Who is a choleric person: description of temperament, characteristics of communication

The fastest way to approach a person is to determine his temperament. People of different temperaments react to the same things differently. For example, troubles knock some people out of their usual rhythm of life and force them to give up, while other people, troubles force them to roll up their sleeves and fight. The second option can be attributed to choleric people. Let's take a closer look choleric temperamental characteristics


Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Theodore Roosevelt

Who is a choleric person: a brief description of temperament

A choleric person is a person who takes life lightly, but always seriously, so it is difficult to upset them. In a nutshell, a choleric person can be called a rapid optimist .

They are very difficult to dislodge from the saddle. If a choleric person has a goal, then he will definitely achieve it. Nothing can stop him until he gets his way.

Cholerics are people of the dominant type, strong, determined, stubborn and even a little arrogant.

All efforts of representatives of this type are always aimed at achieving the ideal. They never sit idle, they are always on the move. Typically, choleric men are leaders in their workplace because they know how to achieve their goals by any means.

The constant mobility of choleric people infects those around them. However, not everyone is able to withstand the fast pace taken by these optimists. The ability to carry others along with them makes choleric people successful leaders.

We also recommend that you find out: Who is a melancholic person?

Charisma shines

The energy background of a choleric person is very powerful. It charges quickly and holds energy for a long time. People of this type are able to sleep little and eat little. In addition, unlike other temperaments, they have the ability (don’t take this as advice!) to recharge even from small doses of alcohol - if you need to hold out for a couple of hours before eating. The fact is that choleric people have fast metabolism.

According to the descriptions of both Kant and Galen, a choleric person is a fit, agile person, with a high speed of movement and expressive facial expressions. This is a bright person who easily changes masks and has innate acting skills. Even if these qualities are not visible in a choleric person at the moment, they can be developed very quickly if necessary. It is no coincidence that choleric people are often advised to engage in rhetoric, acting and passionary dances (such as tango, flamenco) - in order to learn to open up and manage their energy flow. With the help of such skills, the “radiance” of the leader and his energetic background are enhanced, which automatically results in charismatic power, which choleric people are equipped with authentically, by their nature - in contrast to other types of temperaments.

On the other hand, the energy of a choleric person is quite harsh. Again, by the nature of things, choleric people work with meaning and do not like empty words. Finding themselves in a meaningless environment, they will become terribly irritated. Therefore, if our choleric person is a true leader, not burdened by such pathologies as megalomania or persecution, he will be vitally interested in developing his environment.

Since choleric people live by passion and passionately, they love power (and lust for power in its essence is nothing more than a strong passion). If a choleric person claims that this is not so, it means that he either has reasons to hide his “inclination” or has weak self-identification. There are no choleric people who do not love power and do not feel comfortable in it, like a fish in water. This does not mean that a choleric person necessarily strives for power. No, it’s just that a person with such a temperament normally perceives and accepts it, because he has the fighting qualities of a leader and commander.

At the same time, his passionarity as a pointless passion aimed at achieving some goal helps to lead and rally around him people whom the choleric easily infects with his values.

It is also worth noting that choleric people (unlike sanguine people) are able to easily switch from objective to non-objective passion. And in personal relationships within the team, this circumstance allows them to adopt a useful rule without much effort: “Don’t sleep where you work.” And neglecting this rule, by the way, does not honor the leaders. Of course, “adventures” of various kinds are vital for many choleric people, including for recharging. However, if we are seriously talking about leadership, such a person, of course, must remain extremely clean within his organization. A choleric man understands and accepts this, despite the fact that he often has such charm that a rare woman working in his company is able not to notice it. I know many leaders who are surrounded by similar fans. Some are clearly burdened by the need to constantly “keep up the brand.” However, excuse me: these are the rules of the game...

Passionarity allows a choleric person to do incredible things: there are no unsolvable tasks for him, he is able to achieve any goals, challenge his team to conquer any peaks. However, the trouble with this kind of passionarity (which is noticeably different from the useful property of a phlegmatic person, for whom the goal is an “energizer”) is that the main motive of a choleric person is passion. As long as a person is in love with a goal, he goes towards it, but if he stops loving it, he will immediately quit. Many teams suffer from this peculiarity: of course, just yesterday everyone planned an interesting project together, and in the morning the boss comes with cold, indifferent eyes.

