How to get rid of depression using scientific and “improvised” methods

Sad statistics: about 350 million people suffer from depression in the world. And this is not the final figure, because many people simply remain silent about their problem. The disease causes significant damage to mental and physical health and disrupts work activity. In the United States, it is estimated that businesses lose $44 billion annually due to reduced employee productivity as a result of this mental disorder. Observing such sad consequences, scientists continue to figure out how to get rid of depression effectively and without relapse.

What kind of disease is this

To defeat the disease, it is important to know what exactly you have to fight.

Depression is classified as a mental affective disorder that is accompanied by a triad of symptoms: persistent depression of mood, negative mental activity and retardation of movements. If we consider the broader picture, then it is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • melancholy, a feeling of hopelessness, loss of faith in a bright future;
  • anxiety;
  • loss of meaning in life;
  • loss of interest in everything, even in things that used to be particularly enjoyable;
  • self-blame or blaming others;
  • decreased self-esteem, suicidal thoughts;
  • insensitivity, decreased emotions;
  • decreased thinking abilities;
  • impairment of memory, perception;
  • inability to plan actions;
  • according to the patients themselves, thoughts are distinguished by viscosity and clumsiness;
  • any mental attempt is difficult;
  • patients spend most of their time in bed;
  • stop washing and changing clothes;
  • amicable facial expression.

It is very important to correctly interpret such signs, to be able to distinguish depression from ordinary depression or bad mood. Each of us has moments in life when we give up and don’t want to do anything. The main criterion here is the duration of symptoms. If they accompany a person for about 6 months, in this case it is worth thinking about the development of such a disorder.

In any case, you shouldn’t guess on the coffee grounds: it’s better to contact a specialist for qualified help.

Myth #4: “Alcohol relieves depression”

Alcohol while intoxicated can ease your mental state. But then it only gets worse. For many, depression from alcohol only intensifies. Alcohol itself causes it: in the pair “alcoholism – depression”, each of the diseases doubles the risk of developing the other, and the ability of the first disease to a greater extent to cause the appearance of the second has been proven than vice versa.

Alcohol impairs cognitive functions that are typically impaired in depression, such as memory and attention. This is perhaps the most brutal psychoactive substance known, and it affects the brain much worse than many illegal drugs.

If depression is not treated, the patient may experience irreversible structural changes in the brain, for example, hippocampal atrophy, and the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease greatly increases.

Therefore, depression must be treated as quickly as possible to reduce the possibility of dementia. Another consequence of advanced depression is decreased ability to work and an increased likelihood of premature death.

Why depression develops

One of the common causes of this condition is a traumatic situation: loss of loved ones, dismissal, bankruptcy, change of residence, violence, etc. Depression that appears under the influence of such factors is called reactive. It develops rapidly, but with the passage of time and the absence of a traumatic agent, it passes.

Neurotic depression appears against a background of constant stress, and sometimes it is difficult to name its specific cause. Suspiciousness as a character trait, low self-esteem, and pessimism can become fertile ground.

All these were causes of psychogenic depression. But there is also an endogenous form, that is, when the development of the disorder is provoked by physiological processes:

  • disruption of the synthesis of neurotransmitters in the brain that affect a person’s mood, namely dopamine and serotonin;
  • hormonal imbalances - childbirth, menopause, puberty;
  • some somatic diseases.

Depressive disorder can manifest itself in varying degrees: from mild or erased, to pronounced, with a riot of symptoms. Naturally, treatment will depend on the intensity of the clinical picture.

About the treatment of severe depression - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Clinic V.L. Just a minute

“Major depression” most often occurs with recurrent depressive disorder (recurrent depressive disorder) or bipolar affective disorder (manic depression), and is often called “major depressive disorder” in the United States. Neurotic depression can also manifest itself as “severe depression,” but usually within the framework of a mixed anxiety and depressive disorder. “Severe depression” occurs with organic damage to the brain, for example, a tumor of the pineal gland, which produces the hormone melatonin, or with a hormonal disease, for example, the thyroid gland.

