Pros and cons of maximalism, or this is how my mother raised me

No matter how strong the desire, it is impossible to find a person who feels exactly the same as we do. Everyone has their own unique worldview and attitude to the surrounding reality. Individual properties of a person are formed on the basis of certain personal qualities. Maximalism is one of these qualities. Maximalist - who is it? For what special traits can people be called maximalists?

Teenage maximalism: causes and consequences

There is no reason for youthful maximalism. There is only a certain age, upon reaching which young people tend to perceive what is happening through the prism of contrasts. It is youthful maximalism that is often used to justify the open protests of young people against established standards. This can be expressed in frequent radical changes in point of view, excessive self-confidence, a constant desire to challenge other people's opinions, and unique ways of self-expression.

No matter how youthful maximalism manifests itself, it is important that next to a hot-tempered teenager who goes to extremes there are prudent adults who are able to sensibly perceive his extreme impulses and direct the flow of raging energy in the right direction.

Meaning and classification

This maximalism is a concept that implies a complex of certain qualities that allow one to express oneself as an individual. Typical for young people. According to experts, not all boys and girls develop this condition. Its formation depends on the psycho-emotionality of a person and the characteristics of his temperament.

If you are interested in the question at what age maximalism manifests itself, then most often this is the period from 12 to 17 years, when a person is no longer considered a child, but is still not an adult. There are known cases when these boundaries can shift. This is the period when teenagers begin to argue with their parents, believing that mom and dad are incompetent when it comes to modern life. The opinions of friends, especially peers, are more important than anything else. And this leads to the fact that young people often commit rash acts.

There are three phases in the development of maximalism,

  1. Early. In the age period from twelve to fifteen years. A restructuring of consciousness is taking place, and demands on behavior are increasing. Such changes can lead to the development of protest among adolescents, which will be expressed in conflicts at school.
  2. Average. Ages from fifteen to eighteen years. During puberty, boys and girls have their first experience of unrequited love. Young people try to resist adults; they strive to prove their independence in the most unconventional ways.
  3. Late. The typical age is from eighteen to twenty-two years. The search for one’s place in society, one’s attitude to the surrounding reality, and the formation of a worldview are key in this period.

As you can see, the answer to the question up to what age maximalism can be maintained among young people is somewhat ambiguous. It all depends on the character, temperamental characteristics of an individual person, as well as the influence of external factors. For some, this limit is 17 years old, for others – at 22, and for others, they can live with maximalism all their lives.

Three main types of maximalists are considered.

Chatterbox. Due to the fact that communication technologies are now rapidly developing, this type of maximalism is often formed before the beginning of adolescence and may not end at all. Characteristic behavior for this type is a complete contradiction of generally accepted rules and ideas. Such a teenager will be able to talk over any adult, arguing his point of view, although, in fact, there will be no serious arguments in his words. The energy of denial in some cases leads to the fact that a young man turns to science, where, with hard work and his own inclinations, he manages to achieve good and sometimes outstanding results. In a situation where such behavior goes beyond all boundaries, it is better to seek help from a psychologist. A rationalist is a pragmatist. There is a denial of what is happening, however, such teenagers study well and are ahead of their peers. The main thing is that such a young man can make the right choice, find a goal and achieve it

It is important that the family exerts the right influence, if necessary, is able to correct the child’s aspirations, and explains what is real and what is unrealistic. Such individuals often grow into businessmen and successful professionals. Don't care - adrenaline junkie

A fairly common type among teenagers. For example, when a young lady does some kind of dirty trick or, after arguing with her peers, climbs a tall tree, there is indifference. Such a teenager, as a rule, has serious problems in the family, at school, and in society. He can get involved in street gangs, radical movements, or become a fan of a football team. In order for such a maximalist to cope with his condition, it is best to get him interested in a serious sport. He will direct all his energy to training, it is important that he does not neglect his studies. If such a child is missed, he will end up in drug addiction or crime.

Psychologists believe that some teenagers, when faced with maximalism, remain with it throughout their lives. However, youthful maximalism should not be confused with elementary bad manners of a person.

Who is a chronic maximalist?

But a maximalist is not always a person who is going through the next stage of growing up. Sometimes youth fades away, but personality traits that conflict with the realities of life remain.

