Brain in section
Medulla oblongata and pons, their participation in the processes of self-regulation of functions
The medulla oblongata is located in the posterior part of the brain and connects it with the spinal part
Epilepsy in children
Epilepsy in children and adolescents: symptoms and treatment Epilepsy in children: what causes it and how to recognize it?
Such a disease as epileptic seizures has been familiar to humanity since ancient times. This disease stood
How to get rid of depression using scientific and “improvised” methods
Sad statistics: about 350 million people suffer from depression in the world. And it's not
Brain cavernoma treatment
Cavernous angioma of the brain treatment and diagnosis
Cavernous hemangioma (cavernoma) is a benign vascular tumor. It consists of deformed venous vessels,
What does a brain ultrasound show and why is it done for children?
Ultrasound of the child’s brain (neurosonography) is performed at the Health 365 clinics at the address: st. Bazhova,
Why do they join a sect? How to avoid becoming a victim and ending up in a sect. Help for someone who has fallen into a sect
Ordinary people and journalists love to ask cult experts the question: “How can you tell that a loved one has joined a sect?”
Photo, concept and description of the disease
Mental retardation - types, degrees, causes, symptoms and features of developmental disabilities (95 photos and videos)
Concept and description of the disease Oligophrenia in children - photo: Oligophrenia is a persistent mental
The semantic load of the phrase
If a man says “My girl,” what does that mean?
Nickname as a way of showing male tenderness The problem of why young men sometimes come up with girls
Instructions for use of the third generation antidepressant Prozac
How does Fluoxetine work? Fluoxetine (Prozac) blocks the flow of serotonin back into neuronal synapses (junctions
Niemann-Pick disease: what it is, symptoms and treatment
Niemann-Pick disease is a hereditary disease in which fat accumulates in various organs, most often
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