Head physician of a blood transfusion station: how to stop being afraid and become a donor

How to avoid fainting when donating blood for testing

Everyone is forced to take a blood test periodically: with its help, you can identify inflammatory processes in the body, hematopoietic disorders and other diseases. Today, a blood test is one of the most popular and simplest diagnostic methods. But even during such a study or after it, loss of consciousness is possible. It is necessary for everyone to know the reasons for fainting and the algorithm for action in such a situation in order to prevent the condition and avoid serious injuries when falling.

Fainting (syncope, collapse)

is a short-term, self-limiting loss of consciousness caused by insufficient cerebral blood flow and usually leading to the patient falling.

This condition develops rapidly, and recovery occurs quickly and completely even without medical intervention. Fainting is sometimes accompanied by brief (<15 seconds) tonic-clonic seizures that begin only after loss of consciousness.

The mechanism of fainting is based on irritation of the autonomic nervous system, which is expressed in the form of a sharp dilation of blood vessels, disturbances in heart rhythm and breathing. This is what leads to a deterioration in the nutrition of the brain, and the external manifestation of such processes is a short-term loss of consciousness.

There are many factors that can cause fainting when donating blood for analysis.

The reasons for deterioration in health during the
blood donation
may be:

  • Hemophobia (fear of blood) is the most common cause of loss of consciousness when donating blood. In a mild form of the disorder, a person experiences nausea and dizziness when looking at blood. But if the disease is severe, then even a simple blood draw from a vein or finger can trigger panic attacks. At the same time, the hemophobe experiences severe dizziness, tremors of the limbs, and increased heart rate and breathing. In this state, the brain is oversaturated with oxygen and fainting occurs;
  • prolonged stay in a stuffy room: this causes hypoxia, dehydration and poor circulation;
  • low pain threshold: patients with increased sensitivity to pain and a low tolerance range cannot tolerate physical activity and any pain, so even when taking blood from a finger, fainting may occur;
  • fear of needles and sharp objects.

Other causes of fainting during or after donating blood, especially from a vein, include:

  • low blood pressure;
  • sudden change in body position (rising from a chair, bed);
  • overwork;
  • Carrying out the procedure on an empty stomach;
  • lack of sleep;
  • anemia;
  • copious blood loss (up to 450 ml) and low weight (up to 50 kg) are the causes of loss of consciousness in donor patients.

Fainting at the sight of blood or after donating it is most often the body’s reaction to stress and lack of oxygen. After 30 seconds of losing consciousness, the person usually returns to normal. But during a fall, especially from a standing position, there is a possibility of injury.

Methods of assistance and prevention

To prevent the occurrence of negative consequences from a fall due to loss of consciousness, it is important for a medical worker in a treatment room or clinical diagnostic laboratory of a medical organization to be able to recognize the symptoms of fainting and provide assistance correctly. If a person’s face turns pale during or after donating blood, the pupils dilate, general weakness appears, sweating is noted, and fainting is guaranteed. In this case, it is possible to prevent the onset of fainting by taking the following measures:

  • give ammonia a sniff;
  • lower the person’s head below the knees in such a way as to create the impression that he is tying his shoelaces: this will increase blood flow to the head and eliminate the cause of fainting;
  • massage your temples, earlobes or hand in the area between your thumb and index finger.

Emergency actions

If fainting does occur, you need to do the following:

  1. Raise the victim’s legs by placing a cushion made from available materials under them: this will improve blood flow to the brain.
  2. Turn the victim's head to the side.
  3. Provide the victim with access to fresh air: open the windows, unbutton the tight collar, freeing his respiratory tract from clothing.

It is not recommended to shake a person in a faint state; only a light pat on the cheeks is allowed.

After fainting, the patient may experience weakness, confusion, fatigue and drowsiness. Therefore, you cannot immediately raise a person. After the person regains consciousness, you need to give him water to drink.

General recommendations for the prevention of fainting when donating blood

How to avoid fainting at the sight of blood or after donating it? How to make sure the procedure is successful? To do this, each patient must know the following simple rules of conduct during the study:

  • inform the doctor, nurse or other laboratory specialist about possible loss of consciousness: they will prepare cotton wool soaked in ammonia;
  • try to distract yourself during blood sampling, ensuring yourself a positive attitude: do not look at the needle and syringe (container) with blood, look out the window, study the interior of the office, mentally make a to-do list for the current day, etc.;
  • Muscle tension helps prevent a drop in blood pressure when donating blood from a vein: squeezing a rubber ball, periodically tensing the gluteal muscles and leg muscles;
  • Standing up suddenly after the procedure and standing for a long time can also provoke loss of consciousness.
  • Remember that a medical worker is nearby and is ready to provide assistance if necessary!

If blood is drawn frequently, the donor is recommended to:

  • on the eve of donating blood and the day after donating, it is advisable to drink as much water or other liquids (juices, fruit drinks) as possible;
  • Eat more low-fat, iron-rich foods (red meat, liver, dark green leafy vegetables, etc.);
  • the most suitable time to donate blood is 2-3 hours after a meal;
  • if you usually have low blood pressure, then to increase it, eat more salty foods, both before and after donating blood;
  • After the procedure, also drink liquid - do not refuse tea and cookies, which will be offered to you at the blood donation point;
  • rest after donating blood and allow your body to get used to the smaller volume of blood before starting your daily activities;
  • both on the day of blood donation and the next day, it is advisable to avoid serious physical activity (training, competitions), visiting the bathhouse and swimming.