An adult maximalist is a person who is quarrelsome, stubborn, and unwilling to accept other people’s opinions. Sometimes this quality manifests itself on the other, positive side. The desire to become a leader, to achieve success in everything: in work, creativity, family relationships is a good motivation that promotes active action.

The causes of chronic maximalism come from childhood. Most often, an adult maximalist is one who was prohibited from many things in childhood, or, on the contrary, indulged in every whim.

How does maximalism manifest itself in feelings?

Maximalism of “high” feelings manifests itself most often in women. Standards in love are the main reason for their disappointments. The chosen one should correspond to the ideal and fit all parameters, and the relationship should be full of passion, deep mutual understanding, and romanticism. We know that fairy tales come true extremely rarely, which means that a connoisseur of sublime relationships is most likely forced to come to terms with imperfection and be content with little, or remain a bachelor and continue the futile search for the ideal.

Maximalism of feelings most often arises due to a lack of life experience, and therefore is a temporary phenomenon.

The pursuit of excellence: why it's good and why it's bad

What does maximalist mean? Is it good or bad if this quality is present in the facets of your personality? There are two completely opposite opinions on this matter. There are people who think that maximalism as a character trait is one of the terrible vices, but there are also those who consider this quality useful. Let's look at what's good and what's bad about maximalism. Let's start with the good:

  • having your own opinion;
  • mandatory setting of life goals and priorities;
  • striving for ideal;
  • often maximalists are bright and extraordinary personalities with whom it is useful to communicate;
  • activity;
  • the desire to win, the desire and ability to win.

But there is also another side to the coin. What bad things can be said about maximalists:

  • excessive categoricalness prevents them from looking at things soberly;
  • a painful passion for imposing one’s “only correct” opinion on others;
  • inability to lose;
  • tendency to self-flagellation.

Is it necessary to fight maximalism?

Often, negative manifestations of maximalism become a problem not for the owner of this quality, but for his immediate environment.

The first rule of communicating with maximalists is not to argue about topics that concern them. Almost any dialogue concerning a “problematic” issue for a maximalist can easily turn into a desperate discussion in a raised voice. A maximalist is a person with whom you will have to use all your patience, logic and tact.

If we are talking about youthful maximalism, then only time can help. After twenty, with the accumulation of life experience, the manifestations of this character trait gradually fade away. A mature personality, feeling the signs of maximalism, must first of all learn to use this unique feature correctly. This means clearly defining goals and striving for leadership in certain areas of activity, and not wasting energy on trying to embrace the immensity.


Manifestations of youthful maximalism

The described method of self-expression at a tender age in most cases looks like this:

  1. Testing the strength of family foundations
    . During this period of personality maturation, the son or daughter begins to analyze the principles by which their parents live. Typically, such research ends with the so-called conflict between “fathers and sons” and scandals between the older and younger generations of the family.
  2. Extreme beliefs
    . Youthful maximalism does not allow any nuances or indulgences. Categorical attitude in everything is a distinctive feature of this period of personality maturation.
  3. Search for the ideal
    . Teenagers and young men tend to strive to have the best. Such zeal is also characteristic of adults, which is not a deviation from moral standards. However, among young people such searches are often illogical and demonstrative.
  4. Painful reaction to criticism
    . All people love when their external characteristics or personal achievements are appreciated. During the manifestation of youthful maximalism, the rebellious little lady does not adequately perceive any comments about her behavior.
  5. Selfishness
    . Teenagers and young men quite often do not care about other people's problems and experiences. The interests of other people seem insignificant to them against the background of their own problems. When asked for help, they can react either indifferently or aggressively towards even a loved one.
  6. Feeling of adulthood
    . Just yesterday, a foolish child begins to surprise parents and teachers with his claims to life experience. In a categorical form, teenagers and young men try to prove to older people that they are living wrong.
  7. Ultimacy
    . If something doesn’t go according to the young lady’s plan or adults put a ban on the desires of their offspring, then prohibited methods are used on his part. He may demonstratively refuse to eat, do homework, or perform his household duties.
  8. Obsession
    . The passion for something or someone in teenagers or young men sometimes reaches critical proportions. They can spend hours without looking up from computer games or tirelessly soaring in the clouds when interest in the opposite sex appears.

Important! It is extremely dangerous to equate the voiced manifestations of youthful maximalism with the use of profanity and deviant behavior by the younger generation. Even young choleric people are able to control themselves in crisis situations if they are taught this by their parents, teachers and social workers

Dossier on the maximalist

The essence of maximalism can be summed up in one phrase: “To fall in love is like a queen, to lose is like a million!”