The thing is that he has already completed the entire project overnight, going through all the stages - from falling in love to cooling off. This is how many innovations die out. For choleric people, a lot happens in the virtual world, and given their ability for very powerful visualization, it can be diagnosed that often at the level of vivid images, much in the life of a choleric person ends.

This syndrome is very typical for anti-crisis managers, who, after completing the corresponding program, are repeatedly invited to stay with the company, not very well understanding what this could mean for the business. The only good thing about the anti-crisis program is that it is a battle, during which there is an opportunity to solve non-standard problems - to shine, if you want. Finding himself in a situation of stability, a choleric person risks becoming inadequate in his self-expression, especially considering his inventiveness is not only a plus sign. His passionarity is good for takeovers, solving non-standard problems, implementing innovative projects, and undertakings in the spirit of “go ahead!” But it is unacceptable in matters of building “empires”, establishing processes, painstakingly selecting system elements, and increasing efficiency.

From the point of view of thinking, the vast majority of choleric people are intuitive; they have enormous speed of thinking (which does not imply the effectiveness of the left hemisphere), sensitivity of intuition, and sensory sensitivity. These people understand everything perfectly and they make great teams. I had the opportunity to work within powerful choleric teams as part of the Executive MBA and DBA at the Academy of National Economy, as well as within companies. And every time I experienced genuine pleasure and admiration from working among fast, smart people who do magical things easily and beautifully. But choleric people who have lost their passionary component become lethargic, apathetic, boring, picky, angry and boring. If a choleric person does not have recharge, he is capable of destroying the brains of those around him. Cholerics exhibit exactly the same excessive aggression if they do not have the opportunity to discharge themselves. Therefore, such people are recommended either boxing or other types of martial arts that involve bodily contact and infliction of pain. Many people select specific trainers for this purpose. I know several leaders whose trainers even ended up becoming personal security guards for choleric leaders, despite the fact that their main task was to, if necessary, bring down unnecessary aggression from the boss. There are even forms of pathological aggression (I know of examples of such leaders participating in fights without rules) - and this means that a person in life has lost the vector for real application of strength. I'd venture to guess that sometimes it's a matter of having the wrong sexual partner. It often happens that a choleric person in his youth marries a quiet, lethargic woman, but over the years of his career he develops to such an extent that he begins to secretly feel the need for another companion. And if the spiritual and moral elements in the life of such a person are not strong enough, then, most likely, in the future we will see a tyrant who takes everything out on his family - even assault.

In addition, it is worth keeping in mind the obstinacy and tenacity of the choleric person - scientifically speaking, his rigidity. She is high, but discrete, that is, while he is in love, she will achieve the impossible, but as soon as passionarity disappears, she will instantly turn her back. Choleric people easily give up on something if it stops exciting them. In order to change the situation and not follow the lead of his nature, it would not hurt for a pure choleric person to enlist the support of a “balancing” temperament, the bearer of which could be his business partner. Ideally, this should be a hybrid choleric-phlegmatic type that can perform a restraining function in relation to it.

Among the disadvantages of choleric people, it is worth mentioning that they do not know how to wait. Not all representatives of this temperament can learn to tolerate and understand the organic nature of the development of processes. Perhaps a pleasant exception are choleric people with a technical or medical education, who, due to the knowledge they have acquired, are well aware that all processes have their own internal dynamics. Such people do not have the “stupid” attitude of “Now and immediately!”, characteristic of ordinary choleric people (especially those who did not have various kinds of restrictions in childhood and adolescence).

However, we note that all the described shortcomings do not prevent a choleric person from being a leader, and an authentic one at that. He also easily develops charisma, since charisma is a passionate form of power.

Emotional background

A choleric person does not show his experiences openly, like a sanguine person.
However, he does not know how to hide his emotions at all, so they can easily be read on his face. When communicating, an impulsive choleric person can suddenly “flare up like a match” and offend his interlocutor, being rude or even insulting him, just because he did not agree with his point of view.

Another distinctive aspect of this type is excellent self-control. When faced with troubles, choleric people do not panic

, and immediately look for a way out of the current situation.

Despite their high sense of purpose, choleric people often cannot correctly assess their strength. This leads to the fact that some things remain unfinished. True, some of the suspended goals may be implemented later.

