Neck pain: back, front, back of the head, neck, right or left side

12 April 2021



2.5 out of 5

Neck pain is a very common problem. After all, according to medical statistics, more than 70% of people experience this periodically or regularly. Nevertheless, there are many reasons that can provoke pain of varying intensity in the neck. Most of them lie in diseases of the cervical spine. At the same time, the characteristics of pain, its localization, and the nature of other existing symptoms are important diagnostic signs that help to correctly determine what triggered them and prescribe treatment appropriate to the situation. It is very important to identify the disease causing pain in the neck as early as possible and take measures to eliminate it, since they can cause severe complications, including disability.

Causes of pain in the neck and occipital region

Osteochondrosis is on the list of various diseases expressed through pain in the back of the head and neck.


In addition to osteochondrosis, vertebral artery syndrome can cause discomfort. The course of this disease is mainly accompanied by a feeling of increased muscle tension and an altered general condition.

Today, headaches in the neck and back of the head are common in young people. There are enough reasons for this, but the main one can be identified as an incorrect lifestyle. Many people expose themselves to danger voluntarily by being in front of the computer all the time they have free from sleep. Other people are susceptible to illness due to working 8-10 hours, the processes of which take place behind a monitor.

The disease can be localized in any part of the body. A person will complain that the neck and back of the head hurt in the back, left or right. Both acute attacks and less noticeable, but long-term, aches are possible. It is worth noting the sources from which the disease occurs:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Trauma and tumors;
  • Meningitis;
  • Damaged muscles, ligaments in the muscle corset;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Muscle spasms that occur as a result of sudden turns of the head;
  • Long-term static physical loads;
  • “Office” lifestyle, being in uncomfortable positions.

In addition to the listed factors, when the back of the head and neck hurt, the reasons may lie in a variety of serious diseases.

Hypertonic disease As a result of this problem, pressure increases, bursting, throbbing pain.
Vascular problems Due to spasm of the arteries located inside or on the surface of the skull, throbbing pain occurs. Discomfort begins at the back of the head but may spread to the forehead.
Nervous tension It worries a person as a result of a stressful state.
Overwork Formed after prolonged mental or physical work and uncomfortable body position.
Spondylosis There is prolonged or constant pain in the neck and back of the head. Sometimes the sensations spread to the eyes and ears.
Occipital neuralgia With this disease, a person complains of recurring pain in the back of the head and neck. Also, discomfort radiates to the temporal region, the ear area. The sensation becomes stronger with normal coughing or sneezing, and also when turning the head.
Migraine Accompanied by throbbing pain in the temple, crown, half of the head.

These problems are not fatal, but extremely dangerous, and if they are started, the consequences can be more serious than just discomfort.


Typically, the root causes of pain are diseases affecting the spine and osteochondrosis. However, other reasons can be identified:

  • hypertension;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • neck and head injuries;
  • sensitivity to weather;
  • insomnia and stress;
  • neuralgia;
  • aneurysm;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diabetes;
  • raised intracranial pressure;
  • myogelosis;
  • overstrain of the trapezius muscle;
  • meningitis.

It is often unclear where the pain comes from, since the innervation of the shoulder girdle and neck is complex. For example, pain may appear near the back of the head, but gradually it will spread to the arms, shoulders, back, etc.

Prevention of the presented disease

Panic in a situation when your neck, back of your head hurts and you feel dizzy

, it is forbidden. It is worth contacting a specialist to accurately determine the causes of pain. It is impossible to determine the diagnosis on your own, so before starting treatment, it is important to hear the opinion of a specialist.

When the causes of pain in the back of the head and neck are identified, the doctor will draw up a competent treatment program that will not only relieve the discomfort, but also eliminate the specific focus of the disease.

The best option for a healthy life is to prevent the disease, so that later you don’t have to look for the reasons why your neck and back of the head hurt. It is important to adhere to preventive recommendations that will help you avoid this problem. It is necessary to observe the work schedule and not allow the body to remain in one position for several hours in a row. Even if a person works sitting down, once an hour it is worth stretching the cervical spine by doing basic exercises. It is important to rest on time and sleep the 8 hours allotted for an adult body.

