Two-faced person: characteristics, reasons. How to recognize..?

A two-faced person is an individual whose soul and mind are not what he shows to people. Humanity has known about duplicity since ancient times. The ancient peoples had a two-faced god Janus, who occupied an important place in the Roman pantheon. He was depicted with two faces, facing the past and the future. Janus was a highly respected deity.

The duplicity of God had a positive meaning. Classical psychology speaks of the duality and ambivalence of man. We can learn about the phenomenon of hypocrisy, as a synonym for duplicity, thanks to modern research. It should be noted that the term duplicity is more of a subjective and philosophical concept.

Who is a hypocrite?

A hypocrite is a two-faced person who tends to justify his immoral and immoral actions with good goals. At the same time, the commission of the same actions by others causes condemnation from the hypocrite. The opposite of hypocrisy is sincerity. Sincere people, unlike hypocrites, sometimes say unpleasant things to your face, but do not spread gossip behind your back.

Hypocrisy is a completely natural behavior pattern dictated by the survival instinct. Our psyche contains patterns that were formed in prehistoric times. It was not easy for primitive man to obtain a high rank in the tribe, and our ancestors had to resort to various tricks, including lying and being a hypocrite.

Thus, hypocrisy is a natural instinct inherent in each of us. And everyone used it at least once , so as not to offend a loved one or avoid an unpleasant situation - this is normal and even welcome. But real hypocrites are always two-faced , and this is their main line of behavior. They don't care if they offended anyone. They use hypocrisy exclusively for “self-defense” and for selfish purposes.

Note to reviewer

There are also those who are not at all embarrassed by dual personalities. “Chameleon” is quite beneficial to have among your friends. But you must remember that if you are not confident in this person, there is a high probability that you yourself may be deceived.

Remember that anyone can become two-faced, even if they initially did not have such a character trait. It all depends on those who surround the potential two-faced person and on his psychological state of health.

Almost every individual in an emergency situation turns on the instinct of self-defense. Under its influence, a person is able to do almost anything to protect his consciousness from negative influences.

In addition, this character trait is aggravated if its bearer periodically drinks alcoholic beverages. If you go out drinking with him, be careful about sharing personal information. A warm evening with pleasant company can turn into a major quarrel the next day, since a crooked character can use the acquired knowledge against you.

Signs of a hypocrite

To understand once and for all who a hypocrite is, let's look at the most common signs of a true hypocrite. However, having one of them does not mean that a person is a hypocrite. You can draw a conclusion if a person combines several of the listed 10 signs at once.

So, a hypocrite usually gives himself away by:

1. Constantly criticizes people, loves to gossip, especially if he notices that the interlocutor is interested. Never demonstrates sincere admiration for people who are not nearby.

2. Does not hide disrespect for ordinary people, but treats successful individuals very respectfully, often with admiration.

3. Doesn't try to help. But if he knows that he can get a certain benefit, he will help demonstrably (and then he will regularly remind you of this).

4. Uses feigned (and often inappropriate) flattery to gain trust.

5. Promises a lot. Offers help when he is sure that it will be refused. If someone still asks for help, the hypocrite definitely has urgent matters to attend to.

6. Boasts of his usefulness and irreplaceability, loves to talk about the good deeds he has done,

7. Often deceives , even when it makes no sense. And even the understanding that those around him know the truth does not make him feel awkward.

8. Likes to brag about his knowledge of other people's secrets. Gives them away freely, without experiencing remorse or feelings of shame.

9. Tells different versions of the same story to different interlocutors. Often the interpretations are opposite. For example, he tries to “play off” two acquaintances, maintaining good relations with both.

10. Incapable of admitting that he is wrong.

The more of the listed signs you notice in a person, the stronger the tendency towards hypocrisy and conscious duplicity manifests itself in him. It is better not to get close to such people. If this is someone from your company, behave as casually as possible. Show a sense of humor and healthy self-criticism - this will help you maintain good but neutral relationships and avoid becoming the target of gossip.

Reasons for the formation of duplicity

How is duplicity formed? Many psychologists, for example, Elkonin, Vygotsky, note the ambivalence of the individual by nature, that is, duality. A person has both masculine and feminine, otherwise we would have an aversion to the opposite sex. A small child absorbs the behavioral attitudes of those around him, male or female. Psychologists note that when an individual tries to consciously separate the ambivalent parts of his personality, problems such as schizophrenia can arise.

