Effective ways to bewitch the boy you like

Features of love rituals

First love.
A love spell is not capable of inducing strong love, since magic suppresses the will of the chosen one, turning him into a slave. A boy who has been subjected to witchcraft thinks only about the performer of the ritual, losing the ability to live life to the fullest.

There is a possibility that the young man will break off relations with close friends and abandon his studies.

Therefore, when deciding to conduct a love ritual, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. Perhaps you should first try to win the boy’s sympathy on your own, without witchcraft.

Reasons why it is not recommended to bewitch at a young age

There are several reasons why it is not recommended to use love magic at a young age:

  1. The period of falling in love during adolescence does not last long. Girls 12-16 years old can quickly fall out of love and forget their chosen one. Not all love spells can be removed as easily as they can be applied. In the future, there is a possibility of suffering from the obsession of a bewitched young man who has long become unpleasant or indifferent.
  2. The Christian faith does not recognize witchcraft. Even white magic is prohibited.
  3. Under the influence of a love spell, the boy will change and lose his personality. As a result, next to the girl will be the wrong person with whom she was in love.
  4. Some conspiracies can be life-threatening to the victim. Magic in inept hands in some cases leads to serious illness, depression and attempts to commit suicide.

How to make a boy fall in love with you himself

If a girl meets a guy she is crazy about, then she needs to behave correctly so as not to lose the favor of her new friend.

Three recommendations on how to make a boy fall in love:

  1. Contain your emotions. There is no need to squeal with delight just because he came to get to know each other better. You should interest the guy with your mysterious smile. It’s also not worth sharing all the details of your life.
  2. Watch your facial expressions, gestures, and speech. Chatting incessantly is not recommended. It is advisable to remain silent and listen to your interlocutor, inserting witty comments when appropriate. This tactic will help you learn more about your partner and prevent you from saying stupid things. But if a guy is interested in some aspects of a girl’s life, then there is no need to hide them. It is better to answer questions in detail to satisfy the curiosity of the chosen one.
  3. Have a neat and attractive appearance. A stylish look, light makeup, a simple hairstyle, and a subtle aroma of perfume always make a favorable impression on the opposite sex.

Kindness, cheerful disposition, responsiveness - that’s what guys like. You should not immediately demonstrate your weaknesses, otherwise all your efforts will go to waste.

Rules for conducting a conspiracy

Those who do not intend to deviate from their plans should carefully study all the rules for conducting magical rituals. The result of witchcraft directly depends on how competently the ritual is performed.

Features of using love magic:

  1. White magic is best used by those girls who have sincere feelings for the chosen one. Girls who are not in the mood for a love relationship are better off not using black magic. Otherwise, the conspiracy will bring negative consequences even worse.
  2. You should begin magical actions only with complete confidence in a positive result. Skepticism and mistrust will not allow you to fill the ritual with your energy, which means it will not work.
  3. It is better to cast a love spell on the waxing moon on women's days - Wednesday, Friday or Saturday.
  4. Magical intervention in the life of a loved one should remain secret from others.

The nuances of spell casting

For witchcraft to work 100%, it is important to read the magic spell correctly.

Main nuances:

  1. The text must be learned by heart. It is unacceptable to read the plot from a sheet or phone screen.
  2. Every word must be pronounced correctly the first time. You should not change words or stammer - this can lead to negative consequences.
  3. You need to read the spell in a confident and clear voice, putting all your energy into the text. The meaning of each word must be clear.

Main secret

The answer to the question “what to do to make a guy fall in love with you” is simpler than it seems. Take a look around. Among happy women you will see beautiful and simply attractive, smart and uneducated, but loved and loving. An active life position, which must be worked on since childhood, helps a woman achieve her goal.

Beauty, intelligence, fashionable clothes become unimportant if there is determination, a desire to achieve a goal.

