How to live on: scientists have named three daily habits that will help extend your life

Depending on the form of manifestation of the habit, there are:

1. Physical (walk quickly)

2. Emotional (in the morning, wishing good morning to work colleagues)

3. Behavioral (clean up the house in a certain sequence).

Depending on usefulness:

1. Useful

2. Harmful

The difference between useful and harmful is that we control the former, and the latter, on the contrary, control us. We form useful ones on our own, but harmful ones seem to find us themselves.

Personal development

If you want to be happier

  1. Hang out with positive people.
  2. Every day, write down three good things that happened to you that day.
  3. Laugh. Even if sometimes you force yourself to do it. Joy hormones will come in handy.
  4. Spend more time in the sun. Or in well-lit rooms if it’s cloudy outside.
  5. Move (walk or exercise) for at least 20 minutes every day.
  6. Walk the dog or pet an animal.
  7. Hug at least one person a day.
  8. Call an old friend or loved one.
  9. Devote 30 minutes of your time a day to an activity you love that brings you pleasure and relaxes you.
  10. Buy something new (even something small, like a new type of coffee).

If you want to manage stress better

  1. Breathe deeply for two minutes. Concentrate on your breathing.
  2. Do 10 minutes of stretching.
  3. Listen to something calm and distracting that doesn't relate to the source of stress.
  4. Snuggle up with someone close (husband or wife, friend, or even a pet). Physical contact quickly calms.
  5. Get rid of the source of stress for a while. Leave the meeting for five minutes or take a break from your current tasks. Just switch to something.
  6. Smell geranium or lavender essential oil. They lower blood pressure (can be combined with point 11).
  7. Sit in the sun for five minutes.
  8. Draw something or color a picture.
  9. Talk to a friend for 10 minutes.
  10. Dedicate 10 minutes to self-care (take a shower, get your nails done or do your hair).
  11. Take a nap.
  12. Chew some gum.

If you want to become more confident in yourself

  1. Write down three things you like about yourself. Then read them out loud.
  2. Stand up straight and lower your arms, letting them hang in a natural position.
  3. Wear clothes that suit you.
  4. Prepare for a difficult situation in which you need self-confidence. Write down your thoughts or speech and take the cheat sheet with you to the speech.
  5. Don't let yourself get nervous. Instead, go to a private place (such as the restroom or an adjacent room) where you can stretch and calm down. After this, concentrate on relaxation.
  6. Pay attention to the other person instead of feeling insecure.
  7. Repeat the mantra in your head.
  8. Make a list of things you like about yourself.
  9. Ask a close friend or relative to compliment you.

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