A gaze from the outside is an energy attack: 7 conflict-free ways to discourage a person from wanting to “stare” at you

Do you often feel embarrassed when you notice the gaze of a stranger on you? You experience unpleasant sensations because at such moments you are under an energy attack.

In order not to experience discomfort, you need to be able to properly resist this attack. This can be done in a completely conflict-free way - now we will give you as many as seven options for reactions and actions.

Return glance

You can easily get rid of a close observer with the help of a return gaze. If you have enough inner strength, start looking at this person back - sooner or later he will not be able to stand it and will look away.

If you feel that a person walking behind you is staring at you, you can turn around sharply and start looking at him back - this method of defense also works great, completely discouraging the desire to look at you with the evil eye.

A return glance with the message “Do you need something from me?” works great. Having visually caught this reaction of yours, a person immediately turns away and begins to look in the other direction, looking for a new “victim” for an energy attack.

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The meaning of a man's gaze in different situations

The psychology of men is such that their gaze can indicate a lot. Their character is not as emotional as that of girls. They do not tend to show off their feelings.

It is important to avoid mistakes and correctly determine the reason for eye contact. As a rule, women rely on their developed intuition.

  • During a conversation

During a conversation, eye contact is very important and can speak volumes. In addition, the situation and the main meaning of the conversation are of great importance. A man’s close gaze on a woman during a meeting in a cafe, when they are chatting about various trifles, can testify to a man’s sympathy and interest.

If a man looks at the eyes, lips, neckline, he experiences passion and desire. In addition, dilated pupils and impulses to touch your interlocutor can indicate this.

A man's gaze can have completely the opposite meaning. For example, anger or irritation after a quarrel or tense dialogue.

Often representatives of the stronger sex hide their anger deeply. However, a direct, sharp gaze indicates real emotions raging inside.

  • Peek

If a guy is interested in a girl, but looks at her furtively or from afar, this indicates that he is afraid to take the first step, approach her and directly tell her about his feelings. This type of people tends to hide their emotions for a very long time, showing them only in fleeting glances on the sly.

What should a girl's behavior be in this situation? If she cares about a guy, she should take the initiative. After all, modesty is not a negative trait of men. Young people's hesitation reflects their fear of being rejected or ridiculed.

  • Passing

Mutual interest can be indicated by the gaze of a man and woman passing by each other. The guy's following gaze indicates his sympathy for the girl and the desire to continue communication.


If a person stares at you for a long time, look back at him and then start a casual conversation. Ask, for example, if you happen to know each other, since he is looking at you so intently.

As practice shows, with this resolution of the situation, a person who just a few seconds ago was confidently looking at you without good reason, begins to evade the conversation, after which he completely tries to hide from your eyes as quickly as possible.

Is it true that the look of a person in love changes?

It is the eyes that are the true indicator of male feelings. When a person experiences love, regardless of gender and age, the body releases hormones that affect appearance and behavior:

  • heart rate increases;
  • he is in a state close to euphoria;
  • gait changes;
  • improves complexion, hair and nails;
  • pupil size increases.

Interesting! It is the eyes that are the true indicator of a man’s feelings. The “bottomless” pupil effect indicates serious intentions. The absence of eye changes at the moment of love confession indicates light flirting without long meetings.


If it happens in sunny weather and you have sunglasses, you can hide from the view of a stranger behind the glasses. The thing is that if during an energy attack the “predator” stops observing the eyes of the “prey”, she simply becomes not interesting to him - he instantly leaves her alone.

By the way, this method of protection from the gaze of others was once regularly used by Michael Jackson, who was somewhat embarrassed by the excessive attention of the public - he had to “hide” behind dark glasses.

Enlarged pupils

8 signs that there is a man nearby who will love no matter what

Enlarged pupils indicate a person's interest and admiration. Scientists have conducted several studies that have proven that the brain centers responsible for pleasure, when activated, cause the pupils to dilate. Therefore, in the absence of darkness around and drugs in a man’s body, this phenomenon can be used in resolving the issue of sympathy.