The essence of maximalism can be summed up in one phrase: “To fall in love is like a queen, to lose is like a million!”

A maximalist is a supporter of extremes and does not recognize halftones. He lives brightly: either pan or perish. Let others get by in the middle and in half, but the maximalist needs everything and in full. On the path to achieving a goal there is no place for slack and freedom of action (unless, of course, freedom is its ultimate goal).

Many people believe that maximalism is, first of all, the desire to win. It’s not for nothing that most of us associate it with the desire to break the bank, win competitions, and make a dizzying career. However, maximalism also has another, less attractive face - a manic desire to judge others by oneself and hang labels. Moreover, a maximalist usually considers his assessment to be the ultimate truth.

Types of maximalists

Young maximalist

Initially, almost all children are maximalists. This attitude is necessary for the psyche in order for a teenager to form his own view of the world.

Youthful maximalism is neither good nor bad. It is best perceived as a stage of personality development. In addition, for a young man it is an additional incentive to pave his own path in life without stumbling over the fear of making mistakes. Naturally, one cannot do without them, but youth does not yet know this.

The young maximalist is categorical, impetuous and sometimes even aggressive. Ideally, over time, he gains experience and an understanding that there are not two colors - black and white - but much more.

Characteristic manifestations

An acute reaction to criticism and a reluctance to listen to the opinions of adults are manifestations of youthful maximalism.
In girls, this condition manifests itself in a rather interesting way. The young lady, who just a couple of years ago was still playing with toys and dolls, suddenly realizes that this time has passed. She is ready to confront everything that comes her way in order to fight for new ideals. She is sure that she is proving that she is strong, that she can stand up for herself. This period is characterized by the fact that a girl can begin to experiment with clothes, hairstyle, and makeup; she will do everything to appear more mature. In addition, unfortunately, she may strive to be like her adult friends and will want to try alcohol, sex or cigarettes. And this is a rather negative aspect of maximalism, since the psyche is still not strong and such an experience can cause serious psychological trauma.

What manifestations are typical for teenagers with maximalism?

  1. An attempt to test family foundations for strength. A daughter or son analyzes what principles mom or dad lives by. As a rule, such research ends in a generational conflict.
  2. Search for ideals.
  3. Selfishness. Children at this age practically do not care about other people’s experiences; their own worries come first. If you ask them for help, they will react indifferently or aggressively even towards a loved one.
  4. Ultimate. When something doesn’t go as planned for a teenager or he is faced with a ban, he begins to issue ultimatums and blackmail in order to achieve the desired goal. For example, he will not want to do his homework or even eat until he is allowed to play on the computer.
  5. Extreme belief. The young lady becomes categorical about everything. She can go from one extreme to another.
  6. Strong reaction to criticism. Great need to be approved and inability to adequately perceive someone’s comments regarding one’s own behavior.
  7. Feeling of adulthood. The teenager points out to older people that they are living incorrectly, that now is a different time, different orders.
  8. Obsession. A strong passion for someone or something manifests itself, and can reach critical proportions. For example, a teenager is unable to tear himself away from a computer game for long hours, or a girl spends hours in the clouds, thinking about the guy she likes.

Pros and cons of maximalism

This concept arose already at the birth of modern philosophy and psychology, which dates back to the 18-19th century. However, one should not think that there were no people who held similar views before.

A person’s personality itself is very complex to describe in just one term, so it should immediately be pointed out that maximalism is one of the qualities of a personality, and not its complete description. Who is a maximalist? What character traits are inherent in him and how can he realize himself in life ? Let's look for answers to questions together.

Let's start with the term itself, which is increasingly appearing in our lives. So maximalism is a certain person’s tendency to take extreme measures. Scientists consider this a psychological feature that changes our personal perception of the world.

As a result, a person can no longer react normally to almost any event happening around him, which causes him to have a violent reaction. Manifestations of maximalism do not prevent a person from living life to the fullest. They can cover all aspects of its activities, as well as specific issues or situations.

Description and phases of youthful maximalism

Youthful maximalism is a concept in psychology that implies a complex of qualities in how young people express themselves as individuals. Experts insist on the fact that not every boy or girl develops it. The development of the voiced phenomenon depends on the psycho-emotional state, character traits and temperament of the teenager.

