Emotional addiction - what is it and how to deal with it?

Among the harmful addictions inherent in modern man, the addiction to gambling deserves special attention. Gambling addiction is what experts call this psychological problem, as an official diagnosis included in the International Classification of Diseases relatively recently. It was included in this list about 40 years ago, but gambling addiction has worried humanity for many centuries, ever since gambling first appeared.

How to stop drinking alcohol. Motivating yourself

According to statistics, as many people die from alcohol as from road traffic accidents.
Moreover, 89% of deaths occur during sleep. And this happens not with hardened alcoholics, but with people who moderately drink both strong and weak drinks. Regular consumption of even small doses of alcohol reduces the chances of living to old age. Usually people start thinking about the dangers of alcohol when they have already become dependent on it. It makes itself felt not only with an obsessive desire to drink, but also with a deterioration in health. The mental sphere is the first to suffer: emotional instability appears, memory, attention and perception deteriorate, problems with sleep and self-control arise.

When malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs are added to this, the question of whether it’s time to quit arises with inexorable obviousness.

How to stop drinking on your own? The main thing is to start thinking differently. Read the short instructions further, you can contact me for help.


Most experts agree that gambling addiction cannot be completely cured. Once this addiction has arisen, it will last a lifetime. But it is still possible to cope with this type of behavioral disorder, but the work will be difficult and lengthy.

First of all, a gambling addict must realize his problem. If a person himself understands that the game interferes with his life, then he is more likely to agree to accept the help of a psychotherapist and loved ones.

You can convince a gambling addict during a conversation, but you should not put pressure on the patient, shout at him, blame him or mock him. Such tactics will lead to aggravation of the problem; the gambling addict already feels lonely. Support and understanding from loved ones is extremely important to him.

One of the most serious problems during treatment is the inability of the addicted gambler to stop thinking about his addiction. Usually all his thoughts are occupied with the game and how to get the desired win. Even if a gambler is distracted from this topic for a while, he soon returns to it again. The result is neurosis, despair and anxiety.

Psychotherapeutic methods such as hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming and mindful meditation can bring relief to an addicted person. Each of these techniques is aimed at influencing that part of the subconscious in which the causes of the pathological craving for gambling lie.

In each individual case, treatment methods for gambling addiction may differ. Experts select them based on a person’s personal characteristics. However, a certain pattern was identified in the treatment of patients of different age groups:

  • people in their 30s are more susceptible. Therefore, in their treatment, methods of relaxation and conscious meditation, as well as other methods of psychological influence, are actively used. The state of health at this age allows you to engage in active and extreme sports. Such activities contribute to the production of adrenaline, which is so necessary for gambling addicts;
  • Patients over 40 years of age may also be recommended meditation, but the most effective method of treating gambling addiction at this age is neurolinguistic programming. Group therapy based on the principles of anonymity turns out to be very effective;
  • Treatment of gambling addicts over 50 years of age is complicated by the fact that such people, as a rule, have a long history of addiction. Drug treatment is used; drugs help stabilize mood and eliminate symptoms of depression. Hypnosis and psychotherapy are successfully used to combat addiction.

The choice of treatment method largely depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. The duration of development of addiction, the patient’s susceptibility to suggestion, as well as the degree of instability of his character are taken into account.

A sober assessment of your own alcoholism

It is necessary to establish the reasons that cause cravings for alcohol and rethink their significance. Here are common arguments:

  • Alcohol relieves tension and stress. Only as long as it works. Reality does not change, problems do not disappear. But addiction and the inability to relax in any other way intensify;
  • Drinking gives you confidence. This is a subjective feeling. Others see the bravado of an insecure person “under the weather”;
  • Small doses of quality alcohol are good for health. Controversial statement. The benefit, if there is any, will be dubious and short-term, but a destructive and persistent dependence will form;
  • Craving for alcohol is incurable. A common excuse to justify yourself. The reason for such thoughts lies in low self-esteem. A person who is not confident in his abilities will always find external circumstances that prevent him from setting a significant goal and achieving it.

