How to change your appearance beyond recognition: options, methods, photos

Author of the material:

Alina Tarasova

entrepreneur, writer, life coach

Beauty is for a girl what masculinity is for a guy. To improve the quality of life and relationships with others, many girls resort to external transformation. How to change your appearance and attract pleasant surprises into your life? Is it enough to change one part or do you need to take into account a number of features? Is it true that walking completely changes a person? What makeup looks best? If you're in the mood to quickly say goodbye to the title of "simple" and be a "queen of style", then let's get straight to the point! After reading the article, you will know what you need to work on.

Before starting an excursion into the world of a woman’s appearance, it is important to touch upon her inner state. It is from him that the desire to take and begin radical changes comes. Inspired to change your long luscious hair to a short cut? Change your color from platinum blonde to a burning brunette? We need to find an unmistakable path that will be the most faithful and lasting. How to change your appearance when a girl is not psychologically ready? To understand your inner world, it is important to always follow these rules:

  • Always think positively . Watching funny, kind films, listening to inspiring music will help you not to focus on the negative.
  • Smiling is the best cure for the depressed mood that causes failed experiments.
  • Develop yourself comprehensively through spiritual practices, physical exercise, and meeting interesting people. All this will inspire you to move towards change, and not “gather dust” in one image.

Change your gait.

How to change comprehensively when a lady’s mere walking makes her feel tense? Habitual walking style reflects human psychology. His status in society and, first of all, self-esteem depend on this. “How open we are inside, how much we don’t have complexes, depends on our confidence.”

A confident woman walks like a graceful cat, with a confident look and an attractive smile. The squeezed one slouches, walks like a yard boy, always directing his body forward. By changing your habitual way of moving, you can become a completely different person. Without exaggeration! How mesmerizing some models are on the catwalk. Every movement attracts the eye from afar. A 45-year-old housewife, businesswoman or student is no worse!

Take the self-esteem test

How to change your gait and be beautiful:

  • Never lose your posture! How can you not use something that visually makes your breasts round, your waist slim, and your body elegant? Turning your shoulders, throwing them back slightly and letting go are three components of good posture.
  • The head is slightly raised. The view should fall not on the basement level, but on the second floor. A slightly raised chin speaks of a person’s status and self-confidence.
  • Like in the movie "Office Romance". “The gait of a panther preparing to leap! And from the hip." Subtle hip swings make the look stunning.
  • Wide steps. The glamorous lady never takes steps like in a geisha movie.
  • A smooth and purposeful look is given by steps that roll completely over the entire area of ​​the foot.
  • You need to throw your legs forward freely. Pull the toe forward without pulling it back - this is the rule followed by the ballerinas of the Bolshoi Theater.
  • Walk on a flat road. You can visualize a line drawn in chalk. This helps to develop coordination of movements and not seem like you are drunk.
  • Relax your face! How to change your appearance when your facial expressions indicate complete discomfort? A girl with a subtle smile will shine like a star in public.
  • Do not rush. Often people are in a hurry due to the general pace in the crowd and habits. Life in a metropolis has taught us to forget about smoothness. A lady calmly walking along the road will not be left without a compliment.

How to change in a month - action plan

If you want to achieve changes in your appearance in a month, then outline the necessary action plan in advance.

Drastically change your hairstyle and hair color

You can start with a radical change in hairstyle and hair color. If you have been wearing a braid below the waist for many years, you can update the cut, for example, by cutting your hair to your shoulder blades. You can also get hair extensions, bangs or an interesting haircut to suit your hair length. However, all this should be done only if you are convinced that the new image will really suit you. The same rule applies to hair dyeing - if possible, try on a wig with strands of the desired color or edit your photo in Photoshop to see how you will look with an updated hairstyle. Please note that if you decide to go blonde, but your hair is now dark, then you will probably have to repeat the coloring procedure more than once, maintaining an interval of several days, to achieve the desired result.

New makeup (or simplification if you've always worn bright makeup)

Try to choose a new makeup for yourself that will make you look more impressive. There are many training videos on the Internet and various courses for this. However, even without this, you can try to apply makeup differently than usual - “play” with the color palette, apply eye shadow in a completely different shade than you are used to, experiment with the color of your lipstick. For these purposes, you can buy several cheap lipsticks and an inexpensive set of shadows - this way you can be sure which colors are absolutely not suitable for you, and which ones look very interesting on your face. Of course, after experimenting, cleanse your face and buy new lipstick and eyeshadow from your favorite brand and those shades that, after experimenting, you liked best on your face.