The core symptom of “severe depression” is considered to be anhedonia - a condition in which a person does not enjoy what he previously received. “Severe depression” is also manifested by irritability, anxiety, melancholy and apathy, and the older the person, the more melancholy and apathy, the younger - irritability and anxiety.

The following are typical for “severe depression”: self-blame, decreased self-esteem, indecision, feelings of hopelessness and hopelessness, loss of interest in life and thoughts of suicide. The danger of the latter increases with an increase in the level of anxiety and excitement, and the appearance of panic attacks against this background. “Severe depression” is accompanied by disturbances in memory, attention and thinking, the latter becomes inhibited, and it is difficult for a person to gather thoughts and concentrate.

In addition, with severe depression, sleep is disturbed (in 80% of cases there are early awakenings, in 20% there is drowsiness and lethargy during the day; appetite usually decreases, weight falls, and severe constipation appears.

“Severe depression” does not occur very often; usually depressive episodes are moderate in nature, but, unfortunately, they become protracted, especially with improper treatment and in old age.

Despite the prevalence of depression, little is known about it and its dangers are underestimated. Depression is an “invisible disease”, little is talked about, and it is extremely rare to see a doctor. Even in the United States, where psychiatry has long ceased to be something to be ashamed of and has become as commonplace as a visit to the dentist, up to 37% of patients with severe depression do not receive the necessary treatment (Shim, 2011). Our situation is obviously much worse.

Why is depression dangerous?

Depression is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and disorders of the immune system (higher risk of inflammatory diseases, infectious diseases and cancer). In general, according to the latest data, depression is always accompanied by quite severe inflammation.

As noted earlier, “severe depression” is often accompanied by thoughts of suicide. In fact, there are quite a few reasons for suicide, but not all of them, of course, are associated with “severe depression”; sometimes they occur against the background of alcohol intoxication, in old age, with the loss of a partner with whom a person has lived his entire life, etc.

In the United States, an average of 44 thousand people commit suicide per year. The percentage of suicides in Russia is approximately the same as in the United States. In northern countries there are more suicides than in southern ones; young or old people, especially men, are more likely to commit suicide.

Most suicides could be prevented if the depressed patient or their relatives sought help in a timely manner. Why doesn't this happen? People with severe depression rarely seek help themselves. The future appears to him in a negative light; he does not believe that anyone can help. Even when he has suicidal thoughts, it seems like a natural extension of his depression. The patient rarely talks about suicidal intentions at the moment when they first appeared. Sometimes relatives can find out about a sick person’s thoughts about suicide only through indirect signs - a sudden distribution of personal belongings, a conversation about death, or a search for means for suicide. I note that thoughts of suicide are indications for involuntary hospitalization in a psychiatric clinic.

Relatives often do not notice even very severe depression in loved ones, especially if the sick person spends a lot of time at work or study, or lives alone. Many people hide depression as a sign of trouble and prefer not to talk about their problems.

How can you tell if a loved one is thinking about suicide?

Statements such as “I don’t want to live”, “it will be easier for you without me”, “no one cares whether I live or die” must always be taken seriously. Parents often believe that teenagers manipulate the topic of their death. This does not happen as often as expected, but even with manipulation there is a high risk of “playing too much.”

There is an opinion that those who talk a lot about suicide never actually commit it. It is a myth. Constantly talking about the topic of suicide and especially means of suicide brings the patient closer to action. Relatives, seeing symptoms of depression and a long-term depressed state of the patient, are afraid to directly ask whether he is thinking about suicide. Many people believe that such a question can lead to suicide. This is another myth. It is important to understand what happens to someone with depression and how severe their condition is. An open conversation is the best option to clarify the situation, so psychiatrists often directly ask the patient about the presence of suicidal thoughts, believing that this postpones the possibility of suicide.

Inpatient treatment for severe depression

If your loved one has thoughts of suicide, I recommend emergency hospitalization despite the patient’s refusal. This position may seem like an unnecessary precaution, but I have seen enough cases where the decision to attempt suicide was made almost instantly and was completely unpredictable (the patient’s condition “flickers”). Severe depression is an illness that seriously affects thinking.