Where are the reasons for the duplicity we know? Mostly, this trait is laid down in a person’s character during childhood. It is based on relationships that psychologists call “self and others.” Deep loneliness, selfishness, as well as psychological trauma, alienation in the team, and a feeling of inferiority lead to personal conflict. It becomes difficult for a person to be sincere with people and with himself. Lack of proper education and adult guidance also leads to duplicity. It is also possible to become two-faced in adulthood. Dissatisfaction with the way the world works can lead to hypocritical behavior. Wanting to achieve the goal more easily, the individual uses all methods, including duplicity. Only he cannot always understand his motive.

Why do people become hypocrites?

As noted above, hypocrisy is a natural instinct inherent in each of us, but not everyone becomes two-faced. There are several main reasons that make people hypocrites:

Fear of punishment or condemnation

It happens that parents punish their child for every offense. He understands that it is impossible to be so perfect without upsetting his parents. from childhood he especially if he sees that the parents themselves are far from ideal, but they demand from him that he study well, play sports and play the violin. As they grow older, this childhood habit develops into constant hypocrisy. A person develops an internal feeling that duplicity is an excellent defense against conflicts.

Principle of least resistance

Telling the truth is not always comfortable. Hypocrisy allows you to avoid discomfort in any situation, and also appear nice, kind, fair and principled without extra effort. This type of hypocrisy is characteristic of almost all politicians (otherwise they do not stay in the political arena for long).

Following social norms

It is important for every person to be a full-fledged unit of society - this need is embedded in our genes. There are certain moral standards that we must live up to in order to be “normal.” And people begin to be hypocrites in order to comply with the rules of the society in which they live. Even basic politeness is a form of hypocrisy.

Reluctance to offend

If we always sincerely commented on everything we see, maintaining good relationships with loved ones would be more difficult. Situations in which you need to choose soft words to communicate something to a person arise quite often. And usually no one strives to become a “truth-teller.”

Selfish motives

Those who act hypocritically for profit usually receive the greatest condemnation. It is self-interest that leads a person to the worst form of hypocrisy - situational. In every situation, he strives to choose the best mask. He grovels before his boss, but when he is absent, he discusses and criticizes him in communication with his colleagues. This type of pretense is easy to notice by noticing how much a person’s behavior changes in different companies and circumstances.

Is there unconscious hypocrisy?

Of course, those characters who lead a double life may not realize this. If this behavior has been present in them since childhood, then in the future it will not be easy for them to cope with themselves. They will unconsciously withdraw from others and behave strangely. When they want to know what’s going on, “chameleons” will prefer to avoid conversation. How to explain to others what they themselves have not yet fully understood?

This is tantamount to forcing yourself to walk on your hands instead of on your feet. You won’t be able to relearn just like that, and this process takes quite a lot of time.

How to deal with a hypocrite?

There are different degrees of duplicity, and the reasons for hypocrisy are always different. If you understand what a hypocrite is, then you know that most people resort to such behavior not out of malice, but out of habit or fear. Besides, no one is perfect. You can't judge people for being duplicitous, because we are all insincere sometimes for various reasons.

If you notice that a person is bragging and taking credit for certain skills or achievements, most likely he is doing this so as not to look like a loser. He has a complex about real achievements, so he tries to exaggerate them. If at the same time he does not spread gossip and does not criticize anyone, then simply let him wear this “mask” and paint the picture of reality that he likes.

If you see that a person is changing his behavior in order to gain trust, be careful with him. Don't trust him with secrets, try to talk about neutral topics. If you notice a tendency towards hypocrisy in a loved one, try to get him to be as sincere as possible with you. Convince him that he can trust you. In this case, even if he maintains his duplicity with other people, he will be honest and open in communicating with you.

An excellent way to develop your communication skills with hypocritical people (as well as other unpleasant personality types) is the Emotional Intelligence course from Vikium. It consists of 20 lessons and is designed to develop skills for effectively interacting with people. This course will help you:

  • resolve conflicts effectively;
  • maintain equanimity in difficult situations;
  • notice signs of deception during dialogues;
  • learn to manage your emotions;
  • increase self-confidence;

Emotional intelligence is the skill of identifying, understanding and managing your emotions, as well as recognizing the emotions of others.

After training you will be able to:

  • detect lies at work and in your personal life;
  • see empathy and the manifestation of hidden emotions;
  • “read” the interlocutor;
  • do not show your emotions;
  • see manipulation;
  • establish personal relationships;

The author of the course is Oleg Kalinichev. He is the director of Paul Ekman International in Russia. Paul Ekman is a world expert in the psychology of emotions, deception detection and nonverbal behavior.