Leading an active lifestyle, you will certainly make mistakes. It `s naturally. This is how experience is gained. “He who does nothing makes no mistakes,” says popular wisdom. Start getting active today:

  • instead of a sofa and TV - a walk, communication, new acquaintances;
  • instead of “hanging out” on the phone, social networks - a gym, a swimming pool, a tennis court;
  • graduated from school - go to university or college.

The main thing: move forward, develop, act. A rolling stone gathers no moss. It’s only in a fairy tale that a prince suddenly appears on a white horse, but in life you have to fight for the happiness of being loved. Men prefer to see strong, active, purposeful girlfriends nearby (boys too).

Preparing for the ritual

Proper preparation for the ritual plays a major role in achieving the desired result.

Before witchcraft you should:

  1. Stop using alcoholic beverages and drugs.
  2. Do not enter into conflicts with others. A positive attitude and pure energy are important for the ritual.
  3. Stop eating meat, fried and fatty foods a week before the ceremony. Fasting will allow you to activate internal reserves.
  4. Clean the room where the magical action will take place.
  5. Turn off the lights and muffle all sources of sound. For the ritual, unity with your thoughts is important.
  6. Take a shower, put on clean clothes.
  7. Dissolve the hair.

Choosing a place and time

When choosing a place and time for a love spell, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Love magic should be performed only on the waxing moon or on the new moon. These days, the energy of the Moon is maximally activated.
  2. The ceremony cannot be performed on Sundays or during church holidays.
  3. It is better to carry out the ritual in a spacious and bright room where you can retire.
  4. There should be no one in the room except the sorceress.

Some general tips

Tips on how to please a boy
A small universal instruction on how to please a boy will help you start a relationship with any person. Just don’t break the rules outlined here, otherwise you won’t be able to achieve any results.

  1. Find out his interests and look for information that might interest him. This will help start a conversation, you will have something to talk about.
  2. Start taking care of yourself . To please a boy, you need to be beautiful. Do your hair, makeup should be unobtrusive, clothes should not be provocative, emphasizing the advantages of your figure. And don't forget about well-groomed nails.
  3. Act natural . When he appears, don’t start making faces, laughing loudly or making stupid jokes.
  4. At the same time, sometimes throw ambiguous glances at him, make him stand out from the crowd, contact him more often than others - let him know that you like the boy .
  5. When communicating more closely, do not open up 100%. Let you have a secret that the boy will definitely want to unravel.
  6. Don't boast. Don't just talk about yourself. Know how to listen to him and empathize with his problems.
  7. Smile at him . We have already talked about the magical effect of a smile on a person here .
  8. Show that you have many images. If you’re an obedient student at school, and he’s used to seeing you like that, don’t be afraid to be a little rowdy on a date outside of school.
  9. Praise him.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Don't be intrusive - and you can please any boy , no matter who he is. As for common interests, there is a risk of completely dissolving in his world and completely forgetting about your own. Do not do that. He needs to know that you are a full-fledged person who has his own hobbies. This way he will respect you. Well, if you add to these universal tips a few specific ones that relate specifically to your situation, success is guaranteed.

It is important!

Don’t rush to introduce the boy you like to your parents: this may scare him.

Effective methods of fortune telling at home

There are quite a large number of effective conspiracies, thanks to which even beginners in magic can get the desired results.

For candy

A love spell on candy has powerful powers. No special magical skills or experience in divination are required to implement it. An important condition is to know the person being bewitched personally. You need to whisper the spell on the candy 3 times:

And treat your chosen one with it.

To the ashes

For the ritual you will need to prepare a blank sheet of paper and a church candle.


  1. Write your loved one's name on paper.
  2. Set the paper on fire with a candle.
  3. Wait until it burns completely.
  4. Collect all the ashes in your palm and read the spell on it 5 times:

Throw the ashes out the window.

For a cigarette

For the ritual you will need to take 1 cigarette, a box of matches and a blue pen. At midnight you need to sit by an open window and write 2 names on a cigarette: yours and your loved one.