The meaning of youthful maximalism also lies in those moral values ​​and behavior in society that the emerging personality has chosen for himself. When assessing this concept, psychologists often use the word “child”, because the time to actively search for oneself in the world around us can begin not only in the late period, but also in early adolescence.

Psychologists insist that the statement about the short-term nature of such a factor is an erroneous statement. For some teenagers, as they grow older, age-related characteristics are further formed into maximalism, which characterizes their behavior throughout their lives. In this case, it would be a misconception to confuse the voiced concept with elementary bad manners and the bad character of a young lady.

Experts do not provide a clear age distinction for this phenomenon. However, they created a certain periodization of the experience of youthful maximalism, which looks like this:

  • Early phase
    . Between the ages of 12 and 15, a teenager begins to recognize himself as a separate person. A restructuring of the child’s consciousness occurs because the demands on his behavior increase. Such changes can cause protest in a little person, which is characterized by problems at school and conflicts with peers.
  • Middle phase
    . The age of youthful maximalism in this period is determined by the boundaries of 15-18 years. During puberty, boys and girls begin to experience the first disappointments of unrequited love and all the manifestations of emerging jealousy towards their chosen one. At the same time, they try to resist the world of adults, proving their independence and individuality in the most unexpected ways.
  • Late phase
    . Psychologists refer to this period as young people aged 18-22 years. Philosophizing, searching for one’s place in society, forming a worldview and attitude towards the surrounding reality are the main indicators of the voiced phase.

How I became a maximalist

I developed maximalism in childhood under my mother’s close supervision. She always told me that I should study well because I have the necessary abilities. And she didn’t encourage my laziness when I blamed everyone but myself for bad grades. From the second grade I began to receive certificates of merit for excellent studies, and I felt the taste of victory. And this began to manifest itself not only directly in studies. I began to participate in various Olympiads, taking prizes, and I don’t know where the desire to surpass everyone came from.

This did not manifest itself in my behavior; I was not proud or arrogant, but I felt inner satisfaction from victories and was painfully aware of failures.

In addition to school, I also developed hobbies, and I also strived for self-improvement. If she drew, then she was the best artist, if she sang, then everyone liked it, and so on in all hobbies. I was not angry at others if they were superior to me, and I was never envious, I simply strived to achieve heights in my endeavors for a feeling of satisfaction.

Pros of maximalism

One day I came across an article that wrote about maximalism. Many things came to me, and then I learned the reasons for my aspirations and results. But it was also written that there are more minuses than pluses in maximalism, and I began to think whether this was really so and how to achieve balance so that moderate maximalism would benefit and not harm.

Achievements of goals

Maximalists don't stop until they achieve their goals. They make competition winners and outstanding personalities because they are not used to giving up and do not consider themselves incapable. They put in the effort and achieve what they want.

I remember once seeing portraits that my relative painted. They were amazing. And mentally compared it with my drawings.

The difference was significant. But instead of coming to a state of worthlessness and being covered with green envy, I came home, watched the video tutorials and did the same. It was great motivation to learn right away. I believed that I would succeed. And it worked.


Maximalists are confident in themselves. They don’t give up and have no doubt that they will cope. They achieve their goals and thereby assert themselves. This means they have fewer complexes, they acquire a strong and strong-willed character.

The desire for self-development

Maximalists, thanks to the continuous search for new things and work on themselves, become bright personalities with whom it is interesting to communicate on any topic. People differ from animals in that they have intelligence and can improve themselves. And if we do not progress in something, do not use our minds for study and work, then we begin to degrade.

The desire for self-development became a thirst for me that I constantly tried to satisfy. I read books, watched educational programs about different areas of life and the universe. And... I didn’t understand why those around me didn’t do this.

Recommendations for parents

Knowing what the definition of youthful maximalism is, parents should be aware that at any moment they can lose control over their child. Therefore, it is so important to know how to behave in such cases.

