knowledge of the surrounding world and is determined by the complexity of the images that a person can operate with. As you grow older, your worldview expands. Immediately after birth, the child perceives only the image of the mother, but later learns to perceive other people as well. Over time, the worldview expands to a city, country, planet, universe.

Features of understanding the world

Every person in modern society has at least some ideas and knowledge about the world: how to do this or that work, what is good and bad, how to build relationships with people. All of the above together can be called a worldview.

Scientists interpret this concept in different ways: ideas, views and principles that determine a person’s concept of the world, place among people and ongoing events. This concept is multifaceted , it consists of many important definitions:

  • The attitude of a rational being towards itself and the surrounding reality.
  • An individual’s system of views on the real and objective world.
  • A certain life position - moral and ethical values ​​and the concept of morality, the spiritual world of the individual, beliefs and ideals, behavior patterns, as well as principles of knowledge and application of experience. This is all directly related to the perception of the environment and society.

formed worldview helps you organize your life . But the absence of this turns the individual’s existence into chaos. In turn, this can lead to serious problems and psychological disorders.

Varieties and examples of worldview

Depending on what things are most significant in the life of a particular person (or society), a worldview can take on different forms. Usually there are 5 varieties of it:

  • Ordinary. This is a worldview that is formed in every person in the process of his daily life. It is based primarily on life experience and provides simple answers to most everyday questions.
  • Religious. This is a worldview associated with faith and formed by those people for whom this area of ​​life is the most significant. As a rule, they accept the views and customs characteristic of their religion and adhere to them, performing all the necessary religious actions (prayers, rituals, sacrifices). At the same time, the degree of commitment to faith is often identified with morality.
  • Mythological. This worldview is based on myths—fictional stories that explain reality. The main difference between mythology and religion is that it does not require a person to have faith or perform any ritual actions, but simply explains various facts and phenomena.
  • Scientific. People who have developed a scientific worldview usually have developed critical thinking. They tend to double-check facts and believe only what has been proven or sufficiently firmly argued. This form of worldview is based on scientific knowledge and is the most accurate. However, she does not answer all questions. In this regard, the ability to admit one’s own ignorance is one of the traits of people with a scientific worldview.
  • Philosophical. This worldview is built on reflections about the structure of the world, on dialogue with oneself. It is characterized by evidence, logical validity and integrity. But at the same time it is quite difficult to access for most people.

Of course, in every person, to one degree or another, all of the listed types of worldview are present, but there is always one main one that most accurately corresponds to his picture of the world and life values.

Modern interpretations

What is the role of worldview in a person’s life? Today's philosophers and psychologists define thinking as a person’s ability to solve some logical problems, create others, pose questions that have not yet been asked before, the ability to find a way out of complex, confusing, contradictory situations, based on “rationality,” that is, the rational component of one’s life.

If we analyze our everyday life, then, unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of us will say that it is difficult to participate in this kind of process, that is, it is not easy for us to solve logical problems. For many of us, it is much more convenient to close our eyes to the problem that has arisen, to assure ourselves that everything will go away on its own, you just need to wait or shift responsibility to others. And all this stems from human perception. What role does worldview play in a person’s life?

How is a worldview formed?

To properly understand what a worldview is, it is important to know that it is not an innate feature. It is formed and developed in the process of human socialization under the influence of the social worldview dominant in a particular society. In some cases it can change quite radically.

The formation of a worldview begins in early childhood. Initially, the child does not need scientific evidence and philosophical reflection. He needs instant answers to all his questions. At the same time, he believes that adults know everything, always tell him the truth and can solve all the problems he has. Therefore, a child’s worldview can be considered ordinary with some signs of a religious one.

As a child grows up, he accumulates experience and is faced with the fact that some of his views turn out to be erroneous, including views imposed by parents, educators and other adults. his worldview expands , complemented by scientific and philosophical views. It is significantly influenced by education and the chosen specialty.

One of the most important stages in the formation of a worldview is finding one’s place in society. However, its development never ends. During the course of life, a person’s ideas about the world around him change many times; he revises his views and beliefs, abandons old values ​​and accepts new ones. It is important to understand that the development of a worldview is a constant process that does not stop throughout a person’s life.