Duplicity and personality

Personality is a set of certain qualities of an individual. Based on the semantics of the word, two-faced - having two faces. To understand how duplicity is formed, let’s touch on the concept of personality structure. Jung and Freud said that personality consists of the conscious, the unconscious and the collective unconscious. All complexes belong to the category of the unconscious; it can be assumed that duplicity too, since it is formed due to internal conflicts, fears and contradictions. Personal conflict occurs only within the individual; it is associated with the human psyche. Such conflict is the basis for changes in personality.

Duality of the material world

The duality of the material world lies in the division of nature into material nature, which is subject to change, and spiritual nature, which, in its essence, is unchangeable. The duality of the material world lies in the opposition of these two natures in relation to man, just as there cannot be two suns in the sky, so man cannot adhere to these two natures and he has to choose between spiritual and material nature.

The sages who saw the truth came to the conclusion about the frailty of the non-existent [material body] and the immutability of the eternal [soul]. They reached this conclusion after carefully studying the nature of both.

Bhagavad-gita. 2.16


  • Leon Festinger.
    A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1962. - 291 p. — ISBN 0804709114.
  • Leon Festinger.
    Conflict, Decision, and Dissonance. - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1964. - T. 3. - 163 p. — ISBN 0804702055.
  • Alizadeh, A. A.
    551 // Islamic encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Ansar, 2007. - S. Munafik.
  • Hypocrisy // Biblical Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nikephoros. - M., 1891-1892.
  • Hypocrisy // Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. - St. Petersburg, 1908-1913.
Biblical · Great Catalan · Jewish Brockhaus and Efron · Catholic (1997—…)
Regulatory controlBNF: 11935462b GND: 4132501-1 LCCN: sh85063768 Microsoft: 2775874189 SUDOC: 027277704

This page was last edited on January 26, 2021 at 09:59 pm.
InterpretationHypocrisy, duplicityHypocrisy, duplicityHypocrisy is the tribute of respect that vice pays to virtue. François La Rochefoucauld A hypocrite is a person who... but who is not a hypocrite? Don Marchier We are so used to pretending to others that in the end we begin to pretend to ourselves. François La Rochefoucauld I hope you are not leading a double life, pretending to be dissolute when you are actually virtuous. That would be hypocrisy. Oscar Wilde Hypocrite: A man who killed both his parents and pleads for leniency on the grounds that he is an orphan. Abraham Lincoln You are right, he is not two-faced; but his one face is so disgusting! Charles Percy Snow The masquerade is organized so that everyone can show their face. Ivan Ivanyuk Come to your senses! By tearing off the mask, you will only rip the skin off his face. Karol Izhikowski If you wear a mask for too long, facial wrinkles will be imprinted on it. Leszek Kumor The most rosy life is that of chameleons. Wojciech Bartoszewski A chameleon pinned to a wall cannot be distinguished from a wall. Dominik Opolski When a chameleon is in power, the surroundings change colors. Stanislav Jerzy Lec (Source: “The Big Book of Aphorisms.” Dushenko K.V. Ed. 5th, revised. - M.: EKSMO-Press Publishing House, 2001.) Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms. Academician. 2011.

See what “HYPOCRISY, DUPLICITY” is in other dictionaries:

  • hypocrisy - deceit, falsehood; insincerity, Tartuffism, Jesuitism, duplicity, duality, Jesuitism, flattery, hypocriticism, falsehood, pharisaism, double-dealing, pretense, double-mindedness, hypocrisy, slyness, slyness, doublethink, hypocrisy, comedy ... Dictionary of synonyms
  • duplicity - see hypocrisy Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. duplicity noun, number of synonyms: 20 • ... Dictionary of synonyms
  • DUPLICITY - DUPLICITY, duplicity, plural. no, cf. (book). Hypocrisy, double-mindedness. He showed exceptional duplicity in this matter. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • DUPLICITY - DUPLICITY, I, cf. Hypocrisy, insincerity. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • Hypocrisy - (old glory - two-faced) - a negative moral and ethical quality of a person, expressed in a person’s ability to pretend, pretend to be a kind, decent, trusting and generally morally positive person, secretly committing evil... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of a teacher)
  • hypocrisy - I. HYPOCRISY HYPOCRISY, double-mindedness, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, deceitfulness, hypocrisy, insincerity, falsehood, falsehood, hypocrisy, hypocrisy, outdated. hypocriticism, outdated crookedness, bookishness Tartufism HYPOCRITE, Jesuit,... ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech
  • duplicity - DUPLICITY, I, cf Same as hypocrisy. You cannot think one thing and say another; this is duplicity ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns
  • HYPOCRISY - Dealing with a hypocrite in a dream means that you will be betrayed by imaginary friends in whom you will trust, believing their promise to help you if necessary. If in a dream you yourself show hypocrisy and duplicity, such a dream foreshadows what you will do... Dream Interpretation of Melnikov
  • Duplicity - cf. Hypocrisy, insincerity. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova
  • duplicity - I; Wed Hypocrisy, insincerity ... Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • The economy is a lie. Past, present and future of the Russian economy, Nikita Krichevsky. Is an economic model built on lies and hypocrisy sustainable? What are politicians and economists bashfully silent about? Why doesn’t foreign experience take root in Russian conditions? What is the essence... Read more Buy for 245 rubles
  • The economy is a lie. Past, present and future of the Russian economy, Nikita Krichevsky. Is an economic model built on lies and hypocrisy sustainable? What are politicians and economists bashfully silent about? Why doesn’t foreign experience take root in Russian conditions? What is the essence... Read more Buy for 189 rubles e-book

