What’s the best way to wittyly answer the question how are you in a funny and interesting way?

There used to be a saying that a bore is a person who, in response to the question: “How are you doing,” actually tells how he is doing, and in very detail. Therefore, many tried to answer this question monosyllabically and uninterestingly, without fear of being branded as a person without a creative streak. Saying “Excellent” or “Good” every time is too commonplace. You definitely won’t get into the cohort of witty people with this approach. After all, even such a simple question “how are you?” can be answered with creativity. And here's how.

Regular answers

The most common options are neutral, as laconic as possible. You should not indulge in long discussions on the topic, unless, of course, you want to be considered a bore. If the interlocutor asks a question not out of banal politeness, he himself will clarify the points that interest him.

If all is good

When you're in a great mood, be sure to share positive emotions. Remember the song about why it is important to share a smile with the world and others?

  1. “It’s either just cool or very cool.”
  2. “All in a bundle!”
  3. “Cool, maybe there will be more!”
  4. "All OK".
  5. “There is not a single reason to complain.”
  6. “If I share the details, you’ll be jealous, so I’ll answer briefly: everything is super.”
  7. “I feel like a cat: I’m constantly purring with pleasure.”
  8. "Great".
  9. "The best!".
  10. “Great plans! Enslave the world, for example.”

If everything is truly wonderful, it doesn’t matter what words you use to convey it. Intonation will more clearly indicate a favorable state of mind than words, and you will definitely charge your interlocutor with a good mood.

If things go wrong

Of course, you can answer sharply negatively so that they definitely stop asking further questions, however, it is better to stay within the bounds of politeness. You can report a negative mood like this:

  1. “It’s like after a well-spent New Year’s Eve.”
  2. “I think you know the answer? We both live in Russia.”
  3. “I live in an atmosphere that flies would appreciate.”
  4. “Shit.”
  5. “Like driving a six in a car race.”
  6. “It’s like I’m sitting on an unsuccessful fishing trip: it seems to bite often, but only a trifle.”
  7. “It’s like traveling on a ship, only with seasickness.”
  8. “Breathtaking! You know what happens in creepy thrillers? I feel like the main character.”
  9. “Glad to be alive.”
  10. “Like a button: every day I climb into a noose.”

A bad mood is not a reason to press your interlocutor for pity. An overly pessimistic attitude may discourage him from talking to you in the future. Learn to present information about any life circumstances without spreading a negative mood to those who are polite.

How to give a guy an original answer to the question “how are you?”

The one person you really want to show off your wit to is the opposite sex. Humor brings people together and disarms them.

These would be great answers:

  • Good mood, it would be nice to go for a walk, but there are no offers yet.
  • Amazing. After all, you are communicating with me.
  • Great, I’m improving in all directions!
  • Will you join? Guess! Hint: I smile when I talk to you.

When you don’t have the best relationship with a guy, and you want to push him away from you in different ways, you can give one of the following answers:

  • Constant mood swings, a tugging stomach, tense nerves like a string, and all sorts of other nasty things, in general, PMS. And how are you?
  • How do you think I'm doing? I was reading my favorite book, and now I had to be distracted because of some people walking around here.
  • Do you have any good reason to ask me this?

In addition to negative and positive, the answer can be neutral, but at the same time closed. You need to not push the person away from you, and at the same time show that the conversation is inappropriate now:

  • Everything is fine, beautiful marquise...
  • I'm doing some soul-searching.
  • I meditate.

Funny options

Jokes are most appropriate in a friendly dialogue, but with people you barely know or with your boss it is better to be more serious. It is unknown how humor like this will be received:

  1. “It’s like I’m forced to go on a business trip by plane: I feel terrible, but I have to fly.”
  2. “Like an autumn leaf: I don’t know which wind will blow it away in the next moment and where.”
  3. “All cases have been transferred to the prosecutor.”
  4. “Like in the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm: the further you read them, the scarier they become.”
  5. “It’s a bit difficult without sedatives.”
  6. “Average for the area.”
  7. “No business today!”

