How to make a woman jealous? 6 popular methods that don't actually work

How to react when a girl makes you jealous? In a relationship, there is a situation when a girl deliberately tries to make a man jealous. Such behavior of a partner depends not only on the period of the relationship and the strength of love feelings, but also on mutual understanding. It also happens that after 15 years of marriage, a man was unable to recognize the true essence of his wife and her desires.

As a result, the guy experiences a misunderstanding and begins to obsess over his behavior. However, to solve the problem you need to have a serious conversation with the girl and find out the reason for the behavior. During the dialogue, girls who cause jealousy show their true feelings.

Reasons why a woman tries to make a guy jealous

There are several reasons why a woman might try to make her jealous:

  1. Lack of attention. When a girl lacks attention, she seeks it with the help of jealousy. By this she shows that there are people who are ready to do more to be with her. According to women, this should force a man to surround her with care, attention, and gifts.
  2. Underestimation of a girl by a guy. In cases where the attitude towards a girl is based on the principle “She will endure, because she won’t find anyone else,” the woman’s jealousy makes it clear that she is attracted to other men and it is easier to lose her than it seemed. The girl’s self-esteem also rises - she begins to feel in demand. And not only other people’s men, but also their own.
  3. The everyday life of relationships. Emotions are the engine of relationships. When people are together for a long time, their feelings fade. Relationships become ordinary and if you do not saturate them with new emotions in time, they may fall apart. And jealousy is a way to return feelings to their previous level. After all, as you know, very often after conflicts, relationships become much better and more interesting.

Safety rules

Before you experiment in a relationship with your loved one, you need to know him well so that an attack of jealousy does not cause a serious quarrel. Not every woman is ready to show aggression and be madly jealous of her partner. A certain category does not accept destructive feelings, and the manifestation of jealousy becomes for them the first bell of the approaching end of the relationship.

It is an undeniable fact that the other half of women love reasons for a scandal in order to gain energy and strength from them, express all their grievances to their partner, and feel competition. Then everything becomes perfect in the relationship: the house is clean, she is beautiful in a sexy outfit, cooks her favorite dishes and waits for a new reason for an explosion of emotions.

If jealousy is exactly what fuels attention to each other, turns on and awakens forgotten emotions, then you can safely try one of the tips in practice and enjoy the result!

Why does your ex make you jealous?

Girls want to make their ex jealous so that he begins to regret the breakup. In such cases, they pursue one of the goals .

  1. Revenge. The girl wants the man to feel bad about the breakup. To make a man feel bad after a breakup, you need to show that the girl is doing well, that she easily found a replacement for her ex-partner and no longer needs him. This is a big blow to pride.
  2. Renew the relationship. The woman wants to bring the man back to her. Often a guy will start thinking about breaking up and having doubts. He will remember all the positive traits of the woman and all the good things from past relationships, downplaying the shortcomings. This will lead him to the idea of ​​​​renewing the relationship. And this is exactly what the girl wants.

What is the essence of calling feelings on the part of an ex?

No matter how her personal life turns out after the breakup, the offended girl causes jealousy for logical reasons: she wants to assert herself by showing what treasure the man lost. In her actions she can pursue three goals.

The girl, after thinking a little about the situation, begins an attack - causing jealousy. A man in such a situation remembers the best moments of his life together, because during the time spent together, a lot of positive memories have accumulated that cannot be thrown out of his head. Taking into account the peculiarities of human psychology, negative events are erased faster; this is a protective reaction of the body. Thus, pleasant moments and those positive character traits of the ex-woman come to mind, which push to renew the relationship, which is what the offended friend specifically seeks.

A girl can evoke feelings of jealousy in order to show how quickly she was able to find a replacement for her ex-man. The main purpose of such behavior is to cause pain for the separation suffered, resentment, and infringement of self-esteem.

How to understand that a girl is intentionally making her jealous

You need to distinguish when a girl causes jealousy on purpose, and when she doesn’t.

If she does this on purpose, she will definitely try to draw your attention to the “competitor”.

The girl begins:

  • Talk a lot about someone.
  • Dress provocatively when going to meetings with a man you are jealous of.
  • Make transparent hints.
  • Show coldness towards you.

This means that she specifically causes your jealousy, and she likes her.


The guy you're in love with

    Evaluate the guy's actions.

    With the guy you have a crush on and who makes you jealous, you need to ask yourself: are his actions intentional or accidental? He may be flirting with other girls to get your attention, but it may also be that he is a natural flirt and doesn't even notice it.

    Don't hide your feelings.

    If you think that the guy you like really wants to make you jealous, then it's better to just admit everything. It is possible that he behaves this way only because he is not sure of your reciprocal feelings. Say the feelings are mutual to resolve the issue.

  • Of course, this is easier said than done, and you risk hearing a refusal in response to confession. Even in this case, it is better to resolve all controversial issues so that the situation does not become more complicated.
  • Wait until the next time you're flirting alone and tell your guy that you like him. Only after his answer decide what to do with the problem of jealousy.
  • Point out the problem.

    The jealousy issue needs to be closed regardless of how he feels towards you, but the right approach always depends on the answer.

    Stop communicating if the situation does not change.

    If the guy has not changed his behavior after you confessed and reported the problem, then it is better to stop any communication with him.

  • A relationship with a guy who constantly flirts with others will only bring disappointment and self-doubt, and will not be able to reach the next level.
  • It's difficult to be friends with a person who doesn't reciprocate your feelings, but if he doesn't change his attitude towards you after getting to know you better, then it's better to move on.

Your partner

  1. Discuss your feelings.

    Start a conversation and communicate how your partner's actions affect your feelings. Try to set boundaries for unacceptable behavior.

    Keep calm.

