Who is a choleric person: characteristics of temperament, pros and cons + useful recommendations for people of this type

This article discusses one of the four types of temperament - choleric. Temperament is a characteristic of an individual in terms of the dynamic characteristics of his mental activity: strength, balance and mobility. In addition to choleric, there are also such types as sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic.

Sofia Emelyanova

Author of the article. Psychologist.

About the expert

Definition and Brief Description of Temperament

Choleric is one of 4 types of temperament in the classification proposed by Hippocrates. This is the most contradictory and ambiguous type. It is characterized, on the one hand, by sociability, activity and energy, and on the other – by hot temper, emotional incontinence, sometimes even rudeness and aggression.

Hippocrates associated the characteristics of temperaments with the ratio of 4 fluids in the body: blood, lymph, yellow and black bile. In choleric people, in his opinion, yellow bile predominates. Hence the name contains “chole”, which translated from ancient Greek means “bile”.

His theory turned out to be erroneous, but the names of temperaments are firmly entrenched in psychology, since Hippocrates described them quite accurately. Today it is known that temperament is an innate characteristic and is determined by the type of nervous system. The nervous system of choleric people has the following properties:

  1. Strong. Able to withstand prolonged and strong stimulation.
  2. Movable. Able to quickly switch from one process to another.
  3. Unbalanced. Excitation processes prevail over inhibition processes.

Cholerics are strong personalities who successfully withstand any blows of fate. They confidently move through life, look to the future with optimism, set ambitious goals and achieve them. They are tireless workers and activists. They are willing to take initiative and take on organizational responsibilities.

Cholerics can be recognized by their impetuous movements, rapid speech, and lively facial expressions. They are extremely emotional, subject to frequent mood swings, and react sharply to any negativity. Choleric people are very easy to lose their temper, and this is their main weakness. When angry, they cannot control themselves and can display verbal and physical aggression, for which they later pay.

In addition, they are very stubborn and love to dominate everything. It can be very difficult for those around them to be around them. If a choleric person does not learn to cope with his demons, he can become a despot and tyrant.

A choleric person is a person whose energy is directed outward, that is, he is an extrovert. They are sociable, talkative, and proactive. They love to be the center of attention, bask in the rays of fame, and be the first in everything. Ambition and ambitiousness allow them to achieve high results in their careers, many of them become managers.

Among the famous choleric people are Alexander Pushkin, Peter I, Alexander Suvorov, Donald Trump, Bill Gates and others.


In terms of the dynamic characteristics of the psyche, a choleric person is strong, unbalanced and mobile. This means that his mental states are not stable and replace each other. This type is distinguished by high initiative, efficiency during active work, the ability to easily overcome emerging difficulties, and a leadership position.

At the same time, such people often cannot restrain their emotional impulses, it is difficult for them to control their emotions, they are quick-tempered, but easy-going.

External signs

Cholerics often have similar external features, since nervous activity determines lifestyle and metabolism. Thus, the predominance of excitation processes over inhibition processes in the psyche leads to a thin or very slender physique and pointed features. Such people usually have elongated, elongated body parts, a narrow chest, an angular face with a pointed chin, prominent cheekbones, and a thin neck.

A person with a choleric temperament may not fit this description; this is usually due to forced changes in lifestyle towards decreased mobility, age-related characteristics or physiological diseases.

Character traits

A person with a choleric type of temperament is usually decisive, persistent, charismatic, passionate, very emotional, risk-taking, proactive and has varied interests. At the same time, he is characterized by increased temper, irritability, is constantly in a hurry and is not ready to engage in monotonous routine work.

Pros of temperament

Choleric is a very contradictory type of temperament. It has both pros and cons. This, on the one hand, makes it interesting and attractive, but on the other hand, it makes it difficult to interact with people. First of all, let's look at the merits of the choleric temperament.

  • Determination

“I see the goal, I see no obstacles” - this is about choleric people. They go straight to their goals, destroying everything in their path. If a choleric person is seriously interested in something, he is able to work tirelessly until he achieves the desired result. Failure will not be a reason for him to give up, but, on the contrary, will serve as an incentive to strengthen his grip. People of this type of temperament quickly move up the career ladder and reach outstanding professional heights.

  • "Fast" mind

Due to the predominance of excitation in the nervous system, mental processes in choleric people proceed rapidly. They think quickly, make decisions and perform mental operations. This is clearly noticeable even at school: while other children are slowly and thoughtfully poring over one task, a choleric child manages to complete three. Their reaction speed is also lightning fast, which greatly helps them in critical situations. For example, on the road while driving a car.

