Communication in psychology is, the definition is non-verbal, verbal, effective, mass

Communication and communication are integral parts of human nature. The differences between the terms can be fully understood by providing definitions for each. A person must communicate for harmonious development, but communication allows him to learn more while in society. Concepts are perceived differently by specialists in the field of psychology and philosophy. Creative individuals also have their own views on them. That is why it is important to know what differences there are and whether they exist regarding these terms.

The communicative side of communication

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Communication as communication is the mutual exchange of information between interlocutors, the transmission and reception of knowledge, points of view and feelings. It should be noted that information in the process of communication is not simply transferred from one person to another (the person who transmits information is called the communicator, and the receiving party is called the recipient) - an exchange is carried out. It can be implemented both at the speech (verbal) and non-speech (non-verbal) level.

Verbal information and its transmission

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Verbal communication (communication) involves the use of human speech as a means of transmitting information. Often in society one may come across the opinion that speech can hide the true essence of a person. On the other hand, it is she who can demonstrate it, without any principles and against the will of the speaker. It is worth noting that verbal communication (verbal communication) plays a vital role in public life. The fact is that the effectiveness of a category is usually associated with the communicative aspect.

The key goal of exchanging information is to develop one point of view between communicating people, to achieve agreement regarding certain problems and situations. In this case, a correct understanding of the information plays a crucial role. That is why the ability to competently express one’s own thoughts, as well as the ability to listen, are integral components of communication as communication.


Communication in psychology is the conscious or subconscious transmission and exchange of information with other people. It is a unique form of interaction between individuals, which is carried out through cognitive activity. Refers to targeted influence on the values ​​and views of the interlocutor, which are built on the basis of a rational component.

Communication can be considered as a necessary condition for the development of human relationships. The ability to transmit information is also one of the fundamental aspects of improving the entire society, since it acts as the main interaction between different ethnic groups.

The author of the term, a sociologist of the American school of psychology, Charles Coopey at the beginning of the 20th century defined communication as “the mechanism through which absolutely all human relationships exist and develop - in the context of subconscious images, combined with methods of their visualization and transmission in life, including preservation in time."

According to the Soviet scientist I.P. Yakovlev, as well as other psychologists in related topics, the definition of communication should be understood as a system of research practice in the role of communication in society, including: development, structure and content, practical use.

At the same time, M. S. Andrianov localizes the definition as an understanding of the initial aspects of social interaction, starting only from the semantic meaning.

Based on the words of the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann, communication is “a specific historical event that depends on the time stage.”

He also characterized the definition as a set of actions suitable for social systems, the presence of which redistributes knowledge in society. He did not perceive communication in the role of transmitting information or the semantic content of the psychological subsystem.

Communication in psychology is a means by which individuals can maintain and construct their own relationships among themselves, according to T. Sillars and A. Vangelisti,

History of development

Research practice aimed at studying communication as an independent scientific and sociological field is associated with the development of infocommunications based on telecommunications and information technologies.

In particular, the formation of communication was influenced by the emergence of radio in the 1920s. Later, with the advent of computers and television, as well as with the beginning of the globalization of large companies, the process of research as a scientific and psychological phenomenon increased several times.

The first communication department was opened in the early 1940s in the USA. According to the words of Doctor of Philosophy, part-time professor of social philosophy A. V. Nazarchuk, the manifestation of the problematics of the term developed based on 3 main directions:

  • Anglo-American. Aimed at analyzing the linguistically determined process, as well as clarifying the linguistic taxonomy of different peoples;
  • French. It is distinguished by the unlimited semantic meaning of linguistic communication, which is determined by the social problems of modern society: ideological distortions, a critical mood towards power, lack of comprehension, etc.
  • "Philosophy of Dialogue". It is characterized by a polemical attitude towards philosophy of the transcendental and psychological type, starting from the subjectivity of the meaning “I - You” towards communication. Developed by M. Buber, M. Bakhtin, F. Ebner and others.