Rhyming answers can sound funny, even if they are about sad things. For example:

  1. “My heart has been incinerated, and my flesh has already been burned to ashes, but still my saddest affairs are going on magnificently.”
  2. “Everything is fine, I’m sleeping on the lampshade.”
  3. "How's it going? Not a bump on my head!”

The best questions for guys or how to embarrass him

Make your interlocutor laugh if you are already tired of ordinary questions, and perhaps the conversation will take an interesting direction.

How are you doing? How are you doing?

How can you answer a friend's question? Yes, it’s easy, no matter what he says or asks, the answer is absolute reciprocity and openness. There can be no misunderstanding between friends; they usually communicate using half-words, even creating their own language to emphasize the significance of their relationship and distinguish themselves as a micro-community. Therefore, the answer to the question “How are you?”, “What’s new” or the banal “What are you doing?” It may well have elements of fantasy. It will also be useful to think about how funny it is to answer the question. In a circle of related people, like-minded people, this will be correctly perceived and will provide positive emotions. Unusual answers to simple questions can pleasantly surprise and brighten up everyday communication. Have you already found your own way to answer the question “How are you?”

Original answers

If the question seems inappropriate, or you don't trust the person instigating the dialogue enough, you're unlikely to be willing to sincerely share personal details. Original options will come to the rescue:

  1. “Business is going great, but its direction is unknown.”
  2. “Okay, just random.”
  3. “It’s like being in a taxi: the more comfortably I travel, the more I’ll pay.”
  4. “I feel like a zebra.”
  5. “Those who are doing something have things to do, but I’m resting.”
  6. “I’m sad that children in Africa are starving.”
  7. "Everything is relative. Compared to the affairs of a multimillionaire, not very much.”
  8. “If I say it’s great, you won’t believe it; if I say it sucks, you won’t help.”
  9. “I think it is not necessary to answer if there is nothing to answer.”
  10. “Next question please!”

If you avoid a direct answer, but do it in an original way, you disarm your interlocutor and win him over.

Cool answers to banal questions

In addition to the question “How are you?”, there are several more banal questions that you have to face almost every day. And if questions of this kind bother you with their triviality, then you can diversify everything with the help of answers.

1) How are you doing?

  • I am like Mars - there is no life, but everything is on fire.
  • But things have already passed by.
  • Some have it worse.
  • What's going on? Everything has already been handed over to the investigative committee.
  • I feel like a zebra.
  • Nothing has changed since yesterday's meeting.
  • Everything seems to be great, but, unfortunately, no one is jealous.
  • Life hits you over the head with a monkey wrench.
  • I'm like a button - every time - in a loop.
  • “That’s bad” (and let them guess where the mistake is).

2) What do you do?

  • I draw American presidents.
  • I am hiding from Scotland Yard workers in the underground organization of Freemasons.
  • I spit at the ceiling and try to dodge.
  • I envy you with black envy.
  • I am growing above myself.
  • I print money on a printer.
  • I count the bribes, sitting behind the thick curtains.
  • I'm investigating the brutal murder of a huge fly in the student cafeteria.
  • I cleanse the aura of my phone book from evil spirits.
  • I am answering your text message.

3) How is life young?

  • Yes, just like the old one.
  • Oh, it’s not a young life anymore.
  • It sings, blooms and smells.
  • How about your old one?
  • When I return to my youth, I will tell you.
  • My life sent greetings to yours.
  • Getting younger every day.
  • I'll ask her now.
  • Yesterday I asked her, she says it’s not bad.
  • Yes, she somehow passed by, leaving me the old one.

4) What's personal?

  • Everything is fine (in rhyme).
  • I'm going on the offensive.
  • Many of you were killed.
  • Not calm.
  • Like in a fairy tale: the further you go, the scarier it gets!
  • Intense battles are taking place.
  • Indecent (again in rhyme).
  • The enemy is running.
  • The horizon is clear.
  • Came out the winner.

5) What's new?

  • What do you remember from the old days?..
  • Here, I bought bread...
  • I grow, bloom, get old, everything is as usual.
  • I met you here
  • It seems the rain is starting…
  • So you can’t tell right away...
  • It seems that a dictator came to power, but I don’t remember in which country.
  • I don’t know, probably another season of Santa Barbara.
  • 275 puppies were born in the world.
  • The moon seems to have lost its course...