  • Energy and performance

Cholerics are tireless workers. They take their work responsibly and do it perfectly. They can work for a long time without experiencing fatigue, and regain strength very quickly.

  • Sociability

Extraversion is one of the hallmarks of a choleric person. They are sociable, open, talkative and positive. They love to be the center of attention and arouse the admiration of others. In communication they are always emotional and expressive.

  • Leadership skills

Cholerics are strong and charismatic leaders. They are able to lead even a large team. Their determination, firmness, and confidence in their actions evoke respect from others and a willingness to follow them. They are brilliant organizers and gladly take on all organizational issues, because they like to do everything their own way.

They are often characterized by an authoritarian type of management, which can cause dissatisfaction among subordinates. But few people express it openly, since everyone fears and respects such leaders.

  • Nobility

Cholerics have a heightened sense of justice. They are ready to fight fiercely for the truth, even if the situation does not concern them. They often stand up for the undeservedly offended and punish the offenders. They are ready to defend their principles to the end, even sacrificing something important in their name.

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Pros and cons of character

The undoubted advantages of choleric patients include:

  1. Leadership skills. This is a born leader. He is able to “get” the crowd and lead them behind him.
  2. Determination. He clearly sees his target and quickly approaches it without stopping. If failure or failure occurs, he is able to quickly pull himself together and start over.
  3. Sharp mind. Instantly assimilates information, instantly reacts to difficulties that arise and makes responsible decisions. In difficult emergency conditions, he remains calm and cool, figuring out how to get out of the current situation.
  4. Nobility. Selflessly fights for truth and justice. He always stands up for those who are offended, whose rights are violated, who simply cannot stand up for themselves.

However, the temperament of a choleric person is not without shortcomings. Here are the main ones:

  • Complete dominance. Seeks to subjugate the people around him, which often leads to conflicts. He will also actively participate in all disputes and tend to make them even more intense.
  • Irritability and lack of restraint. Choleric people are irritated by slow and uncertain people. However, he needs an environment over which he can dominate. Often he pours out all his negativity on friends and acquaintances, and therefore remains alone. Not everyone is ready to tolerate his temper and can withstand his frantic pace.
  • Ruthlessness. Despite his nobility, the choleric does not at all feel pity for the people he protects. He does not recognize those who are unable to withstand difficulties. Can easily offend the interlocutor with harsh and straightforward remarks, without caring about his feelings.

If you are not yet strong in identifying choleric temperament, then I will help you. So, you definitely have a choleric person in front of you if he:

  • emotionally unstable;
  • speaks quickly and loudly;
  • he has sudden movements and active gestures;
  • he cannot sit in one place for a long time;
  • strives to be a leader;
  • shows social activity;
  • always defends his opinion;
  • energetic, hyperactive and restless;
  • unrestrained;
  • prone to sudden mood swings;
  • quickly gets irritated and moves away just as quickly.

Cons of temperament

With such a set of positive qualities, you can achieve very high results in life. But the main obstacle to achieving ambitious goals is the other side of the choleric person’s personality. Their shortcomings cannot be called trivial. If you cannot cope with them, then representatives of this type will face a difficult and stressful life.

  • Impulsiveness

Choleric people have an unstable nervous system, so they are subject to strong emotional outbursts. Unlike melancholic people, who are also emotional, but worry everything inside, choleric people splash out all their feelings outward.

If they don’t like something, they quickly lose their temper and start screaming and swearing. Fists can even be used if the opponent tries to fight back. Very often, close and dear people fall under the hot hand and are hurt by such behavior.

  • Intransigence

Cholerics do not accept compromises. They want everything to be according to their understanding, and nothing else. In a dispute, they are ready to defend their point of view until they are blue in the face, or rather, until the interlocutor gets tired and gives up. They always want to dominate in everything, do not recognize power over themselves, and often deliberately provoke conflicts. This makes communication with a choleric person difficult and stressful.

  • Intolerance for weaknesses

Cholerics are demanding of themselves and others. They despise weakness in all its manifestations and demonstrate it in every possible way. They mercilessly criticize vulnerable and sensitive people, without even trying to get into the situation. In their understanding, a person must cope with difficulties on his own, endure all the vicissitudes of fate and not complain about life. A strong nervous system allows them to meet strict standards, so they take themselves as a standard.

