Feelings in psychology. What is this, the definition of higher, intellectual, moral

Intellectual feelings

Based on knowledge of people, the desire to satisfy curiosity, the search for truth and solving specific mental problems. These include interest, curiosity, a sense of mystery, doubt, bewilderment.

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Functions and types of emotions

Emotions were recognized as having an important positive role in people’s lives, and the following positive functions began to be associated with them: motivational-regulatory, communicative, signaling and protective.

The motivational-regulatory function is that emotions are involved in motivating human behavior and can motivate, guide and regulate. Sometimes emotions can replace thinking in regulating behavior.

The communicative function lies in the fact that emotions, or more precisely, the methods of their external expression, carry information about the mental and physical state of a person. Thanks to emotions, we understand each other better. By observing changes in emotional states, it becomes possible to judge what is happening in the psyche. Comment: people belonging to different cultures are able to accurately perceive and evaluate many expressions of the human face, and identify from it such emotions as joy, anger, sadness, fear, disgust, surprise. This also applies to those peoples who have never been in direct contact with each other.

Signal function . Life without emotions is just as impossible as life without sensations. Emotions, Charles Darwin argued, arose in the process of evolution as a means by which living beings establish the significance of certain conditions to satisfy their actual needs. Emotionally expressive movements (facial expressions, gestures, pantomime) serve as signals about the state of the human needs system.

The protective function is expressed in the fact that, arising as an instant, quick reaction of the body, it can protect a person from dangers.

It has been established that the more complex a living being is organized, the higher the level on the evolutionary ladder it occupies, the richer and more diverse the range of emotions that it is capable of experiencing.

The nature of the experience (pleasure or displeasure) determines the sign of emotions - positive and negative . From the point of view of influence on human activity, emotions are divided into sthenic and asthenic. Stenic emotions stimulate activity, increase a person’s energy and tension, and encourage him to act and speak. The catchphrase: “ready to move mountains.” And, conversely, sometimes experiences are characterized by a kind of stiffness, passivity, then they talk about asthenic emotions. Therefore, depending on the situation and individual characteristics, emotions can influence behavior differently. Thus, grief can cause apathy and inactivity in a weak person, while a strong person doubles his energy, finding solace in work and creativity.

Modality is the main qualitative characteristic of emotions, which determines their type according to the specificity and special coloring of experiences. According to modality, three basic emotions are distinguished: fear, anger and joy. With all its diversity, almost any emotion is a unique expression of one of these emotions. Anxiety, worry, fear, horror are various manifestations of fear; anger, irritability, rage - anger; fun, rejoicing, triumph - joy.


Emotions in psychology, classification and their functional role, are studied with the aim of determining the mood and general state of a person, identifying brightly colored negative reactions and finding ways out of them, self-control of one’s emotional background and its stability.

Diagnosis of emotions is carried out in several areas:

  • Observation - physiological changes in the body are analyzed (blood pressure, pulse, skin temperature, analysis of facial expressions, speech).
  • Questionnaires are the most common and informative diagnostic method aimed at identifying a person’s leading emotions using specially designed tests. The method is also used to determine self-assessment of emotional state.
  • To establish the leading emotions, the differential scale of K. Izard (1976) was developed. It consists of 10 fundamental emotions, characterized by 3 meanings, with which one’s own feelings are compared. These values ​​are assigned points, after which the well-being coefficient is calculated.
  • M. Luscher color test (1949) – connects the emotional state with the light sensitivity of the eyes. It assumes that certain emotions are associated with certain colors, and a person must correlate 1 of 8 colors with a given question. Warm shades (red-yellow) indicate the presence of positive emotions and good mood, cold tones signal the presence of negative emotions.
  • The scale for assessing the significance of emotions according to B.I. Dodonov (1977) is a ranking of preferences in emotions according to 10 criteria (from the most significant to the least significant) in order to determine the prevailing needs (biological, cognitive, social).

For young children, the most commonly used method for assessing emotional stability using drawings (methods Cactus, Family Drawing).

Questioning is a type of survey conducted in writing by filling out questionnaire forms. It is often used to survey a group of people both statically (once) and dynamically (repeated survey after a certain time).