Witty options

Even when there is a bad streak in life, it is not necessary to let your interlocutor know about it and ruin his mood. Keep the conversation going with sparkling phrases.

  1. “Chocolate! Sticky and brown.”
  2. “Like wet sugar. I don’t get enough sleep at all.”
  3. “It’s normal until the valerian runs out.”
  4. “As always, so-so, but it’s wonderful: I love stability so much.”
  5. “How can things get done if it’s such a snowstorm/heat outside?”
  6. “I just received my salary, my mood exactly matches its size.”
  7. “Young life passes by and leaves the old.”
  8. “As long as I live, I don’t plan to die.”
  9. “Haven’t killed anyone yet.”
  10. “Oh, so much has not been done, and so much remains to be done...”

You yourself will feel better if you present unfavorable life circumstances with humor. Well, if everything is good, even more so, you can joke fun.

Unique and too abstruse answers

When communicating with colleagues, you can use professional humor. This will make the conversation non-trivial. Don’t get carried away with abstruse answers if the interlocutor is not familiar with your field of activity. This may seem too dull and boring.

Unique answers to business questions:

  • Slowly but inevitably I am dying.
  • Everything is fine, work is in full swing.
  • Too close to a fairy tale.
  • Terrible! I have to think again about how to answer your question.
  • The body is aging, but I live.
  • Depends on what I’m doing, where and with whom.
  • Contradictory.
  • It's great when you're not there.
  • They were great until I was distracted by this question. I'm reading an exciting book.
  • Life gets shorter with every split second, but that’s great.

Unexpected answers

If you want to arouse the interest of your interlocutor, avoid standard options. The more original the answer, the more likely it is that you will intrigue the person, and he will want to ask what exactly you meant.

  1. “Like an elephant: constantly with ears on the cheeks.”
  2. “Who knows, doesn’t ask. And whoever asks doesn’t know.”
  3. “Semper in motu.”
  4. “There’s no business at all, I’m not a business person.”
  5. "Just like others".
  6. “Everything is great, just yesterday I received a Nobel Prize for my contribution to the development of science.”
  7. “Great, I look forward to further questions about my personal life.”
  8. “Like 5 minutes ago.”
  9. “Tell me about everything at once or in parts?”
  10. “Everything is piling up, and I can’t finish it”

The listed answers can turn the conversation in a completely unexpected direction, since if the interlocutor is interested in you, new questions will definitely follow.

What to ask instead of “how are you?”

  • How are you doing?
  • What's up?
  • Like at home?
  • How are things going, really?
  • What are you doing?
  • How was your day?
  • What happened at work (school)?
  • What did you do today?
  • What are your plans for the future?
  • How are you (yourself)?

All these questions also fall into the category of banal ones. They can be asked to any person, even a stranger. But if you want to show concern for someone, then you need to ask the person exactly what he is living with now. If you are studying, then ask a question regarding school, college, or institute. If you communicate with a young parent, then you need to ask how the child is. Conversations about babies can be truly endless. The only thing that can compete with this topic is a conversation about pets, because they are like children to us.

Passionate people have their own inexhaustible topics: theater, photography, literature, fine arts, dancing, electronics, cars, fishing, football... The main thing is to know what a person is passionate about, and to be at least a little in the subject. And then everything will work out!

Snarky options

Etiquette is etiquette, but sometimes you just want to tease your interlocutor if you have the feeling that he is not sincerely interested in matters. And then you can answer like this:

  1. “I really didn’t want to upset you, but, alas, everything is fine!”
  2. “Poor, miserable me... I’m already tired of figuring out how to answer banal questions every day.”
  3. “Everything was fine until I met you.”
  4. “Better than some.”
  5. “I am simply ecstatic from your questions. Ask me how I spent my day, and I will be simply captivated.”
  6. “You are incomparably original in your questions.”
  7. “I don’t think you’re interested.”
  8. “I haven’t lost enough weight yet to have a dialogue with you.”
  9. “Just like you asked, it immediately felt great, I missed it so much!”
  10. “Lately I’ve been training my pet to answer such questions.”