  1. Provocation. If a child believes that his peers are unworthy of attention, then you need to agree with this. But at the same time, it is necessary to categorically prohibit your offspring from maintaining any communication with classmates after completing the educational process. The teenager will have an internal protest, he will want to spite his parents. Therefore, the conflict will be settled.
  2. Nurturing critical thinking. If a child is able to sensibly assess his own strengths, he will not impose his point of view on anyone. Parents must influence the child to be able to independently analyze the actions he has committed, without projecting them onto someone else’s influence.
  3. The “by contradiction” method. There is no need for a child to read morals; it is better to talk frankly, like an adult. Make it clear that you accept his obvious maturation, but also point out that in adulthood there are a number of obligations that he must fulfill.
  4. Psychological impact. If a teenager has already become involved with a dysfunctional company, then you can rein him in as follows. For example, your child dreams of going to some place, and instead of taking him with you, you should go there with the whole family without a rebel. Argue this with the fact that your son or daughter, due to communication with friends, does not have time to go to interesting places with his family.
  5. Increasing the child's intellectual level. A teenager will not have the opportunity to do any stupid things if all his time is spent learning about the world around him, visiting exhibitions, and scientific conferences.

Now you know the meaning of youthful maximalism, what this state is in simple words. You have found out what manifestations characterize it and how long it can persist. The main thing is that parents are able to notice changes in their child’s behavior in time, be able to provide him with help, and, if necessary, seek advice from a psychologist.

Cons of maximalism

And this is where the disadvantages of maximalism began.

The bar is too high

A maximalist may begin to make high demands not only on himself, but also on those around him, and they will not like this very much. People are not always impressed by successful individuals, and if these individuals begin to make the same demands on them... It will not be pleasant.

For this reason, maximalists find it difficult to find a suitable pair . They bring themselves to perfection and try to find perfection, becoming disappointed when their partners do not live up to their expectations. Both the maximalists themselves and their families suffer from this.

How to find the golden mean

If a problem is discovered and there is a desire to solve it, the halfway point is already over.

It is necessary to analyze and understand what exactly prevents you from enjoying life to the fullest: is it a struggle for the title of first student or for the attention of a special person for you? Think about whether it's worth spending your wonderful years chasing perfection

Try to control your temper and show respect to the people you care about. If you continue to demand the impossible from them, you may soon be left in splendid isolation.

And finally, try to occupy your free time with something useful for your own realization. Then it will be more difficult to find extra hours during which far-fetched problems are so easily created.

If you can’t find a way out on your own, I recommend turning to the elders in the family. They will definitely understand and tell you what to do in such a situation. After all, they themselves went through this teenage period! And if your problem seems unique, then together you will have a better chance of solving it.

Youthful maximalism makes it difficult to adequately perceive mistakes and learn from them. Instead, we view criticism as catastrophic and abandon an activity we might enjoy forever.

Also, you should not compare yourself with others and track only your achievements and development dynamics. Even with small steps, you can go further than a person who, at every stage of movement, looks around and compares his position with the position of other people.

Because of maximalism, we can easily miss many beautiful and happy moments in our lives. Is it worth it? Perfectionism is related to maximalism, and often it grows precisely from youthful maximalism, which is only a stage.

Dealing with perfectionism is much more difficult. When there are only 24 hours in a day, there is no point in wasting precious minutes making every task perfect. Perfection is unattainable and time will be wasted.

How to curb maximalism?


The complex psychology of the relationship between mother and adult son: tips


Is maximalism so bad? No, it has its positive sides. But uncontrolled maximalism can cross them all out. To benefit rather than harm, you need to work on yourself:

  1. Set realistic goals and be mentally prepared for loss so that it won’t be so painful later.
  2. Don’t expect perfection from yourself, much less from others . There are no perfect people and it is impossible to become one, no matter how hard you try. Therefore, reasonable demands will allow you to avoid problems in relationships with people and not be disappointed.
  3. Get rid of negative feelings from your own mistakes and other people's victories . Learn to be happy for others and notice things in which our loved ones are better than us in some way. This will help avoid negative qualities such as pride and competitiveness.

If a maximalist can become balanced, it will be much easier for others to communicate with him. And the family will not suffer from an excess of demands.

I have always worked on my qualities and relationships with others, without allowing negative, repulsive qualities to appear in me. People who thought I was proud without even knowing me were happy to discover the opposite. People wanted to communicate with me and be friends, and thanks only to the positive aspects of maximalism, I became better and did not deteriorate.


Possible consequences

In psychology, there are several options for how maximalism in youth can end if the teenager is not helped in time.