Then you need to smoke the cigarette, saying a spell between each puff:

The ashes and cigarette butts should be placed in a transparent bag and thrown away at your loved one’s home the next morning. In a week, the love spell will begin to work - the boy will feel sympathy for the performer of the ritual and invite her to date.

On the picture

To cast a love spell on a boy based on his photo, you will need to buy a red candle in advance, print out a photo of your lover and prepare your mirror.

Late at night, you need to sit down at the table, put a portrait of your loved one in front of you and light a candle. When looking at the photo, it is important to concentrate as much as possible and think about your desire to be close to this person.

Having felt maximum concentration on what you have planned, you need to:

  1. Light a candle and place it on the table.
  2. Place a photo in front of you.
  3. Take the mirror in your hands so that the photo of your loved one is reflected in it.
  4. Concentrate on the reflection and cast the spell.
  5. Turn the photo face down and place a candle on top.
  6. Wait until the candle burns out completely.
  7. Hide the photo in a secret place where no one will see it.

On the rocks

For the ritual you will need to prepare 2 stones, each of which corresponds to the zodiac sign of the witch and the victim.

Take your stone in your right hand, and the attribute of your chosen one in your left.

Squeeze your palms tightly and make a wish to be with your loved one. Kiss the stones, wrap them in light cloth and hide them in a safe place. The magic will begin to work in a few months.

On your lover's hair

For the ritual, you will need to take the hair of the boy you like so that he does not notice anything. Place a strand of hair in a heart-shaped card and always carry it with you, imagining that your loved one is nearby. He will soon reciprocate.

On melt water

The magical ritual should be performed in the winter season, when there is snow on the ground.

Late in the evening you need to track down a young man on the street. When the boy has gone far enough, you need to go to the place where he passed and carefully dig out the outline of his shoe print in the snow.

Hide the finished cast in a glass container, take it home and place it on the table. After this, you will need to light a candle and, looking carefully at the light, say the magic words:

When the cast has completely melted, wash your face with melt water and go to bed.

On a clover leaf

For the ritual, you will need to prepare a dish with the addition of chopped clover leaves and feed it to the young man. While preparing food, whisper a spell over it:

For a personal item

The ritual is suitable for a girl who communicates quite closely with the object of attention. During one of the meetings, you will need to quietly take something from your lover’s clothes. At midnight you need to bring the thing to your lips and whisper:

For the spell to take effect, the item must be returned to the owner.

For dating at school

The plot will help the girl attract the attention of a boy she likes at school. It is better to start the ritual at dawn - along with the sunrise, the love feelings of the chosen one will awaken. You need to open the window and, taking a deep breath of fresh air, say the spell:

On the comb

Before you bind the boy to you using this ritual, you will need to quietly take the comb from him. At midnight you need to put the object in front of you and read the spell on it:

After the ritual, the item must be returned to the owner.

Honey ritual

For the honey ritual to work, you need to carefully prepare for it:

  1. Stir 3 tablespoons of honey in a glass of clean water.
  2. Drink the resulting drink. This will give energy and strength for witchcraft.
  3. At midnight, go out into a deserted wasteland.
  4. Tie a white lace ribbon to your left hand, and a red one to your right.
  5. Light a church candle and say:

On paper

A simple magical ritual will allow you to find the love of the boy you like within a week after performing it.


  1. Cut out 2 circles of the same diameter from red and blue paper.
  2. On each circle write your name and your lover's.
  3. Connect the circles together and stitch them with red thread.
  4. Pour water into a glass and say the text.
  5. Drink water and hide the circles in a safe place.

By name and photo

A love spell is endowed with special power, but its effect does not begin immediately. After about 2 months you will be able to see the first effect. To cast a love spell, you will need to buy 3 candles in the church and find a printed photo of your chosen one.

At noon, lighted candles should be placed in front of you on the table, and in front of them, put a photo of your loved one and read the spell:

Telephone love spell

If a girl does not have personal contact with her chosen one, you can make him fall in love with you using the phone. To do this, you need to dial the boy’s number, and while the beeps are ringing, read the spell:

As soon as the young man picks up the phone, the spell will begin to work.