You can get to know a guy better by asking questions!

All of these answer options will make it clear to the interlocutor that you have no intention of continuing the dialogue.

"How are you?" — What to say to a guy you like

From this simple question you can inflate an invitation to some action or conversation

  • Today I have a payday at work, and my mood matches the size of my salary.
  • I have a bottle of good, Armenian, five-star mood, if only you were around - and everything would be gorgeous.
  • I want to lift my nose up, but he looks down with a hook...

The first example is intriguing because I want to ask further: “What is your salary?” After this, you can start a long, unobtrusive conversation.

The second example is an open invitation to spend the evening together.

The third answer will indicate that you cannot cheer yourself up, but still try to joke. This is a veiled invitation to action. The guy will have to either entertain you over the phone or offer to go somewhere together.

Answers according to circumstances

In order not to put yourself in an awkward position, it is important to understand that different responses are appropriate in a dialogue with different people.

At work

It’s common to joke with colleagues that things aren’t going well.

  1. “Like a future millionaire: there is a desire to become one, but there is no money yet.”
  2. “No better than a squirrel in a wheel.”
  3. “Like a native, I walk around naked and eat figs.”
  4. “Like potatoes: either they will be eaten within a year, or they will be planted.”
  5. “Like a ball: they cheated and even kicked.”
  6. "How are you? A lot of them. Do you want me to share?”
  7. “It’s like being in the harem of a Turkish sultan. I know that they will definitely fuck, but it’s not clear when.”

In a dialogue with your boss, it is better to be serious, answer concisely, specifically and carefully integrate information about a specific achievement. For example:

  1. “I’ve just started working on the project, and the results are already exceeding my wildest expectations.”
  2. “I read a new book and am now implementing the knowledge I gained in life.”
  3. “I learned a new skill and now I feel head and shoulders above.”

Take advantage of every opportunity to highlight your strengths: your boss will definitely make a positive mental note about you.

In conversation with parents

When you communicate with loved ones, it is better to refrain from barbs. Parents can take bad jokes to heart.

  1. "Affairs? Let’s leave them to the businessmen, and let’s go have fun.”
  2. “No changes, consistently good.”
  3. “It’s great, because I communicate with wonderful people.”
  4. “Wonderful, and I wish the same for you.”
  5. “Today is even better than yesterday.”
  6. “Everything is fine: growing, blooming.”
  7. “Things are going well, life is in full swing.”
  8. “Stable.”
  9. “Through your prayers.”
  10. “It’s good to be around you.”

Parents are absolutely sincerely interested in matters, so it is not necessary to limit yourself to a short answer. Share the details of your personal life and be sure to ask your loved ones answer questions.

In a conversation with a stranger

If you are interested in a person who is trying to get to know you, you should not answer briefly. On the other hand, talking at length can make you seem like a bore. Therefore, you can answer a question with a question in order to understand how detailed a conversation the stranger is still inclined to have. For example:

  1. “Are you in no hurry?”
  2. "And what do you think?".

You can also demonstrate mutual interest with phrases containing a response question: “How are you doing?” If the stranger doesn’t appeal to you at all, increase the distance:

  1. “Sluggish.”
  2. “A question like that is a sure way to stump me.”
  3. “I find it difficult to answer.”
  4. "It depends on what you compare it to".
  5. “When they don’t ask stupid questions, it’s actually pretty good.”
  6. “I don’t think you’re really interested in this.”
  7. “I’m going crazy with useless questions.”
  8. “I’m thinking about how to get rid of an annoying interlocutor.”

Try to respond less often with rudeness; even strangers should be shown respect. After all, how you treat others is how they will treat you.

Answers to the guy you like

If you are a girl and not a modest one, you can take the bull by the horns:

  1. “It’s like being on the Internet: click, like, and go to bed.”
  2. “Like on Mars: there doesn’t seem to be any life, but I’m all on fire.”
  3. “Great, I’m improving. Will you keep company?”
  4. "Super. I guess everyone is jealous of me, because I get to chat with such a handsome guy.”
  5. “I'm searching.”
  6. “I’m in the mood to share my phone number.”
  7. “It’s like I came to a buffet table: I’m standing there, embarrassed to ask for what I want.”