  • Selfishness

Cholerics are extremely proud. They consider themselves the smartest, most beautiful, talented and extraordinary. They most often do not care about other people's opinions about themselves. They often assert themselves at the expense of others, hurting and humiliating those who are weaker than them. They don’t care much about other people’s feelings; you won’t get words of support or basic human sympathy from them.

  • Irritability

Cholerics do everything quickly - they move, speak, make decisions - and expect the same from others. Slowness and sluggishness infuriate them. They get irritated over little things and don't even try to hide their irritation. It is normal for them to lash out at loved ones; they rarely feel guilty and ask for forgiveness.

Famous personalities of this type

Among famous people with this type of nervous system there are actors, generals, and rulers. Here are some of them:

  • Peter the Great;
  • Alexander Suvorov;
  • Philip Kirkorov;
  • Ksenia Sobchak;
  • A.S. Pushkin;
  • DI. Mendeleev;
  • O. Buzova.

All these people were able to achieve success. For some of them, even the censure of society did not become a reason for abandoning their own goals.

Choleric man

A choleric man is a strong and charismatic leader who is used to taking everything from life. He attracts women with his incredible energy. They are not afraid even of the stern disposition and authoritarianism of a choleric person. Deep down, each of his companions believes that she can tame this wild wolf and soften his heart.

Unfortunately, this happens very rarely. Therefore, a woman who has decided to connect her life with a representative of this type of temperament should immediately get rid of illusions and accept her partner for who he is.

In the family, as in other areas of life, a choleric person will strive to dominate. In return, he is ready to take full financial custody. His wife and children will never need anything, because he knows how to earn money and achieve his goals.

In his upbringing, he also demonstrates rigidity, demanding unquestioning obedience. He strives to instill in his children the qualities with which he himself succeeded in life: determination, determination, hard work and courage.


Cholerics are distinguished separately by gender, age and personality type.

Choleric man

In family relationships, he is the leader to whom everyone must obey unquestioningly. His wife and children live in constant tension, since no one knows where and for what reason he will flare up. At the same time, he is easy-going and can immediately get together with his family for a hike or to the cinema.

Choleric woman

It is not easy to communicate with such a woman; she is prone to frequent emotional outbursts and may shout or offend. At the same time, she is very interesting, proactive and ready to help her loved ones. He tries to learn and learn as much as possible, participates in various events and competitions, and energizes the children around him.

Choleric child

A child with this type of nervous activity must be gently set boundaries from early childhood: he must know what he can and cannot do.

You cannot give in to his hysterics and outbursts of emotions. The sooner he understands that the whole world cannot revolve around him alone, the easier it will be for him to live on.

Such a child must be taught to sympathize with his neighbors, to pay attention not only to his own emotions, but also to those of others, to direct his mobility and curiosity into sports and socially important matters.


Choleric people are extremely rarely introverts: they are very sociable, they constantly need movement and feeding from the emotions of other people.


The vast majority of people with this type of nervous activity are extroverts. They definitely need to be among people. Talk about yourself and your problems and achievements, listen about others and exchange opinions.

Choleric woman

A choleric woman is powerful, emotional, purposeful and businesslike. She strives to dominate both in the family and at work. Peace and harmony in marriage are possible only if the husband of such a woman is gentle and non-conflict. He will have to recognize his wife's leadership and come to terms with her claims to power.

Business qualities and organizational skills allow a choleric woman to quickly move up the career ladder and earn a lot. She can easily feed the whole family on her own. At work she is valued and respected, but she can have intrigues behind her back.

Such a woman’s wardrobe is dominated by trousers and jackets; she avoids deliberately feminine outfits and bright jewelry. Convenience and practicality are more important to her than beauty.

Choleric - what kind of person is this?

Choleric is the dominant type in psychology; relationships with him are built on the basis of contradictions. For some, he is attractive due to his optimistic attitude towards life; according to others, he is characterized as too hot-tempered.

Due to the mobility of the nervous system, the main sign of choleric temperament is energy. It is this quality that is both an advantage and a disadvantage. On the one hand, by directing their energy in a positive direction, choleric people achieve good results, on the other hand, emotional instability makes them aggressive.

For your information. Choleric characteristics of his features are complemented by his external appearance: thin physique, fussy movements, agile facial expressions.

Choleric child

Parents of a little choleric child have a very difficult time. His irrepressible energy often finds outlet in destruction and aggression. An explosive character begins to manifest itself in early childhood. You need to have very strong nerves to cope with this little hurricane.

