Age-related dynamics of the rhythms of electrical activity of the brain. Anxiety level and EEG indices 2196

What are the rhythms?

The rhythms generated by the brain differ into five types depending on the amplitude and frequency of vibrations:

  • The alpha rhythm is recorded in 95% of healthy patients at the moment of relaxation, when they close their eyes. Best expressed in the occipital regions. α-wave frequency 8-12 Hz. With visual stimuli, there is a deficiency of this radiation. At the same time, in people with congenital blindness or optic nerve atrophy, the α rhythm is absent.
  • Beta rhythms are the fastest brain oscillations in the range of 12-40 Hz. They are associated with the processes of learning and concentration. Therefore, they are formed in a child during the development of logical thinking. Normally, this process ends by age five. Beta waves are generated naturally when you are awake. Under stress, their level increases, but a deficiency, on the contrary, is associated with absent-mindedness syndrome, depression and emotional disorders. Without β-activity, no meaningful human activity is possible.
  • The gamma rhythm is clearly visible when solving complex problems. These are the highest frequency rhythms generated during an active thought process. Completely disappears in the deep sleep phase.
  • The delta rhythm is characteristic of the recovery period and natural sleep. These are the slowest waves. They are formed in the prenatal period. Asynchronous delta waves appear during coma or drug intoxication.
  • Theta activity manifests itself in the fetus already at 2-3 months and predominates in children under three years of age. They represent patterns of electrical activity in the range of 4-8 Hz. Normally, theta waves of an adult appear in the twilight state, during the transition from sleep to wakefulness. A significant number of them can be observed in a confused state, with mental disorders. A large amount of θ rhythm can signal a state of chronic stress.

General enlightenment

Anna Weisz has been studying the brains of people who, in one way or another, used meditation as a development tool using electroencephalography for more than twenty years. These were Buddhist monks, Catholic priests, creative people, and businessmen.

Anna Weisz became convinced that the brain of a person in deep meditation always has a similar pattern with a certain combination of brain rhythms. She also discovered a pattern that leads to a state that is quite meditative and relaxed, but at the same time maintaining a logical thought process and being involved in external activities. In her book Inspiration by Order, this state is called the active state of intelligence.

Therapeutic effect

Brain wave therapy continues to be studied. According to already available data:

  • Alpha rhythms help reduce anxiety, tension and restlessness, and improve memory. It accelerates blood supply to the brain structures, increasing the saturation of the body with oxygen and beneficial microelements. Facilitates the recovery period after illness. Reduces the negative impact of traumatic situations. Determines the release of the neurotransmitter serotonin, increasing its level in the body.
  • Beta stimulation helps improve learning, communication skills and perseverance in patients. In addition, such exposure helps reduce fatigue.
  • The effect of gamma rhythms has proven itself to be effective in enhancing the speed of information processing and stimulating short-term memory. These frequencies have also been found to have a beneficial effect on the brain in chronic migraine. In approximately half of the subjects, the frequency and intensity of attacks decreases.
  • Stimulation of the δ rhythm helps reduce stress levels and relieve attacks of chronic pain, including cephalgia.
  • Exposure to θ waves can enhance creativity, improve memory, control over the emotional sphere, and enhance intuition. It helps reduce anxiety and stress, strengthen the immune system, and enhance long-term memory, since the rhythm of theta waves is characteristic of the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for storing information and memories.

Make your own choice

Most of the information - traumatic experiences, messages from significant adults - bypasses our consciousness and ends up at the unconscious level. This level has a huge influence on us, often even controls our lives. The more a person studies his unconscious and preconscious and transfers information to a conscious level, the more choices he has.

So, the daughter of an alcoholic, on a conscious level, is looking for a teetotaler as a husband, but her entire unconscious is literally permeated with information that a woman should devote herself to a man, save him, that she is not worthy of a healthy relationship. This is most likely how her mother or grandmother behaved. And she didn’t see any other scenario. Daughters of alcoholics in more than 50% of cases marry alcoholics (V. Moskalenko. Addiction: a family disease).

If this woman had been aware of her unconscious processes and learned how to interact more constructively with men, she would have had a better chance of finding a healthy partner. Until that happens, she has no choice.

Alpha wave stimulation

There are several ways to stimulate the body’s wave activity:

  • Breathing exercises that allow you to maintain deep breathing saturate the brain cells with oxygen. Systematic breathing exercises promote the generation of alpha waves.
  • Listening to stereo sounds with alpha waves is a technique accessible to everyone.
  • Yoga and meditation are powerful activators of the α rhythm.
  • Hot baths can help you relax and switch to alpha wave production mode.