To kiss a guy

If the boy has already proposed dating, but the relationship is not developing very actively, you can try to speed it up.

In order for your chosen one to decide on the first kiss, you should:

  1. Pour holy water into a crystal glass.
  2. Stir the liquid with a silver spoon and say the spell: “My beloved person (boyfriend’s name), I, servant of God (your name), want you to yearn for me alone. And white metal and water will help bring sadness and melancholy. Let you follow me on my heels. And I would fly to you in my dreams, and never leave you in my thoughts. I appeal to the powers of heaven, the powers of earth. I ask for help, I repent and submit! Amen!".
  3. Repeat the procedure over the next 2 days.
  4. Expect active actions from your partner in the near future.

On a white candle

This ritual will require a white candle and a photograph. The important point is that the candle must be bought on Thursday. At midnight, the girl must light a candle and place a photograph of the young man in front of her. Focusing on the desire to become a couple in love, recite the spell:

On distance

After midnight, you should light and place 6 candles on the table: 3 black and 3 red. On the photo of your chosen one, you need to sign his full name. From each candle in turn, set fire to the photograph and, while it burns, read the plot:

Scatter the remaining ashes through the window.

From Thursday to Friday

A love ritual from Thursday to Friday is suitable for a love spell on a boy who is far from the performer of the ritual. To carry it out, you need to prepare a candle, a large mirror and a personal item of the young man you like. At midnight you need to go to the mirror with a lit candle and say:

Lean towards the fire and whisper:

After the spell has been pronounced, you should wait until the candle burns out and leave the room for 24 hours.

If the boy is 12 years old

Casting a love spell on a boy 12 years old or younger is useless. Love magic will not help in winning the heart of a child.

To please your chosen one, it is better to act in the traditional way:

  1. Change your appearance (beautiful hairstyle, new dress, etc.).
  2. Make friends with a young man.
  3. Consult with him and take an interest in his problems.
  4. Share his interests.
  5. Do not impose your company.
  6. Give him positive emotions and joy.

The boy will definitely appreciate the care and attention from the girl and, perhaps, in the near future he will propose to meet.

Spell for the night

An easy-to-perform love spell will help you attract the attention of a cute boy. On a full moon, before going to bed, you need to open the front door wide, stand on the threshold and say loudly:

Within a week, the chosen one will begin to take the initiative and invite the performer of the ceremony on a date.

With food

To perform the ritual, it is important to prepare food yourself and read the magic mantra on it:

After the dish is prepared, they need to treat the chosen one.

It is prohibited to use store-bought food or food prepared by another person.

On a thread

A simple and effective ritual will allow you to get the desired result within 3 days after its implementation. To perform the ritual you will need a ball of red thread. They should be wrapped around your hand and the plot read:

If in the process you managed to wind all the threads without breaking them, it means that the plot will work and your beloved boy will pay attention to the performer. The appearance of nodules promises problems in future relationships with your chosen one.

With a mirror

The ritual is suitable for girls if it is possible to get into the house of the chosen one. After visiting his home, you should discreetly put your mirror under your loved one’s pillow, and exactly 7 days later, take the lining back. After this, the chosen one will remember the girl every time she picks up the mirror.

Lunar love spell

On a moonlit night, you need to go out into the street with a photograph of your loved one and, turning the photo to face the moon, say:

You need to repeat the ritual 3 nights in a row.


The gypsy love spell is one of the most powerful love rituals.

To carry it out you will need:

  1. Place 3 church candles on the table in a circle.
  2. Place a whole onion in the center between the candles for 3 hours.
  3. Prepare a pot of soil.
  4. Write your loved one's name on the bulb and plant it in a pot.

As soon as the onion begins to sprout, the chosen one will call you on a date. When a relationship begins, during the first kiss you need to mentally say:

With wine and coriander

For a love spell you will need:

  1. Crush 7 coriander grains in a mortar and say the spell:
  2. Add a little black pepper and stir.
  3. Pour the mixture into the wine and whisper:

Invite your chosen one to visit and give him a glass of enchanted wine.