F.I. Sharikov coined the neologism “communicationology,” which explained any research activities aimed at an objective understanding of communication—systematized knowledge about the development of means of communication as a psychological phenomenon.
In psychology and linguistic practice, communication is considered as factors contributing to the correct perception and transmission of figurative information, which explains the process of local and mass activity. This also made it possible to derive a definition of a communicator—a participant in a dialogue.

What influences understanding of information?

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The understanding of messages received by the recipient from the communicator is significantly influenced by their content and form. They primarily depend on the attitude of the speaker to the listener, his personal characteristics, as well as on the specific situation in which the process of communication takes place. For example, your conversation with your best friend will somehow be different from communication with clients or teachers. In addition, communication must take into account certain values ​​of the interlocutor. The point is that in the process of viewing the world through your own “vision”, you should not forget that your partner sees, hears and thinks a little differently. By the way, this is where misunderstandings arise between adults and children. They attach completely different meanings to surrounding circumstances and objects.

Exercises to practice communication skills

Communication skills need to be constantly trained. This is the only way you will learn to communicate easily and freely even with strangers.

If your shyness and timidity do not allow you to even approach a stranger, then you should seek advice from a psychologist. The following exercises will help you practice your communication skills.

Conversation with furniture

Every day tell your table, chair or indoor flower about how your day went, what interesting things happened. Try to hold back your fit of laughter and take this practice seriously.

This exercise will help you express your thoughts coherently, logically and competently, not get confused in them, and also adjust your facial expressions and gestures. If you can’t have a conversation with furniture, then a pet would be an even better listener for this exercise. A dog or cat will always willingly listen to the stories of its owner.

Monologue in front of the mirror

Go to the mirror and start saying out loud the thoughts that come to your mind. Gradually try to connect them logically, consistently developing them to create an interesting story.

This exercise will help you understand how you look from the outside during a conversation, learn how to write coherent sentences and establish contact with yourself. It is enough to exercise for 10 minutes 2 – 3 times a week.


Surely you have a favorite blog or site that you read every day - for example, the “In Your Home” blog. This will be very useful when performing this exercise. After reading another article, try to retell it as closely as possible in terms of meaning and logic of construction. If the article is very long, then retell it gradually, in 3-4 paragraphs.

This exercise develops the skill of thinking and speaking at the same time. Thanks to it, your speech will become more coherent and meaningful. To achieve good results, you need to exercise daily.

Development of someone else's thought

The exercise begins by turning on the TV or any video on the Internet. Listen to the speaker for 30 seconds, then turn off the sound and continue his thought for the next 30 seconds.

This training develops mental flexibility and teaches you to find non-standard solutions. Exercise 10 minutes a day and you will be pleasantly surprised by the results.

5 strangers

The best training for developing communication skills is communication itself. Train yourself to start a casual conversation with five strangers every day. Not less! These could be random passers-by, from whom you can ask the time or clarify the route, a consultant in a store, to whom you turn for advice on choosing a product... In general, there should be no problems with finding strangers. They surround us literally everywhere. You just need to leave the house.

To practice your speaking technique, I recommend you watch this interesting video:

Information Features

Communication and communication technology assumes that the sent message can be changed as a result of the influence of the recipient’s personality characteristics, as well as his attitude towards the speaker, the specific situation and the content of communication. It is worth keeping in mind that any information goes through a kind of “trust-distrust” filter. That is why true information can often seem unpleasant, and false information pleasant. To a greater extent, a person trusts information received from close people, to a lesser extent - from distant acquaintances or strangers. Often, in the process of communication as communication, a person is faced with the fact that his motives and words are incorrectly perceived by the interlocutor, in other words, they “do not reach” him. Indeed, some obstacles and difficulties may arise along the way of transmitting information. In this case we are talking about communication barriers, which are classified into attitudinal barriers, misunderstanding barriers and socio-cultural difference barriers.

What are “personal boundaries”?

