Fear neurosis - Summer
Neurosis - what is it and what are its signs?
In terms of severity, the clinical manifestations of fear neurosis differ little from other neurotic syndromes, but
Chronic fatigue syndrome - symptoms and treatment
Causes of weakness Incorrect daily routine Natural causes of weakness - non-compliance with the daily routine, work
Dilatation of the lateral ventricles of the brain - is asymmetry dangerous?
Ventricular system of the brain The ventricles of the brain are several interconnected collectors,
Husband watches football
How to behave with your husband: practical advice and recommendations from psychologists
When starting a relationship, the couple is in a romantic mood. Lovers can't get enough of each other's company
What to do if there is a shooting behind the ear in the head
Ear pain - mild or intense, shooting or aching - a symptom that can
Effects of interpersonal perception and rapport in psychology
It is difficult to imagine the existence of people without interpersonal communication. Human life is woven from situations in which
Article on the topic “Features of the structure and function of subcortical structures.”
Subcortical structures of the brain The brain is a particularly specialized part of the central nervous system. U
neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve
Damage to the hypoglossal nerve (hypoglossal nerve neuropathy, hypoglossal nerve neuropathy)
Find out more about nervous diseases starting with the letter “N”: Sleep disturbance; Narcolepsy; Hereditary cerebellar ataxia
NSICU.RU neurosurgical intensive care unit website of the intensive care unit of the N.N. Research Institute Burdenko
Among mild forms of childhood neuropsychiatric disorders, minimal brain dysfunction (MCD) occupies a special place. Manifests
I have social phobia. I'm afraid of people and their judgement. I'm afraid to make decisions, I'm afraid of criticism. I can carry on conversations about nothing. I think everyone is judging me. I have panic attacks. I don't want
Since childhood, you have been an ideal child - you studied well, helped your elders, brought home
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