Such children are very active, emotional, and expressive. They never sit still, but always rush around and destroy everything. They often have hysterics, during which they get it to everyone who happens to be nearby. In the heat of anger, they become aggressive and uncontrollable, and can throw objects and use their fists.

At school, a choleric child is the main ringleader and the soul of the company. He loves to be the center of attention and take a leadership position. He often incites his comrades into various pranks, many of which cannot be called harmless.

Choleric children can be either excellent or poor students, depending on the value of studying for them. They are very ambitious and strive to be the first in those areas that are important to them.

Such children quickly become independent and tend to fly away from their parents’ nest. In adolescence, parents may completely lose control over them if they have not managed to become an unquestioned authority by this time.

If your child exhibits strong traits of choleric temperament, consider the following tips:

  1. Get your child into sports as early as possible. There his energy will find a constructive outlet, and the coach’s personality will become an additional authority. Energetic team sports suit him.
  2. Emotions are your main enemy in raising a choleric child. You must be calm, cool, firm and reserved. Don’t be fooled by manipulation, don’t be overwhelmed by shouting and threats, act consistently.
  3. Keep track of who your child communicates with and what information he gets from the Internet. He can easily fall into bad company and get into trouble.

Positive aspects of character:

  • Optimism.
    Such people almost never get upset, because... can find a way out of the most difficult situations.
  • Responsibility.
    In this regard, you can rely on choleric people; if they take on something, they take it very seriously.
  • Persistence.
    If a person decides that he needs something, he will not give up on his goal.
  • Versatility.
    Cholerics often try new things, so they don’t stand still and move forward. As a result, they acquire a large amount of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Recommendations for choleric people

Representatives of this type of temperament need to seriously work on themselves in order to successfully socialize. They, like melancholic people, have an unbalanced nervous system, which makes them extremely emotionally unstable. But if melancholic people themselves suffer from emotional instability, then the excessive impulsiveness of choleric people “hits” the people around them.

The following recommendations will help choleric people smooth out the shortcomings of their temperament and enhance their virtues.

Don't try to suppress negativity

It is dangerous for choleric people to accumulate negativity inside themselves - sooner or later it breaks out. Look for socially acceptable ways to express aggression. Hang a punching bag at home and hit it with all your might during emotional outbursts, go into the forest to shout, hit dishes while no one is around.

And the best thing is to learn to sublimate destructive energy into creativity. You can, for example, try to depict your anger with a brush and paints or translate it into a piece of music. Look for ways to process strong emotions. You will definitely find them, because you have a lot of determination.

Develop empathy

Take your focus off your own ego and put it on other people. Listen to other people's opinions more often, pay attention to the feelings of others and learn to respect them. All people are different: some are strong in spirit and firm, while others are vulnerable and sensitive. You have a lot to learn from the latter, so don’t look down on them.

Gradually reduce the degree of your egoism, and people will be drawn to you. Be sensitive and careful with the feelings of loved ones. Do not skimp on kind words and expressions of love.

Also take a look at our selection of courses on developing emotional intelligence.

Get rid of hypercontrol

Choleric people try to keep everything under control and lead even where it is not required. For example, having called a plumber to fix a faucet, they will give instructions on how to do his job. They need to learn to let go and trust the flow of circumstances.

At least sometimes give yourself a break from management and leadership. Let others try themselves in this role too. Just don't criticize or lecture them, even if the result is not what you expected. You will realize that sometimes it is nice to be passive and receive outside guidance.

Be tactful

Good manners, politeness and tact are the adornment of any person, but choleric people often lack them. They are too straightforward to keep themselves within the rules. Their behavior often causes confusion and annoyance among others.

For example, a choleric woman can easily tell a colleague that she looks terrible, and consider herself almost a benefactor.

Learn to filter your speech. Every time you feel the urge to express your opinion, ask yourself whether this is your business. This is especially true for criticism and negative comments. Realize that by using foul language you primarily harm yourself. You gain a reputation as a bitter and envious person with whom it is unpleasant to deal.

Increase self-regulation

Cholerics need to learn to manage their emotions. You may not dream of complete control, but everyone can at least partially curb their inner element. To do this, start practicing meditation. Relax at least 20 minutes a day and learn to stop the flow of thoughts.

It will also be useful to master autogenic training according to Schultz. This unique method allows you to gain control over your emotions and some involuntary body functions. It is actively used by professional athletes before competitions.