For me, the concept of “personal boundaries” includes the fact that I would not want to do to someone what would be unpleasant to me. But all people have such different concepts of personal boundaries. What is it really?

A personal boundary is a line that should not be crossed! The border is the border! If you go in, it means you will disrupt, and sometimes break off, relationships forever. And this is always painful!

Our personal boundaries always begin with our body, and we begin to feel this from childhood. Physical punishment, gross invasion of personal space (for example, reading a diary with personal notes), violation of privacy, psychological violence in the form of insults, shouting, disrespect at any age, offensive jokes and ridicule, etc., all this greatly affects our understanding personal boundaries, parents are especially guilty of this (we recommend an article about separation from parents).

All this hits self-esteem very hard, especially if the power of parents is very strong. The child initially tries to defend his boundaries, but he is often stopped, sometimes for no reason at all. Parents manipulate the child, causing feelings of guilt and shame.

As adults, our body and brain remember our behavior “from childhood,” and then we live like this, when our boundaries are constantly violated. And we accept it without complaint until our patience breaks and a “war” breaks out, sometimes with the closest people over our personal boundaries.

Advice . Do not tolerate violation of your personal boundaries, cut off immediately and say what you don’t like. You need to talk about your needs and feelings right away. This sets the rules of communication and marks boundaries.

Communication and Communication: Differences

Today, communication, being a fairly common concept, is perceived differently by philosophers, psychologists, creative individuals and other people who are not particularly concerned about the content of the category when they are talking on the phone or discussing a particular topic. Many people believe that communication and communication are the same category. Is it really?

Communication should be understood as a multifaceted process of mental, intellectual and speech activity, which is aimed primarily at the formation and further development of contacts. Communication is nothing more than a set of speech and non-speech operations, the result of which is the exchange of information at the level of interpersonal interaction. So, there are still differences in the concepts of “communication” and “communication”.

Why do we need communications?

Once upon a time, about ten years ago, I heard a phrase at a personal growth training that “everything comes to us through people”... love, money, good ideas, and much more. Therefore, you need to build communications with a real person, and not with a telephone. Even if the first communication took place over the phone, it is worth meeting this person after a while and chatting with him “live.” This is the advice that the coach gave us at the training and which I still use to this day!

Although now you can often meet married couples in cafes and just couples sitting at the table, each with their head buried in their phones... You can’t help but ask the question: “Why did they come here?”

I always remember family dinners in France, where people don’t just gather to eat, they come to socialize... As a rule, they have long dinners and this is a good family tradition!

Comparison of categories

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The most important property of communication is universality, the ability to competently connect the types of relationships between people that exist today, which serve as a tool to satisfy the need for teamwork and enable each person, through the category of mutual understanding, to consider himself as a unique individual. This primarily includes communication (the type of communication that is considered the main one), interaction between participants in the communication process and their direct perception of each other as partners developing a dialogue.

Communication as a type of communication

Communication, being one of the types of communication, is endowed with the most important functions. This includes a person’s speech activity, tactile and visual ability to perceive information through facial expressions, gestures, intonation and postures. This type of communication, communication, and speech are closely related. The fact is that in the process of communicative communication a person listens and speaks. In addition, he expresses his own attitude towards the interlocutor and the content of the speech. A person can smile or get angry, emphasize the importance of what was said by lightly touching the partner’s hand, or “throw” phrases in an ironic tone. He may lean back a little to demonstrate distrust of the interlocutor's words, or perform a number of other actions. Communication and means of communication complement each other, because verbal contact is now almost impossible without non-verbal information. It should be borne in mind that only in this form does it become the basis of communication.

Basic elements of communication.

Business communication is communication, i.e. exchange of information that is significant for the participants in communication.


1) communication, transfer of information from person to person

(interpersonal communication);

2) communication and exchange of information in society (social


Any process of human communication includes three main elements:

people; messages; means of transmitting these messages.

