Conflict management: the essence of the process, main principles, basic methods.

business development for executives



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From this material you will learn:

  • The essence of the conflict management process
  • 5 main reasons for conflicts in an organization
  • 4 types of possible conflicts
  • 5 styles of behavior of parties in a conflict situation
  • 5 groups of management conflict management methods
  • 4 main principles of successful conflict resolution
  • 7 stages of conflict management
  • 5 Tips for Conflict Management
  • Necessary skills for successful problem solving

Skillful conflict management in an organization allows you to avoid many problems, both personal and general. This skill does not allow the company’s work to stall, and sometimes even significantly spurs the enthusiasm of employees, that is, it serves as a kind of engine of progress.

However, all this is possible only if you understand well what exactly should be done in a particular case. That is, managers must be well versed in theory: know the basic principles of successful conflict resolution, choose methods appropriate to the situation, and have certain personal qualities.

The essence of the conflict management process

Conflict management is an activity aimed at resolving disputes and eliminating differences between parties defending different points of view. The ultimate goal of such activity is the complete resolution of the conflict, that is, the achievement of mutual agreement. Each party should come out of the situation with a feeling of satisfaction and benefit that they received for themselves.

Conflicts can have different types of functionality. These can be heated but constructive dialogues between subjects, contributing to the solution of important social problems, or destructive disputes leading to the destruction of the social system. Therefore, the dynamics of conflicts are usually regulated by subjects of social management, whose actions are determined based on their own interests.

The main goal of conflict management is to prevent destructive situations.

It is important to see the possibilities of conflict management in an organization from the point of view of internal and external positions. The internal position involves managing the behavior of the person involved in the conflict and is based on the possibility of using psychological approaches. The external position represents the organizational and technological aspect of this process, in which both the manager responsible for the implementation of the goals and the employee performing official duties are considered as subjects of management.

A conflict is a signal of a failure that arose in the communication process. Poor conflict management can make the situation worse. Therefore, it is necessary to defuse it as quickly as possible, trying to avoid mistakes and miscalculations that could cause an increase in tension.

We decide and manage

In the event that conflicts that arise are not managed or managed ineffectively, the consequences will be dysfunctional, interfering with the achievement of the organization's goals. These include an increase in personnel turnover, a decrease in productivity, a shift in goals and emphasis - the main thing is winning the confrontation, and not resolving production issues.

All methods of managing conflicts that have arisen can be grouped into two blocks: structural methods and interpersonal methods of resolution.

Regardless of the method chosen, the conflict that has arisen must be analyzed to identify the real reasons, which may have nothing to do with what caused the controversial situation, and only then take adequate measures.

Why do we conflict? At what stage of communication is open confrontation born?

Conflict is a collision of opposing interests, values, and goals. It is usually associated with negative emotional experiences, based on emotions and personal hostility. Let's consider the standard chain:
1. Establishing contact → 2. Orientation in the situation → 3. Discussion of the problem → 4. Making a decision → 5. Exiting contact. An open dispute arises when moving from point 3 to point 4 - as a rule, due to the fact that the parties do not master psychological techniques: they do not listen to each other and do not know how to persuade.

The conflict is built according to a simple formula:

KS + I = K


- this is a conflict situation (accumulated contradictions),
- an incident (circumstances, reason),
- the conflict itself (open confrontation as a consequence).

“To get out of contact, you need to resolve the problem: eliminate the situation and end the incident. Otherwise the exit will not happen. It is important to understand that the incident itself is a kind of tip of the weed. If you pick it and don’t remove the root, everything will only get worse.”

Conflict arises in different situations due to clashes of interests.
For example, you quarreled with your employee over a bonus, with a colleague from another school because of differing views on education, with the administration over the budget, etc. This is all the most common, interpersonal type. There are also confrontations between groups (management and subordinates, “lazy people” and “hard workers,” conservatives and inventors, etc.) - this is the intergroup type, the most destructive and intense. Intrapersonal disagreements also occur - for example, due to the fact that you have already packed your bags for a long-awaited family vacation, but business suddenly requires you to be present at work.

In conflicts there are objects (causes), subjects (active parties), participants, and indirect participants. Their roles may change. In the end, every confrontation turns out to be either destructive or constructive. The first option does not bode well, but for a constructive outcome, an adequate perception of the situation, open communication and, of course, the creation of an atmosphere of trust and cooperation are necessary.

Each person develops a habitual strategy and tactics of behavior in conflicts. To better manage what is happening, you need to identify your strategy and the attitudes of the people around you, and adjust your tactics.

How to effectively resolve conflict?

A simple way is to completely ignore the situation and deal with the very issue that gave rise to the conflict. In this case, the decision is made according to the following parameters:

  1. translate the controversial issue into the category of goals}
  2. determine a solution that suits all parties}
  3. look at the problem narrowly, the personal qualities of the parties have nothing to do with the matter}
  4. ensure intensive exchange of information and mutual influence of the conflicting parties}
  5. create positive relationships and attention to all opinions.

Management of existing conflicts is carried out through various techniques developed by professionals in this matter. And even they emphasize how many significant factors of conflict that cannot be influenced. This may include the views, motives and needs of both the group and the individual. The aggravating effect is brought by superimposed stereotypes of behavior, biases or prejudices - all of which can greatly slow down the work or completely reduce the results of the work of experienced conflict management professionals.

Alternative dispute resolution methods

Resolving a conflict situation through litigation is far from ideal - the legal system is heavy and cumbersome, expensive and time-consuming. The result does not bring mutual reconciliation and does not take into account the interests of both parties.

That is why an alternative solution is becoming increasingly popular. This is a technique for resolving a situation through negotiations - it includes friendly, arbitration, arbitration and other courts, which are based on mediation.

