Follow these 8 tips for raising a boy and you will grow up to be a real man.

A child in the third year of life sometimes brings great challenges to parents. He grew up, began to speak, and actively communicates. But suddenly he starts calling names, instead of putting the toys away - he pretended to be sleeping, refuses to go for a walk, and so on. Psychologists call this the “three-year-old crisis.” There is no need to panic, it will pass. The child begins to realize that he is an individual, understands his characteristics and desires. This is why you can often hear that raising a child at 3 years old is a parent’s struggle with stubbornness and negativism. And this is partly true.

"Young negativist"

Negativism is a characteristic feature of a crisis. It manifests itself to the requests of an adult and to his person. Moreover, quite often negativism manifests itself towards only one family member, when he obeys the rest perfectly. This trait is also manifested by the fact that the child forces his parents to fulfill his demands, thereby demonstrating his power.

Raising a three-year-old child proceeds in different ways. Some parents themselves become irritable and try to put the child dictator in his place, using physical and suppressive methods. In another family, they completely obey him - as long as he doesn’t whine and lag behind his parents. The golden mean is the most correct parenting tactics, consisting of the following tips and recommendations:

  1. You need to be patient and evaluate each individual situation as soberly as possible. The baby needs to be understood and his whims used against him. If your child throws toys around when asked to put them away, ask him never to put the toys away. Prohibitions, demands and whims are ineffective; it is necessary to divert children's attention to something else that is more interesting for him.
  2. You need to calmly react to attacks of children's hysterics, and under no circumstances indulge them. Otherwise, the child will understand that there is a response to his actions and such behavior will become a habit. You can divert the attention of a hysterical child to a toy.
  3. Raising a child at 3 years old should be synchronous: the father should not allow what the mother forbade, and vice versa. Therefore, it is very important to establish rules that are common to everyone (including grandparents!). If you can’t jump on the couch, then you can’t do it on all days, without exception.
  4. You need to raise a child in love, he should always be sincerely praised for doing the right thing. And if the child did something wrong, you need to explain to him in detail why this should not be done, but under no circumstances should you brush it off.

Hysterics - be!

If you can’t come to an agreement with your child and he throws a tantrum, what should you do?

The main thing, as psychologists advise, is not to be ashamed of your child in front of strangers at this moment. This is your child and he is going through this stage of growing up. Your task is to help him, and not to make him guilty or shame him.

What actions to take:

  1. Do not yell at him - this can only worsen the situation and scare the baby.
  2. Squat down next to him to make eye contact and tell him that he has time to scream, the main thing is to make him feel better.
  3. Ask how you can help, but at the same time, if something is prohibited, stand your ground.
  4. Look around, if you are on the street and the child is sitting on the floor, check if there are any dangerous objects nearby - remove stones or sticks, in other words, secure the place of the tantrum.
  5. Sit next to your child, show him that you are upset by his behavior and that he is making you sad.
  6. Try to hug your child and sit him on your lap.
  7. Stroke his hand or head - repeated pleasant actions will help him calm down.
  8. You can whisper in your ear that you will now go and read your favorite fairy tale, or you can even start telling it quietly.
  9. If all else fails, try going into another room (if the tantrum happened at home). Often, without spectators, children calm down faster.
  10. After you have managed to calm the baby down, be sure to tell him that the consequences of such hysterics are very sad - the toys are scattered, the baby is all red, the mother has a headache, but do not scold him or scream.
  11. The main thing is to try to find out the reason for the hysteria, try to agree that this reason will no longer upset the baby - find a compromise.

Read more: Panic attacks in children and adolescents

"Male Education"

A three-year-old boy should be proud to be a man. A child should know that he is brave, strong and kind, but in no case a coward or a weakling. However, quarrels and fights should not be indulged. The boy imitates his father and is obliged to feel good with his dad. And the mother should understand this and give men the opportunity to spend more time together. Boys need more space as they are more active. On the street, you need to run, climb, and play outdoor games with your child. A three-year-old boy needs to be given more independence (with constant unobtrusive supervision). The mother should teach the baby to open the door, help carry the bag and perform other simple tasks.

How to raise a child at three years old

For little toddlers, the crisis of three years is one of the signs of development, a step towards moving to a higher level. This stage is observed at different times in all babies: some undergo it as early as 2.5 years old, while others are closer to four years old. It also proceeds differently.

There are parents who do not notice any changes at all, while for others the childhood crisis becomes a real hell.

To understand why this period occurs, we can draw an analogy with chicks. They feel comfortable and warm in a strong shell. But with the onset of a certain time, the shell cracks. When it cracks, your little bundle of joy realizes that there are things he can do without adult help. The child realizes that he is an independent individual, he begins to demonstrate this in every possible way.