As I have written before, if you think that a loved one who is ill is intelligent and in control, you are mistaken. Studies of the brain's response to certain stimuli (cognitive evoked potentials) show that a person with severe depression spends on average 1.5-2 times more time processing information than a healthy person. Depression seriously affects the brain, destroying it, and this impact cannot be underestimated.

On the other hand, medications prescribed for depression, antidepressants, do not begin to act immediately, and in some cases can increase thoughts of suicide, especially when prescribing drugs that selectively affect serotonin, for example, a drug such as Sertraline. Sometimes, with severe depression, the patient does not have the energy and strength to attempt suicide, but when treatment begins and the condition improves slightly, the patient attempts suicide. In my book Depression I write about similar cases.

In general, outpatient treatment for severe depression seems to me to be risky and unjustified. If you do not have the financial ability to treat your loved one in a private clinic, it is better to go to a public hospital, but do not risk trying to be treated at home. For persistent suicidal thoughts, antipsychotics are prescribed, more often Clozapine and even electroconvulsive therapy, which, for example, was the case with the writer Hemingway.

Drugs and TMS in the treatment of depression

For any depression, antidepressants are traditionally prescribed, however, at least 30% of patients with depression do not respond to antidepressants and must be treated with other methods and other drugs, for example, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, weak currents stimulating certain structures or transcranial magnetic stimulation, mood stabilizers , NMDA receptor blockers, or antipsychotics.

We select a drug based on the severity of the condition, the risk of developing bipolar disorder (drugs that affect only serotonin receptors cause the so-called “phase inversion”, contributing to the appearance of manic states), as well as data from pharmacological genetic analysis. In our clinic, we monitor the level of the drug in the blood to avoid overdose and the development of side effects and the use of low dosages that do not provide the desired therapeutic effect.

In addition to medications, we use the method of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), which is approved for the treatment of depression by the English NICE and the American Psychiatric Association, as well as other methods of physical therapy (nasal electrophoresis, neurobiomodulation, instrumental psychotherapy, etc.)

Psychotherapy in the treatment of depression

Psychotherapy is an important part of treatment for depression. All over the world, the cognitive-behavioral approach is used, which has proven its effectiveness in a lot of research. Unfortunately, there are not many cognitive behavioral therapists in Russia. Psychotherapy for “severe depression,” if conducted by a psychologist, should be under the supervision of the attending physician—a psychiatrist. The duration of psychotherapy varies, usually about 15 to 30 sessions are needed to achieve a lasting result. A larger number of sessions seems pointless and even harmful to me, because... The patient begins to develop a dependence on therapy and on the psychotherapist.

Relapses of depression

If depression is treated incorrectly or incompletely, the disease in most cases returns again, in 50% of cases within 6 months, in 85% of cases within 10 years after the first episode of depression (Forte et al., 2015). These numbers suggest that it is extremely important to properly and completely treat a depressive episode.

The practice of working with depression in the clinic is described in my book “Depression”

Pills to fight depression

Antipsychotic medications are one of the most reliable ways to banish negative thoughts. But not all depressed people need them. The question of whether or not to use such drugs in the treatment of a disease is decided only by the doctor. Therefore, the first thing you need to do if you notice depressive symptoms is to consult a specialist.

The most effective antipsychotics are antidepressants. In addition to them, tranquilizers and antipsychotics are also prescribed. These groups of drugs are powerful fighters against depression, but due to their specific action, they require strict control of their use and strict adherence to dosage.

Among other general strengthening agents, nootropics and normatives are prescribed to improve mood. B vitamins help restore the nervous system, and sleeping pills improve the quality of sleep.

Non-drug method

Psychotherapy is another important and effective stage in the fight against depression. Its goal is to influence the patient’s psyche in such a way as to change his false ideas, change his thoughts and correct his behavior.

Individual, group, and family psychotherapy are used to treat depressive disorders.

