Essential oils for good sleep - lavender comes first

If you have sleep disorders, you can use essential oils. The necessary effect is provided by massage, inhalation, baths, aromatherapy, and internal use of natural remedies. Essential oils for insomnia have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, normalize the emotional background, and allow you to get rid of stressful and obsessive states.

Insomnia can be combated using aromatherapy methods. The method is effective and safe, its implementation allows you to eliminate the disorders present in the body. In this case, there is no risk of developing side effects that accompany drug treatment.

Aroma oils are natural products that have an extremely positive effect on the body. When choosing them, one must take into account possible contraindications - allergic reactions, individual intolerance, pregnancy. It is useful to combine the use of aromatic oils with walks in the fresh air, listening to relaxing music, and warm foot baths.

Essential oils for sound sleep

Problems falling asleep plague many people. Poor sleep reduces quality of life, performance and attention deteriorate. On the contrary, sound sleep for 7-8 hours a day is the basis of a long life and the foundation of beauty.

The natural aromas of plants will help dispel anxiety and restlessness. Simple self-massage with the addition of essential oils of bergamot, frankincense and lavender significantly reduces anxiety and reduces pain.

Effective means for healthy sleep

Oils that help you sleep include:

  • ylang-ylang;
  • almond;
  • sage;
  • juniper;
  • rosemary;
  • basil;
  • lavender;
  • camphor;
  • chamomile;
  • anise;
  • geranium;
  • sandalwood;
  • rose;
  • marjoram;
  • thyme;
  • benzoin;
  • neroli;
  • Melissa and others

The choice of aromatic oils is made taking into account the problem that caused insomnia. This approach always leads to achieving a positive result. Various sleep disorders can be eliminated by using certain remedies:

  • to quickly fall asleep, you should use cypress, juniper, mandarin, orange, myrrh or cedar tree oil;
  • if after a busy day you want to relax, vanilla bean will help with this task;
  • when you can’t get a good night’s sleep due to nightmares or restless sleep, the best choice is neroli, chamomile and lavender oils.

What essential oils will help restore disturbed sleep?

Topping the sleepy list is lavender essential oil. It has the most pronounced calming and relaxing effect. Emotionally, lavender brings the inner world into a state of harmony. Anxiety, irritability, panic attacks, and general nervous excitement recede before the enchanting smell.

It is reliably known that the English queens Elizabeth I and Victoria highly valued lavender oil. During Victoria's reign, the royal palace was scented with the scent of lavender. Read more in the article History of Lavender. Clinical trials have shown that inhaling lavender oil reduces stress and anxiety and restores heart rate.

Lavender is followed by frankincense essential oil. The oil is suitable for relieving depression and anxiety. Incense creates a calming atmosphere. Calm energy helps bring the mind and soul into balance and restore lost harmony. In aromatherapy, incense is used for meditation and relaxation. Aromatherapists recommend mixing incense in a 1:1 ratio with bergamot oil for a soothing massage.

Rose essential oil helps calm raging female emotions. The scent of rose relieves anxiety and helps cope with panic attacks. During periods of grief and grief, aromatherapy experts recommend rose essential oil. To relieve anxiety, inhale the scent of roses and take a warm foot bath with rose oil.

Vetiver essential oil has a tart, sweetish odor. By inhaling vetiver, you become aware of yourself again. A feeling of calm and stability comes. The aroma of vetiver calms the nervous system, reduces panic attacks, and restores disrupted biorhythms.

Ylang-ylang helps calm a child, ward off night terrors, and relieve anxiety. Ylang-ylang essential oil is considered an aphrodisiac. Ylang-ylang is often included in oil mixtures for erotic massage. Ylang-ylang is a mild sedative that can help with insomnia.

Bedroom scents: find the perfect one!