But his age skills do not allow him to completely do without the support of his parents. Therefore, through tears, screams and hysterics, he seems to take revenge for this. The mother often finds herself at the epicenter of events, since she spends more time with the child than other family members. The son or daughter does not conflict with peers or other adults.

The harmful child shoots all the “arrows” at the one who is closest to him. This person will have to help the baby overcome the period of formation of individuality.

"Three-Year-Old Princesses"

Girls develop faster, their feelings and emotions are expressed more sharply. It is easier to control girls, but their cunning should be taken into account. The ideal for a girl is her mother; together with her they find a common language - from discussing doll outfits to jewelry, baking and caring for flowers. The father must have a positive influence on his daughter’s communication in male society. You need to constantly monitor your daughter’s desires and capabilities and promote their maximum development.

The future of their children, their character and attitude towards the environment depends on the parents. And if you don’t start proper upbringing at the age of three, you can ruin your child completely and irrevocably.

Useful tips for parents

  1. A child at this age strives to do everything on his own, although he has practically no skills for this. In this case, it is important for parents to allow the child to do everything on his own, even if they clearly understand that it will be difficult for him to do this. Personal experience is the best teacher. You need to be patient while watching his actions; you need to give him more time to complete this task than an adult spends on it. Don’t forget to praise your baby when he succeeds, how great he is, that you are proud that he has already grown up.
  2. There are times when a child begins to be stubborn, insisting on his request. He does this not because he wanted it so badly, but because he made such a decision. The best solution in this case is to offer an alternative in return, without insisting, wait a few minutes, and let the little stubborn person make a decision himself.
  3. Sometimes a child acts contrary not only to his parents’ wishes, but also to his own aspirations, because this is not his personal decision, but his parents ask him about it. Therefore, instead of ordering: “Let’s go for a walk!”, you can simply ask the child about his personal desire: “Little one, are we going for a walk today?” Here you can use a little trick by asking your child a question, any answer to which will completely suit you. For example: “Shall we go for a walk today in the alley or in the park?”
  4. A riot on a ship is a kind of protest reaction to parental pressure; violent children's energy still comes out in the form of strong hysterics and outbursts of anger. Of course, this is a kind of release, but along with it the baby receives severe stress, which lowers the immune properties of the child’s body. Therefore, when the baby is hysterical, it is better to wait it out calmly, and then explain how to behave correctly in this situation, do not try to do this when the baby is hysterical, it is useless, these are the characteristics of the fragile human psyche.

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How not to turn your son into a “mama’s boy”

  • Do not let the boy sleep in his parents' bed after a year (it is especially bad if the boy sleeps with his mom and dad after 5 - 7 years);
  • Don't blunt your child's initiative;
  • Don’t buy your son toys that you really like;
  • Allow him to be friends with children of different personalities;
  • Do not demand unquestioning obedience from him;
  • If someone took a toy from a child, do not even think about scolding the offender and taking the toy, the child must return it to himself;
  • Having abandoned everything, take the son’s side in conflict situations with peers. Give him the opportunity to solve the problem on his own;
  • You should not feel excessively sorry for him or make allowances when another relative asks him to behave diligently.

Important qualities that a boy needs

The question of how to raise a boy to be a real man

relevant for every mother. The concept of “real” often hides not one, but a whole set of characteristics:

  • reliable;
  • strong;
  • courageous;
  • hardworking;
  • responsible;
  • communicable;
  • caring;
  • generous.

In different families, the list of qualities needed by a man may differ. But the given characteristics are the reference ones for most people when it comes to raising a boy.

Annual independence

One year old boys love to make a fuss. In any situation, they find a reason to show their character, achieve their goal and force others to obey.

Raising a one-year-old baby is the main stage in the development of personality. During the course of a year, the baby develops, in addition to character, other qualities: perseverance, determination and self-confidence.

Treat such a phenomenon with calm and patience, do not even try to “remake” its character, be patient and show leniency. Don’t be afraid to once again show your love for him. During this period, boys need it no less than girls. Parental care, warmth and hugs will not bring him any harm.

How to raise a boy? A question parents ask all the time. It’s important not to overdo it. The baby needs so-called self-actualization, self-affirmation. Therefore, there is no need to treat his requests and opinions as something stupid and unnecessary.

Born to be a man

A win-win option to show your joy about raising a true man is to name the baby with a real man's name. That is why it is better not to take dual names, which are also worn by women. But the accepted attributes for boys in the form of blue clothes and blue strollers are not very important in the formation of a masculine character. This is rather a signal from the parents that they have a growing man.

A strong and reliable protector - and one wouldn’t dare say that about a baby who hasn’t even learned to speak yet, but grabs his parents by the hair with his small, grasping fingers.

However, you can look at it with different eyes, clenched palms are a real fist, the requirement to constantly suck is the makings of a healthy appetite, and loud screams are the commands of a young commander.

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