Basic elements of communication:

1 . The source of the message (communicator) is the creator of the message, the person generating the idea. In an organizational setting, the source of the message is usually a member of the organization who has ideas, information, intentions and a desire to establish communication.

2. Codes - symbols or signs that translate the message into a language understandable to the recipient. Verbal and non-verbal means of communication are used as codes.

3. Message - information or coded idea, i.e. what the source conveys to the recipient. The interpretation of information depends on ideas, social class, position in society, and the presence or absence of communication barriers between the source of information and its recipient. It is important to compose a block of information so that it fully interests the recipient.

4. Channel - the means by which a message is transmitted from communicator to communicator. It is the means by which a message is conveyed from the speaker to the person listening. In an organizational setting, they can take the form of a one-on-one conversation, a written message, a telephone conversation, an oral message, an informal communication, a general meeting, and much more.

Typically, channels are divided into the following types:

— technical (media: press, television, radio, electronic media);

—interpersonal (direct exchange of information between source and recipient).

20. Means of communication. Forms of business communication.

Business communication is communication, i.e. exchange of information that is significant for the participants in communication.

All means of communication are divided into two large groups: verbal (verbal) and non-verbal. There is a peculiar division of functions between verbal and nonverbal means of communication: pure information is transmitted through the verbal channel, and the attitude towards the communication partner is transmitted through the nonverbal channel.

Features of verbal communication

Verbal means of communication include written and oral speech, listening and reading. Oral and written speech are involved in the production of text (the process of transmitting information), and listening and reading are involved in the perception of the text and the information contained in it. The verbal channel is used to convey information.

Two main components of business communication: the ability to speak and the ability to listen

Speaking skills: diction, formulation of main points, vocabulary, etc.

Listening is about receiving feedback

Nonverbal communication

With the help of nonverbal means, people can communicate without uttering a word. Non-verbal means of communication include facial expressions, gestures, intonation, timbre of voice, gait, tactile influence, i.e. indicators of hidden psychological characteristics of the individual.

Forms of business communication.

1. Business conversation - oral contact between interlocutors. Its participants must have the authority to accept and consolidate the positions developed. The functions of a business conversation include: solving problems facing the participants, communication between employees of the same business environment, maintaining and developing business contacts.

2. Business correspondence - a business letter (an official message in the form of an official document, as well as in the form of requests, proposals, claims, congratulations and responses to them). When composing a business letter, you need it to be relevant, concise, logical, persuasive and without being too overbearing.

3. A business meeting is a discussion to resolve organizational problems, including the collection and analysis of information, as well as decision-making.

21. Business correspondence. Types of business letters.

It is customary to distinguish the following types of business letters . Based on subject matter, business letters are divided into:

  1. Commercial – used in preparation for concluding a commercial transaction, as well as in fulfilling the terms of contracts. These include the following business letters:
  • offer (offer letter) – a statement of a person about the desire to conclude a transaction indicating the specific terms of the transaction;
  • letter of request - an appeal from one party to the other about the desire to conclude a transaction, as a rule, without specifying the terms of the transaction or to clarify some issue during the transaction;
  • complaint (letter of claim) - a claim against a party to a transaction that has violated the obligations assumed under the contract, and a demand for compensation for losses.
  • Non-commercial (actually business letters) - are used in solving various organizational, legal issues, and economic relationships. These include:
  • thank you letter – contains an expression of gratitude for some reason;
  • letter of guarantee – contains confirmation of certain obligations;
  • information letter (letter of notification, letter of message, letter of notification) - involves informing about some events or facts that are of interest or may be of interest to the addressee;
  • reminder letter - contains a reminder of the fulfillment of agreements, obligations and measures that will be taken in case of non-fulfillment;
  • confirmation letter – contains confirmation of receipt of some product, agreement with something, some fact, etc.;
  • letter of congratulations – contains congratulations on some occasion;
  • invitation letter – contains an invitation to some event;
  • letter of request – contains a request to perform or stop some action, to encourage action, etc.;
  • letter of condolence - contains sympathy for some reason;
  • cover letter - is drawn up to inform the addressee about the sending of some accompanying documents, material assets, etc.

