Who is a sanguine person: characteristics, pros and cons + useful recommendations for people of this type

This article describes a sanguine person, a type of temperament characterized by positive thinking and bright emotions. Here the characteristics of the type of nervous activity will be revealed, the development of such a person at different age stages will be considered, and recommendations will be given on the most successful interaction with him.

Sofia Emelyanova

Author of the article. Psychologist.

About the expert

Definition and Brief Description

Sanguine is one of the 4 types of temperament in psychology. The word itself comes from the ancient Greek word “sangua”, which translates as “blood”. The author of the classification of temperaments is Hippocrates, the well-known “father of medicine”, whose oath is still taken by doctors.

He believed that a person's character traits are determined by the fluid prevailing in his body. So, among sanguine people, according to Hippocrates, it is blood that is the main “life juice”. Of course, this theory was refuted long ago, but out of respect for the great scientist, they decided to keep the names of temperaments proposed by him. After all, he managed to identify the main characteristics incredibly accurately.

According to Hippocrates himself, sanguine people have the most favorable type of temperament. They are distinguished by activity, energy, cheerfulness, and sociability. These are such lively people who are always positive and will support any movement.

They never bother about problems, like melancholic people, are not prone to constant rationalization, like phlegmatic people, and have high emotional stability, unlike choleric people.

Temperament is an innate characteristic and is determined by the type of nervous system. The nervous system of sanguine people has the following qualities:

  1. Force. That is, the ability to withstand prolonged excitation without going into a state of inhibition. People with a strong nervous system are resilient, energetic and have a high ability to work.
  2. Equilibrium. The processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system are balanced, which makes sanguine people emotionally stable.
  3. Mobility. Nervous processes in sanguine people proceed quickly, so they easily adapt to new conditions, quickly make decisions and act effectively in stressful situations.

As you can see, in all respects the nervous system of sanguine people shows good performance. She has practically no weak points! This allows them to achieve high results in all areas of life and resist any troubles.

Among the famous representatives of this type of temperament are Vladimir Lenin, Mark Twain, Franklin Roosevelt, Mikhail Lermontov, Napoleon Bonaparte.

Famous personalities

As we have decided, painstakingness and monotony are not for sanguine people. They are fast, bright, have many interests and hobbies. Among famous personalities we will see a vivid example of this psychotype in such people:

  • Antonio Vivaldi;
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart;
  • Mikhail Lermontov is a striking example in literature;
  • Honore de Balzac;
  • Franklin Roosevelt;
  • Bill Clinton;
  • Napoleon Bonaparte.

Famous people showed themselves to be bright, extraordinary personalities, with creative thinking and success, but not everyone had a happy personal life. Everyone chooses for themselves what their happiness is...

Pros of temperament

Let's take a closer look at the characteristic features of a sanguine person. Let's roughly divide them into pros and cons. As you probably already understood from the previous paragraph, there will be much more advantages. Let's start with them.

  • Optimism

Sanguine people see the world primarily in bright colors. They are not inclined to become despondent, worry about troubles, or worry about problems. If they encounter a problem in their life, they concentrate on finding a solution rather than mentally chewing on it. Sanguine people are able to see advantages and new opportunities for themselves in everything.

Their positivity is contagious, so people of other temperaments are instinctively drawn to them. Even the most pessimistic melancholic person is able to perk up next to such a person.

  • Energy

A strong nervous system allows sanguine people to spend energy very rationally. Cholerics spend a lot of mental energy on emotional reactions, phlegmatics - on thinking, melancholics - on experiences. In this regard, sanguine people have an advantage over all of them.

They channel most of their energy into activity, which makes them incredibly efficient. They are always cheerful, energetic, can work for a long time without breaks and recover quickly.

  • Sociability

Sanguine people are most often extroverts, less often they are ambiverts. They gain energy from communicating with other people. Representatives of this temperament are able to find an approach to any person and establish trusting contact with him. They are very talkative and can talk for hours on any topic.