If the ritual is performed correctly, the beloved will show sympathy on the same day.

How to become a girl, not a friend

First of all, you need to ask him how he likes to spend his free time, what he is interested in besides studying, where he likes to go for walks. Don't constantly ask questions. You need to learn new information gradually and carefully so that he himself wants to share the information.

After listening to her partner, the girl can say a few words about her hobbies. The chosen one will be curious to learn something new. He will understand that in front of him is an interesting and charming person who may well become a wonderful lover.

Result time

The time it takes for the boy he likes to respond to the sympathy of the performer of the ritual depends on several factors:

  1. Lunar cycle. Rituals performed on the new moon will take effect after 28 days. Rituals performed on the waxing Moon will give results in 10-15 days.
  2. Presence of errors. If during witchcraft the performer made mistakes (confused words, stammered), the effect should be expected no earlier than 40 days later.
  3. Energy and health of the girl. The stronger the energy flow of the performer, the faster you can get what you want.
  4. Distances between the witch and the bewitched.
  5. Believing in a positive outcome. Doubts in your own abilities will become an obstacle to the implementation of your plans.

Signs of a guy falling in love

When winning the attention and love of your chosen one, carefully observe changes in behavior. Representatives of the stronger sex show feelings differently. Sympathy may be hidden under external indifference, obsessive attention may indicate a desire to play a joke. To determine a guy's true intentions and feelings, pay attention to gestures, words, and behavior. Boy in love:

  • tries to stand out among friends, shines with wit, shows knowledge and erudition;
  • when communicating with a girl he likes, he demonstrates an independent character and indifference;
  • becomes absent-minded, withdrawn when the object of love unexpectedly appears;
  • changes his appearance, starting to take more care of his clothes, use perfume, and visit the hairdresser more often;
  • tries to catch someone's eye, to speak;
  • gives small gifts, says compliments, tries to be helpful.

Sometimes the sympathy of a young lover manifests itself in strange symptoms. The boy becomes silent, timid, shy, awkward. Avoids eye contact, stops communicating. He is afraid of receiving a mocking refusal in response to his confession. Therefore, he prefers to hide his experiences behind a mask of indifference and rudeness.

A girl who dreams of love must know not only how to make a boy fall in love with her, but also be able to recognize the emerging feeling.

Ways to remove fortune telling

If the witch has repented of what she did or she has stopped liking the object of influence, you can remove the love spell by performing a special lapel:

  1. At noon, light a church candle and heat it with a flame of 1 tbsp. l. salt.
  2. Say the spell: “Sweetness brings joy. I leave the ransom, I don’t wish harm on anyone. I'll pay the debt, whatever I want, I'll get it. Let it be so".
  3. Pour the heated salt into a plate and cover it with a thin linen cloth.
  4. Place a photo of the bewitched person on the material and leave it for 3 hours.
  5. Take the salt and plate out of the house and throw it away.

You need to repeat the lapel 3 days in a row.

What qualities do men like in women?

Remember the saying that a real woman will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut? So forget it for a while, we won’t need it now. The emphasis should be on completely different things, now I’ll tell you which ones.

  • Femininity

In a couple, a man and a woman complement each other. A man by nature is straightforward, firm, indestructible, like a rock. A woman must be soft, flexible and wise, like a mountain river, so that they can live together in peace and harmony.

Cultivate these priceless qualities in yourself; they are what make a girl feminine, and not pink dresses and high-heeled shoes.

  • Grooming

As Coco Chanel correctly noted, there are no ugly women, only lazy ones. Watch your appearance - men love with their eyes. Dress neatly, style your hair, take care of your nails - this is the minimum program!

  • Naturalness

There is nothing more repulsive to a man than a thick layer of plaster on his face, eyelashes glued together with mascara and flashy bright lipstick. When you see such a girl, you get the impression that she wants to hide and attract attention at the same time. You shouldn’t give up cosmetics completely, but you need to know moderation in everything.