Obviously, the reasons that push the hand towards a glass or wine glass are insignificant. Eliminating alcohol from life does not cause losses, but, on the contrary, provides gains in the form of a stable mental and physical state.

Dependence and physiological aspect.

3.1. The process of chemical dependence.

Each drug mimics the hormones and neurotransmitters that our bodies produce in various glands and other organs. And our nerve cells (neurons) perceive them, thinking that they are a product of the body’s activity.

Each hormone and neurotransmitter, perceived by a neuron, causes a certain type of excitation in it in the form of an electrical impulse transmitted to other neurons. This is reflected on us in the form of a certain psycho-emotional state, under the influence of which we can feel the urge to be active, a feeling of relaxation, daydreaming, thoughtfulness, bliss, sexual arousal or something else.

For each type of neurotransmitter, neurons have their own type of perceptive receptors. They fit each other like a key to a lock. And narcotic substances deceive these receptors and are perceived by them as if they were produced by the body. They imitate real, original neurotransmitters, acting like the master keys used by burglars. Moreover, the amount of this substance penetrating the nerve cell is regulated not by homeostasis, but by the desires of the person using it, which can easily lead to an overdose.

After a certain time of such use. The body gets used to the established order of things and concludes: since substances come in large volumes from the outside, then why should I produce them within myself, spending my own resources on it. The body is deceived into thinking that it is saving internal energy, but in fact it is becoming increasingly dependent on external factors.

If such a dependence has developed, then stopping the use of narcotic substances leads to the so-called withdrawal syndrome. The body, accustomed to the constant presence of artificial neurotransmitters in it, discovers that these substances have ceased to flow, and it has already forgotten how to produce them in the required quantities. And depending on what types of neurotransmitters were replaced by drugs and what body function they affected, this will be the withdrawal syndrome.

3.2. Withdrawal syndrome in chemical dependence.

Withdrawal syndrome in chemical dependence is the most severe, since the body undergoes restructuring at the physiological level due to the use of substances. Glands and other organs stop producing the necessary hormones and neurotransmitters in the required quantities.

Due to hormonal changes, the psycho-emotional content of an individual changes. When there is no drug in the body, the body experiences a shortage of chemicals. This may manifest itself as depression, sadness, aggression, fear or anxiety. Feelings of weakness, headaches, and pain in other parts of the body may also appear, depending on the drug taken and the length of time it has been used.

To stop these unbearable sensations, a person feels an irresistible need to inject a drug into the body.

In moments of withdrawal symptoms, a person loses all criticism. He begins to be driven by the desire to get the coveted dose of the drug in order to ease the sensations of severe discomfort, although in the initial stages of addiction to the drug, its use could be simply for the sake of obtaining pleasure in the form of new sensations.

3.3. Withdrawal syndrome in psychological dependence.

For psychological types of addiction, such as shopaholism, gambling addiction, gluttony, falling in love, etc. chemical restructuring as such does not occur. A person simply finds a way to hide from the uncomfortable sensations present in his life.

Choosing a way to escape reality can happen in different ways. Much depends on the environment, upbringing and culture in which a person grows.

If a person is deprived of the opportunity to go into a process that helps him forget, then, just like with chemical dependence, he may be overcome by depression, fear, anxiety, irritability or aggression.

This happens because a person constantly avoids solving his problems and gets so used to it that he doesn’t know how to act differently. He simply does not have the necessary skill that would help him take responsibility for his life and solve problems in a timely manner.

And over the years, the number of problems grows and constantly changing life makes more and more new demands. After all, as they say: “Even in order to stay in one place, you need to constantly move forward.”

Change your own drinking habits

The next step, which requires deep thinking and willpower, is that you will need to change your established way of life. It is not easy for an adult to abandon the existing stereotype of behavior. You need to be prepared for this.