Psychologists, Feng Shui specialists, and designers choose the same scents for the bedroom due to their properties. To create a pleasant atmosphere

A light aroma
of rose , lavender, lemon is suitable.
Ylang-ylang , sage, bergamot
will help against insomnia And if you want to awaken your senses
and set yourself up for a romantic night, choose
cinnamon , sandalwood, or orange.
If one of the spouses smokes, then with neutralization of tobacco odor

Woody scents work great.

You can also mix 2 or more flavors

if you want to get an unusual and
unique smell . But be careful: make sure these scents can be combined. For example, it is not recommended to mix soothing and refreshing scents.

Ways to Use Essential Oils for Restful Sleep and Reduce Anxiety

Essential oils for sleep are used in three ways: through the sense of smell, topically, or orally. Aromatherapy is a simple and safe method for reducing overall stress levels. Inhaling aromas causes strong emotional reactions and affects brain function.

The number of olfactory cells located on the inner surface of the nasal passages is approximately 60 million. When molecules of an essential substance hit the receptors, a nerve impulse occurs and a sense of smell appears. Through impulses, information enters a specific area of ​​the brain.

Essential oils act as stimulants of the nervous system and regulators of brain activity. A particular scent can affect heart rate, hormone production, regulate blood pressure, enhance concentration, or have a relaxing effect on the body.

Scented pillows

So-called aromatic pillows have been known for a long time. Previously, they were filled with dried herbs, such as lavender, lemon balm or rose petals. Today, aromatic pillows are produced for the bedroom, treatment of colds and chronic respiratory tract infections. If you drop essential oil on such a pillow, the aroma will remain in the room for a long time. For example, there are scented sleep pillows with pine, eucalyptus and lavender. These can be small decorative pillows or pillows directly for sleeping.

Aromatherapy methods

  • Direct inhalation of essential oil
  • Aromatize baths: apply 4-6 drops to shower gel or sea salt
  • Aroma lamps: 3-5 drops per 15 m2
  • Aroma pendants or medallions: 1-2 drops
  • Adding a few drops to humidifiers
  • Spraying indoors using a diffuser
  • Adding to cosmetics, creams and lotions: 2-3 drops per 10 g.
  • Adding to massage oil

Essential oils are so strong that they may cause redness and a burning sensation when applied to the skin. When applied topically, the essential oil is mixed with a carrier oil. For topical use, mix 2-5 drops of essential oil with 15-20 g. transport oil. These are olive oil, almond oil, avocado, coconut oil, jojoba. You can apply the mixture to the affected area, massage your feet and ears.

Bedroom scents: simple rules

The variety of different aromas makes us lose our heads. What and how to choose if it’s difficult to decide on your preferences, or you’ve never chosen fragrances for your home before?

There are a few simple rules

, which will allow you to decide on the ideal scent that will fill your bedroom and delight you without getting boring.

  1. Remember
    that the bedroom is a place where you relax and recover.
    Therefore, smells should be light and pleasant so as not to cause headaches or overwhelm.
  2. Decide
    what exactly you want from the scent: relieve stress or cheer up, sleep soundly or, conversely, tune in to a
    night full of love ?
  3. Choose
    high-quality aromatic oils, candles and sprays from trusted manufacturers. Otherwise, you may develop a previously silent allergy to artificial flavors, get a headache, or not feel alert and fresh enough after a whole night of sleep.

Oil recipe for relaxation and sound sleep

The perfect combination of oils to help relieve tension and push aside the worries of the past day. Use 100% natural lavender essential oil and pure unrefined coconut oil.


  • 3 drops pure lavender oil
  • 1 teaspoon coconut or almond oil


Mix lavender oil, coconut oil or almond oil in your palm. Before going to bed, apply the mixture to your neck, along your natural hairline, and to your wrists and massage gently. Apply the mixture of oils to clean feet and perform a self-massage. To relieve stress before bed, it is recommended to prepare a foot bath with lavender essential oil.

How to regain sound sleep?