"Mirror Cocoon"

If you want to repel an energy attack on you, use another reliable method, which is to create a “mirror cocoon” surrounding you. If you see that someone simply cannot take their eyes off you, imagine how a mirror cocoon grows around you. At the same time, say to yourself: “Give back everything you took, take everything you gave.”

A gaze from the outside is not only an energy attack, but also an invasion of your personal space. Try not to allow strangers to violate your boundaries, and when you detect an attentive glance directed in your direction, do not hesitate to respond to it with the reaction that is most appropriate in the current situation.

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Women perceive prolonged eye contact from a man in a completely different way. If it's a stranger's gaze, the woman usually looks away and doesn't like being looked at closely.

Photo: Mikhail Bersenev, personal archive

But a woman usually perceives looking into the eyes of her lover more positively. She finds this look a bonding, intimate moment. The sacrament of souls, when not words are involved, but eyes. And there is a kind of transfusion of souls between two bodies.


Since children, according to one of the philosophers, are creatures as close as possible to God, especially in the early period (let’s not remember O. Henry’s “Leader of the Redskins” in this regard), their views are not yet so strongly blinkered by social rules of behavior.

I remember from my childhood one unpleasant moment in terms of eye-to-eye contact: when you dissemble or dodge and say that it was not you who stole a bag of chocolates from the cupboard with a key, and your parents demand that you look them in the eye when answering, then discomfort arises.

Photo: Depositphotos

I had a childhood friend who somewhere learned to tell lies with a “clean eye.” Without blinking, he spoke complete nonsense to his parents and adults, while his eyes were so radiant and wide open that even I myself believed him. While we were picking raspberries and strawberries from our neighbors in our summer cottages and we were then interrogated: “Aren’t you the two of you climbing through the holes in the fence?” - my friend answered “no” so sincerely that no one could doubt the veracity of his words.

Children, out of the simplicity of their souls, often look into the eyes of an adult so piercingly and purely that adults become embarrassed and even rush to make a remark that they say, stop it, it’s indecent. The eyes of a child are, to some extent, the eyes of God, so not everyone is able to withstand a child’s gaze into the eyes.


I have always been interested in these amazing people who were born, for example, boys, but always wanted to be girls in their hearts. And vice versa. In these creatures, nature seemed to mix three principles at once, as I believe: male, female and even childish.

While in Thailand, Cambodia and other Asian countries, I came across such people. We communicated (they, as a rule, all speak English to one degree or another), while talking with them I paid attention to their gaze. They don't make eye contact at all! There is only a fleeting glance of their gaze over the pupils of the interlocutor, and then again somewhere to the side. Plastic surgeons and nature mixed different elements into them, and it seemed to me that this made them more vulnerable than ordinary people. Transvestites avoid eye to eye contact as a matter of principle. And this is interesting.

In general, everyone decides for themselves whether to look directly into the eyes of their interlocutor or not and for how long. Some people feel comfortable talking while staring at the floor. Someone, on the contrary, finds eye contact very exciting and intimate. Still others avoid such a view altogether.

Photo: Mikhail Bersenev, personal archive

Wherever we look, let's remember: the eyes, as sign experts say, never lie. This is the mirror of the soul! Although, based on the example of my friend from my dacha childhood, this truth is not entirely true.

Tags: views, interlocutor, eyes, gaze, psychological game

Scientists' assessment, or how long a sincere look lasts

A person’s gaze is more expressive than words.
British scientists conducted a number of experiments and proved that the length of a man’s gaze can determine a man’s attitude towards a woman:

  • visual contact less than 4 seconds - sympathy is unlikely, the man is not interested enough;
  • close attention for more than 8 seconds - sympathy is likely, there is a chance of building a romantic relationship.

Interesting! Such an iconic role is assigned exclusively to the male gaze. A woman can look at a man for no reason, out of banal curiosity.

Psychologists advise focusing not only on the duration of visual contact, but also on other non-verbal signs of male sympathy. If a number of factors indicate that a guy is interested in you, then you can start flirting without fear of making a mistake.

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