  1. Getting into a sect. A teenager who finds himself in a crisis situation may fall under the influence of false preachers, especially if the child has serious problems communicating with parents and peers.
  2. Antisocial behavior. Making attempts to convince others that they are fearless, girls and boys can take illegal actions. Having found himself in bad company, a young man may be asked to prove his worth by committing theft or physical violence against the offender, or to prove his strength by finding himself in an extreme situation, for example, by walking along the edge of a high-rise building. As a result, coming to the attention of law enforcement services.
  3. Addiction. Teenagers may start smoking cannabis, then move on to marijuana and more serious drugs. Since the young man’s psyche is not yet strong, he is very unstable to people who persuade him to try something new or go against his parents.
  4. Dysmorphophobia. The child begins to change his appearance, tries to hide something with the help of a non-standard manner of dressing. In advanced cases, a girl is able to go on a strict diet, which often ends in anorexia, or decide to undergo plastic surgery. Young men are also able to get tattoos or piercings.
  5. Adjacent to non-standard flow. The desire to taste the forbidden fruit.
  6. Teenage alcoholism. For the first time, a child can try alcohol on a dare. In addition, do not forget that television often shows advertisements, in particular for beer. If parents also drink alcohol at home, this will be an additional incentive to point out their growing up in this way.

Who is a maximalist

  • Who is a maximalist
  • What is youthful maximalism
  • What is mimicry

Black or white? Yes or no? Borscht or pea soup? If a person demands a clear answer to these questions, without giving time for thought, doubt, or the search for objectivity, then, finally, you can diagnose absolutely accurately - you have a classic maximalist. The desire for an absolute maxim is the main dominant of his character, dictating, as a rule, intolerance of behavior.

“Do not enter into disputes and debates because if a dominant has formed, it cannot be overcome with words and beliefs - it will only be fed and reinforced by them.” A. Ukhtomsky

Will this pass?

Unfortunately or fortunately, youthful maximalism goes away with age. It is the result of a cloudless childhood. In youth, self-confidence reaches its maximum, as does the desire to stand out and assert oneself at all costs. There is also childish naivety and stupidity, inexperience combined with huge ambitions! Absolutely anything seems possible!

After reality hits you over the head a couple of times, everything will fall into place. Life dots all the i's, and many people find it funny and ashamed to remember themselves in their youth.

In adulthood, maximalism turns into stupid stubbornness and quarrelsomeness Photo:

Intolerance as a way of existence

Gray, and especially its shades in the color spectrum from white to black or vice versa, does not exist for a maximalist. Just as there are no words “maybe, but...”. And if between borscht and pea soup you suddenly choose a hodgepodge, then be prepared in advance for moral humiliation - the maximalist will stamp you with an impartial description, calling you, at best, without a firm position, a weak-willed person. Firstly, you did not choose borscht with him as the only correct answer. Secondly, they chose their own option, and this breaks the consciousness of the maximalist. They are, as a rule, intolerant and their principles are simple: whoever is not with us is against us; a step to the left, a step to the right - execution.

“We don't have a chance to do a lot of things, all of which can be called great. Because this is our life. Life is short and you die. Do you know this? Steven Jobs

How I perceive myself

During the period of maximalism, people's demands on themselves increase. It’s very difficult to set a new goal for yourself, because a million doubts immediately arise: what if I’m not good enough in this matter, what if there is someone who can do this better than me?

Such questions can deprive any person of motivation, since during this period you want to cope with any task perfectly the first time, which is why the fear of mistakes comes. But mistakes in a new business cannot be avoided, no matter how you look at them. You feel your inexperience especially acutely when you see the results of another person, without knowing what path he has taken.

In adolescence, after such pressure on self-esteem, it is very easy to quit what you love, in which you had every chance of achieving success.

How to deal with this and start living a full life? It is necessary to spend some time to realize: you cannot be successful by nature - this is a long and difficult path. Usually people are accustomed to flaunting only the results of hard work, and not the process itself, so at first glance it may seem that it came simply and naturally to them. You need to remember that to begin with, the smallest steps towards progress are already a big indicator that success awaits you ahead.

Is maximalism so bad?

There are two types of adult maximalists: perfectionists and paranoids. Both of them move humanity forward. But, if perfectionists strive for progress and a bright future, then paranoids, often at the cost of many human lives, plunge society into regression.

“We are here to make a contribution to this world. Otherwise why are we here? Steven Jobs

A perfectionist strives first of all for self-improvement, and then for the improvement of the world. A paranoid person is always an ideological fighter. A paranoid person turns over any life attitudes so that they correspond with the greatest benefit to the idea that possessed him at a given specific historical period in the life of mankind: only what he wants is right, and all means are good to achieve this.