At first, you need to support yourself and remind yourself that you will have to go through the difficult path yourself. The support of family and friends adds strength, but personal motivation is crucial. Automotive training will help you get through a difficult period. In moments of weakness, repeating simple truths will help:

  • Fear of the unknown is completely normal. A sober lifestyle is still unusual, and therefore a little scary;
  • Breaking up is always hard. Both with people and with habits;
  • We must keep our word. This is not discussed.

Having achieved inner conviction, it will be easier to carry out practical actions that will become a barrier to returning to addiction.


When the situation begins to improve and a person understands that he has gotten rid of subordination and can independently control himself, one should not succumb to a false opinion. A person can independently sabotage himself, assuring that the difficulties have passed and a “new life” has begun without addictions. In such situations, you may get the impression that you can give in to a bad habit a little and nothing bad will happen. However, the situation suggests that the patient is at a stage when a strong craving occurs, allowing the results to be destroyed.

To stop drinking, you need to create conditions for yourself

The conditions that must be met to stop drinking are not that complicated. Most of them are normal components of a fulfilling life.

  1. The decision to give up alcohol should be communicated to family and friends. This will ensure their cooperation and help avoid awkward situations of sudden visits with a bottle of strong drink;
  2. In the first weeks of sobriety, you will have to literally avoid alcohol. He shouldn't be at home. It is better to avoid attending events and parties for now. The temptation is too great. A person cannot control the brain’s persistent reaction to the type of alcohol. There is no need to expose yourself to additional stress. If the situation requires indispensable participation in the feast, you can compromise. There is always a plausible excuse to raise a glass of juice or mineral water with everyone else. You cannot sit with an empty glass and attract attention. Internal tension will increase;
  3. Full sleep. A person who does not get enough sleep is prone to irritability or apathy; these are not normal states from which you want to get out. What solution comes to mind first? That's right, improve your health in a known way;
  4. Complete nutrition. The feeling of hunger is a strong provocateur, as it causes anxiety and dissatisfaction. A well-fed person is relaxed and satisfied, everything suits him, his thoughts are calm. Satisfying basic needs is the key to success when quitting alcohol;
  5. Encouragement. It is necessary to plan moral compensation for abstinence in order to feel that a sober lifestyle can be enjoyable. It doesn’t matter what it will be, entertainment, adventure, a long-awaited purchase with saved money, the main thing is that it evokes positive emotions;
  6. There should be no free time. Idleness is the source of vices, as was noted by the ancient Romans. It is necessary to fill weekdays and holidays with activities and events so that the busy pace of life leaves no room for idleness. You can make a plan;
  7. Find an alternative to alcohol to relax. The body must relieve tension. At first, the effect will seem weak because the brain is accustomed to heavy doses of doping. Reading fiction, listening to slow, quiet music, yoga, meditation, handicrafts, and hard work calm the nervous system well. Over time, their impact will intensify, freeing the body and soul from fatigue and irritation;
  8. Physical activity is a panacea for many negative factors and is good for health. When engaging in sports or physical labor, a person not only receives the necessary exercise for vigor, but also experiences pleasure. It has been proven that physical activity stimulates the production of happiness hormones; Life without alcohol will itself encourage you to increase healthy habits and self-improvement.

Author of the article: Yurov Alexey Viktorovich

  1. An expert on addiction and codependency with 15 years of experience;
  2. Founder of the Otkritie Center;
  3. An expert in the rehabilitation of alcoholics, drug addicts and gambling addicts with 15 years of experience;
  4. Author and developer of several programs for rehabilitation, prevention, and psychological assistance to relatives of addicts;
  5. Husband, father, social activist;
  6. Helped hundreds of families of codependents save the health and lives of their relatives;
  7. More than 1000 people have undergone the rehabilitation of Alexey Yurov;
  8. Founder of the online School “Overcoming Codependency”;
  9. Founder of the Social Rehabilitation Center for the low-income population, including teenagers from disadvantaged families;
  10. 1.6 million views of educational lectures on the Youtube Channel;
  11. More than 1000 Individual Consultations;
  12. Over 100 trained Addiction Counselors;

Features of the development of gambling addiction

Quite often, gambling addiction is compared to drug addiction, calling addiction to the game its neuropsychological variety. This type of behavioral disorder is indeed extremely dangerous for a person who is unable to cope with his own emotions and desires.

