Heroin withdrawal: symptoms, withdrawal and withdrawal methods

If a person periodically uses drugs, he certainly knows what withdrawal . And the more often psychoactive substances enter the body, the stronger the symptoms of this severe pathological condition will be. It is impossible to cope with withdrawal symptoms on your own . Only timely medical care can neutralize the risk of complications that accompany the period of drug withdrawal.

The NarMed drug treatment clinic offers withdrawal treatment for drug addicts at home[/anchor] and in the hospital. Therapeutic procedures are performed by experienced doctors, using innovative medicines and medicinal technologies. Carefully monitor your health and the health of your loved ones. At the first signs of withdrawal, contact professional narcologists.

Heroin withdrawal syndrome in drug addicts

Heroin has a pronounced narcotic effect. Due to the rapid formation of addiction, almost every heroin addict is familiar with the withdrawal symptoms that inevitably occur when the next dose of the drug is delayed.

What it is

The reasons why withdrawal occurs are quite simple: heroin is integrated into a person’s metabolism, and his body stops producing endorphins, which are similar in structure to opiates. In the absence of the next dose, a disruption occurs in the functioning of the nervous system, which is accompanied, to put it mildly, by unpleasant physiological manifestations.

How does heroin withdrawal work?

The painful symptoms of heroin withdrawal can be divided into four stages. There is no specific boundary between them - they smoothly follow each other:

  • Begins 8-12 hours after consumption. Experienced drug addicts sense changes in the functioning of the physiological mechanism in advance. Restlessness and anxiety increase, appetite and sleep disappear. A runny nose appears, sneezing, and pupils dilate. The body becomes covered with “goose bumps”, the person feels weak and chills, turning into fever.
  • The next day the symptoms intensify - the second stage begins, more acute. The sneezing develops into attacks, the chills do not go away, and drooling appears. My neck, back and legs hurt a lot, and I get cramps.
  • A day later, the symptoms include stool upset, vomiting, abdominal pain, and fever increases. There is no sleep, but the addict periodically falls into unconsciousness. The skin becomes dry and takes on an earthy tint.
  • Starting from the third day, the final stage begins to count down. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, its duration varies from 5 to 15 days, after which the symptoms subside.

When does severe withdrawal begin?

Narcologists have thoroughly studied how heroin addicts “break”—severe abstinence will not be long in coming. Not getting what you want, on the third day of quitting the drug, the increase in painful symptoms reaches a critical level. The person shudders, his gaze becomes distant. Observed:

  • General malaise.
  • Convulsive states.
  • Heat.
  • Symptoms of an acute eating disorder, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Dehydration and severe weakness.

Physiological manifestations in a heroin addict are accompanied by a fall into unconsciousness; periods of vigor are uncontrollably replaced by short periods of anxious sleep.

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Cost of treatment in a drug treatment hospital in Moscow

The cost of relieving alcohol withdrawal depends on the specifics of the medical measures being carried out. The price list includes such procedures as: calling a team of narcologists to your home, the need for hospitalization, features of medical care (pharmacotherapy, IVs and injections), and so on. You can find out more by calling the hotline number.

  • Service
  • Service cost
  • Narcologist at home
  • from RUR 4,500 order a service
  • Coding for alcoholism
  • from RUB 5,000 order a service
  • Vivitrol coding
  • from RUR 26,000 order a service
  • Naltrexone coding
  • from RUB 35,000 order a service
  • Esperal coding
  • from RUB 15,000 order a service
  • Coding Torpedo
  • from RUB 5,500 order a service
  • Double block
  • from RUR 8,000 order a service
  • Classic hypnosis
  • from RUB 13,000 order a service
  • Ericksonian hypnosis
  • from RUR 8,000 order a service
  • Tetlong for 3 months
  • from RUB 10,500 order a service
  • Coding Esperal gel
  • from RUB 15,000 order a service
  • Narcopsychotherapy session
  • from RUB 5,000 order a service
  • Doublet - express output and encoding
  • from RUB 13,500 order a service
  • Hospitalization
  • from RUB 5,000 order a service
  • Withdrawal from binge drinking in hospital
  • from RUR 2,000/day order a service
  • Rehabilitation from alcoholism with a guarantee
  • from RUB 25,000/month. order a service
  • Rehabilitation from drug addiction with a guarantee
  • from RUB 25,000/month. order a service
  • UBOD
  • from 40,000 rubles/serviceorder a service

Symptoms of withdrawal in a drug addict

Symptoms associated with heroin withdrawal include the following:

  • Emotional instability.
  • The skin takes on an earthy tint, and the facial expression is mask-like.
  • Dark circles under the eyes.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Sweating with an unpleasant odor.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Dyspepsia, gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Muscle weakness, dizziness.
  • Aching joints and muscles throughout the body, pain in the head area.