Mediation as a method of conflict resolution is the settlement of disagreements with the help of a neutral mediator. This technique has proven itself well, since an independent mediator works to find a solution acceptable to all parties to the conflict, and not to clarify the question of who is right and who is wrong.

Conflict management involves the use of knowledge, skills, methods and methods to keep the confrontation of interests that has arisen at a level that is safe for all types of relationships, as well as the subsequent resolution of the problem taking into account the interests of all parties involved.

Strategies for dealing with conflict

Competition: shark. Like a predator when attacking

Photo: rohit: Pexels

“+” possibility of absolute victory, effectiveness in extreme conditions
“-” possibility of severe loss, fragility of results

When the strategy is justified:

  • dangerous situation;
  • "nothing to lose";
  • resources (power) guarantee victory;
  • the stakes are extremely high;
  • you need to promote an unpopular but correct decision;
  • you need to impress outsiders.

Tactical actions:
control of the enemy and his sources of information, constant pressure by all available means, deception, cunning, provocations, reluctance to enter into dialogue.

Which personalities are characteristic of:

domineering, intolerant of dissent, retrograde, afraid of criticism, afraid of collecting information about themselves, ignoring collective opinion.

Evasion: Turtle. Escape into a cozy shell

Photo: Ludvig Hedenborg: Pexels

“+” demonstration of the neglect of the problem, compensatory factors (sympathy, outside help), saving effort.

“-” demonstration of one’s passive-suffering attitude, aggravation of the situation due to an unresolved contradiction, spreading the influence of a quarrel to different areas of life (up to the appearance of psychosomatic diseases).

When the strategy is justified:

  • victory is not of fundamental importance;
  • calm and stability are more important;
  • it is more important to maintain good relationships;
  • there is a threat of more serious disagreement;
  • understanding that you are wrong;
  • hopelessness of the problem;
  • insignificance of the problem;
  • victory requires too much effort.

Tactical actions:
demonstrative withdrawal, refusal to use force, refusal to collect facts, denial of the severity of the conflict, slowness in decision-making.

Which personalities are characteristic of:

shy, too susceptible to criticism, prone to the “maybe it will work out” attitude, unable to manage a conversation.

Collaboration: fox. Caution is everything

Photo: Joseph Yu: Pexels

“+” the possibility of a fair outcome and equal division of benefits

“-” dependence on other people’s concessions, waste of energy on negotiations, the possibility of becoming a victim of deception during the bargaining process, the fragility of solving the problem.

When the strategy is justified:

  • both sides are convincing;
  • lack of time;
  • collaboration and directive approaches are ineffective;
  • opponents' resources are equal;
  • a temporary solution is needed;
  • victory is not of fundamental importance;
  • It's better to gain something than to lose everything.

Tactical actions:
bargaining, deception, flattery, demand for an equal division.

Which personalities are characteristic of:

cautious, intolerant of harshness, not loving to go into details.

Settling: Teddy bear. Do what you want - just let's live together!

Photo: Wilson Vitorino: Pexels

“+” in some cases the problem is solved by itself thanks to friendly relations.

“-” sacrificing personal goals, bringing to a situation of self-preservation, unresolved problem.

When the strategy is justified:

  • victory is not of fundamental importance;
  • it is more important to maintain good relationships;
  • need to gain time;
  • to give in means to win a moral victory.

Tactical actions:
agreement, demonstration of unpretentiousness, indulgence, flattery.

Which personalities are characteristic of:

spineless, obsequious, “a manipulator’s dream.”

Compromise: owl. Love for Sanity

Photo: cottonbro: Pexels

“+” elaboration of the problem, the possibility of a constructive resolution of the conflict
“-” expenditure of effort and time for strong-willed decisions and wise management of the situation (do not take advantage of the weaknesses of the “Turtle” and “Teddy Bear”, oppose peaceful means to the behavior of the “Shark”)

When the strategy is justified:

  • a win-win solution is essential;
  • long-term close relationship with the other party;
  • enough time to work through the problem;
  • opponents' resources are equal.

Tactical actions:
collecting information about the problem and the enemy, carefully calculating resources, open dialogue, criticism “to the point,” demonstrating one’s talents to exert influence, accepting the opponent’s reasonable ideas.

Which personalities are characteristic of:

innovators who do not tolerate insults and know how to put aside emotions.

How can a leader prevent the emergence and development of conflicts?

  1. Select and arrange personnel depending on the professional and psychological qualities of people.
  2. Do not allow your unity of command to be violated.
  3. Protect your team in the face of an “external threat.”
  4. Maintain an atmosphere of trust in your team.
  5. Regulate employee relationships.
  6. Broadcast and support the corporate standard and corporate values.
  7. Explain to employees the “rules of the game”, use rewards and punishments in accordance with the implementation and disregard of these rules.
  8. Identify conflicting people based on their characteristic qualities (inadequate self-esteem, desire to dominate, reluctance to overcome outdated traditions, excessive straightforwardness and emotionality).
  9. Don’t get personal and don’t use prohibited techniques like “I demand...”, “You must...”, “You don’t understand this...”, “I’m warning you for the last time...”, “What are you so busy with right now?”
  10. Use the methodology for constructing a conflict map proposed by researchers X. Cornelius and S. Fair (general features of the problem, who is involved, what are their true needs).
  11. In any circumstances, act calmly, based on your official status.
  12. In a dispute between employees, remain neutral, find out the facts, and guide the parties to constructively resolve disagreements.
  13. Admit your mistakes and reverse bad decisions.

Conflict is not chaos or a tornado, but a structured phenomenon. Choose appropriate strategies and don't complicate problems with rash decisions. As the French writer-philosopher François de La Rochefoucauld said, human quarrels would not last so long if all the blame were on one side.

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