    Before, during and after a conversation, you need to remain calm. Don't give in to your emotions if your boyfriend's words or actions arouse jealousy.

    Try to console your partner.

    Very often, guys try to make girls jealous when they are not sure about the girl's feelings. This does not make the behavior acceptable, but it does explain the motivation.

    Deal with your insecurities.

    Besides your boyfriend's insecurities, you also need to address your own insecurities. Self-confidence usually allows you to cope with unnecessary jealousy, and you will have the strength to strengthen your relationship.

Your ex boyfriend

    Ignore him.

    If your ex-boyfriend is intentional about showing off his new relationship, then your jealousy will be a win for him. Do not respond to emails, phone messages, or social media posts. If he tries to make you jealous when you meet, then answer as neutrally as possible, then end the conversation and leave.

    Limit its capabilities.

    If the guy is overly persistent and his behavior bothers you, then stop all communication. Unfriend and unfollow him on all social networks. If necessary, blacklist his phone number and mark his email address as spam.

Jealousy is often present in romantic relationships. Most people have experienced this feeling in their lives. Jealousy comes in different forms, as do the reasons for its occurrence. Often the feeling occurs involuntarily, even when there are no provoking factors. Mostly, jealousy is inherent in women, as beings who are more emotional. However, this feeling is also familiar to males. At the same time, sometimes a man deliberately makes you jealous. There are a number of main reasons why he does this:


Tries to draw attention to his person. A man can do this for various reasons. For example, if a woman does not respond to his feelings or does not pay attention to him. The second option also occurs in married couples. To attract attention, a man may start dating other women. In this way, he tries to arouse the jealousy and sympathy of a woman who is not indifferent to him.


Lack of self-confidence or the feelings of the woman you love. With the help of his beloved's jealousy, a man tests how strong love is. However, in this case it is important not to “go too far”. A man can try to test his feelings, focusing on the strength of the jealousy caused.


When the relationship was interrupted by a woman's initiative. A man tries to arouse jealousy due to lack of self-confidence, trying to assert himself or trying to win back his beloved.


Sometimes jealousy is used as revenge. For example, when a man discovered that his woman was cheating on him or showed interest in other males. In this case, he will start dating other ladies and will try to make sure that the news about his adventures reaches his beloved.


For variety of life. An ideal relationship is good, but in this case the initial spark and interest disappears. As a result, the man becomes bored and will begin to create situations that will intensify feelings.


Maintain a woman's tone in a relationship, do not let her relax. A man, causing jealousy, tries to ensure that his beloved is always “on top”, takes care of herself, for fear of losing her beloved.

Some men just like attention when several women are fighting for it at once. Sometimes an ex-husband who is sure that his ex-wife is still not indifferent to him can make him jealous. Often, in this way, the husband tries to win back his wife after a divorce.

In any case, trying to arouse jealousy, a man will openly appear with another woman, etc., so that his real passion will pay attention to this.

What to do if they try to make you jealous

Change your behavior :

  • Invite her on romantic dates in unusual places more often.
  • Give unexpected gifts.
  • Compliment her.
  • Vary your sex.

A good option is to try to make a girl jealous. There are several proven tricks for this. This will help radically refresh your relationship. This must be done carefully so as not to overdo it.

If this does not work, you can and should try to solve the problem with a frank conversation. Ask her “what’s wrong with our relationship.” Perhaps the answer lies before your eyes, you just don’t notice it.

And if the conversation still doesn’t lead to anything, it’s worth thinking about whether this is the person you can go through life with, if you can’t come to an agreement on such a simple issue?

#4: Let the girl see you with others

If you don’t know how to make your ex-girlfriend jealous, then attract other beautiful women and strangers. This way you can hone your seduction skills without becoming isolated. Let him see that your life goes on and that you are comfortable with other girls. Have fun with these simple ways to make her jealous:

  1. Leave the cafe, work, or any other place where the girl sees you with someone else.
  2. Actively communicate and maintain relationships with her friends, but don’t flirt with just one.
  3. Communicate with other girls: help them, get to know them, keep up the conversation and initiate them yourself. Let the girl see that you easily get along with others.
  4. If you can’t make a girl jealous, then go to the extreme: open flirting and constantly communicating with another in front of the one you want to interest. This method is desperate and requires great self-control and the ability to stop in time and switch to the girl you like.

To make a girl jealous, it is very important to meet other girls! But you don’t always know what to say when meeting someone. Try the “First Phrases Builder” at this link to help.

What not to do in such situations

You cannot ignore the problem , this will only aggravate the situation and give the girl a reason to think that you do not value her.

spy on the girl , rummage through her messages and calls and interrogate her. You need to continue to trust your woman.

Throwing a tantrum and fighting with a man you are jealous of is also a bad solution to the problem.

If jealousy is really starting to poison your relationship, you may find the advice in this article useful.

Why is this necessary?

The point is for a man to believe in the presence of a rival on the side, feel competition on the side for a woman and begin to compete for this woman of his, so as not to ultimately lose her.

That is, this technique “stimulates” a man to pay attention, activity and actions towards his woman. The goal is so that the man does not relax, so that his hunting instinct awakens, so that he does not think that he is the only one in the whole world and since the girl is with him, then it will always be so.

Actually, this is what the woman wants to achieve with this technique. Looking ahead, I will say that this technique is used only by low-medium rank girls/women. Later, you will understand why.

Reception, in principle, takes place (for women of such ranks), but there are 2 BUTs!

Firstly, you need to know and be 100% sure whether this technique can even be performed with a specific man. Success or failure depends on this. Later, I'll tell you about this.

2nd, but if you can use a technique, then you need to carry it out very skillfully and competently, and not the way most girls/women do it, and in fact, in the end, they only make things worse...

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