Based on functionality, business letters are divided into:

  1. Response letters are responses to initiative letters.
  2. Initiative letters are written at the initiative of the addressee for a specific purpose.
  • Letters requiring a response (letter of request, letter of offer, letter of complaint, letter of request, letter of appeal).
  • Letters that do not require a response (reminder letter, warning letter, notification letter, covering letter, confirmation letter).

Based on the recipient, business letters are divided into:

  1. Circular letters are letters addressed to several recipients at the same time.
  2. Regular letters - addressed to one specific recipient.

According to their composition, business letters are:

  1. Single-aspect – consider one issue.
  2. Multidimensional - addresses several issues at the same time.

The structure of business letters is as follows:

  1. Regulated - compiled according to a certain established pattern.
  2. Unregulated - contain the author’s text and are compiled in free form, do not have a set template.

According to the form of sending, business letters can be:

  1. Envelope - sent by mail in an envelope.
  2. Electronic – sent electronically by e-mail.
  3. Fax – sent by fax.

22. Telephone communication.

The outcome of the entire conversation will depend on how well a person knows how to conduct telephone conversations. Nowadays, telephone conversations are mainly telemarketing, i.e. selling any product or service over the phone.

Advantages of telephone communications:

• communication is not visual, which means that negative emotions that can strain, stop or confuse the person negotiating are not visible. You can prepare complex texts and phrases in advance and read them

• you can easily interrupt the conversation

The disadvantages of this type of negotiation can be deduced from the advantages

The ability to communicate effectively over the phone is a unique art, special attention should be paid to:

• listening skills;

• professional communication;

• techniques that help you cope with difficult situations and communicate with difficult people;

• control of telephone conversations.

What is necessary:

1. Feel like you're on stage. All personal experiences should fade into the background and should not affect professional behavior

2. Be consistent

3. Use role models (learn from colleagues)

4. Answer the phone quickly. You need to pick up the phone no later than after 3-4 signals.

5. Minimize waiting time

6. Give the interlocutor time to adapt. You need to give your partner a chance to adjust to their voice before greeting them with “Good morning” or “Good afternoon.”

How to Improve Your Phone Style

1. Conducting a conversation in the form of a dialogue.

2. Control your voice – energetic tone

3. Assessing the properties of your own voice. The key is to learn how to choose the right tone of voice in different situations

23. Basic elements of communication.

Business communication is communication, i.e. exchange of information that is significant for the participants in communication.

The term “communication” appeared in scientific literature at the beginning of the 20th century. and has three meanings:

1) means of communication of any objects of the material and spiritual world;

2) communication, transfer of information from person to person (interpersonal communication);

3) communication and exchange of information in society (social communication).

Basic elements of communication:

1. The source of the message (communicator) is the creator of the message, the person generating the idea.

2. Codes - symbols or signs that translate the message into a language understandable to the recipient. Verbal and non-verbal means of communication are used as codes.

3. Message - information or coded idea, i.e. what the source conveys to the recipient.

4. Channel - the means by which a message is transmitted from communicator to communicator.

Message source

In an organizational setting, the source of the message is usually a member of the organization who has ideas, information, intentions and a desire to establish communication. The source may be an organization, a group of individuals, or an individual. The source of the message and the communicator are not always the same person.


The most important factor that violates the meaning of communication is a violation of the integrity of the transmitted information, incorrect encoding and decoding of information. When speaking, it is important to focus on the interlocutor, to correlate your level of communication with his.


Interpretation of information depends on ideas, social class, position in society, the presence or absence of communication barriers between the source of information and its recipient


It is the means by which a message is conveyed from the speaker to the person listening

there are channels

technical (media: press, television, radio, electronic media);

— interpersonal (direct exchange of information between the source and the recipient).

24. The effect of influence in the process of communication.

Communication with people is a science and an art.