Healthy sleep is possible by using properly selected natural products. Their effect is enhanced by additional procedures, for example, rubbing in lavender and chamomile oils. Warm aromatic baths also have a calming effect on the body. It is useful to take them daily for 10-15 minutes.

Continuous use of oils cannot exceed two weeks. Trying different options, everyone must find their own remedy. You should understand that not all disorders can be eliminated on your own; some of them require seeing a doctor.

Cream that helps you sleep

The cream, rather an oil mixture, is applied to the temples, forehead, neck, and feet. Inhaling a soothing aroma helps you relax and fall asleep peacefully. Natural night cream helps you sleep and cares for your skin at the same time. A rejuvenating blend of oils restores the skin's fresh appearance.


  • 5 drops frankincense essential oil
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil
  • 1 teaspoon organic coconut oil
  • ½ teaspoon olive oil
  • Small container or jar for mixing and storage


Soften the coconut oil. To do this, place a jar of coconut oil in a container of hot water. The melting point is 24*. You will need 1 teaspoon of coconut oil.

Add other oils and stir. Apply to face and body with light massage movements. Allow the mixture to absorb into the skin. The cream can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks.

Aromatherapy against sleep problems

Classical aromatherapy uses natural essential oils to improve human well-being. Essential oils are extracted from aromatic plants, spices and fruits (eg lavender, lemon balm, rose, orange, pine, jasmine, eucalyptus, etc.). These oils can be used for aromatherapy in a variety of ways. Natural aromatic oils retain the healing properties of the plants used. Aromatherapy methods have already become firmly established in our daily lives. Scented candles, pillows, aromatic teas, massage oils, skin care products, cold remedies, sauna oils, etc. - these are just some examples of the use of essential oil extracts that make our lives more enjoyable. Spices such as thyme, sage, chamomile and lemon balm also have antibacterial properties and are used in the treatment of colds in the form of teas, ointments, inhalants, lozenges, etc.

Lavender oil and favorite pillow

Lavender essential oil is light, fluid and colorless. It does not leave greasy marks on bed linen. If the previous recipes do not suit you, then apply a few drops of lavender oil to your favorite pillow. Before falling asleep, leave the sorrows and anxieties of the past day on a piece of paper. Read how to do this in the article Go to bed happy.

Warnings and contraindications when using essential oils

  • Never ingest or apply undiluted essential oils to your skin without medical supervision.
  • Check each scent for individual tolerance.
  • Strictly follow dosages and instructions for use.

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Preparation for sleep

Closer to night, emotional excitement and any type of activity should be kept to a minimum. It is not recommended to read, eat a large dinner, or drink a lot of liquid - all this only interferes with healthy sleep. Regular ventilation of the room and wet cleaning, a not too soft bed, and a light blanket will contribute to a better night's rest.

Motherwort, valerian, and other sedatives should not be taken before bed. Their use is allowed in extreme cases. Systematic insomnia is a serious disorder. It is impossible to eliminate it on your own; treatment must be carried out by a specialist.

Contraindications for use

When choosing aromatic oils for a good night's sleep, you need to remember that they all have certain contraindications that must be taken into account. The main one is an allergic reaction to a certain drug. That is why you first need to conduct a tolerance test. To do this, the oil composition is applied to the inside of the elbow for 30-40 minutes. If there is a burning sensation and rashes, then you should not use this oil.

It is not advisable to use soothing aromatic oils for pregnant women and people with asthma. It is also recommended to exercise special caution if the activity involves increased concentration. When using bath and massage oil, there should be no cuts or wounds on the body.

User reviews

Aromatherapy is an integral part of my life, a source of inspiration and peace! My favorite oil is lavender essential oil, I really love it when the house smells of it, and cosmetics with the scent of lavender. It helps relieve stress, normalizes sleep, relieves anxiety, and improves mood. I often add lavender to water and wipe the tiles in the bathroom with this composition - it disinfects and refreshes.