It is advised to maintain a positive mood: stressful situations are the causes of pain in the back of the head and neck, the treatment of which is much more difficult than simply controlling one’s own emotions. Physical activity is also harmful to health, so you should not allow constant effects of this nature on the body.

Many people refuse to visit a doctor as a preventive measure. They do not turn to a specialist until the discomfort that arises begins to affect their life activities. However, periodic visits to doctors for routine examinations of the body will help prevent serious illnesses.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of cervicocranialgia involves, first of all, excluding serious causes of headaches, such as brain tumors, meningitis or spinal injuries. Based on the medical history, study of symptoms and physical examination, the doctor, in most cases, can make a preliminary diagnosis and determine the necessary scope of examination. Instrumental research methods (radiography, CT, MRI) allow an accurate diagnosis. If it is necessary to make a differential diagnosis, laboratory research methods may be prescribed.

Treatment of cervicocranialgia depends on the genesis of pain and, as a rule, is effective in the use of a complex of therapeutic measures (drug treatment, physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture and exercise therapy).

Treatment of pain in affected areas

Of course, each patient comes with a unique problem, since the question of why the neck and back of the head hurts, the reasons and further treatment can only be explained by a specialist. Nevertheless, there are a number of effects on the body that can help you get rid of pain in most cases.

For example, when pain in the back of the head or neck occurs unexpectedly, you can resort to the following actions to relieve sensations:

1. It is necessary to ventilate the room by introducing fresh air. The brain will receive an influx of oxygen, which means blood circulation will improve.

2. Get a massage


3. If possible, you should take a horizontal position and relax.

4. It is advised to clear yourself of negative thoughts, breathe deeply and get rid of nervous tension.

IMPORTANT: Watch your diet; perhaps the body does not have enough omega-3 acids. These are useful microelements that can be obtained from fatty fish. A diet with such products helps prevent any inflammatory processes.

The source of the problem is physical fatigue. A good way to give your muscles a chance to heal and bounce back is to remove the weight from the affected areas. It is recommended to rest, but you should avoid high pillows, which cause the spine to bend.

Ordinary ice can effectively reduce inflammation and relieve pain in the back of the head and neck. It is necessary to crush the ice and place it in a plastic bag. This bag can be placed in a pillowcase. You cannot replace cotton fabric with a terry towel because such a product is too dense; there will be no effective transfer of cold.

An option recommended by doctors is heating the disease area. With the help of heat, blood circulation can be significantly improved, muscles can relax and become toned. You need to take a damp towel made of natural fabric; any bottle of hot water will also do. You can resort to water procedures and simply take a warming shower. In any of the options, you need to remember that you cannot overheat the body, since an excessive amount of heat can become another cause of pain in the back of the head and neck.

An important skill is the ability to relax. Overexertion can be caused by emotional stress. You need to monitor what fuels stress - the rush to get to work, worries about household chores, relationships with loved ones, communication with superiors and other factors. When the external pathogen is identified, you can begin to look for a way out of the current situation. A person will forget what it’s like to have pain in the neck and back of the head after the emotional state normalizes. Relaxation, abdominal breathing, aromatherapy, progressive relaxation help to relax. The following tips will help with this:

  • Choose a quiet place and make sure that no one will disturb you during the relaxation period;
  • Sit in a comfortable position (lie down), close your eyes;
  • Tighten and relax the muscles from the head, moving to the neck and the rest of the body gradually;
  • It is important to perform the abdominal breathing procedure in a relaxed sitting position;
  • It is necessary to take slow and deep breaths exclusively through the stomach. To feel the depth of breathing, you can place your palm on your stomach;
  • Also exhale completely, pushing out oxygen using the stomach;
  • The procedure is carried out in a few minutes without haste. Speed ​​is fraught with hyperventilation. It should be carried out especially carefully if the neck and back of the head are numb.

Other opportunities to relax the body include yoga, various physical exercises, and meditation. Pleasant activities, such as a favorite hobby and pleasant music, can also have a positive impact. The tips help treat the causes of pain in the neck and back of the head.

Doctors highlight massage as one of the key effects on affected areas. With its help, you can relax tense muscles, induce deep, comfortable sleep, and give the body a feeling of lightness. To carry out such therapy, you must first take a hot shower or bath - this will put the body in order and prepare it for further massage. Whatever the cause of pain in the neck and back of the head, you need to use lotion or oil (you can use aromatic ones). Next, massage the affected area in a circular motion, applying light and gentle pressure. It is worth paying attention to the chest.