Update your wardrobe

Often, just by updating her wardrobe, a woman appears to others in a completely different light. Perhaps you are used to dressing in a certain style and do not even suspect that completely different things may suit you much better. We recommend that you choose a free day and, having come to a clothing store with reasonable prices for you, take several wardrobe items into the fitting room that you usually do not pay attention to. Try to put together several images from things that are unusual for you, and be sure to photograph each of them in the fitting room mirror. At home, look at your photos, remember the feelings you felt when you put on new clothes, and go back for the things that suit you. However, you can buy those wardrobe items that are more familiar to you, but be sure to complement them with new accessories.

Change habits and habits

Give up bad habits - they usually do not have the best effect on your overall appearance. Instead, it is better to acquire new healthy habits - playing sports, eating right, walking in the fresh air, and the like.

Visit new places, communicate with new people

Expand your horizons by meeting new people and going to new places. For example, visiting various types of establishments, you will involuntarily expand your wardrobe - a dress for the theater, a tracksuit for fitness, a new outfit for a date, and so on.

Change style.

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“Who in the world is the cutest, the most beautiful and the whitest?” - a well-known phrase from a fairy tale has grown into something more. A beautiful girl cannot be considered beautiful without proper care. No matter how many tons of cosmetics are on the face, no matter what clothes hide the body, appearance depends entirely on proper care. What immediately catches your attention? Well-groomed nails, clean skin, pleasant aroma, condition of hair.

How can you change your appearance when you can’t spend huge sums on expensive products ? It is not at all necessary to use premium brand cosmetic products. Budget funds are widely available. You need to choose those that best suit the characteristics of your body.

Good self-care helps you achieve clean, soft-touch skin. With sufficient hydration, irritating rashes and other defects do not appear on the skin, and the epidermis recovers faster. How to change your hairstyle if your hair is in poor condition? Medications will help get rid of split ends, excessive dryness, oiliness, and hair loss.

How to change beyond recognition

Get plastic surgery

Of course, this method is the most radical, but you should only resort to it if there are some real defects on your face. There are often situations when a girl impulsively changes the shape of her lips or the shape of her eyes, but subsequently turns to the surgeon again in order to return everything “as it was” - a rejection of the “new self” occurs. In addition, the new option is not always better than the previous one. If you have been dreaming about surgery for a long time and are convinced that this is a real way to improve your appearance, then you can decide on the procedure. We recommend that you consult with several practicing surgeons on this issue.

Botox, lift

Note that Botox injections and facelifts are procedures that can help improve the appearance of women over 35-40 years old. For young girls, these manipulations with the face, as a rule, are completely unnecessary, and can even be harmful. If you are not satisfied with the quality of your skin, consult a cosmetologist and ask him to recommend procedures that will best suit your age.

Get a tattoo on your face

This is a fairly common procedure, but when doing it, keep in mind that sometimes you will have to correct the tattoo so that it does not fade. Currently, there is tattooing of lips, eyebrows and so on. Many women note the convenience of this method - for example, with the help of lip tattooing they were able to visually increase their volume without resorting to injections of hyaluronic acid and so on. In addition, such a tattoo helps to temporarily solve problems with makeup - the artist initially selects the color with which your lips will be painted according to your wishes. Likewise, you can apply winged lines to your eyelids - this will also help you save time on applying everyday makeup if they are an integral part of it.

Change yourself internally

Of course, internal changes are unlikely to change you beyond recognition, but they can really make significant changes to your image. It has long been noted that if a person reconsiders his attitude towards life, finds himself in an unexpected hobby, begins to engage in various practices that help achieve inner harmony, then these positive changes begin to have a better effect on his appearance.

Lose weight or get pumped up

As you know, with a change in weight, changes in the face become noticeable. A woman who has lost weight begins to notice new features in herself - cheekbones that suddenly appear, the disappearance of swelling, and so on. Even the eyes on a thinner face suddenly begin to appear larger and more expressive. Also, do not forget about the new shapes that the figure takes on. However, often not only overweight women are dissatisfied with their figure, but also those who suffer from underweight. In the second case, you can gain the necessary kilograms by increasing muscle mass - in this case, a thin body will receive the desired shape in the right places and acquire more advantageous proportions.

Put on your contact lenses

Contact lenses not only change the color of your eyes, but also make them brighter and shinier. To choose the ideal lenses for you, you should go to a specialized store and consult with a specialist.

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Let's add a little about accessories. Be sure to wear some jewelry, just remember to maintain balance. If you are wearing long, bright earrings, you should not clutter up the space around your neck with powerful beads or pendants. If you are wearing a huge bracelet, then try to keep the manicure and rings not too flashy, etc.

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Sometimes you can be too lazy to choose something special for a certain outfit, but you should get rid of this laziness. In addition, the same outfit can be decorated in completely different ways with the help of jewelry, and this is so cool! Put a bright scarf over a black dress - here's one look for you. We hung a beautiful necklace and it looked completely different.