In any company, a sanguine person easily becomes “one of their own”. His sincerity, goodwill, and keen interest in people endear him to those around him. This is a completely non-conflict type of temperament. Its representatives know how to smooth out rough edges in communication and diplomatically navigate out of any situation.

  • High level of self-control

From the outside, sanguine people seem to be very emotional, but their feelings never take precedence over reason, except in the most exceptional cases. They have good self-control, can pull themselves together, act rationally and confidently. This quality makes them good strategists and diplomats. There are many sanguine people among politicians.

  • Self confidence

Sanguine people rarely suffer from low self-esteem and worry about their shortcomings. They generally do not tend to spend time on deep reflection. Therefore, they often overestimate their capabilities and take on things they cannot handle. But if they fail, they do not worry for long, draw constructive conclusions and move on.

  • Flexibility

Changes do not frighten a sanguine person, rather the opposite. Stability, which is so valued by phlegmatic and melancholic people, makes sanguine people sad. They constantly need some kind of movement and bustle around.

They easily adapt to any conditions, even the most extreme ones, and easily find a common language with new people. This trait of theirs is very clearly manifested when traveling. Even without knowing the language, they manage to communicate with local residents and solve any problems that arise.

  • Leadership skills

Sanguine people become good leaders due to their leadership qualities and organizational abilities. People are happy to follow sanguine people, as they feel their inner strength and confidence. They communicate with their subordinates as equals, do not try to impose pressure with authority, and try to solve any problems diplomatically. They are rarely feared, but always respected, unlike choleric people, who are characterized by an authoritarian type of management.

  • Sense of humor

Sanguine people have a quick and sharp mind, so they can easily find the right words in any situation. Optimism allows them to turn everything into a joke and skillfully defuse tense situations. They are also great at improvising.

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Primitive analysis

To determine whether you are sanguine, we recommend that you undergo a primitive analysis; from the qualities listed below, it is worth noting those that are more characteristic of you.

  1. Happy.
  2. Careless.
  3. Not heavy.
  4. Reckless.
  5. Elastic mind.
  6. Living mind.
  7. Changeable.
  8. Vigorous.
  9. Irresponsible.
  10. Communicative.
  11. Hurried.
  12. Talkative.
  13. light.
  14. Fast.
  15. Adaptable.
  16. Hard worker.
  17. Friendly.
  18. Surface.
  19. Talkative.
  20. Attentive.

If, for example, you haven’t counted a 100% match, you shouldn’t worry; in any person, in most cases, there are lines of at least two characters. If more than half of the qualities coincide, you can consider yourself sanguine.

Find out also everything about the specific character of phlegmatic people https://woman-l.ru/temperament-flegmatik/

Cons of temperament

Now let's move on to the disadvantages. Although it would be more correct to call them the reverse sides of advantages. There are not so many of them; they do not particularly spoil the life of sanguine people.

  • Impermanence

The thirst for novelty constantly pushes sanguine people to make changes in life. They can easily give up an activity to which they have devoted a lot of time and effort, simply because they have lost interest. Therefore, many of their affairs and projects remain unfinished. They have a fairly broad outlook, but they rarely dive deeply into any topic.

This property of temperament leaves its mark on the sphere of communication. Sanguine people have a lot of acquaintances and friends, but may not have any bosom friends at all. Inconsistency makes them unreliable partners in family and business relationships. Those around them may be irritated by their inconsistency and frivolity.

  • Selfishness

The life of a sanguine person is replete with events, he is constantly in the center of attention and attracts other people to himself. Universal love can provoke the development of star fever in him. Often representatives of this temperament behave selfishly towards others, putting their interests first without even noticing it.

  • Lack of empathy

Sanguine people are not prone to deep experiences, especially negative ones. It can be difficult for them to understand people who are depressed. They have good self-regulation, so they know how to control their emotions and not get hung up on them. Whereas representatives of other temperaments are not so lucky.