Interpretation Translation DUPLICITY DUPLICITY DUPLICITY , duplicity, plural.
no, female (book). distracted noun cduplicitous; duplicity. He is characterized by duplicity. Duplicity of character. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary.
D.N. Ushakov.1935-1940. Synonyms

See what “DUPLICITY” is in other dictionaries:

  • duplicity - duplicity ... Spelling dictionary-reference book
  • duplicity - hypocrisy, pretense, hypocrisy, insincerity, double-mindedness, double-mindedness, hypocrisy, deceit, falsehood, pharisaism, tartuism, Jesuitism, duplicity, duplicity, crookedness, double-dealing, hypocriticism, falsity, pretense, duplicity... ... Dictionary of synonyms
  • duplicity - TWO-FACED, oh, oh; chen, chna. Hypocritical, insincere. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • Duplicity - f. distracted noun according to adj. two-faced I 2. Explanatory dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova
  • duplicity - duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words
  • duplicity - duplicity, and ... Russian spelling dictionary
  • duplicity - (3 g), R., D., Pr. duplicity ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language
  • duplicity - Syn: see deceit, see falsehood... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary
  • duplicity - and; and. = Duplicity ... Encyclopedic Dictionary
  • duplicity - and; and. = duplicity... Dictionary of many expressions


  • Album. The Wall, Mary Roberts Rinehart. The most remarkable thing about the novels The Album and the Wall by the American writer M.R. Rinehart is that the reader, finding himself in a world of terrible, mysterious and ingenious situations, until the end... Read more Buy for 288 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Album. The Wall, Mary Roberts Rinehart. The most remarkable thing about the novels “The Album” and “The Wall” by the American writer M.R. Rinehart is that the reader, finding himself in a world of terrible, mysterious and ingenious situations, until the end... Read more Buy for 220 rubles
  • Women and deceit. Always be on your guard, Jaromir Sotnikov. Women's vices such as greed, hypocrisy, duplicity, and others can irritate men, cause misunderstanding or cause some other inconvenience, but they do not directly... Read more Buy for 68 rubles e-book

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Don't keep promises

You lost an earring, he promised that he would buy new and more beautiful earrings. But there is still no gift. You thought that maybe he had simply forgotten, but it was quite the opposite. He thinks you won't remember.

I love a man, but his friends are annoying: how not to make him unhappy (by tearing him away from friends) and yourself (by continuing to tolerate them)

Liars generally promise a lot. The reason for this lies in immediate benefits. They don't think about whether they will be able to fulfill what they promised.

Ambivalence in psychiatry

Considering ambivalence from a medical point of view, it should be noted that such a condition is not an independent pathology. In psychiatry, the phenomenon under discussion is part of the clinical picture of various diseases. Based on this, we can say that the emergence of duality is associated precisely with the development of mental disorders. Ambivalent feelings, thoughts and emotions are characteristic of various diseases, among which schizophrenia should be highlighted. In addition, this feature of human consciousness manifests itself in a negative light in diseases such as:

  • chronic depression;
  • psychosis;
  • obsessive states (obsessive-compulsive disorder, neurosis, etc.).

Ambivalence often appears in panic attacks, eating disorders and even phobias.

It is important to understand that the phenomenon of ambivalence implies the presence of several feelings, emotions or desires that do not mix, but appear in parallel. Duality from the point of view of psychiatry is considered as a sharp change in relation to the world around us. In such a state, a person often changes his attitude towards various people, objects or phenomena.

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