Your child is 2 years old: 10 golden rules for parenting

Each child has an individual character formed from birth. Education must begin from a very early age so that the period of personality formation passes as easily as possible. Psychology gives a variety of advice regarding raising a 2-3 year old child. This is due to the fact that the child’s development should be harmonious and versatile. The behavior of a three-year-old child does not determine how he will grow up. It is determined by temperament, not corrected by character.

Try to spend more time with your child

Some mothers believe that at two years old the baby is already able to occupy himself and does not need to be constantly nearby. This is a misconception: he is still too small and really needs your participation. Another mistake is to think that you need to speak with such a little one in a special children's language, lisping and distorting words. The child understands your intonation very well, and many of the words are familiar to him. Your speech should be a model for him. When putting your baby to bed, make it a rule to read children's books to him. He may not yet be able to grasp the plot, but the music of the words itself fascinates him, bringing aesthetic pleasure.


Now the young researcher is capable of some analysis. For example, he thinks about an action before committing it. Let's say, in order to get a vase of sweets from a high shelf, he will think and bring a chair.

He understands what result this or that action will lead to (if you touch a hot pan, it will hurt, if you throw a ball at the wall, it will bounce, if you stand over the edge of the bed, you will fall). The baby becomes more attentive and observant (this is where most of his “whys” come from).

At this age, it is difficult for a child to maintain attention on one thing for a long time, but he should be able to concentrate on an object or phenomenon of interest for at least 15 minutes.

Memory and logical thinking have already reached a certain level, the child has turned into a researcher and designer. He already knows how to:

  • assemble dismountable toys from 4 or more parts (pyramid, puzzles, tower made of cubes);
  • determine to which object a separate part of it belongs (hair - to a doll, a wheel - to a typewriter, a wing - to a bird);
  • distinguish objects by colors, shapes (circle, square, triangle), properties (heavy, soft, warm);
  • find the missing details in the picture (the house has no door, the dog has no tail);
  • identify an object by its description;
  • describe the plot of the picture;
  • tell what you did during the day.


If a 2.5-year-old child uses monosyllabic sentences to tell stories, provoke him to give detailed answers with leading questions and then ask him to collect all the answers into one complete one. Set an example if your child fails to do it the first time.

Don't forget about outdoor games with your child

A two-year-old child is unable to sit in one place for a long time; he loves to run, jump, sweeping away everything in his path. If he has built a tower out of cubes, then he definitely wants to destroy it so that the cubes scatter in different directions. There is no need to scold him for this, but you need to direct physical activity in a positive direction. Play ball with him on the street, run for soap bubbles together, try dancing to fun music.


The period from 2 to 3 years is a real boom in the development of cognitive activity. Therefore, the baby’s endless questions should always be satisfied with complete answers, structured in such a way that the baby can easily understand them.

At this age, a child strives to understand the essence of things, but does not yet know the difference between living and nonliving things - by understanding how something works, he can “disassemble” not only a car or a construction set, but also a beetle or a butterfly. It is important to explain to him that they are alive, that they are in pain and it is impossible to treat them this way.

A child comprehends the world around him through his own perception; it is important for him not only to see, but also to touch, smell, taste and taste everything that surrounds him.

By answering numerous questions, parents encourage the baby to actively develop speech: they teach him to give detailed answers, expand his vocabulary and conceptual stock.

Thanks to the development of cognitive activity at 2-3 years, the baby is able to understand and distinguish the following concepts:

  • sizes of objects (larger, smaller, wider, longer);
  • quantity (many, few, one);
  • the names and purposes of the objects that surround it, which everyone uses;
  • the object and its parts (the car has wheels, doors, headlights, the elephant has ears, a trunk);
  • generalizations (transport, animals, dishes, food, toys, flowers).

Children at this age correlate an object and the action it performs (a car is driving, a kettle is boiling, a bird is flying, a flower is smelling); character and sounds (the cow moos, the little sparrow chirps). They also understand the meaning of some professions (a doctor treats, a cook cooks, a postman delivers newspapers and letters).

All these skills need to be used to develop the baby’s memory:

  • learn simple quatrains with him;
  • teach to remember what object was and has now disappeared;
  • What is the difference between two similar pictures?