You can undergo a clinical psychological or neuropsychological examination in Moscow at the following clinics:

  • M-Vita, st. Zelenogradskaya, 39, building 1 – from 1500 to 2500 rubles;
  • ABC medicine, st. Stoletova, 19 – 1100 rubles;
  • Alliancek KRK, st. Tsyurupy, 1, building 6 – 4000 rubles;
  • Family clinic, st. Pervomaiskaya, 42 – 3300 rubles;
  • Treatment center, st. Timur Frunze, 15/1 – 2900 rub.

You can consult a psychotherapist at a private doctor or at one of the clinics in Moscow:

  • Capital, Prospekt Mira, 12, building 3 – 3000 rubles;
  • M-Vita, st. Zelenogradskaya, 39, building 1 – 2000 rubles;
  • Fomina Clinic, st. Dolgorukovskaya, 17, building 1 – 6000 rubles;
  • Alliancek KRK, st. Tsyurupy, 1, building 6 – 3000 rub.


Be attentive to yourself! Emotions affect not just our sense of self, but also mental processes such as perception, memory, and thinking. Yes, they can easily activate any of them, or, on the contrary, slow down. Stimulates imagination and the ability to find creative solutions. With their help, we can safely say that we are alive, and this is the most important thing. They enrich us and allow us to fully live every day, appreciate it, and remember it.

And that’s all for today, dear readers! Be attentive to your own experiences, as well as those you meet along the way. Have fun and happiness! Finally, I recommend taking a test to find out how sensitive and aware you are. You will find it here.

The material was prepared by psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Alina Zhuravina.


Age stages of development

The development of feelings in early childhood is an important, complex process. It happens in stages:

Newborn baby. Once born, a child masters the basic forms of manifestations necessary for survival: hunger, pleasure, pain, fear. The emotional state depends on physical sensations. A newborn does not know how to distinguish between feelings. His main interest and need is physical contact with his mother. The baby reacts to her mood and copies it. From 0 to 6 months. The baby understands what sensations he experiences when in contact with adults. His perception is fragmentary: he sees the world in parts. By six months, he learns to distinguish between family and strangers; anxiety and wariness appear in his arsenal. While exploring the world, he tries to touch everything he sees. If this fails, the baby experiences anger and discomfort. 6–12 months Six-month-old babies know how to be surprised and show interest. In addition to physical needs, the child has mental ones. Interests gradually form: the child divides toys into favorites and unloved ones. At the age of 8 months, fear of separation from the mother appears, the child experiences anxiety and becomes restless. 1–1.5 years Own desires appear, the need to realize them. The child learns to make independent decisions, but often faces prohibitions from adults. The obstacle causes anger, the desire to get what is yours

At this age, it is important to learn to separate desires and actions. The main achievement of 1.5 years is that the child develops an idea of ​​himself, the baby identifies himself with his name. 1.5–2 g

The child is no longer helpless. He moves confidently, can pick up a toy himself, and has more freedom and needs. He strives to prove independence, the right to his own opinion. At this age, he already shares feelings, but cannot name them. 2–2.5 years Two-year-old children see themselves as the center of the world; they have no understanding of danger. Also, the feeling of compassion and pity has not yet been formed: if the child does not like another baby, he may hit him or bite him, expressing hostility. 2.5–3 years. With successful development, by the age of three the child will have formed a holistic idea of ​​himself. There is pride in one’s independence and shame in case of failure. Interest in other children awakens, the desire to take their place in the team.

The development of feelings continues until the end of adolescence. The first years of life form the foundation that will help a child differentiate feelings from emotions.

Adaptation of a child in a team

Two poles of empathy

Another important topic is empathy, the ability to empathize and feel emotionally for another person.

In addictive families, the empathy mechanism is not optimal, and polarities usually appear.

Lack of empathy, emotional coldness and callousness

True feelings are suppressed, empathy is presented as something threatening. But in some cases, the empathy mechanism was simply not developed enough in early childhood. If a child's environment has not been empathic, he cannot learn empathy. The age of up to one and a half years is especially important here.

Empathy is excessive, the boundary is blurred, a symbiotic relationship arises

Other people's feelings and pain are perceived as their own. This is the so-called “contact without borders”, in which it is easy to lose yourself. Most often, this type of contact is a consequence of fixation in the oral symbiotic period, when the child and mother seem to be a single whole.

Dependent personalities often develop along the path of insufficient empathy; codependent individuals - along the path of excessive empathy

It is important to normalize the mechanism of empathy, to come to a balance between feeling another person and being attuned to oneself

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