Play sports

Sports are necessary for choleric people like air. Unrealized emotions accumulate in the body in the form of tension and cause disruptions in the functioning of the body. Physical activity helps neutralize excess norepinephrine, the rage hormone.

Active and energetic sports will suit you: football, basketball, hockey, boxing, wrestling, crossfit. All types of strength training and exercise in the gym also have a positive effect.

Extrovert and relationships.

Extroverts have one paradox. They do not value numerous connections, although they really need them. They find it difficult to focus on one person. They can get divorced several times and then remarry. Moreover, they will be firmly confident that this time everything will definitely work out.

However, if an extrovert finds his person, he does not let him go, no matter what. His “special” partner easily notices that he is becoming one. The extroverted personality begins :

  • make concessions, find compromises;
  • think about the feelings of your loved one;
  • devote significantly more time to your partner than to other people;
  • allow your couple to control common affairs;
  • show off your boyfriend/girlfriend to your friends;
  • try to be there all the time.

The jealousy of extroverts can be dangerous. It can end in scandals, threats, damage to property and even physical violence. Fortunately, a predisposition to such a reaction is noticeable from the first days of acquaintance. And such aggressive people are not so common.

If your partner is an extrovert, you will have to be prepared for an avalanche of attention. And he will expect it in return.

How to communicate with a choleric person

Communicating with a choleric person is like walking through a minefield. One careless word and they explode into angry tirades and curses. In one of these outbursts, you may hear so many nasty things about yourself that you will forever no longer want to communicate with this person. And he will very quickly forget about the incident and behave as if nothing had happened.

Remember a few rules that will help you build more or less comfortable relationships with choleric people:

  1. Praise and recognize their achievements. Cholerics love to bask in admiration and glory. Praise has a pacifying effect on them and temporarily softens their harsh disposition.
  2. Do not attach much importance to their words spoken in the heat of emotion. Yes, they are straightforward and say what they think, but their words are greatly influenced by the situational factor. They may be in a bad mood and say some nasty things, but generally treat you well.
  3. Don't try to put pressure on a choleric person. This will cause him to protest and want to do the opposite.
  4. Cholerics love strong and bright personalities, so you should not obey them in everything. Show character and defend your point of view when necessary. The choleric person may pretend that he does not agree, but deep down he will listen to you.

What is the difference between an introvert and an extrovert

From a psychological point of view, people are divided into extroverts and introverts. If the former are characterized by a love of general attention and high social activity, then the latter have a prevailing fear of publicity. Introverts are comfortable being “in themselves.” Introvert and extrovert are not types of temperament, but psychotypes, but they are closely interrelated.

For your information. Introverts are most often melancholic and phlegmatic. Sanguine and choleric are extroverts.

Compatibility with other temperament types

Because of their temper, irritability and uncompromising nature, choleric people do not get along well with people. Partners are ready to tolerate the rudeness and directness of choleric people as long as their positive qualities compensate for all the negativity. If there is a bias in the other direction, then choleric people risk being left alone.

  • With a phlegmatic person

The most favorable union for a choleric person. A calm and “thick-skinned” phlegmatic person extinguishes the emotional outbursts of his impulsive partner. In addition, he does not strive for dominance and gladly recognizes a leader in a choleric person. As a pair, they complement each other perfectly, despite their strong differences.

A choleric person, unlike a phlegmatic person, is active and energetic, therefore he is able to fill his partner’s life with interesting events. The second helps the first to curb his difficult temper.

  • With a melancholic person

Such a union rarely lasts long. It is difficult for a vulnerable and sensitive melancholic person to be with a straightforward choleric person. Any rude word can greatly offend him and drive him into depression.

A choleric person will also not be happy with a melancholic person. He is irritated by weakness, pessimism and slowness - qualities that bloom magnificently in a melancholic person. He will often lash out at his partner, humiliate and ridicule him.

  • With a sanguine person

At first, these two will be fun and interesting with each other, because they are both active, sociable, and active. But over time, mutual irritation will accumulate. Everyone will pull the blanket over themselves and try to take a leadership position.

A non-conflict and less stubborn sanguine person will give in to his partner at first, but he will quickly get tired of it.

  • With a choleric person

Two choleric people will be interested and comfortable with each other until the first serious conflict. Their union will be more reminiscent of a battle for leadership than a relationship between two loving people. The desire for dominance is too strong in each of the partners.

If, nevertheless, they manage to hold out until marriage, then their life together will be full of scandals and showdowns, even assault.