Based on the tasks performed by psychotherapy, it is divided into:

  • supportive - installation of protective reactions of the psyche that can maintain mental balance;
  • retraining – teaching new behavior patterns through their approval and criticism;
  • reconstructive – understanding the internal conflicts that caused the disorder.

One of the most effective methods of psychotherapy for depression is the cognitive behavioral approach . It allows you to identify distorted interpretations of situations and teaches acceptable models of behavior and self-control.

This type of therapy involves immersing the patient in a negative situation through his own imagination or by actually creating such conditions. Then the patient is taught how to overcome it.

In this case, the psychotherapist uses different methods of influencing the patient. These can be methods of reinforcement: praise or, conversely, remark, reducing susceptibility to fears, explosive therapy - plunging a person into a state of panic fear and helping to find a way out of the situation.

Psychodynamic therapy is also quite effective in this case. Its goal is to resolve conflicts between the unconscious and human consciousness. A different, more positive understanding of what is happening to him comes to him. His thoughts change towards positive thinking.

With the help of this technique, a person is able to recognize emotions, events and feelings repressed from the subconscious. This is done through analytical analysis of dreams, slips and typos, and reflection. The patient manages to reveal the reasons for his condition, which were laid down in childhood. As a result of such work, the true “culprits” of the disorder located in the subconscious come out. The patient is aware of them and seeks ways to resolve them.

The founder of psychodynamic therapy is Sigmund Freud, who, by the way, himself suffered from depression.

Existential therapy . Proponents of this method argue that the cause of depression is an existential vacuum. It is formed when a person is in a state of alienation and loneliness. Such feelings appear when the patient loses contact with society. At the same time, he tries to escape reality, plunging into his unreal world.

This therapy is aimed at developing the patient’s self-respect, adequate self-perception, and search for the meaning of existence. The method uses interesting methods of influence aimed at performing actions that are embarrassing and frightening for the patient. They allow him to get out of his comfort zone, helping him reconsider his values, behavior, and restructure his thinking.

Sport is the best antidepressant

Depressed people have significantly elevated levels of adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones not only provoke the development of stress, but also have a detrimental effect on health. They can provoke circulatory disorders and heart diseases, kidney problems, digestion and other unpleasant consequences.

Physical exercise acts as a counterbalance to the above processes. They promote the production of endorphins - the well-known hormones of happiness, help relieve fatigue, fight stress, charge the body with energy, and increase tone. As a bonus, you get a beautiful, toned body.

Sport improves blood circulation, including in the brain. Increased cerebral circulation promotes clarity of thoughts. After training, you will no longer want to burden yourself with a negative attitude.

By the way, a number of studies were conducted in Ireland that found that strength training has the greatest success in the fight against depression. Their combination with drug therapy significantly accelerates the result. Of course, in such a depressed state it can be very difficult to pull yourself together. Well, excuse me, no one will do this for you! Tune in and start taking action if you want to get out of a state of dejection. The main thing is to start!

If it is difficult to start strength training right away (perhaps your health condition does not allow you to do this), start simply with morning exercises - ten minutes to start. Gradually increase this time. A light jog or just a walk in the park is perfect.

If you don't like strength or cardio exercises, take up Eastern techniques. In the East, sages believed that depression occurs due to energy imbalance. To restore it, use practices that help focus attention and energy on yourself and your body. Yoga is great for this. It is based on a specific breathing system, which helps to maximally saturate the body with oxygen and charge it with vigor. Add various types of meditation and mantra chanting to yoga.

Meditation is another way to stabilize your mental state and improve your mood. It has been laboratory proven that it activates alpha waves, which trigger brain function, allowing you to relax and find calm.

Many people do not believe in the effectiveness of meditative practices, believing that they will not solve their pressing problems: they will not attract happiness, abundance and other resources into their lives. Undoubtedly, with the help of meditation you will not get a bank account, but it will allow you to change your thinking and create psychological comfort. And then you will probably find ways to solve your problems on your own.

Fall into childhood

According to calculations by an online psychotherapy service, the level of anxiety among Russians has increased to 65 percent, as in the first wave of the pandemic. Experts often associate it with depression.