Today, gambling addiction and other types of gambling addiction have been studied quite well. In particular, experts have identified several stages of its development:

  1. The first step is winning. The initial stage of the disorder begins when a person gets a taste of easy money. Even the smallest winnings can trigger the development of gambling addiction. The mechanism for the development of gambling addiction turns out to be launched, and the gambler begins to experience a passionate desire to try his luck again and again. His dreams of winning turn out to be far from reality, he increases his bets and the time he spends on the game. At this stage it is easiest to help an addicted person, since he has not yet lost touch with reality. He is able to hear those around him, analyze their opinions, and also assess his shaky financial situation. The most effective method of therapy in this case will be “replacement”. This tactic redirects the energy and passion of the addicted person into a creative direction. The patient is capable of giving up the game by his own volitional decision, but the freed up time must be filled with any other activities.
  2. The second stage is loss . As the bets increase, the amount of losses increases. In an effort to recoup, the gambling addict begins to borrow money wherever possible. He takes out loans from the bank, borrows money from friends and relatives, and takes all his valuables to a pawnshop. Interest in the game becomes so strong that a person loses other hobbies. Therapy at this stage will be more complex. Substitution tactics are still relevant, but it is almost impossible to cope with addiction without the help of specialists.
  3. The third stage is recklessness . When addiction enters this stage, the gambling addict’s social and family ties begin to collapse. In his understanding, everything that interferes with the game is absolute evil, so he loses his job, friends and family. Play comes first in life. Sometimes an addicted person has a desire to stop, but it passes very quickly. The complete lack of money necessary for gambling forces the patient to commit illegal acts. In order to find funds for the next bet, a gambler can even kill. Therapy at this stage of the disorder should be comprehensive. It includes various methods of psychotherapy and medication; spiritual practices and self-control techniques are very effective. The patient desperately needs the support of loved ones. The effect of treatment can be noticed quite quickly, but lasting results can be achieved no earlier than after a year of joint work between the psychotherapist, the patient and his family members. Once every 2-3 years you will need to undergo a course of maintenance therapy, but the fight against gambling addiction will continue throughout your life.
  4. The fourth stage is hopelessness . This is an extreme degree of development of the disorder, a kind of dead end for a gambling addict. He is in a state of severe social maladjustment. The feeling of joy and relief no longer brings anything; there is nothing valuable left in his life. The addicted person himself is disappointed in the game, but is unable to stop. Gambling addiction in this period is often accompanied by other harmful addictions - alcoholism and even drug addiction. A gambling addict is constantly depressed, has suicidal thoughts, and has sleep and appetite disorders. The most relevant way to treat extreme gambling addiction is drug therapy. The effect of the drugs will be largely aimed not at eliminating the behavioral disorder, but at getting rid of concomitant mental pathologies (neuroses and deep depression).

Today there are many ways to get rid of gambling addiction. In our country, you can get qualified help in

specialized medical institutions of various types. If you go to a private medical center, the treatment will be anonymous.

Regardless of which option you choose, you need to understand that contacting a psychotherapist, psychiatrist or psychologist is the first step towards recovery.

Why is it difficult to get rid of gambling addiction on your own?

People who are addicted to games cannot control their gaming behavior. The desire to constantly be at the computer is gradually crowding out all other activities and interests. It is quite difficult to get out of psychological addiction on your own. This is especially difficult for people who do not have family and friendly support.

With serious gambling addiction, mental disorders occur in the human brain. Dependent people become emotionally unstable, they often experience psychosis if they are separated from their favorite game. In such a state, it is difficult to pull yourself together and cope with the problem. Only a qualified psychologist can help in this situation.

Look, this is important!

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