Phlegmatic people

Phlegmatic people are characterized by general restraint, unhurriedness, thoroughness, calmness not only in ordinary, but also in the most difficult situations. They are consistent and thorough in their actions, their speech is smooth and measured, without sharp expressions of emotions, without bright gestures and facial expressions. It is easy for phlegmatic people to restrain their impulses, because they adhere to the principle of saving strength. In communication they are even and reasonable. Accordingly, music of a slow tempo and even in mood suits them - without dramatic outbursts and frenzies.

Among the famous composers of phlegmatic temperament are:

  • Borodin Alexander Porfirievich;
  • Glazunov Ilya Sergeevich;
  • Lyadov Anatoly Konstantinovich.

Famous writers who are phlegmatic include:

  • Krylov Ivan Andreevich (fabulist);
  • Delvig Anton Antonovich (poet and friend of Pushkin).

Other famous people with a phlegmatic temperament:

  • Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov;
  • Alexander Alexandrovich Lyubishchev;
  • Galileo Galilei;
  • Antoni van Leeuwenhoek;
  • Immanuel Kant;
  • Karl Ernst von Baer;
  • Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov.

Choleric at work, professions for choleric

Given the natural abilities of these people, they make excellent leaders
. In other words, they are suitable for areas where it is necessary to quickly make several decisions at the same time. At the same time, they cannot remain on the sidelines for long.

Jobs with frequent business trips are suitable for them. Changing jobs and starting new projects will help choleric people maximize their organizational abilities.

They will make excellent heads of departments, branches or directors of enterprises. At the same time, it is desirable that they be employed in those areas where live communication with various people is necessary. Work for choleric people is, first of all, self-realization and achieving a sense of significance for the colleagues and friends around him.


Sanguine people are cheerful, cheerful and sociable. They are the soul of any society, jokers and merry fellows, they easily experience failures and troubles. They are responsive and do not feel constrained in communicating with new people. They can be hardy and efficient if the work they are doing is interesting to them. However, monotonous and painstaking work tires them and quickly gets boring. Their speech is fast and loud, with lively gestures and expressive facial expressions. Accordingly, they like music that is lively, cheerful and energetic.

We find this in abundance among composers:

  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart;
  • Gioachino Rossini;
  • Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev;
  • Antonio Vivaldi.

Writers who are sanguine include:

  • Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov;
  • Mark Twain;
  • Honore de Balzac;
  • Herzen Alexander Ivanovich;
  • Francois Rabelais;
  • Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais.

Other famous people with a sanguine temperament:

  • Vlidimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin);
  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie;
  • Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
  • Franklin Roosevelt;
  • Ronald Reagan;
  • Bill Clinton;
  • Lionel Messi;
  • Napoleon Bonaparte;
  • Louis Pasteur;
  • Magic Johnson.

Choleric child: how to raise

A choleric child is an energetic and playful toddler who can visit many places in a short amount of time, loves vigorous and active games, and most importantly, he can be heard very well, because he is always very loud, and most importantly, he talks quickly, is always interested in something, but it is extremely rare that everything is completed.
Everything that a choleric child wants to have, he strives to get by screaming. In addition to this, any little thing can cause hysterics. For example, if he did not receive the desired toy or his diapers are dirty.

Therefore, in raising a choleric child, you should adhere to the following basic rules:

  1. Endurance and perseverance are the main qualities in the upbringing and development of a choleric child. And if he did something wrong, then you shouldn’t yell at him, because yelling has a bad effect on such a kid
    , and by the way, he already has an explosive temper. Also, do not subject your child to physical punishment. You just need to calmly explain all the mistakes, then show them how to perform this task correctly and give them another opportunity to correct everything.
  2. Since a choleric child is an emotional child who can sometimes demonstrate hostility
    , one should try to direct this emotionality in the necessary direction. For example, send him to play sports, where he can throw out excess energy, or give him the opportunity to play various outdoor games, for example, football, hockey, which are great because they have clear rules, thanks to which the baby learns to be restrained and organized.
  3. Any emotional manifestation can be controlled by drawing. In this case, you need to give him a blank sheet of paper every day, on which he will draw
    his own emotions.
  4. In order to teach your child to bring every task to its logical conclusion, he should be given a task and at the same time clearly define the result
    that needs to be achieved. Puzzles are great for this occasion.
  5. It is imperative to cultivate politeness and tact in a child
    , with the help of various fairy tales, which form only positive qualities in the child.
  6. You should try to give the child as much parental attention as possible
    , play various outdoor games with him, draw, walk outside, read interesting books. In a word, spend as much time with him as possible.
  7. Try to switch the child’s attention from one task to another, but it is important to teach any task to be completed. And the main thing is that he must have an incentive for this.
  8. It is necessary to come up with some daily rituals
    , and most importantly, always adhere to them, because such rituals are very important for a choleric person. For example, come up with a special ritual before bed. The main thing is that it should be done every day and not forgotten, otherwise all this can become a real problem.