Elena Tishkova: It would be more accurate to call it anxiety, which appears from obsessive thoughts and fears due to coronavirus, problems at work, etc. Today, absolutely everyone feels in danger, so mental health suffers, and depression is already an extreme stage. It occurs when a person loses interest in everyday things and wants to close himself in a cocoon.

Is this behavior harmful? Sometimes you want to be alone...

Elena Tishkova: Not at all, for example, according to Abraham Maslow’s theory, the need for solitude is an indicator of a psychologically healthy personality. But only if you calmly endure loneliness. During this time, you can reboot and understand yourself. Behavior becomes unhealthy when people nurse their problems, tell everyone about them, but do nothing about them. Depression turns into a way of life, an attempt to escape responsibility.

However, a person may not be aware of the cause of depression. And according to statistics, there are more and more such reasons. Why?

Elena Tishkova: People instinctively turn on defense mechanisms: the “fight”, “flight” or “freeze” reaction. This is how the brain reacts to danger. In addition, each person has his own threshold for adaptation to new conditions, the so-called autonomy: if it is high, people cope with stress faster. But for some, an unfamiliar environment breaks them. By the way, thanks to the current shake-up, some have remembered what spiritual values ​​are.

How did you understand this?

Elena Tishkova: My clients strive to change their lifestyle. Many have undergone a reassessment of values: they began to come home from work earlier, monitor their health and basic hygiene, and spend more time with their families. The majority considered themselves invulnerable a year ago and neglected the advice of doctors and relationships with relatives. The pandemic actually made an evolution in people's heads, proving that everyone must take care of themselves and their loved ones.

What helps you get out of depression?

Elena Tishkova: Firstly, it is important to stop communicating with negative people and complainers. Secondly, each of us has such a state - I call it “coming home”, when you do what you love, which requires almost no effort. Having rummaged through your memory and remembered an old hobby (often it comes from childhood), you begin to enjoy life again. For example, embroidery saves me from depression. Thirdly, it is worth using an effort of will to lift yourself up, replacing dreams and plans with specific actions. By doing this, you increase your self-esteem and improve your mental health.

They say those infected with coronavirus need psychological support.

Elena Tishkova: Yes, they experience depression due to the consequences of the disease - severe intoxication. But they do not have to make a choice between suffering and preserving themselves as an individual. They have already survived. I know this from personal experience, because I was ill with Covid. How to recover in such a situation? Neuroscientist Giacomo Risolatti put forward the theory of mirror neurons, which allow us to read the emotional state of others and change our own. Make a sour grimace and go to the mirror - this way the emotion of sadness will send a command to the brain, and in five minutes your mood will deteriorate and your recovery will be delayed. Therefore, during the period of illness, I did the opposite: I forbade myself to speak in a mournful voice and communicated like a healthy person.

Do people suffering from depression go to psychologists more often today than before?

Elena Tishkova: There are a lot of requests, each consultation lasts 1.5-2 hours, we see some patients for several days. If at the beginning of the pandemic they were distrustful of psychologists, now people use every opportunity to communicate with a specialist. Both adults who have been fired from work and teenagers call. Everyone needs help and support, because restrictions, coupled with a flood of information, have broken human will. The psychologist gives the impetus to action, leaving the choice to the client.

Are there ways to avoid depression?

Elena Tishkova: There is no universal recipe, but you can follow a number of rules. It is important to make demands on yourself (self-discipline) and maintain dignity. For example, do not allow emotional licentiousness when you insult others, dump negativity on friends and family, stop paying attention to your appearance, etc. And in addition, maintain information hygiene when communicating with both Internet sources and people. If unpleasant thoughts overtake you, the best thing to do is look around. Bring groceries to grandma, donate things to a charity center - there are always people nearby who need help. Sometimes just talking to someone and providing moral support is enough. By doing good deeds, a person is not just distracted - he produces a hormone of joy.

How did you deal with depression?