“Maybe this is exactly what is needed, for old comrades to go to their graves so easily and so simply.” Joseph Stalin

Among perfectionists there are many famous creative people, especially in the field of exact sciences, philosophy, music or new technologies, like Steve Jobs, for example. He and similar maximalists cultivate creative search, because they are driven by the desire to change both their own personality and the outside world.

There are also many famous people among the paranoids, and these are mostly dictatorial politicians who have strengthened their authority thanks to the permanence of power. They are confident in their own infallibility and impunity, in the ideality of their own personality, which, in their opinion, is beautiful and does not require development.

The death of one person is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic. E. M. Remarque. "Black obelisk"

The inability of paranoids to critically think, to truly understand reality, to creative development, leads to stagnation and stagnation of society. And almost always to huge loss of life. For such maximalists, the most important thing is to keep others in the sphere of their own interests, to suppress any emotional states that contradict their influence. To impose values ​​and put them in a framework favorable to achieving the dictator’s goals.

Maximalism: from past to present

Maximalism can also be traced back to antiquity. Unlike the cynics, the Epicureans saw the meaning of life in the pursuit of pleasures: spiritual, sensual, material. If the Epicurean liked something and felt good, then this, in his opinion, was the right path.

At the same time, the Epicureans opposed short-term pleasure. In other words, if you drink a bottle of vodka overnight, then in the morning you will have a headache, and if the vodka was also scorched, then you will spend the whole day bent over the toilet. That is, short-term pleasure harmed potential long-term pleasure. It’s not a fact that an epicurean would refuse this damn bottle of vodka, but he would definitely understand the consequences and, after weighing all the pros and cons, would make a conscious decision in order to get maximum pleasure.

Let's fast forward a thousand years and look at a man like Oscar Wilde. This, as you know, is the author of the gorgeous novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray.” Despite the fact that Wilde criticizes his main character, he is still one of the first representatives of the “new hedonism” movement, which becomes the basis for the maximalism of the 21st century. In essence, the “new hedonism” is a very aesthetic philosophy. The novel “Gargantua and Pantagruel” by Francois Rabelais deserves special mention, which in its part about “The Abbey of Thelem” reveals the essence of absolute free will, which can be characterized by the simple phrase “do what you want.” Aleister Crowley picked up the idea that was in the air and, possessing a wonderful poetic gift, embodied it in a doctrine called “Thelema.” If you want to know what maximalism is in the absolute, then read about Thelema - it will be useful.

In the 21st century, we see signs of the philosophy of maximalism everywhere: in films, in books, in music, in politics. If we talk about the European tradition, then it was maximalism that led us to technical, cultural, and social dominance.

Is there a cure for maximalism?

Choosing between “yes” and “no”, you can always feel like maximalists. We are like that several times a day, aren’t we? Listen to yourself: if you are categorical and insist that there can only be one of two choices, then you are a maximalist. If you are intolerant of other people's opinions, you are a maximalist. And something needs to be done about this.

Give yourself permission to question yourself by asking simple questions: Is what I currently stand for really important to me? Do people suffer from my categorical attitude? Am I saving humanity by being willing to kill everyone who disagrees with me? If you are able to admit that you are wrong, you are curable. If not, then the next stage of maximalism is senile insanity. You just have to be ready for it.


Who is better to be?

To be a minimalist means to run against the light - this is what maximalists such as Oscar Wilde, Epicurus and others think. On the other hand, the ideas of Diogenes, Emerson and Gandhi contradict maximalism. All these people believed that being too focused on things makes people unhappy, and happiness comes from within. Who to believe? We think you understand what the answer will be. Like everything else, this is a matter of taste. If you feel that you are burdened with unnecessary things, things, that you lack control and you are constantly jumping from one thing to another, then you should listen to minimalism.

If, on the contrary, you crave something majestic, something multifaceted, active, contradictory, multi-layered, then you need to become a maximalist. Who is better to be: a maximalist or a minimalist? This is a “what movie do you like best?” question. There is no way to answer this question directly; it all depends on the situation, as well as your personal background. So we have described to you the advantages and a brief background of these trends in philosophy, and it’s up to you to choose. Good luck!

Based on materials from Mitchell Labiak

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