Components of worldview

There are characteristic features of a worldview. Its constituent types and forms refer to the components of a worldview. They can be structured as follows:

  • Knowledge is the main component of any worldview. A certain range of information about the world around us, which is necessary for any individual to successfully navigate the environment. Knowledge can be scientific, practical and professional. A wide range of knowledge helps an individual gain a serious position in life.
  • Values ​​are an individual’s attitude towards what is happening around him. They can be perceived through the prism of personal goals, hobbies, needs and awareness of the meaning of life. Values ​​are divided into three types: Useful - this is a practical necessity, these include: knowledge and skills that help in obtaining means of goods (shelter, clothing).
  • Harmful values ​​are a bad and negative attitude towards something: murder, violence or environmental pollution.
  • Significant - determined by the degree of intensity of the attitude towards something.
  • Feelings and emotions - This is an individual’s subjective reaction to external stimuli. As a rule, they can manifest themselves in various psychological states. There are three types:
      Moral feelings (responsibility and duty).
  • Positive emotions (happiness, pleasure and joy).
  • Negative emotions (grief, sadness, uncertainty, fear).
  • Beliefs are the unity of knowledge and will. The basis of life and the engine of the masses, suitable for especially convinced people. Views that are both public and personal. They can be accepted by other people as a result of doubts or unconditionally. Convictions can be strong-willed, capable of inspiring and pushing to fight, and firm, which do not give in to any truths or doubts.
  • Actions are the behavioral and practical manifestation of personal ideas and views. They can be positive (generate a good and pleasant impression on others, bring benefit, charity and salvation) and negative (negativism and harmful actions that cause continuous suffering).
  • Character is a set of individual qualities that contribute to the formation and development of a worldview. These qualities include:
      Faith is a practical awareness of oneself (confidence and uncertainty, trust and gullibility, attitude towards people).
  • Will is the ability to take independent and conscious action (setting and achieving goals).
  • Doubt is self-criticism, depending on any knowledge and values. An individual who hesitates or doubts is always independent in his worldview. He has a fanatical acceptance of outside views. This can also turn into their complete denial. From which skepticism grows, the transition from one extreme to another.
  • What influences the formation of a worldview?

    As noted above, a person’s worldview is formed throughout life under the influence of various external factors. The greatest influence is exerted by such factors as:

    • Environment. Of course, first of all, these are the people surrounding the child as he grows up. These are parents and other relatives, educators and mentors. For most people, environment is the most important factor. For example, believers, as a rule, adhere to exactly the religion to which their parents taught them.
    • Society. The worldview of society also plays an important role. As the child grows up, he largely adopts it through culture, traditions and stereotypes. His idea of ​​his place in society, family life, success and other social aspects is formed precisely on the basis of his social worldview.
    • Religion. Most of the world's religions directly indicate what views a believer should adhere to, and also regulate the main aspects of personal and social life.
    • Education and science. A high level of education usually helps a person develop a scientific worldview. He begins to separate emotions from facts and evaluate the reliability of new knowledge.
    • Epoch. Worldview can be a sign of the era and temporary circumstances in which a person grows and matures. This factor has become especially significant now, in the era of accessible information and rapid development of technology. That’s why the worldview of most people now is so different from their parents’.
    • Profession. The main type of activity, professional knowledge and experience have a significant impact on the formation of a worldview. The best example here are the psychologists mentioned above, for whom their education and experience allow them to understand much better not only the emotions of others, but also their own.

    Vision of the world in human life

    A person can go through many different stages during his life. Personality formation will take place in constant doubts and searches. Throughout his life he will be in contradictions and try to find the truth. In order to reach the highest point of knowledge, he needs to develop his own specific personal life position, which will be based on his own worldview.

    All this is possible only if a person is truly interested in his own development. The formation of your own views will occur through the integration of different points of view and ideas. It is their transformation that will allow an individual to become an individual and a personality.

    Functions of worldview

    It can be said without exaggeration that worldview determines a person’s entire life, forcing him to choose one or another path for himself when making fateful decisions. Moreover, it has 3 main functions:

    • Cognitive. Worldview is a source of knowledge. This knowledge is not necessarily reliable, but it allows you to quickly find answers to questions that arise.
    • Value-oriented. As part of this function, worldview helps a person form his own value system.
    • Practical. Every day we make hundreds of decisions in different areas of life, guided by our worldview.
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