Anna Barysheva, 37 years old:

“After my son died in the cancer center, I was depressed for three years. Being pregnant with my second child, I began to remember what I loved to do as a child. It was drawing and sewing. I teamed up with other mothers and we sewed baby blankets. She invested her energy in what she loved, from which she managed to earn money, and devoted herself to her family, without taking out emotional stress on her loved ones. And I felt better.

What to do?

Find a hobby that you can devote a lot of energy to. To do this, you need to communicate, talk about your interests in order to create a group of like-minded people. And if you want to share your pain, it is better to go to a specialist, to social centers, where they will listen to you and help you. Family and friends won't do this all the time.

Lidiya Aidarova, 25 years old:

— My depression after breaking up with my boyfriend lasted a year. I went through all the stages - from aggression to acceptance; at that moment I didn’t want to see anyone or think about life either. Usually everyone advises changing your activity or environment, but it didn’t work for me; I only felt worse in companies. As a result, after a long solitude, I accumulated energy and soon asked myself: what is all this for? The break allowed me to return to society on my own.

What to do?

In such a situation, it is better to slow down, listen to your body and not put psychological pressure on yourself, since excessive activity can aggravate depression. Over time, you yourself will want to move. Responsibility for another person can also become an incentive to action.

Maxim Bondarenko, 26 years old:

— During Covid, passivity and laziness to do anything set in, but this goes away with recovery. I was in this state for a couple of days. But it must be said that depression can also arise due to emotional burnout, when you don’t allow yourself to relax for a long time, and don’t reward yourself for your work with a vacation or a gift. Before I got sick, I worked for several weeks without days off. In addition to rest, my family helps me unwind emotionally: I spent time with my wife and little daughter.

What to do?

If you feel that a depressive state is approaching, you need to disperse the blood. Sports suit me - running, basketball. Changing your usual environment works well, for example, meeting people from a different professional field.

Yuri Shadrin, 43 years old:

— In October, I left the university where I taught for 20 years. I was doing about the same thing, but in recent years the feeling of emptiness and burnout associated with work has not left me. Long-term depression also spoke of a desire to change something. For several months I carried a completed (undated) resignation letter, not daring to submit it, I was afraid of the uncertainty. When the job was done, the support of my family helped me cope with this condition. On their advice, I opened an individual entrepreneur and now remotely prepare schoolchildren for admission to university.

What to do?

First, it is better to visit a psychotherapist and get out of depression, and then decide to quit. In addition, you should definitely talk to your loved ones, bosses, and tell about your problems. Maybe you will be relieved of some of the workload and given a vacation. If you decide to quit anyway, then quit, don’t blame yourself or others!

Help "RG"

General support phone number for the “We Are Next” project for all cities +7-958-577-17-35.

Other ways to combat depression

Here are other options that will tell you how to cure depression yourself.

  • Journey. A change of environment will allow you to get new impressions and take your mind off bad thoughts. The famous and beloved actor Brad Pitt, at the dawn of his popularity, faced a condition such as depression. He did not know and did not understand what to do with his fame, how to behave. This fear led him to turn to marijuana and alcohol. He avoided people and tried to drown out his fear with food. A trip to Morocco brought him out of this impasse, where he managed to abstract himself from harmful thoughts and rediscover himself.
  • Communication. If you feel sad and sad at heart, go “to people.” Communication with friends and loved ones will lift your spirits and give you inspiration. Or just visit a crowded place: a park, theater, exhibition, zoo. Receive positive emotions and interesting information. Avoid loneliness.
  • Sleep is the best medicine. A well-known, and most importantly, true saying: in sleep, not only the body, but also the thoughts rest. It helps you relax and not think about depressing situations.
  • A good option to switch attention from the negative is to find something you like. It could be anything: culinary practice, handicrafts, learning foreign languages, creativity. Every person is able to choose what interests him.
  • Or just read a good, interesting book. Perhaps you have a favorite work or author. In case of depressive thoughts, it is recommended to resort to literature that promotes positive thinking. The go-to option if nothing comes to mind is Dale Carnegie’s books. You can glean a lot of useful, positive, developmental information from them.
  • Take a contrast shower. The temperature difference is a great shake-up for the body. Makes you wake up from hibernation.