The withdrawal state becomes so intense that the addict can not only walk or sit, but also lie down.

How do drug addicts feel - their internal state?

Metabolic disorders cause vivid psycho-emotional experiences. A person is literally obsessed with drug addiction. Unsuccessful attempts to avoid drug withdrawal lead a person into an aggressive and embittered state, in which he is easily capable of causing harm not only to himself, but also to others. Periods of active resistance are replaced by complete indifference.

Being in a desperate situation after unsuccessful attempts to get the drug, and feeling increasing physical pain, the addict, out of hopelessness, plunges into boundless fear. A person experiencing withdrawal experiences severe physical and emotional discomfort, which seriously affects the psyche. A heroin addict's intellect is destroyed, the pain threshold decreases, but only one thing remains unchanged - the attraction to the drug. Experienced drug addicts constantly experience withdrawal, their tolerance to the drug increases, and they no longer experience pleasure from taking the substance. The addict uses to feel normal.

How do the first signs appear?

As soon as the addict does not receive the next dose, internal processes completely or partially stop. The body is trying to get things working, but it takes time. All receptors disabled by opiates open, and a condition called withdrawal begins. The first signs appear 8-10 hours after taking the drug. The drug addict develops a cough, runny nose and sneezing, and his pupils dilate. Tears flow involuntarily, the body becomes covered with goose bumps. A person cannot fall asleep, becomes irritable and tense, and his movements become sharp and jerky.

Predictions and consequences

Withdrawal does not have a destructive effect on the body; the danger comes from the consequences of taking narcotic substances. A person stops eating, so weakening occurs, he sweats a lot, which entails dehydration. This is only a small part of the problems, because often, against the background of withdrawal, problems develop with the organs of the respiratory system, heart and blood vessels. Insomnia and aggression develop, so an addicted person can harm both himself and those around him. The risk of heart attack and stroke increases - all this is dangerous and requires immediate medical intervention.

How long does heroin withdrawal last for an addict?

The development of drug withdrawal is painful for a person. After the acute phase, the addict remains with a strong craving for the drug. After detoxification in the clinic, the attraction will remain - comprehensive rehabilitation is needed. Subacute withdrawal syndrome can last up to six months, and the fragmented phase of addiction lasts about 3 years.

Without recovery treatment, another drug use inevitably occurs, and everything starts all over again. Therefore, to treat drug addiction, an integrated approach and long-term recovery are required, from 6 months to 1 year. The body of a drug addict does not have time to recover in 2 weeks - 1 month. He needs to learn to overcome cravings, restore his psyche, and change his thinking. When a patient ignores doctors' recommendations, a relapse occurs. The next withdrawal becomes even more unpleasant and severe, the addiction progresses.


  1. General description of the syndrome.
  2. Symptoms of withdrawal in alcoholics: 2.1. Complications from the nervous system. 2.2. Mental disorders. 2.3. Exit from withdrawal syndrome.
  3. How to relieve the symptoms of a severe hangover.

Withdrawal syndrome or alcohol withdrawal is characterized by a complex of somatovegetative, neurological and mental disorders that appear after a sharp cessation of alcohol and are relieved by the next portion of alcohol. In 80% of patients, disorders appear during the transition from stage I of alcohol addiction to stage II, less often they occur at the turn of the final, stage III of the disease against the background of true binge drinking. Abstinence is a typical sign of addiction to alcohol on a physical level and is a reason to consult a narcologist.

Coming off heroin – what next?

Despite the extremely severe course of the withdrawal syndrome, drug withdrawal, having reached its peak, slowly reduces the intensity of pain. The “retreat” begins. The process of restoration of the physiological mechanism of opiate metabolism after heroin is slow. At the same time, the psychological dependence remains, and attempts to find the next dose are renewed with renewed vigor.

Suffered withdrawal causes serious damage to internal organs and systems; a person, if he survives, becomes even weaker and susceptible to infections and other diseases. Having found a dose, the addict closes the circle, and everything repeats again. Sooner or later he will die from an overdose or chronic diseases. Only professional drug treatment assistance and the participation of loved ones can save a person.