You should not expect sympathy and psychological support from them. They will try to distract and cheer up a depressed person, which is not always appropriate.

  • Problems concentrating

Sanguine people find it difficult to concentrate on one activity for a long time. They are fidgety. They need a constant change of environment, new stimuli and physical activity. Because of this, they may experience problems with their studies.

Take a look at our other article and find out how to determine your personality type. In it you will find many interesting tests, including a test to determine temperament.

During childhood


  • The child will be happy to learn if learning activities are associated with elements of play. It will be difficult to concentrate if the rules set by teachers require it.
  • He has fairly average scores in all subjects. At the same time, grades can vary for the same course. It's easy to explain. It's all about topics that may or may not arouse interest in a sanguine person.
  • He manages to get out of the most unexpected situations without any problems. A child who has not learned his homework will improvise on the fly. He may well agree and cheat if he has not prepared for the exam.

Friendly relations

  • A child may well become the life of the party, the center of attention of other people. He will never be alone.
  • A sanguine person has an authoritative opinion for his peers. He calmly finds a common language with all the people he comes across in life.
  • It may be mentioned that the child often becomes the teachers' favorite. They are quite capable of communicating with adults and teachers outside of school hours.
  • Sanguine people can often change friends because they are not capable of emotional attachment.

What should you remember when raising?

  • It is important to teach a child responsibility from childhood and to prevent frivolity and superficiality.
  • A sanguine person loves constant movement and change. He loves to attend various clubs and electives. Without splashing out energy, the child will break toys, pull out house plants, and offend animals (see Why does a child get hysterical).
  • You should not praise your baby too much, as his self-esteem is already too high. He needs to learn to care about other people's feelings. It is worth helping to form a child’s empathy.

Sanguine man

Men of this type are very charming and charismatic. They are constantly surrounded by round dances of women, attracted by inner strength and self-confidence. But they themselves are in no hurry to tie the knot and remain single for a long time. They fall in love easily, but lose interest as soon as they manage to win the girl they like.

Sanguine people approach the choice of a life partner thoroughly and scrupulously. They will carefully weigh the pros and cons before making an offer. Marriage becomes a new exciting stage in their life path.

But under no circumstances should the chosen one relax after receiving the coveted stamp in her passport. She will have to constantly stir up her husband's interest. But this should not be done through scandals and provocations! Sanguine people will not tolerate this for a long time.

Sanguine woman

Representatives of this type of temperament are light, energetic, and inspired. They are always positive and generously share it with others. They are constantly passionate about something and cannot sit idle.

Sanguine women attract men with strong energy and passion. In addition, they always look great because they pay close attention to their appearance.

The inconstancy characteristic of this type is manifested in the frequent change of partners. They easily fall in love, just as easily they cool down and switch to other men.

They are ambitious and know their worth, so they achieve success in all areas of life. They are valued and respected at work, harmony and order reign at home, and their leisure time is always interesting and varied.

Introductory information

Psychologists call sanguine people with an active/energetic type of temperament who have a stable nervous system. Such individuals are distinguished by their ability to quickly adapt, endurance, balance, and an optimistic outlook. In addition, they are very sociable and friendly.

A sanguine person cannot sit in one place for a long time, preferring noisy companies to thinking alone. And this is not surprising, because 99% of such people are extroverts.

At the same time, like melancholic people, sanguine people sometimes “love” to be sad or fixate on something, like phlegmatic people. Sometimes, he can give up everything for the sake of a fleeting adventure, like a choleric person.

But, all of the above is just a way to understand the structure and versatility of the surrounding world, and not an established psychological mechanism.

Sanguine child

Little sanguine people are cheerful fidgets. They are very active, energetic, and sociable. They easily meet peers on playgrounds and even feel quite confident in conversations with unfamiliar adults. They are non-tearful, non-conflicting, and rarely throw tantrums.