It is not necessary to buy a lot of new clothes in order to change something; sometimes it is enough to choose new accessories to match your existing wardrobe.


Changed stars

Screen or pop stars change their style and image in order to always look young and attract viewers to their person. Stars who have changed their image look especially fresh and bright.

World-class designers and stylists work on their appearance. Some famous personalities make drastic changes for the sake of popularity and adoration of the public. Italian actress Monica Bellucci tried to change her image so much that she is unrecognizable.

Our actress Larisa Guzeeva also underwent a wonderful transformation. Check out the before and after makeover.

Noticeable changes have occurred with Jennifer Lopez. At 50, she looks younger than her years. The actress surprised with a new haircut and color of her locks. The asymmetrical bob and golden hair color made her look 10-15 years old.

As we can see, women who are not afraid to change their image look much younger than before the change. Let's not be afraid of change either!

Live in the moment

What happened to you in the past should fade into the background. Even if past events bring you positive emotions and help you relax, they should still be pushed aside during the change. Remember! The person you were in the past and the person you are now are completely different people.

Concentrate your attention on what is happening at the moment, without thinking about other options for the development of events. While walking, simultaneously fix your gaze on several surrounding objects and people. Immerse yourself in the situation you are in. With constant practice, you will learn to meditate and establish contact with yourself, and also accept reality as it is.

This activity allows you to protect yourself from negativity coming from ourselves and unnecessary anxiety. Accepting reality helps improve a person’s life, helps him change internally, teaches him to love and appreciate what he has.

Is it possible to become a different person in appearance in 1 day?

In general, in one day you can really change quite significantly in appearance. However, if you are unhappy with your weight, then these changes will certainly take much longer. If you are happy with your figure, but want some noticeable changes, then you can make them by changing your hair color, dyeing your eyebrows, getting eyelash extensions, having your face cleaned in a salon, changing your wardrobe, visiting a solarium, cutting or getting hair extensions. If we are talking about internal changes, then this, of course, will take much more time. However, you can also do a lot in one day - outline a detailed action plan that will help you achieve the desired results.

How to transform yourself quickly and without special expenses

Sometimes, a woman needs very little to transform herself - proper sleep and rest. Often we neglect this, and as a result we end up with dark circles or bags under the eyes, a tired look and other unpleasant changes in appearance. A rested and well-slept woman, in turn, usually looks fresh and cheerful, which cannot but improve her appearance. Find a way to set aside a couple of days for yourself, in which you do nothing but sleep and relax. Moreover, you don’t need to rest in front of the computer - take a walk around the city, just lie on the couch, take a bath with sea salt, foam and essential oils, and the like.

Hairstyles that require no maintenance

A woman over 40 is an active lady who works and often raises children alone. She requires low maintenance hairstyles.

Bean. This is the most popular hairstyle among women in their prime. Types of haircuts: bob, asymmetrical, layered.

Kare - does not require special care.

Garson - or “like a boy.” Today, older women and young girls cut their hair this way. A haircut suits everyone.

Bangs are a quick trick to change your image. If you want to change your appearance, change the shape of your bangs. It is this detail that makes the face look young, hides wrinkles, and gives expressiveness to the eyes.

If your hair is thick, then choose straight bangs.

Coraya – suitable for square face types.

Graduated. Unevenly cut strands create a feeling of carelessness. Uneven bangs are suitable for any face shape and are optimal for a high forehead.

Torn bangs are most suitable for ladies over 40, giving the image both softness and sexual aggressiveness. Suitable for chubby ladies.

Arched - suitable for women who wear classics.

Curly. A clear cut will help you quickly change your image.

Asymmetrical. Brave girls choose this bangs.

You can avoid plastic surgery and look younger by changing your image.


One of the easiest ways to change yourself externally is to change your makeup. You need to act using the “opposite” method - if before a woman wore just a little makeup, you can try brighter makeup. But you need to focus either on the eyes or on the lips. To use the palette correctly and learn the intricacies of makeup, you should visit a stylist. He will work with your face and give valuable recommendations.

New emotions - new “I”

Travel as often as possible, and not necessarily to foreign countries. Visit every small corner of your homeland - you are guaranteed an influx of new emotions. Ride a bike, ride through the streets of your hometown, watch the sunrise on the shore of a lake - all this will bring a lot of positivity into your life. Make it a rule to smile more often - with a smile, not only you change, but also the world around you.

How to change beyond recognition in a week? Start radiating positivity. Unfortunately, this cannot be achieved in one day if a person is by nature gloomy and does not know how to enjoy life. Special training will help you master this skill.

Remember that your inner “I” is a temple, so do not let any garbage into your subconscious in the form of everyday problems, conflicts, and minor troubles. They destabilize a person’s emotional state, making it difficult to enjoy life.

To transform yourself for the better, don’t rush into experiments.