It should be noted that many people faint when donating blood, but usually such loss of consciousness does not require urgent medical measures. But if they recur regularly (at work, at home or while walking), then you need to consult a doctor to conduct an appropriate examination to identify the cause of fainting and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Yu.A. Baymuratova, medical laboratory technician of the sports medicine department of the BU “Clinical Medical and Physical Education Dispensary” branch in the city of Surgut

Symptoms of the disease

Many people are not even aware of their phobia, perceiving their condition as the norm. This approach to the problem is categorically wrong. Without awareness of your fear, you will never be able to get rid of it.

People with this phobia experience the following reactions when undergoing testing:

  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • nausea;
  • chills;
  • numbness of the limb;
  • sudden sweating;
  • panic attacks.

If a child suffers from the disease, he usually experiences increased agitation, screaming, crying, and hysterics. If the above symptoms are present, a routine examination will be a real test for the patient.

What else is prescribed with this study?

Humoral immunity (immunoglobulins IgA, IgM, IgG, IgE, circulating immunocomplexes, complement components C3, C4)

17.51. Ven. blood 8 days

3,890 ₽ Add to cart

Immune status (screening) (Phagocytic activity of leukocytes, cellular immunity, total immunoglobulin IgE, immunoglobulins IgA, IgM, IgG)

27.960. Ven. blood 3 days

7,640 ₽ Add to cart

Total immunoglobulin IgE

17.2. Ven. blood 1 day

670 ₽ Add to cart

Cellular immunity (T-lymphocytes, T-helpers, T-cytotoxic cells, Immunoregulatory index, B-lymphocytes, NK-T cells, NK cells, Leukocyte formula)

17.50. Ven. blood 3 days

5 200 ₽ Add to cart

Serum paraprotein typing using immunofixation

50.28.2181 Ven. blood 14 days

3,720 ₽ Add to cart


  1. Encyclopedia of clinical laboratory tests / ed. WELL. Titsa. - M.: Labinform, 1997. - P. 213-215, 223-226.
  2. JVaillant, A., Jamal, Z., Ramphul, K. Immunoglobulin. In: StatPearls, 2021.
  3. Sathe, A., Cusick, J. Biochemistry, Immunoglobulin M. StatPearls Publishing, 2021.
  4. Histology (introduction to pathology) / ed. E.G. Ulumbekova, Yu.A. Chelysheva. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 1997. - P. 528 – 530.
  5. Kumar, V., Abbas, A., Fausto, N. et al. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 2014. - 1464 p.

"Bad Veins"

There are times when a nurse cannot get into a vein. This happens due to the anatomical features of the vascular system, frequent puncture of veins for the purpose of administering drugs, and thrombosis. Typically, people with “bad veins” do not like to donate blood. If it is not possible to find a vein in the elbow, it is inserted into another part of the body.

If the nurse does not hit the vein, it is quite possible that she is inexperienced and just starting to work. If she fails to insert the needle after two tries, you can ask another nurse to come.

Treatment of hemophobia

Fear is a normal protective reaction of the body. The psyche senses a threat and immediately reacts to it. The fear of blood is not fatal, but it does affect human behavior. If the problem is a fear of blood, it is necessary to develop resistance to the sight of it. Habituation occurs along with establishing new affirmations.

Phobia with an acute reaction is less common. In most cases, the manifestation of fear is an anxious state. Psychotherapeutic techniques are used to help the patient: the level of fear is reduced, the true cause of the phobia is determined.

Emergency assistance to the patient if the fear of blood suddenly manifests itself:

  • the patient sits in a comfortable position, the head tilts towards the knees (in this position, blood rushes to the head and the pressure decreases);
  • breathing is restored (even breathing helps to calm down and reduce anxiety);
  • After the exercise, you need to stand up and relieve tension from the muscles.

Such help is needed in cases where a panic attack interferes with diagnosis.

The primary task is to establish control over your own body. If a person cannot control the body's reactions, the phobia will only intensify over time.

Correct installation

Attitudes are internal beliefs that are formed in early childhood. After the first visit to the doctor, the baby forms an impression of the procedures completed. Negative experiences are the main cause of hemophobia in the future.

Impressionable people suffer from hemophobia. They are accustomed to react sharply to any environmental changes. It is difficult for hypochondriacs who are afraid of infection to cope with medical procedures.

Working with a psychoanalyst will help you get rid of the feeling of fear: a person works on his own thinking, gets rid of attitudes embedded in the subconscious.

Drug treatment

Hemophobia is not a dangerous irrational fear. In most cases, treatment is accomplished without drug therapy. A course of sedative tablets is prescribed for increased anxiety. Sedatives provide temporary relief and are not a cure. Tranquilizers are not prescribed in case of hemophobia.

Exercises to calm down

The best option for getting rid of hemophobia is physical exercise, which helps relieve excess stress. Adaptive responses are shaped by self-control skills. Breathing exercises will help you calm down in a short time. In a comfortable position (sitting or standing), it is necessary to restore breathing. Don't hold your breath. As soon as your breathing calms down, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds for every 5th breath. Then breathing is restored again. The exercise is repeated at least 3 times.

Meditation to treat hemophobia

Meditation is an effective calming technique. It does not fight the cause of the phobia, but helps to counter the spontaneous reactions of the body. Meditation calms anxiety, relieves stress and muscle tension.

Yoga classes are suitable for preventing the development of additional phobias. In combination with psychoanalysis, the relaxation technique allows you to get rid of the obsessive state.

Meditation is an effective calming technique

A child is afraid of blood: what to do and who to contact?

If time is lost or serious mistakes are made in raising a child, the recommendations listed may be ineffective. In this case, you should contact a qualified specialist as soon as possible. It will help you cope with the problem in a short time, clarifying the causes of fear and unobtrusively correcting negative behavior.

You can make an appointment with experienced children's psychological specialists by phone or by filling out an application on the website. Timely assistance will help preserve the child’s mental health and restore his confidence.

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