The male communication style is more active and substantive, but at the same time more competitive and conflictual than the female one. At the same time, for a man, the content of joint activity is more important than individual sympathy for partners. Male communication is characterized by greater emotional restraint. Women express their feelings and emotions more freely and fully; they have an earlier need to share their experiences with someone, as well as the ability to empathize (empathy).

Business communication can be divided into direct (immediate contact) and indirect (when there is a space-time distance between partners).

Business communication is implemented in various forms:

• business conversation;

• business meeting;

• business meetings;

• public performance.

In the process of communication, you should pay attention to the distance that the interlocutors choose.

Visual communication - eye contact. Visual communication usually includes the gaze itself, its direction, and the frequency of eye contact.

Identification - one of the easiest ways to understand another person is to liken yourself to him.

Empathy is the ability to understand the emotional state of another person in the form of empathy

In communication difficulties, one should highlight the purely psychological and communicative aspects. The psychological aspect of various difficulties and obstacles in communication is associated with the personal factor, the motivational and substantive side of communication and includes, on the one hand, alienation and autism, and on the other - redundancy, meaninglessness of communication.

The communication aspect lies in the inability to establish contact and the inability to establish it. If the first is associated with communicative competence, skills and abilities that can be learned, then the second follows from personality characteristics and is more difficult to correct.

Communication systems

Communication and all accompanying processes have a close relationship with sign systems. These include numerical symbols, symbols, alphabet, road signs, as well as sound and color signals. It is worth noting that the use of these symbols facilitates the establishment of distance communication if direct contact between the participants is considered impossible.

Communication as communication and a form of interpersonal relationships combines perceptual and interactive functions with communicative ones. If communication is associated with the exchange of information between people, then the perceptual side is responsible for their perception of each other, and the interactive side involves organizing the interaction between them in accordance with the type of business, personal or official communication.

Methods of learning and improvement

Researchers have been studying interpersonal communication for a very long time. There are 4 types of methods:

  • studies of interpersonal interaction;
  • measuring communication features;
  • studying self-esteem, self-esteem, psychological defense mechanisms;
  • research on social motivation.

Problems with communication start from an early age. Communication is influenced by family relationships. Parents are recommended:

  1. Talk to each other without anger or manifestation of negative feelings. The voice should be calm and soft. At the same time, you need to express positive emotions more often.
  2. Read fairy tales to your baby regularly. After reading, you need to ask the child what he remembered, what motive of behavior of the main characters he understood. When discussing, you need to analyze the plot in detail.
  3. Let the baby ask for what he wants. Initially, these may be individual words, but with the development of speech skills, you need to teach him to formulate desires in detail.
  4. Protect your child from gadgets and encourage him to communicate with peers. It is better to send him to the sports section, enroll him in developmental clubs that his peers attend.
  5. Communicate with your baby through play.

From childhood, a child should be taught the rules of etiquette. For example, it is necessary to teach him not to raise his voice, not to use rude expressions or words. If he wants to get something, he must learn to ask for it, and not insist or demand.

Society and communication are two interrelated concepts that cannot exist without each other. With the help of communication skills, people share various information, exchange skills, life experiences, and build relationships.

Nonverbal communication. Optical-kinetic sign system

As it turned out, the exchange of information is carried out not only through speech, but also through other sign systems, which together form the means of non-verbal communication. First, let's consider the optical-kinetic system, which involves the use of pantomime, gestures and facial expressions. It is worth noting that in classical literature you can find more than 20,000 characteristics of facial expression. For example, L.N. Tolstoy in the famous novel “War and Peace” displayed 93 different descriptions of a smile.

When trying to create an internal classification of the optical-kinetic sign system, it turned out that it was relevant to use a principle similar to the general one. Thus, the face is divided into three parts using horizontal lines: forehead and eyes, nose and nasal area, chin and mouth. The following are 6 key emotions that are most often used through facial expressions: surprise, fear, sadness, anger, joy and disgust. You should know that setting an emotion in accordance with the “zone” allows you to record facial movements more or less definitely.