The bright temperament of a choleric person also manifests itself vigorously in love. He strives to dominate his partner, so a couple in which the partner refuses to obey most often breaks up.

The table below shows the compatibility of choleric and representatives of other types of temperament.

Temperament typeCharacter traitsCharacteristics of relationshipsCompatibility
SanguineGood-natured, emotional.Does not allow himself to be subjugated.
It can present difficulties, without which a choleric person finds it boring to live.
With the help of humor and compromise, he is able to smooth out the choleric’s aggressive attacks and sharp edges.
Phlegmatic personBalanced, slow.The choleric person gets tired quickly from the increased activity.
It irritates choleric people with its slowness.
A stable union is possible if both partners give each other enough personal freedom.
MelancholicSensitive, timid.Suffers from the straightforwardness and rudeness of a choleric person.Strong relationships are almost impossible.
CholericActive, decisive, quick-tempered.A very bright and stormy union.
Fiery passion and unearthly love inevitably give way to wild scandals.
Two choleric people cannot get along together.

Based on the information provided, we can conclude that the union of a choleric person and a sanguine person is quite viable; it will be more difficult for him to get along with a phlegmatic person, but the rule that opposites attract works here. A strong union of a choleric and a melancholic from the realm of fantasy. A choleric person, in principle, does not understand how one can be melancholic and sad. An exceptional rarity and a family consisting of two choleric patients. In such a union, both simultaneously increase the risk of developing nervous diseases.

Suitable professions

Cholerics are efficient, stress-resistant, assertive and purposeful. A job where all these qualities can manifest themselves in full force is suitable for them. They become excellent leaders and entrepreneurs, capable of leading an entire team. Difficulties do not frighten choleric people, but only kindle passion in them.

They should avoid professions associated with monotonous work and thorough study of a topic. Representatives of this type need constant movement and communication in the workplace. Quick reaction allows them to work in positions associated with danger and increased risk.

Here are some suitable professions for choleric people:

  • journalist,
  • TV and radio presenter,
  • trainer,
  • manager,
  • pilot,
  • dispatcher,
  • diplomat,
  • journalist,
  • surgeon,
  • driver,
  • builder,
  • investigator.

Choleric and work/career

There are no more suitable people for the position of boss/manager than choleric people. These individuals are naturally endowed with a sufficient “volume” of perseverance, motivation and energy, which allows them to ensure not only a successful career for themselves, but also for others. Looking at such a leader, no one can work slowly and/or ineffectively!

The only serious disadvantage of such a boss is his rudeness and excessive demands on his subordinates, from whom he demands the same thing that he does himself (work at a crazy pace and carry out a lot of actions).

The main work criteria that inspire choleric people are :

  • spirit of competition, as well as the opportunity for career growth in the company;
  • a cohesive and active work team, which consists, for the most part, of like-minded people;
  • social status;

  • complete absence of any criticism (no matter - fictitious or factual);
  • independence, as well as freedom in decision-making;
  • complex and interesting projects, the work on which requires intense effort and skills.

Choleric subordinates are energetic and proactive workers who are not used to waiting for new assignments, preferring to find something to do on their own or address this issue to their manager.

Such individuals often “pick up” their bosses, being strong and serious competitors for them, which can cause a lot of problems (if the boss guesses about the employee’s plans).

Psychologists include the following in the list of the most suitable professions for such persons:

  • director;
  • self employed;
  • trainer;
  • actor, correspondent;
  • politician;
  • Financial Consultant.

How to become an extrovert?

Unlike character, psychotype and temperament are laid down at the physiological level. This means that they cannot be changed. However, every person is a mixture of extroversion and introversion. Even if the personality is 90% introverted (which is rare), you can always develop the remaining 10%. How to do it :

  • work with a psychotherapist to feel more confident around people;
  • try to communicate with friends in real life, and not through social networks;
  • play a team sport or attend another group activity with a high level of physical activity;
  • periodically do something spontaneously, without a preliminary plan, breaking away from habits;
  • try light extreme sports - friendly arguments, mastering a new type of transport, traveling, trying unusual dishes, etc.;
  • develop communication skills - take appropriate courses, speak publicly, meet people on the street.

If you have an extrovert among your friends, you won’t be bored. He will charge you with energy and try to cheer everyone around. However, despite his outward carefree nature, he may suffer from serious problems. An extroverted personality, like no one else, needs reliable friends, their support and loyalty. This is why such people are often friends with introverts.

For comparison, you can also read an alternative description of an extrovert on wikigrowth.ru

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