And most importantly, it is necessary to exclude all violent emotions from the environment in which the child grows up: family scandals, films in which there is a lot of aggression, and much more.

Ill-fated perfectionism

The phlegmatic person is mainly driven by two desires - scale and quality. This property can greatly irritate the people around him, which significantly prevents the phlegmatic person from turning into a real leader. After all, he demands exactly the same attitude towards processes from those around him, and this cannot but irritate, even if everyone around him realizes the legitimacy of such an approach. But a choleric person has a peculiar attitude towards quality. He is capable of doing something “sloppy” if the situation allows it, although this does not mean that a choleric person is always a hack: he is simply ready to accept hack work as a normal element of existence.

The scale that a phlegmatic person focuses on in his activities is the second element that turns off those who follow him. If a phlegmatic person is engaged in a task, it will always be a total undertaking, even when it comes to a simple iteration. Imagine a phlegmatic person who decides to wash the floor: this procedure performed by him will certainly include, for example, rearranging the furniture. At the same time, all employees involved in the process will clearly suffer and complain about a wasted day. Inappropriate systematicity and perfectionism cannot but evoke strong feelings.

The passionarity of a phlegmatic person is suppressed, so he experiences powerful and vivid emotional upheavals exclusively within himself. This is extremely dangerous, since in its radical manifestations it can even turn a person into a maniac (in fact, this is inherent in most maniacs). Unable to open up and bring his experience to the surface, the phlegmatic person generates it within himself, as a result of which it grows and hypertrophies.

I know many leaders who are “obsessed” with something and always demand some kind of “crap” from the people. So, I personally know a person whose second priority in the company’s mission after making money is “cleanliness of employees’ shoes.” And this is no longer a cute fad, but a real manic-schizoid syndrome, which is a heavy burden for others. In another case, the head of the company was looking for a personal driver for a year and a half. The problem was that incompatible qualities were required from the candidate: he had to simultaneously be fast, not violate any traffic rules and have a safe driving style. However, a phlegmatic person, as a perfectionist, always needs the highest quality in everything. To tears - if a multifactorial problem does not lead to a solution. But a phlegmatic person cannot change himself.

Affected states are familiar to phlegmatic people in the same way as to choleric people. Unlike, however, an instant choleric explosion, the time of “unloading” for a phlegmatic person will be directly proportional to the long periods of “loading”. He can accumulate resentment within himself for years - and then for years he can “sweep” the people, remembering to them the sins committed during the time of the flood. I know cases when entire teams, persecuted by a phlegmatic person, broke down and quit. Since the phlegmatic is the most vindictive temperament, he remembers all the little things. And rightly so! The phlegmatic person himself is not able to understand where he is wrong, because he is really... right. And even when they hint at the need for forgiveness, he does not understand what you are talking about: “After all, it happened!” Thus, unloading does not occur, and this is the problem of a phlegmatic person. We see a person who accumulates large amounts of aggression and is constantly “phoning”. Over time, people begin to shy away from such a person. Therefore, with all due respect, there will be no more love for him. Of course, he will be perceived as an authoritarian force, a given, but they will follow him with great caution. With all this, the phlegmatic person is endowed with a very sensitive soul; he understands that something is wrong, but only in rare cases can he overcome himself. This takes years. And the only thing that can help him and move him towards the choleric is openness. However, it is wildly difficult for a phlegmatic person to open up: he is a hermetic “black hole”, therefore he does not emit radiance, and his power does not acquire charisma.

Many phlegmatic people experience this as a personal drama, although they are not to blame for anything: this is their nature. But a phlegmatic person cannot follow advice: in order to become open, he needs help. The best thing is from early childhood, especially when it comes to men, who often run the risk of growing up “one-piece”, inflexible, driven into themselves, with a lifeless mass, experiencing the fear of appearing weak. A kind of hybrid of Van Damme and Schwarzenegger. If a man is taught from childhood to open up and let loose easily, then eventually he will be able to become a real leader.