Radio wave sources

Natural sources of radio waves include astronomical objects and lightning. An artificial emitter of radio waves is an electrical conductor with an alternating electric current moving inside. The oscillatory energy of the high-frequency generator is distributed into the surrounding space through a radio antenna. The first working source of radio waves was Popov's radio transmitter-radio receiver. In this device, the function of a high-frequency generator was performed by a high-voltage storage device connected to an antenna - a Hertz vibrator. Artificially created radio waves are used for stationary and mobile radar, radio broadcasting, radio communications, communication satellites, navigation and computer systems.

Pathological deviations

Disturbances in brain wave activity are observed when:

  • Oligophrenia. With it, the total activity of alpha rhythms is abnormally increased.
  • Epilepsy, which causes disturbances in the frequency and amplitude of wave activity. This is associated with the development of direct or interhemispheric asymmetry in the hemispheres of the brain.
  • Hypertension, weakening the frequency of alpha rhythms and increasing beta activity. Circulatory and cardiovascular system disorders always affect brain wave activity. A similar picture can be observed with beta-lactamase activity of bacteria.
  • Paranoid schizophrenia, in which the brain generates an increased number of beta rhythms.
  • Cysts and inflammatory processes of the corpus callosum. They cause severe asymmetry between the hemispheres, reaching 30%.
  • The pathological picture can occur with traumatic brain injuries, congenital or acquired dementia, and delayed psychomotor development in children.

To evaluate alpha rhythms, it is necessary to undergo an EEG from time to time. You can find out the addresses of clinics that perform this diagnostic procedure on the website.

Factors affecting the quality and efficiency of radio waves

The quality and efficiency of radio wave reception is affected by the method of directional radiation. An example would be a satellite dish that directs radiation to the location of an installed receiving sensor. This method allowed significant advances in the field of radio astronomy and made many discoveries in science. It opened up the possibility of creating satellite broadcasting, wireless data transmission, and much more. It turned out that radio waves can be emitted by the Sun, many planets located outside our solar system, as well as cosmic nebulae and some stars. It is assumed that outside our galaxy there are objects with powerful radio emissions.

The range of radio waves and the propagation of radio waves are influenced not only by solar radiation, but also by weather conditions. Thus, meter waves, in fact, do not depend on weather conditions. And the propagation range of centimeter signals greatly depends on weather conditions. Occurs due to the fact that short waves are scattered or absorbed in the aquatic environment during rain or when there is an increased level of humidity in the air.

Their quality is also affected by obstacles along the way. At such moments, the signal fades, and audibility deteriorates significantly or disappears altogether for several moments or more. An example would be the reaction of a TV to a passing airplane, when the image flashes and white stripes appear. This occurs due to the fact that the wave is reflected from the aircraft and passes past the TV antenna. Such phenomena with televisions and radio transmitters occur more often in cities, since the range of radio waves is reflected on buildings and high-rise towers, increasing the wave path.

Disadvantages of the method

Excessive wave stimulation can cause negative reactions in the body. So, with an excess of alpha activity, a decrease in concentration develops, the formation of attention deficit, depression, and a decrease in visual clarity. A person begins to need daytime sleep and gets tired faster. In addition, under the influence of alpha waves, suggestibility increases.

The downside of beta wave stimulation is increased anxiety, overexcitement and the development of obsessive-compulsive disorder. There are signs of stress and paranoia. Also, under the influence of such stimulation, muscle tension increases and insomnia occurs. The effect on the cerebellar amygdala and hypothalamus provokes an increase in blood pressure.

When exposed to theta waves, you can develop concentration disorders, depression, hyperactivity, or, conversely, apathy. Under the influence of such stimulation, drowsiness, indifference to life, and increased suggestibility occur.

Therefore, before resorting to any methods of stimulating brain wave activity, it is better to consult with specialists.

Sound Frequency Chart for Musical Instruments from Sound On Sound

The sound frequency table consists of two parts. The first part is an Instrument Frequencies chart that provides information about the frequency ranges of a number of common musical instruments. Instruments are divided into five groups - human voice, percussion instruments, guitar and bass, strings, and wind instruments. Additionally, the diagram reflects the sound ranges of the given instruments, for which the illustration is supplemented with a list of octaves and the names and frequencies of the sounds included in them.

Sound frequency table. Screenshot of the first part.

The second part - “Subjective nature of sound” - is a table that shows the main frequencies for equalizing popular musical instruments, as well as comparative descriptions of these frequencies. The information in the table clearly shows how to make the sound of popular instruments sharper, sharper, clearer, or more intelligible.

At the same time, the creators note that they did not strive to create a comprehensive guide to equalization, but wanted to create a visual guide that would help musicians and sound engineers when recording and mixing music.

Sound frequency table. Screenshot.

The editors of SAMESOUND.RU translated and adapted the texts in the table, and also made a number of explanatory additions. The audio frequency chart is distributed as a PDF file that is ready to print in high resolution. The document contains cut margins and other information useful to printers. Note that it is better to print the table in A3 format, since when printing on A4 sheet, the legibility of the content is lost due to the abundance of small text.

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