By the age of 3, a child’s vocabulary can range from 400 to 1500 words.

Help your baby talk

Some parents become very worried when their two-year-old child stubbornly refuses to speak or gets by with five to ten words. Introduce your son or daughter to new objects and phenomena, naming them several times. Take every opportunity to expand your baby's vocabulary. We must not forget about the development of fine motor skills, which, according to psychologists, is closely related to speech. Therefore, give your child plasticine, a construction set with large parts, and a sorter toy.

Read also: Development of children's speech with the help of Mersibo games

Personal video greeting from Santa Claus


A 2-year-old child is no longer as helpless as he was just a year ago. Now he already knows (or almost knows) quite a lot:

  • run, jump on one and two legs;
  • walk on tiptoes, on heels;
  • bend over, squat;
  • overcome thresholds, steps;
  • throw and catch the ball, hit the target with it;
  • do two actions at the same time (step and clap);
  • climb ladders and slide down slides on the playground.

During the same period, the baby learns to ride a three- or four-wheeled bicycle.

The beginning of separation leads to the fact that the child begins to actively learn new skills, proving to parents that he can do it himself:

  • put on a T-shirt and socks;
  • fasten buttons;
  • wash your hands;
  • brush teeth;
  • tie shoelaces;
  • even clean your shoes.

It’s not a fact that he will succeed the first or even the tenth time, but he will persistently achieve his goal, and in this his parents should help him, support the baby, praise him for his independence and the skills that he demonstrates to them with such diligence. All this will help the child begin to trust his parents, and from competitors they will turn into his allies, whom he will be happy to help - at the request or on his own initiative. For example, he will be able to:

  • put away your toys;
  • take the trash to the bin;
  • wipe the dust on the shelf;
  • help mom load laundry into the machine;
  • pour food for the fish if you have an aquarium;
  • lay out napkins and bread on the table;
  • put away spoons and forks.

In addition, developing these skills helps hone fine motor skills. And this, as you know, has a direct impact on speech development.

More expressions of love

Remember that a two year old is still very young. He needs your love and affection so much. Hug and kiss him more often, take him in your arms. It is very important for a child to experience positive emotions; without them, normal development is impossible.

Personal video greeting from Santa Claus

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The young researcher, thinker and designer constantly shows new interests. Everything interests him:

  • listen to his mother’s reading (now he understands the essence of what he heard, remembers, analyzes, and can retell the plot in general terms);
  • describe what is happening around you during a walk, depicted in pictures, seen in a cartoon;
  • figure out what to do (at the same time, the child can synthesize the most incredible experiments - dressing up a cat, painting mom’s pie dough, drawing on shoes, etc.).
  • fantasize. This is one of the most striking manifestations of age - the more incredible the child’s fantasies during this period, the more fully his intellect develops. At the same time, there is no need to scold a child for his inventions - on the contrary, a wild imagination is worthy of praise and development by adults.

The age of 2-3 years is the time for the active development of creative abilities. The child becomes extremely interested in expressing himself in a variety of areas, such as designing, drawing, modeling, writing incredible stories, putting together mosaics, etc.

During this period, it is important to provide the child with room for creativity. You can draw with pencils, paints (including finger paints), soap foam, or fingers on flour or sand. Sculpt - from plasticine, clay, dough. Working with sand plays an important role in tactile development. You can collect and build construction sets (Lego), mosaics, puzzles, pyramids, cubes. At the same time, the most incredible designs should be enthusiastically accepted by adults as a manifestation of the maturity of their child. This will give the baby confidence.


Try to become your child's ally in his creativity, a companion in such games. This will help minimize confrontation, give the baby confidence in your love and pride in him, and allow him to feel protected.

These are the main age characteristics of children 2-3 years old. Yes, it’s not easy with a baby during this period: it’s as if he’s been replaced. But adults must understand the main thing: it’s not easier for the baby. His behavior is not simple whims, but an important segment on the path of development, which his parents should help him get through. The child needs to emerge from this stage with new valuable baggage: acceptance of adults who have equal rights in communication, socialization skills, and many new skills. And most importantly - with the feeling that he is loved not for his actions, but because he exists, with the feeling that he has reliable protection, stability and independence. Whatever concepts he calls it for himself.