The next item that will help in this situation is the purchase of an anesthetic. Using a pain reliever can reduce severe pain in the back of the head and neck.

IMPORTANT: Experts strongly recommend monitoring your posture. Pain in the neck and back of the head occurs when a person holds his back incorrectly. You can explain how much stress is placed on the cervical spine using physics - the force of gravity. It must be constantly overcome in order to maintain balance, move, and constantly remain in an upright position.

The spine in the skeleton is a support for the entire body and muscles, therefore, when at least some part of the bone frame weakens, a person has to deal with gravity. At the same time, the curvature of the back begins so that at least some compensation of axial loads occurs. So it becomes very obvious that poor posture can be a cause of neck and back pain.

To improve the position of the bone corset, you can use any wall. You need to turn your back to the wall so that your heels are a few centimeters away from it. In this case, the shoulders and buttocks should touch the wall, the chin should not drop. This position of the spine is correct. After alignment, you can move away and monitor the formed posture. Pain in the back of the head and neck will subside as soon as the body gets used to the correct body position.

Excess weight also affects the entire body. Do not place additional stress on the cervical area. Therefore, overweight people who also have pain in the neck and back of the head should take care of their figure, getting rid of excess body weight.

Experts have developed many exercises that can not only reduce pain in the neck and back of the head, but also prevent them. Before carrying out this type of therapy, it is worth placing a warm compress on the affected area. The procedures must be repeated at least five times three times a day. There is no need to rush, the muscles should relax.

You need to take a sitting position. Turn your head as far to the right as possible, then return straight to the starting position. Also turn left and straighten out. The second exercise is to lower your chin, then rise up, tilt your head to your left, to your right shoulder.

A set of isometric exercises solves the problem. They must be performed through resistance, but you cannot actually move your head. The following complex helps to eliminate the causes of pain in the back of the head and neck:

1. Take a sitting position and relax. You need to raise your hand and place your palm on your forehead, pressing on it. It is imperative to resist the movement of the forehead.

2. The right hand should be placed on the right side of the head, pressing the area with the hand. Repeat the process on the other side. It is necessary to monitor the opposition of the head and hand.

3. If the back of the head and the back of the neck hurt, then you need to press on the area with both palms, pushing your head. The reverse movement must be resisted.

With this simple exercise, a person will quickly forget what it’s like to have a pain in the back of the head, neck, and dizziness.

Harmful daily habits for humans

At times, the answer to the question of why the back of the head and neck hurts is the incorrect location of the workspace relative to the eyes. If pain appears at the end of a work shift, this is a direct signal that work is the source of the problem. People do not pay attention to their posture, they lower their heads down, without looking up from, for example, paperwork for several hours.

To avoid heaviness in the back of the head and neck, it is necessary to place the monitor in front of the eyes. It is important to take breaks, warm up as often as your work allows, and do basic head tilts to relax your muscles.

To forget how much your neck and back of your head hurt, it is important to say goodbye to many daily bad habits. For example, many people hold a telephone receiver between their neck and shoulder. Some people are used to sleeping in a chair with their head thrown back and their chin down. Women in the modern rhythm of life are accustomed to doing everything as quickly as possible, but without caring about their health. For example, washing your hair in the sink, or leaning under the tap in the bathroom. This can become a source of pain in the neck and back of the head.

Even waking up, during which the back of your head and neck hurts and you feel dizzy, can be an alarming signal. The culprits of unpleasant sensations are the pillow and mattress. In order to prevent serious illnesses, it is worth changing the mattress to a firm one, and the pillow to one of such a height that the head is at the same level as the spine.

It is obvious that many daily habits can cause significant harm to the body. Changing habits can be easy, which will ultimately lead to healthy functioning of the body.

With tips on actions to relieve heaviness in the neck and back of the head, everyone can put their body in order. Of course, all the methods presented are not a panacea, but an excellent help in solving the problem that has arisen. Doctors should not be neglected: they will be able to tell exactly why the neck and back of the head hurt. It is important to follow these recommendations in combination, because only well-designed therapy will help you say goodbye to the disease that causes discomfort.

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