Parents are sometimes frightened by the hyperactivity of a sanguine person, because they simply do not know what to do with it. A child can run around from morning to evening and not feel tired at all. It is recommended to send such children to sports from an early age, so that they have somewhere to direct their irrepressible energy.

Studying is not easy for sanguine people due to difficulties concentrating. In the subjects that interest them, they demonstrate excellent results. And getting them to learn something that seems boring is almost impossible. They will ignore these items and avoid completing tasks in every possible way.

Because of his sociability, a sanguine child can easily fall under the influence of others, both good and bad. Therefore, parents need to closely monitor their child’s social circle and not allow him to join dubious companies.

Compatibility with other temperaments

In relationships, as in everything else, sanguine people demonstrate inconstancy. You should not expect strong and deep affection from them, as from melancholic people. They quickly become attracted to a person and are able to build long-term relationships, but their partner will never overshadow all other areas of life.

They prefer to dominate and love to be admired, but do not accept rude flattery. People of this type easily cope with separation and quickly switch to other people.

If we talk about compatibility, then a sanguine person is able to get along with representatives of all types of temperament. However, with some of them the alliance will be more favorable.

  • With a sanguine person

Two sanguine people will be able to build a harmonious and warm relationship. They understand each other perfectly, they have similar views and lifestyles. They will never be bored together; their life will be filled with bright and interesting events. However, both partners are fickle. If one of them loses interest, the relationship quickly falls apart.

Also, disagreements due to dominance may arise in a couple. Each partner will pull the blanket over themselves. Conflicts rarely arise, because this type is highly diplomatic.

  • With a choleric person

Such a union is, in principle, possible with strong mutual love and willingness to compromise. It will be permeated with the spirit of competition and the struggle for leadership. Both the sanguine person and the choleric person will try to dominate and proclaim their own rules. But they will never be bored with each other.

  • With a melancholic person

These two temperaments are complete opposites of each other. But at the same time, oddly enough, they are the ones who are able to create a strong and harmonious union. They are like yin and yang complement each other and help smooth out their own shortcomings. A pessimistic and lethargic melancholic blossoms next to a sanguine person and begins to enjoy life. The second one learns from the partner the depth of feelings and subtlety of perception.

The position of leader in the couple is occupied by the sanguine person, which the melancholic person is only happy about. He feels safe next to a strong and confident partner.

  • With a phlegmatic person

At first, the relationship between a sanguine person and a phlegmatic person develops quite well. The first one likes the rationality and thoroughness of the second one, and the second one receives a charge of positive emotions from the partner. But over time, contradictions begin to escalate.

A sanguine person becomes bored next to an inert and emotionless phlegmatic person. And the phlegmatic person begins to be irritated by the frivolity and unreliability of the sanguine person. But overcoming these contradictions is not so difficult if both partners meet each other halfway.


This type of temperament will help a person both to occupy the position of a superior and a subordinate. He may well achieve success in both physical and intellectual work. The main thing is variety, so as not to get bored, not to be distracted by social networks and computer games (see Symptoms of gambling addiction). Quite often, sanguine people become true workaholics. The profession is of great importance to them.

What motivation can be found for a sanguine person in work activities?

  • High salary, bonuses based on performance results;
  • Opportunity for career growth, chance to get promoted;
  • Completion of advanced training courses at the expense of the organization;
  • Availability of innovations, application of advanced techniques and technologies;
  • Prestige (personal driver, separate office, social package), good reputation of the company;
  • Business trips, developed corporate culture, subscriptions.

A sanguine person is considered an excellent organizer who is capable of organizing grandiose work and entertainment events. He may well meet with business partners, conclude a profitable deal, organize a corporate event that will appeal to all employees. A person is distinguished by endurance, increased performance, and can separate personal and work matters. He manages to cope with the most intense, stressful work. Criticism will be received adequately (see How to respond to criticism). All errors will be corrected and professional improvement will occur.