  • Modesty

I never tire of repeating that this is one of the most valuable and irreplaceable qualities in a person, but for some reason many people persistently confuse it with self-doubt. Modesty will allow you to look at yourself adequately, not to be arrogant, not to brag. Compared to girls who imagine themselves to be gorgeous princesses, you will have a clear advantage.

  • Self-esteem

Don't confuse it with conceit; these qualities have nothing in common. Self-respect is rather a synonym for pride. Don’t humiliate yourself, don’t fawn, don’t put someone else’s will above your own. In relationships, self-respect helps you not to impose yourself, not to cling to an indifferent partner - in general, to know your worth.

  • Good parenting

To please a man, a girl must “be a lady.” Don't expect good looks and revealing clothing to compensate for your bad manners. Watch what and how you say and how you behave.

Dangers and possible consequences

When deciding to use magic to achieve what you want, you should understand that you will have to pay for everything, and not a single ritual will be left without consequences.

Witchcraft will help arouse the sympathy of a classmate or friend you like, but the price for strengthening or creating a love relationship may be too high.

If the boy on whom the ritual was performed suddenly falls out of favor and the performer of the ritual leaves him, there is a possibility that the young man will literally “burn” with love. Without receiving reciprocity, the young man will begin to get sick and fade away.

When starting the magical mechanism, it is important to understand that there will be no turning back. A boy under the influence of witchcraft can become intrusive and arrogant towards a girl, which she definitely will not like.

During their school years, in an effort to quickly become adults, some girls commit actions for which they then have to pay for years. A thoughtless magical intervention in someone’s life threatens the witch with problems with studies, scandals with relatives, illnesses, etc.

Why is life not like in melodramas?

Girls, having watched enough TV series about love, believe that relationships in life develop just as rapidly and rapidly as on the screen. However, reality disappoints romantic people. This happens because boys practically do not read a girl’s subtle hints, no matter how hard she tries. They respond more to literal expressions of interest and feelings.

Young people do not like withdrawn and quiet girls who sigh modestly in the corner. They simply don't know what to expect from them. But open, cheerful people are much more likely to please ardent young men.

Correct communication

The next important point is properly structured communication. Men like it when, during a conversation, a lady admires them, looks at them enthusiastically, and emphasizes their unique features. But this does not mean that you need to choose flattery tactics. Moreover, there is no need to shower your lover with compliments. It all looks stupid and fake. You just need to periodically praise the man, even if he hasn’t done anything particularly outstanding, and focus on all the positive aspects and traits of the representative of the stronger half. This will allow him to feel support and care from the woman. Next to her he will feel confident and strong. That is why all the other ladies will turn into empty space for him.

Tips for girls to find a guy and make friends with him

Visit places where guys gather more often - this increases your chance of making an interesting acquaintance. Visit a sports ground with a friend, where young men kick a ball, do exercises on horizontal bars, and so on. Of course, you need to look appropriate for the situation - do not wear high-heeled shoes and do not wear complex makeup. Dress simply and tastefully - sneakers, a sundress, jeans or something like that. Just look at the young man with interest, and he will definitely pay attention to you too.

However, these days, you can meet guys not only at school, on sports grounds or in parks - you can make acquaintance with the young man you like on a social network. First, you can start liking his posts, then write something (“Where do you find such cool music?”, “In what area did you take such cool photos,” and the like). Show your interlocutor that you like him, and if it is mutual, you will soon see it yourself.

As you understand, in order to make friends with a guy, you need to show him that you are really interested in him - this can be done with a glance, a compliment, or any signs of attention. Any guy will be pleased to know that some girl likes him - thanks to this knowledge, he begins to look at her from a different side, imagine her as a girl, even if he didn’t particularly notice her before. However, do not overdo it - it is enough to show that you are interested in him, but there is no need to impose yourself.

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