Choleric: strengths

  • Emotional sphere

    Choleric people are born leaders, dynamic and active, constantly in need of change. They always consider it necessary to correct other people's mistakes; they have a strong will and determination. They are independent and self-sufficient, unflappable, it is difficult to deprive them of self-confidence, and they spread this confidence to others. Capable of taking on any task.

  • As a parent

    Confidently takes a leadership role in the home, defines goals and motivates family members to take action to achieve them, always finds a way out of any situation, and organizes the household.

  • At work

    Focused on results, thinks big and is not distracted by details, copes well with organizational work, looks for the most practical solutions to assigned tasks, quickly moves from theory to action, knows how to correctly distribute responsibilities, is focused on productivity, sets goals for the entire team, stimulates activity, needs competition.

  • On friendly terms

    Does not depend much on friends, takes upon himself the organization of any group activity, plays the role of a leader, is often right in any matter, and has excellent self-control in emergency situations.

Melancholic people

Melancholic people are considered shy and shy, secretive and uncommunicative people. They are painfully sensitive and easily vulnerable; when they fail, they tend to withdraw into themselves and engage in self-flagellation. Their speech is quiet, with pleading and apologetic intonations. They tend to seek sympathy and help from others. They easily tolerate loneliness, preferring to communicate with one or two close friends in noisy companies. But thanks to their high sensitivity to the life around them, it is melancholic people who create the most subtle and soulful works of art.

Among the composers who are melancholic are:

  • Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky;
  • Frederic François Chopin;
  • Johan Julius Christian Sibelius.

Among poets and writers, melancholics include:

  • Anton Pavlovich Chekhov;
  • Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin;
  • Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol;
  • Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky;
  • Igor-Severyanin (Igor Vasilievich Lotarev);
  • Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov;
  • Semyon Yakovlevich Nadson;
  • Edgar Allan Poe.

Other famous people with a melancholic temperament:

  • Charles Robert Darwin;
  • Nicholas I Pavlovich;
  • Isaac Newton;
  • Rene Descartes;
  • Elvis Aaron Presley;
  • Michael Joseph Jackson;
  • Grigory Alekseevich Yavlinsky.

Choleric: weaknesses

  • Emotional sphere

    He likes to command others, is impatient, quick-tempered and impulsive, is constantly under tension, loves arguments and disagreements, does not know how to admit that he is wrong, is too stubborn and unyielding, unfriendly and unsympathetic, does not like tears and violent emotions.

  • As a parent

    Strives to dominate in everything, is too demanding of family members, makes hasty decisions, does not tolerate bad results, demands too much from children, which can lead them to depression.

  • At work

    Does not tolerate mistakes, does not take into account details, does not tolerate routine, can make rash decisions, is often rude and tactless, manipulates people, is demanding of others, believes that the end justifies the means, often becomes a workaholic, and demands loyalty from subordinates.

  • As a friend

    Often uses people for his own purposes, is used to dominating in relationships, knows everything better than others, makes decisions for everyone else, is too independent, bosses around friends and partner, does not know how to ask for forgiveness. He defends his point of view too aggressively, which others do not like, even if his opinion is correct.

Pros of temperament

Like any other type of temperament, a choleric person has strengths and weaknesses. The advantages of choleric are:

if a choleric person is truly passionate about something, then his energy is inexhaustible;

takes on most new and difficult tasks with enthusiasm, prepares himself for the best;

makes decisions very quickly, does not waste extra time on thinking and doubts;

are characterized by quick-wittedness, quickly take offense, but after a couple of weeks they cannot even remember the essence of the offense;

they try to keep abreast of everything (the choleric person remembers what time the chemistry test is, what issue will be discussed at the meeting, when the office manager’s birthday is);

has natural charisma, so he rarely complains about loneliness or unpopularity with guys/girls;

choleric people are very versatile and enthusiastic personalities; there is always something to talk about with them;

They strive to lead, so at work they often occupy leadership positions and high positions.

What are the other advantages of choleric people?

If a girl marries a choleric guy, then with him she will be “like behind a stone wall,” provided that the guy is properly brought up and understands others.

Choleric and choleric: compatibility

Choleric is an extrovert, an optimist and a person of action

These two people of the same psychotype will not get along together in 90% of cases. The issue of leadership in a couple will constantly arise between them; their swiftness and unrestraint in achieving goals can offend both the people around them and the opponent, and thereby further fuel anger and nervousness in the relationship.