Here is an unexpected method for getting rid of depression, which may amaze you with its simplicity. But it is so effective that once you start using it, you will definitely feel better.

So, it's simple. Regular gratitude is a great antidote to depression. Thank each and everyone for every little thing that has positively impacted you in one way or another. Thank the Universe for the things you already have. Every day, look for something in your life for which you can express simple, sincere gratitude.

What are you thinking about

Your thoughts are an important tool in the emergence of “black melancholy”. Here are a few destructive ideas that swarm in the brains of depressed individuals:

  • I have depression because I am an unbalanced, impressionable and sensitive person. In fact, these are empty excuses for unwillingness to work on oneself;
  • someone or something is to blame for your condition. Bad job, lack of money, marital misunderstandings - all kinds of tricks the psyche will go to in order to justify the current situation. In general, depression can distort the real essence of things. She exaggerates the negative aspects, focuses attention on them, exaggerates minor problems and shortcomings. Because of this, life is perceived as a swamp, a quagmire, one continuous suffering. A person must realize that the cause of his condition lies within himself, and not in external objects. By changing your thinking, you transform your life;
  • decreased self-esteem. Perception of oneself as a useless person, incapable of anything;
  • the opinion that people around them treat a person negatively, with hostility;
  • lack of hope for a positive future, concentration on negative outcomes and defeats.

It is important to control your thoughts. In principle, this should be done not only in a state of depression, but in general. Try to look for the positive in everything. This may be difficult to do at first. Concentrate all your attention on this. And protect yourself from negative information, be it conversations or TV programs.

Analyze the situations that caused your current state, whether they are so deplorable. Don't judge yourself or scold yourself. Share your thoughts with loved ones, ask for advice.

Depression and somatic manifestations

Date of publication: 08/12/2020 Articles

In many cases, depression is characterized by unpleasant sensations in the body, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs in the absence of objective signs of true somatic, i.e. non-mental illness. At the same time, many patients constantly report pain and internal discomfort. Some complain of headaches, pain in the stomach, joints, and lower back, others complain of intestinal disorders, and still others pay attention to a decrease in libido. Women often experience painful and irregular periods. Approximately 50% of people suffering from depression complain of such physical ailments when visiting a doctor, without mentioning the depressed mood or state of mind that underlies the depression. When experiencing chronic pain or other unpleasant sensations in the body, people may not realize that they are suffering from depression, even with severe sadness, considering it a reaction to painful bodily discomfort.

Some people suffering from depression are convinced that they have a rare and difficult to diagnose disease and insist on numerous examinations in general medical institutions. Doctors call this condition masked (hidden) depression, in which a person may experience pain in the head, limbs, chest, abdomen and any other parts of the body; he may suffer from insomnia or, conversely, sleep too much and still feel unwell. not getting enough sleep.

Most patients with depression may experience disturbances in the cardiovascular system, itchy skin or lack of appetite. And all this indicates depression, and not some kind of somatic disease. The pathological sensations that patients experience during such depressions are quite real and painful, but they are a consequence of a special mental state, and not an internal disease. It must be remembered that the frequency of latent depression exceeds the number of overt ones many times.

With such depression, patients, as a rule, have a changed attitude towards food: they can go without food for a long time and not feel hungry, and when they sit down at the table, they eat only one or two spoons - they have neither the strength nor the desire for more. A sign of depression can be a weight loss of more than 5 kg. within a month. In some people, especially women, appetite during depression, on the contrary, increases, sometimes reaching the level of painful hunger, accompanied by severe weakness and pain in the epigastric region. Sometimes a person overeats due to an increased desire for sweets or attempts to distract himself from painful thoughts by eating frequently.

Thus, we see that depression is a disease with many different manifestations that do not go away on their own, requiring special, sometimes long-term, medical intervention. Therefore, if you exhibit the symptoms discussed in this text, and doctors cannot find an explanation for these physical problems, seek help from a psychiatrist who will prescribe and monitor antidepressant treatment.