Gestures and postures that a person uses when communicating have a fairly serious impact on the interlocutor. For example, defensive gestures (arms crossed on the chest; clenched fists; palms covering the face) suggest an increased sense of closedness in the interlocutor, and accordingly, worsen contact. On the contrary, a smiling face and open palms unconsciously relieve the feeling of tension even in a person with whom you are in a very strained relationship.

Proxemics and eye contact

Proxemics is nothing more than the organization of time and space in the process of communication. Consider, for example, the norms for a person’s approach to an interlocutor, characteristic of American culture (in centimeters):

  • From 0 to 45 – intimate distance.
  • From 45 to 120 – personal distance.
  • From 120 to 400 – social distance.
  • From 400 to 750 is the public distance.

Team members should be to the right of the leader.

In addition, each person has his own “personal space zone”, which can be realized intuitively. As a rule, it varies from 40 to 50 centimeters. If this zone is crossed by an unsympathetic or unfamiliar person, spontaneous irritation appears. However, when dealing with attractive people, you should expect the opposite reaction. By changing the physical distance, you can even control the state of your interlocutor. You should know that for women this distance is to some extent greater than for the male part of the population. That is why ladies react more painfully to its reduction.

Visual contact should be understood as the duration of glances, the frequency of their exchange, a change in the dynamics and tactics of glances, or their avoidance. For example, researchers have shown that a woman's pupils dilate when she looks at her loved one. Undoubtedly, this makes her face more attractive compared to her face in a situation where she looks at an unpleasant or unfamiliar person.

Functions and role

Communication in psychology is a definition that indirectly affects the development of social interaction between people.

It is a particularly significant process that has its own goals and functions:

  • ensuring productive and high-quality exchange of information;
  • development of interpersonal communication based on data exchange;
  • creation and improvement of transmission channels;
  • regulation and intellectualization of information flows.
  • informing, warning and persuading others.

The goals of communication in the context of different groups differ in their functionality. If in emergency situations it is necessary to provide general information to the participants, or to reassure them, then, for example, for educational purposes, to train, support or unite a group of people.

Based on the personalized goals of the subject, in scientific practice the following communication functions are distinguished:

  1. Informational. Communication acts as a mediator, which is characterized by the exchange of opinions, information, decisions and plans between communicants. Such an exchange develops both in solving problems and for practical purposes, including maintaining relations between subjects.
  2. Social. Development and formation of cultural components in the relationship of individuals. It is characterized by the formation of personal opinions or worldviews, as well as reactions to certain events. It is characterized by ensuring high competence in a person, with the help of which coexistence within the framework of cultural characteristics is qualitatively improved.
  3. Expressive. Used to express and understand certain emotional experiences. It consists of direct collection of an informative component and a verbally substantiated assessment model. Explains the theory of liking for specific people. So, if the first impression of the opponent turns out to be bad, further plans for developing the relationship may be ruined. Any expression of emotional manifestations is especially important if you want to improve the dialogue with your interlocutor. Characterized by increased self-expression of emotions or feelings through both types of communication - verbal and non-verbal.
  4. Pragmatic. It makes it possible to regulate behavioral factors and evaluate the activities of conversation participants, as well as coordinate actions in any direction. It can be used both for yourself and for a partner, which allows you to motivate him to perform certain actions.
  5. Interpretive. Helps to better understand the interlocutor, his attitudes or intentions, and also to identify unwanted experiences during the conversation. Most often used to collect and communicate information to assist in an activity, assessment, or opinion.

The social-role context of communication is associated with the presence of expectations and cannot manifest itself without knowledge of the environment. The level of business relations is realized through joint cooperation between communication partners.

Personal-intimate character obliges a person to satisfy his own needs for understanding, experiencing or sympathy of another individual. For this, psychological factors such as empathy, intimacy or trust are usually used.

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