About the Narco-Net program

If you are interested in where to relieve withdrawal, contact our drug addiction help center. We work for free because we exist through sponsorship and donations from Christians of different denominations. For this reason, a person can stay with us as long as necessary to relieve withdrawal symptoms.

Our specialists have been working under the Narco-Net program for more than 20 years. We not only help relieve drug withdrawal and eliminate its symptoms. We fight the causes of drug addiction and help fill the spiritual void. We also pray for addicts, talk about God, and help form a spiritual core based around Jesus Christ.

A person learns to believe not only in God, but also in God. Faith generates trust, fills life with meaning, helps to resist temptation, to say to drugs: “No!”

Removing withdrawal symptoms

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What to do during an acute period

Relatives should hospitalize the drug addict in the hospital or call a narcologist at home to minimize the consequences of withdrawal. Under no circumstances should you give money for drugs. On an emergency call, a private clinic doctor arrives faster than an emergency room and immediately carries out the necessary procedures.

The doctor has with him all the necessary drugs and materials to relieve acute conditions. A doctor will help you overcome heroin withdrawal with minimal health consequences. However, it will not be possible to get rid of addiction at home, and the situation will quickly repeat itself. A drug addict needs comprehensive treatment and subsequent recovery. Such help can only be obtained in a specialized center for drug addicts.

An integrated approach to drug addiction treatment

In a specialized clinic, complex treatment is offered for a chemically dependent person who seeks help and wants to completely get rid of drug addiction. It makes it possible to cure the disease completely, that is, to achieve stable long-term remission. The treatment course includes three stages:

  1. Detoxification. The stage of eliminating physical dependence.
  2. Rehabilitation. The stage of personality restoration, liberation from psychological cravings for alcohol.
  3. Socialization. The stage of adaptation to ordinary life. Includes treatment of relatives for codependency.

The dangers of breakdowns

We would like to draw your special attention to the fact that during the period of self-medication of withdrawal, the risk of overdose increases. It is extremely rare that a patient manages to get rid of withdrawal symptoms from drug addiction on his own; usually, after a while, a breakdown occurs.

During these few days, the addict’s body manages to partially cleanse itself of drugs naturally. His tolerance to the drug decreases, so if he fails, the usual dose can lead to an overdose and life-threatening consequences. That is why we strongly recommend drug treatment for withdrawal symptoms under the supervision of a narcologist.

Formation of psychological dependence

For a drug addict to experience withdrawal symptoms, a stable physical dependence on drugs must first develop. And this is only possible as a result of their regular use. When does a drug addict start using drugs regularly?

The first sign of a problem, a drug addiction disease, is the emergence of psychological dependence on a psychoactive drug. This is the very case when the psyche identifies the process of use as positive, beneficial to a person, and “gives the go-ahead” for its active repetition.

Here the voice of reason and moral norms already recede, conditioned reflexes prevail over them. The deceived mind commands to do what it thinks is “good” - take the drug.

What could be attractive for the psyche in a dangerous and, dare we say it, disgusting disease? The fact is that drug addiction does not show its true face immediately. At first, the patient really gets euphoria, high spirits, increased activity or relaxation, it all depends on the type of drug, but in any case, it is something pleasant.

At first everything is fine, but later the drug is included in the biochemical processes of the body, the body stops producing those types of compounds that are constantly supplied with the drug. And then the drug addict starts to have problems.

Formation of physical dependence

As a result of regular use of a narcotic drug, physical attachment to it arises, and hard times begin for the addict. Now he is forced to look for a new dose every time, and the withdrawal syndrome does not wait and comes at the appointed hour, regardless of the circumstances and capabilities of the addict.

Formed physical dependence is necessarily expressed in a withdrawal state or drug withdrawal. The fact is that the patient’s body is already accustomed to receiving the compounds necessary for work through taking the drug. Therefore, when the dose is reduced or absent altogether, it signals that the psychoactive drug is needed to continue to work.

At this moment, the patient experiences painful physical and psychological symptoms, which together are called drug withdrawal. Until the chemical purity of the body is restored and the functioning of all its systems is normalized, the patient will experience varying degrees of discomfort. To effectively relieve withdrawal symptoms, drug detoxification and therapy are needed.

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