In the next article we will tell you what methods of treating depression exist.

The material was prepared
by the Stavropol Psychiatric Hospital based on information from the National Center for Mental Health (
) and WHO.

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What is depression afraid of?

Willpower is what can help you overcome a disorder and never return to it again.

It should be immediately noted that this quality does not appear suddenly, out of nowhere. It needs to be developed and cultivated step by step. Of course, it is more convenient and comfortable for our psyche to lie in bed, laze around, looking at the ceiling. But you must understand that laziness, negativism, powerlessness are excellent fertile soil for cultivating depressive ideas. And even antidepressants, without your efforts, will turn out to be the remedy that can only lift you out of despondency for a short period of time: after you stop taking them, everything comes back again.

Know: depression does not like efficient, positive, active individuals. Learn to counteract your fears, laziness, and despondency. If you want to lie down and mope, get up and start doing something: anything, even just wash the dishes. If you want to complain about a difficult fate, instead, say something positive or interesting, give a compliment to your interlocutor.

Work on yourself, even if it is difficult at first. And get results!

How to get out of severe depression?

The first step is to contact a specialist psychiatrist or psychotherapist. The second is the implementation of his recommendations. Good specialists can be found in clinics that are licensed and certified to provide assistance in the areas of psychiatry and psychotherapy.

Most depressive conditions can be treated at home. After all, placement in a psychiatric hospital is already a psychological trauma for many. A significant proportion of those who suffer from severe depression do not seek help precisely because they are afraid of ending up in a closed psychiatric ward! Opportunities should be found to provide active treatment for severe depression outside the hospital.

One of the solution options is treatment in a day hospital: the patient comes to the clinic, where a doctor will talk with him for an hour or two, procedures will be performed as prescribed by the doctor (physical treatment, IVs, biofeedback therapy), a psychotherapeutic session will be held, and then you can return home.

Hospitalization is required only in cases where behavioral control, intensive pharmacological treatment is needed, and when there is a risk of suicidal behavior.

Eat right

Did you know that there are products with antidepressant effects? If you take them regularly, it will lift your mood and get out of a depressing state.

  1. Banana. The fruit contains the alkaloid harman, which can literally cause a feeling of bliss. One fruit a day is enough to get pleasure.
  2. Any vegetables or fruits in yellow and orange colors - carrots, oranges, grapefruits, persimmons.
  3. Chocolate is the first, main antidepressant. It contains phenylethylamine, which is involved in the synthesis of endorphins, and magnesium, which stimulates the nervous system.
  4. Honey. An excellent natural product that promotes relaxation and enriches our body with nutrients. Recommended dose – 1 tsp. 3 times a day.
  5. Dried fruits, nuts. Simply useful!
  6. Oatmeal. Her secret to a good mood is thiamine, the “vitamin of optimism.” Magnesium secures the result.
  7. Chilli. Capsacin in its composition suppresses pain and improves tone. In addition, burning sensations will help you switch your attention and occupy your thoughts with other concerns.
  8. Salmon. This fish is rich in vitamin D as well as omega-3 fatty acids. These components are excellent helpers in the fight against depression.
  9. Cheese. It contains many amino acids that are necessary for the functioning of the entire body as a whole. Roquefort cheese is the most dangerous for depression.
  10. Coffee. A tonic, invigorating drink. Gives strength and energy. Allows you to enjoy the pleasant aroma and rich taste.

Eliminate fried, fatty, smoked foods from your diet. Try to eat only healthy foods.

Drink soothing, warm herbal infusions. Use the following herbs to prepare them:

  • St. John's wort;
  • ginseng;
  • mint, lemon balm;
  • hawthorn;
  • rosemary;
  • Aralia.

Herbal teas relieve stress and help you relax. They improve the quality and duration of sleep, eliminating insomnia.

Natural, high-quality products can bring into your life the pleasure that you are missing. A good dish lifts your spirits, and preparing it will allow you to spend your time profitably.

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