A person with this type of temperament will always be a leader, regardless of his position. He will lead his colleagues forward and promote the values ​​approved by the company. There will be no competition with the manager. The most suitable professions for sanguine people are journalist, realtor, lawyer, administrator, and presenters of various programs. You can achieve success when starting your own business.

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Recommendations for sanguine people

Sanguine people are usually already successful in life and can give out recommendations themselves. However, there is no limit to perfection. Negative traits of temperament can be smoothed out and life can be made even better.

Tips for sanguine people:

  • Train your concentration. This is your weak point. A little more perseverance and you could move mountains.
  • Bring everything to completion. Make it a rule not to quit what you started halfway. Even if you have “cooled down”, and something more interesting appears on the horizon.
  • Deepen your knowledge. Having a broad outlook is good, but it is much more important to have high expertise in at least one area. Find what interests you the most and study that topic inside and out.
  • Pay attention to details. Due to the fast pace of life, you often miss important little things both in work and in life in general. You need to consciously concentrate on them.
  • Slow down. Sometimes it’s useful to pause your extremely active and busy life and just reflect. Ask yourself often what you really want, whether you are moving in the right direction, how you can make your life better, etc.
  • Look for real friends. In your endless list of friends and acquaintances, you must have at least one faithful and truly close friend with whom you can share your most intimate experiences and not be afraid of being misunderstood.
  • Develop empathy. When communicating, shift the focus of attention from yourself to other people. Listen carefully, empathize with the feelings, try to put yourself in their place. This will add +100 points to your communication skills.
  • Be responsible about your promises. Your frivolity and inconstancy can greatly irritate others. Learn to keep your word under any circumstances, do not let down the people who count on you.
  • Find a worthy use for your energy. Since nature has rewarded you with such inner strength, it means she has big plans for you. Don't disappoint the universe! Set ambitious goals and achieve them, move evolution forward and make our world a better place.

How to communicate with a sanguine person

Sanguine people are pleasant conversationalists, and it is always easy to communicate with them. They are friendly towards everyone, non-conflict, and can support any topic. But it is still advisable to know their features in order to build comfortable and productive interaction.

Communication tips:

  • Don't try to pull the blanket towards you. Sanguine people are strong leaders; they like to dominate and lead people. As a last resort, they are ready to share leadership positions with someone on equal terms, but in no case submit.
  • Don't try to use them. Sanguine people are responsive and always happy to help. But if you start abusing their kindness, you can run into rudeness, which is usually not characteristic of them.
  • Don't be stingy with praise. Sanguine people love to be the center of attention and really appreciate people who admire them. Therefore, often say what exactly you like about them. Moreover, there really is something to praise them for.



In most cases, a sanguine person is an extrovert; all activity is directed towards the outside world. He rarely withdraws into himself.

There is a dependence on information that comes from outside. Extroverts easily find friends, make contact, they are sociable; a sanguine person is most often an extrovert .


Introverts are thoughtful, most often their experiences are aimed at the inner world , they are not very sociable.

Such qualities are not characteristic of sanguine people, so it is very difficult to meet an introverted sanguine person.

But if such qualities are combined, then it will be a very interesting mixture of energy, cheerfulness with a rich inner world.

Who are lyrical sanguine people ? Sanguine people are often not susceptible to subtle experiences; they are usually quite superficial in relationships and affairs. It is rare for a sanguine person to occupy himself with lyrical experiences.

Often such sanguine people express feelings through some kind of creativity. If creativity is their passion, then such a person can achieve considerable heights in it.

Suitable professions

Sanguine people should avoid professions associated with monotonous, monotonous actions. They need constant physical activity and communication. Boring office work can drive them crazy.

Here are some suitable professions:

  • manager,
  • advertising specialist,
  • leading,
  • guide,
  • teacher,
  • HR specialist,
  • journalist,
  • salesman,
  • administrator,
  • advocate,
  • waiter and others.
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