The only advice for such couples is to be able to restrain their ardor and find common ground on controversial issues, to be able to give in to their opponent and respect his opinion in any case.

Video about Choleric - a cartoon character

Compatibility with other temperament types

This type of temperament, such as choleric, builds personal relationships in a special way, so it is important for him to find a suitable partner.

A choleric person rarely gets along with a choleric person, so it is almost impossible to meet such a union. It will look like a real nuclear war, where people will constantly compete for leadership.

There can be a very ardent and passionate romance between them that will be remembered for a lifetime. But, unfortunately, it may not last long. Without serious work on relationships, partners will quickly separate, and in the best traditions of choleric people - with screams, insults, tears, and breaking dishes.

A choleric person and a sanguine person can make a good couple, since a sanguine person also has remarkable leadership qualities. But it is not a fact that a choleric person will freely transfer the reins of leadership into the hands of a sanguine person. Serious disagreements may arise on this basis. If you work on the relationship and be tolerant, then the couple will be able to create a strong union.

A choleric person and a phlegmatic person can coexist with each other, but the atmosphere in the house will always be tense. The choleric person is constantly hurried by the phlegmatic person; the phlegmatic person wants to live and develop at a pace that is convenient for him. Without the ability to compromise and give in, a couple is doomed to separation.

A choleric person and a melancholic person are unlikely to be able to create a strong couple. Melancholic tearfulness will irritate the choleric person and even depress him. A choleric person may begin to lash out at his significant other, and then suffer from feelings of guilt.

In addition, a choleric person cannot understand the mental anguish and constant sadness of melancholic people. They consider this condition to be a far-fetched stupidity. The only chance to preserve the union is mutual work on oneself. A choleric person will have to cultivate emotionality and sensitivity, while a melancholic person will have to learn to react to situations more calmly and harshly.

What type of temperament goes well with a choleric person?

A sanguine person is best suited for a choleric person, but even in this union quarrels and conflicts are inevitable.

A sanguine person is best suited for a choleric person, but even in this union quarrels and conflicts are inevitable.

Famous people are choleric

Among the world famous people, choleric people are and were (from left to right):

Do you know these people - choleric people?

  • Oprah Winfrey,
  • Phil McGraw
  • Donald Trump
  • Bill Gates,
  • Peter I Alekseevich,
  • Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov,
  • Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin,
  • Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev.

Mozhaeva Taisiya · Jan 29, 2020

Physiological basis of temperament

The type of nervous system is strong, but unstable. This also applies to the response style of a choleric person. In a difficult situation he can be unrestrained.

A choleric person easily and quickly takes on a new job, but his physiology is designed in such a way that very soon he can become cold towards it and become disappointed. His nervous system is especially depressed by long, monotonous, monotonous work. In some cases, this can lead to nervous breakdowns and other disorders.

Increased excitement before starting work risks turning into burnout, so a choleric person is good and productive at the start, but often does not have enough strength to finish the work.

Typology according to I. P. Pavlov

Peculiarities of behavior at work

As a rule, choleric people at work make a successful career, rise in rank and reach the director's chair. We can say that they are born directors. But there are not enough director's chairs for everyone. A choleric person who is in a subordinate position experiences this situation hard. He prefers work that involves independent action and does not require constant reporting. This is often why choleric people prefer to work as freelancers: such a person is his own boss, independently sets his own work schedule, completely manages the process and can at any time abandon the business if it becomes uninteresting to him.

At the same time, an employee with such a temperament also has its advantages. Only such an employee can withstand the high pace of work, cope with a huge number of tasks, constantly go on long business trips, and quickly begin new types of activities.

If a problem is not solved for a long time, such an employee may flare up, but quickly comes to his senses and finds the right solution.

Suitable professions

Cholerics are efficient, stress-resistant, assertive and purposeful. A job where all these qualities can manifest themselves in full force is suitable for them. They become excellent leaders and entrepreneurs, capable of leading an entire team. Difficulties do not frighten choleric people, but only kindle passion in them.

They should avoid professions associated with monotonous work and thorough study of a topic. Representatives of this type need constant movement and communication in the workplace. Quick reaction allows them to work in positions associated with danger and increased risk.

Here are some suitable professions for choleric people:

  • journalist,
  • TV and radio presenter,
  • trainer,
  • manager,
  • pilot,
  • dispatcher,
  • diplomat,
  • journalist,
  • surgeon,
  • driver,
  • builder,
  • investigator.
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