Think carefully and study the information

Before you decide to make drastic changes, try reading reviews about them on the Internet, and consult with your loved ones. Don't make a decision impulsively.

Consult with experts

Depending on the area in which you are planning changes, consult with a hairdresser, cosmetologist, plastic surgeon, and so on.

Spend more time to get better results

Do not expect to get excellent results in a short time - in some cases this is not possible. We are talking about diets, sports activities, comprehensive skin care, getting rid of cellulite and much more.

Stick to the middle

Many women understand that changing their image means radically reshaping themselves. By rushing to extremes, you can make annoying mistakes.

You need to change your appearance gradually. For example, you are a brunette, but want to become a blonde. First, make light “feathers”, and then move on to a stronger blonde.

In addition to obvious mistakes, there are “traps” that prevent you from moving towards your goal:

  • Ignorance of what the concept of “image” includes.
  • You know what to do, but it's hard to move.
  • Fear of judgment prevents you from fully revealing your attractiveness.
  • There is no desire to stand out, to stick to a “gray” image.
  • It's a pity to spend money to change your image.

Finally: knowledge of how to change your image will allow young girls and mature women to begin changing their appearance without fear. Tell us in the comments how you tried to change your look and what happened.


Change for the better is a way out of your comfort zone. Naturally, emotions and feelings such as fear, anxiety, worry, possibly anger and apathy will arise. Secondary difficulties will arise, for example, misunderstanding on the part of those who remained at your old level of development. It is possible that you will want to give up everything and retreat. At such moments, you need to remember the main goal. For what or who did you decide to change? Motivation must be very strong.

Change is both simple and difficult at the same time. Simply understanding what you want to change makes it a little more difficult to understand how to achieve the desired result, and even more difficult to achieve the goal and maintain the changes.

To make it easier, make a detailed plan. Don’t take on several tasks at once; break big goals into small subtasks. Read more about this in the article “Why I don’t finish things. How to learn to finish what you started - advice from a psychologist."

Dye your hair

With the help of hair coloring you can achieve a radical transformation of your appearance. But before you buy dye or go to a beauty salon, you need to decide on your future hair color. In this matter, you should not rely on fashion and stereotypes like “gentlemen prefer blondes” or “redheads are shameless.” It is important to understand which color is right for you. This is best done using a system of 12 color types.

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Getting rid of timidity

What does it mean to change your image? This means you want to get rid of the past, show interest in yourself, attract positive attention, and arouse sympathy. For a woman to completely change herself, it will take a lot of courage and audacity.

Open up to the world from the other side and don’t regret anything. Psychologists advise making changes in your life more often, sometimes radical. Changing your hairstyle, style, and makeup relieves depression, everything sad and frozen.

It has been proven that changing a habitual and boring image can turn a person’s life for the better. Many managed to rise in their careers, experience good changes in their personal lives, and become more self-confident.

Changing your appearance is just the beginning; it is important to change your inner world. To do this, you need to develop your intellect and pay more attention to spiritual perfection.


By the way, shoes directly affect your posture. If you have never worn shoes or boots with heels, be sure to try them! And after this you will definitely fall in love with these shoes forever! Thanks to the heel, your figure transforms instantly! The back, again, straightens, the stomach becomes smaller, and the legs are longer and slimmer.

Read also - 8 tips for buying comfortable shoes with heels

However, there is a “BUT!” here too. Shoes with heels should be comfortable. If this is not so, then you will no longer have time for long legs and no longer have time for a straight back. You should start slowly, that is, first take a heel 5-7 cm high, and after that gradually move to 9 cm and higher.

Also, in terms of shoes, you can change the shape itself, and not just the heel. For example, if you have never worn pumps or, conversely, slip-ons, be sure to try them. Nowadays, it's fashionable to wear sports shoes with dresses, so don't worry about not looking feminine in sneakers.


Give volume to lips

Several filters in the Snapchat app can make your lips look fuller. In reality, this can be achieved using the same injections of hyaluronic acid - the effect will last from six months to two years. But if the patient is not ready for drastic changes, then you can try on new lips using Botox. You only need 3-4 units, and the effect will last no more than three months.

You just need to keep in mind that Botox, unlike hyaluronic acid, is not suitable for those with asymmetrical or naturally narrow lips.

Possible risks of Botox injections

Only highly qualified doctors in a clinic or medical center can perform such procedures. Otherwise, the patient may experience such an unpleasant side effect as asymmetry. It must be remembered that Botox blocks muscles, so an overdose of it can lead to drooping eyelids, a crooked smile, a frozen forehead and other lifeless parts of the face. Working with a syringe around the eyes is considered especially difficult: due to the large number of vessels, nerve endings and arteries, an injection can lead to blindness and even death. Also, before undergoing facial contouring, a good doctor should give advice.

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