The oils I take are: lavender, pine, tangerine (or grapefruit), bergamot, rosemary. And sometimes I just use a mixture of anti-stress oils. Mostly I use an aroma lamp and drop my own mixture of oils or ready-made ones into it. You inhale and feel as if you are not within four walls, but alone with nature. There is a feeling that you just physically want to relax - then I mix the same mixture with milk and put it in the bath.


If I need to somehow calm girls down before bed, I use lavender oil in the bath. Or I drop 3 drops into the aroma lamp, it smells throughout the whole room. But if apathy has struck, use ylan-ylang oil to perfectly dispel bad thoughts. You can also use frankincense oil for a calming effect. With oils, it is very important not to overdo it with the smell; the smell should not be saturated, otherwise it may have the opposite effect. But in general, here everyone needs to choose their own aromatic oils, because it is individual for everyone.


For me, aromatherapy is a ritual of calm, self-control and bringing my thoughts into complete order. As well as inhaling incredible healing aromas. As psychologists say, each scent has its own emotions. I always fall asleep with lavender oil; I always dream well with rosemary or orange oil. Overall, it's worth a try.



I’m not a fan of lying in the bathroom, but I willingly put a sponge with lavender oil at the head of the bed. With it you fall asleep sweeter and sleep more soundly. Sometimes I add grapefruit to the lavender.



Video: how to distinguish real essential oil from a fake

A wonderful gift of nature, essential oils can help put your body and soul in order; calm down, relieve anxiety, drive away fears and give a sound, healthy sleep. But you shouldn’t consider them a miracle cure that will solve your problems in one fell swoop. Essential oils can only serve as a good auxiliary tool, while the main work - normalizing your daily routine, trying to minimize the factors that make you depressed, perhaps even talking to a psychologist - should be done by you yourself.


Carner Barcelona Dragon

The last in the selection of sleep scents is Carner Barcelona Drakon, released by the Spanish brand this year. The unisex perfume tells the tale of a sleeping dragon, guardian of precious treasures and princesses. Dragon scales are embodied by the green freshness of cypress, nagarmotha and black pepper. As the dragon awakens and gains strength, the perfume flares up with leather, resin, and oud facets. Carner Barcelona Drakon has amazing longevity and sillage, but you need to use it very carefully before going on vacation and in a minimal amount.

Carner Barcelona Drakon fragrance

We wish you success in finding your scent for relaxation and sleep.

Application for massage

Aroma oils can be used for massage before bedtime. It should be done half an hour before bedtime, as this will achieve better results. Self-massage in the ear area will help ensure good sleep. To do this, apply massage gel with the addition of aroma oil to the tip of your finger and massage the inner surface of the ear.

Massage of the temples, feet, face and neck has a very good effect. You can make your own massage oil. Use olive, corn or sesame as a base. Pour 10 ml of oil into a container and add a few drops of aroma oil. You can prepare such compositions as:

  • 2 drops of geranium oil, 4 - chamomile, 3 - patchouli;
  • 2 - lavender, 3 - chamomile;
  • 2 - oranges, 1 drop each of lavender and basil.

The best aromatic oils for back massage are rose, lavender or juniper. When massaging your feet, it is better to give preference to pine or rosemary.

Juliette Has A Gun Mmmm

“Mmmm...” What an original name for an original composition that evokes associations with sweets from childhood: cotton candy, raspberries, caramel. Juliette Has A Gun Mmmm is a gourmand, sweet perfume that seduces and teases the taste buds. Give in to temptation and close your eyes, let yourself dream of your favorite childhood delicacies, your grandmother’s flower garden with jasmine, tuberose and iris, a cheerful holiday where you are the Queen, whose whims are fulfilled in the blink of an eye. When you wake up in the morning, you will still feel the sweetish powdery trail of Juliette Has A Gun Mmmm, a gentle memory of pleasant dreams.

Fragrance Juliette Has A Gun Mmmm

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