Differences in the psychology of 2-year-old girls and boys

With the third year of life, the period of gender identification begins for children. Until this time, there is no such division. A visit to a children's group accelerates this awareness. It is manifested, in particular, by the differentiation of children into groups for play.

Features of education and psychology of a 2-year-old boy:

  • critical attitude towards repetitions in the learning process;
  • predominantly visual perception of information rather than auditory (therefore, it is better for boys to show things rather than talk about them);
  • boys are often more emotional than girls; if there is a reason, they should be allowed to show feelings and cry;
  • boys tend to use far vision, which is why they need more space to play; they prefer mobile activity (with a ball, catching up, etc.);
  • the same applies to toys - preference is given to toys that involve movement (constructors, blocks, etc.);
  • boys are drawn to competition, they want to stand out; Their development can be supported through suitable sports activities.

The role of parents in raising a boy is also to explain to him the importance of respecting the girl and the inadmissibility of hitting or pushing. Conversations about the role of men in the family are necessary. It is better to entrust this to the father, who, in addition to theoretical explanations, must show by his own example a respectful attitude towards a woman.

Features of the psychology of a girl at 2 years old:

  • step-by-step, repetition, consolidation - this is how the girl masters knowledge better;
  • hearing is predominantly used to perceive information, so it is better for girls not to show objects, but to talk about them;
  • toys for girls should contain bright colors; Plush toys and dolls are suitable for them;
  • Girls require more expressions of affection than boys.

A 2-3 year old girl can buy a toy kitchen set and a set of household appliances. This will help support the desire to take care of the home. Girls try to imitate their mothers and try to help with housework. Therefore, such an acquisition will benefit their development.

How to educate correctly: advice from a psychologist

Psychology identifies this type of education as extremely important, therefore moral education should begin from the first three years of life. In psychology, the main factor in the development of a child’s morality is the formation of good relationships with other children and adults.

Every child adopts the behavior of adults; accordingly, the main aspect of good upbringing is the correct behavior of the mother and father in the family.

From an early age, you need to begin to instill respect, sociability, friendly treatment of people, develop empathy, the ability to reckon with others, and the need to help others.

Moral education

At the age of 3 years, it is already possible to instill in children a love for their native places and develop citizenship. You should start with the development of self-respect, nobility in relation to others in everyday life, and the study of national culture. If you present it in an interesting way, children will quickly learn everything. The easiest way to instill patriotic education is through animation. There are many cartoons, both modern and Soviet, that convey noble and strong images of knights, Russian heroes, as well as brave women prone to self-sacrifice.

Features of different temperaments

Often problems and disobedience arise due to the wrong approach to raising a child. If you do not take into account the individual characteristics of your child, you will very often encounter misunderstandings and hysterics. All people are divided into 4 groups according to the type of temperament, each baby develops it from birth. However, there are no ideal representatives of this or that group. The division occurs according to the principle of the predominance of traits characteristic of one of the temperaments.

  1. Sanguine people are often called problem-free children. Representatives of this group are characterized by: the absence of loud hysterics with falling on the floor, mobility, high self-esteem, no sleep problems and a strong nervous system. But these are cunning children: parents often take them at their word and follow their lead. They cannot be forced to do what they do not want. The main problem of sanguine people is lying, it needs to be stopped, and the baby’s words must be checked. Also, they should not be praised often or a lot.

  2. The most difficult people to raise are melancholic people. They are characterized by: vulnerability, difficulties when changing the environment, rapid fatigue, and high sensitivity. Under no circumstances should you shout at them, as this is tantamount to physical violence. Representatives of this type should not be shamed, especially discussing their failures in front of other children.
  3. Phlegmatic people are the most balanced. They are sleepy, slow and rarely show their emotions. They need to demonstrate everything by example, engage in joint activities with them and try to involve them in active games.
  4. Cholerics are characterized by restless sleep, short temper, activity, and mobility. They make a lot of noise. The danger is that people of this type often lead an antisocial lifestyle, show aggression towards peers and are domestic tyrants. You cannot punish them physically or ignore them. Promote your life principles.

The main task of parents is to form a character in the child that will smooth out temperamental deficiencies. An individual approach will allow you to do this as efficiently and gently as possible. Try to avoid direct and unfounded prohibitions.

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