A narcissist man and relationships with him: understand, fall in love and endure

Still, in the first conversation it is better not to cross a certain line of decency. Try to stand out from other girls with a non-trivial answer, but it’s better if it’s not vulgar. Create some intrigue:

  1. “I’m in a great mood, I’d like to go for a walk, but so far I haven’t received any offers from anyone...”
  2. “Guess what, I’m giving you the opportunity to ask leading questions.”
  3. “Wonderful, but it’s not very comfortable to have a conversation in the rain, I would like to go to a more comfortable place.”

The listed options are a sure way to win over a handsome guy you barely know.

Options for your ex

That's where there is room for your imagination! It all depends on how you broke up and what impression you want to create about yourself now. So the answer options can be completely different, from flirty hints about spending time together to distant phrases and even a little harsh:

  1. “Try to guess three times! If it works, I’ll have a cup of coffee.”
  2. “There is a bottle of a wonderful five-star, if only you were nearby - and everything would be fine.”
  3. “Like a chocolate bar in the sun, I melt sweetly...”
  4. “Wonderful, because I’m talking to you.”
  5. "Guess! I’ll give you a hint: I sincerely smile during our dialogue.”
  6. “Everything is stable, unchanged. It looks like there’s even a circle of interlocutors.”
  7. “I’m doing some soul-searching.”
  8. “What do you think? If you become a nuisance to a great time.”
  9. “I don’t think you have any reason to be interested in this?”
  10. Banal: “I haven’t given birth yet.”

There is no universal option for your ex; decide for yourself which one is right for you.

How to answer the question “what are you doing?” to interest the interlocutor

Here it is important not only to be known as a witty person, but also to hook and intrigue your interlocutor.

For example, like this:

  • Right now? I'm answering your question!
  • And you guess three times! You guessed it - I'm done with the cookie.
  • I’m talking (online, chatting, etc.) with an intelligent person.

The last answer implies some kind of continuation, like:

  • Who are you communicating with? (Who is this smart guy?)
  • With you (You).

How to replace “Hi, how are you?”

You know the phone number of the girl you like, her page on a social network, all you have to do is take the decisive step - start communicating.

Perhaps you have been following her profile for a long time and know how bright and extraordinary she is, or maybe you met in real life, and you are aware that you are far from the only one who wants not to date.

Suppose you write to her:


Short and sweet, right?

Hmmm. Let's say.

But what next?

Should I write something else or just wait for her to respond?

To your great happiness, after a few minutes she answers:


Damn, so what now?

Your gears in your head were grinding, but they didn’t produce any original thoughts.

And you send her the usual: “How are you?”

Your palms are sweaty from excitement, your heart is beating wildly, will he answer or not?

She still answered:

"Fine! How are yours?”

Your face breaks into a happy smile. But then it comes to you...

What's next?

You have no ideas!

And so you are reading this article in hopes of improving your communication skills.

Before I talk about the good, I'll start with the bad.

That is: what not to write to the girl you like.

"Do you really want to know how I'm doing?"

After such an answer, the interlocutor may wonder whether he is ready to be privy to the intricacies of your life.

You can use this phrase if you are sure that the question is dictated by simple politeness and the interlocutor is not very pleasant to you as a person. After all, most likely, if just such an answer has surfaced in your mind, you are sure that the person who asked the question is not at all interested in the events that are relevant to you!

When a guy asks what are you doing tomorrow, what are you doing - what should you answer?

If a young man asks a girl about her employment and type of activity, he is definitely interested in her as a person and is not even averse to flirting.

You can answer like this:

  • Thank you for the question, this will show you on the good side, as a polite girl: “Thank you for asking, I’m just thinking about what to do .
  • Flirt: “I’m thinking about how to spend this evening, do you have any suggestions?”
  • Hint about your freedom: “I’m looking for a life partner,” “I’m looking for a guy,” “I’m looking for someone to meet .
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