Alarm signal: how to cope with panic attacks

Many people have experienced panic attacks at least once, and if this is an isolated case, then there is no harm to health and social activity. If panic occurs regularly, attacks cause a lot of problems. It is generally accepted that the cause of a panic attack is a suppressed reaction to stress. There are three ways for the body to respond to stress, to a threat - to fight, run away or hide, freeze. This applies to all living beings, but for humans, due to social norms, certain upbringing, and other restrictions, it is not always possible to respond to a threat. Panic attacks, by their origin, have a chain of causes; psychotherapy allows you to understand them, and some techniques help you control your condition. In fact, a panic attack is a reaction of fear when there is no real threat. Various phobias can manifest themselves not only by avoidance of certain situations or actions, but also in the form of panic attacks. Psychotherapists, together with the patient, treat panic attacks with the help of medications, psychotherapy, and special training.

What does a panic attack mean and what are its symptoms?

The classic definition says that a panic attack is a spontaneous attack accompanied by anxiety. Most often, panic attacks appear after frequent stressful conditions. We must understand that a state of panic is common to people, if there are reasons, but a panic attack is characterized by suddenness. A person experiences fear, incomprehensible anxiety, panic, horror for no reason. Biologically, a large amount of adrenaline enters the blood, and the attack lasts from one minute to forty.

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How do you know if you or a loved one may be having a panic attack? Let's look at the main symptoms of this disease.


Perhaps the most famous plant-based sedative with a sedative effect. Novo-Passit is often prescribed for panic attacks. The drug has antidepressant and anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effects. And although the instructions for the drug do not indicate that it treats panic attacks, Novo-Passit copes well with anxiety, fears, obsessive states and irritability. If panic attacks are severe, the medicine will help little, but in combination with anxiolytics and antidepressants it will work perfectly. You can buy Novo-Passit without a prescription; the medicine is sold both in tablets and in liquid form.

IVEX Pharmaceuticals, Czech Republic; Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Germany

Novo-passit is a combination drug, the pharmacological activity of which is due to its constituent components of an extract based on medicinal plant raw materials with a predominantly sedative (calming) effect and guaifenesin, which has an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effect.
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Symptoms of a panic attack

A person in this state experiences an uncontrollable attack of fear. It is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • Cold sweat
  • An attack of panic or anxiety
  • Migraine
  • Blackout
  • It starts to get dark in the eyes
  • It becomes difficult to breathe
  • Limbs begin to tremble

Let's look at panic attacks from the physiological side.

After a person experiences stress, our body reacts to it. The first reaction: release adrenaline into the blood. Next, the blood vessels decrease, breathing becomes more intense, and the heartbeat accelerates. The result is hyperventilation of the lungs. There is a rapid accumulation of lactic acid in muscle tissue. Pain appears in the body. And all this together tells the brain that the body has just experienced stress.

Next, our body understands that it has just experienced a state of stress, but such a state was not obtained without a reason, as a result the body reacts with a panic attack. It must be said that people who are not susceptible to panic attacks react differently to minimal stress.

If you experience panic, fear, or anxiety before an event, such as a job interview, a final exam, a public speech, an important conversation with a loved one, or other similar events, then this is normal. This is a natural reaction of the body and nervous system before a significant event in your life.

But if you or a loved one is experiencing all of the above symptoms without a compelling reason or a threat to life, then it may very well be a panic attack.

“Do you suspect yourself or someone close to you is having a panic attack?

Get a consultation at the psychiatric department of the KORSAKOV clinic."

How to treat?

If attacks occur more than two or three times a month, you should consider visiting a psychotherapist. This visit will not have any consequences in the form of registration.

A combination of psychotherapy and medication is used to treat panic disorder. In the first stages, the doctor usually prescribes sedatives and antidepressants that reduce anxiety and calm the nervous system. Such medications have a cumulative effect, the effect begins on the third or fourth day of use, the result lasts for more than seven days.

But the main work begins later, with a psychotherapist. The main cause of panic disorder is psychological conflicts that do not find a way out. And they are unconscious, and therefore cannot be resolved by a person for some reason. That’s when the psychotherapist helps the person bring the conflict to the surface and work through the situation.

Causes of panic attacks

The causes of panic attacks are now being actively studied by medicine. As a rule, an attack of uncontrollable panic occurs in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia, and this phenomenon can also be inherited. People who have suffered from any mental illness or have been in a state of prolonged stress for a long time are also at risk and are susceptible to panic attacks.

It must be said that attacks can occur suddenly, but external irritants can also lead to panic attacks. If a person has had heart surgery, a stroke, or changes in hormonal levels, then he is at risk.

Causes of panic attacks in women

We would like to highlight separately the female body and its inherent causes for panic attacks. Changes in hormonal levels as a result of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause negatively affect women's health. If external factors are superimposed on this, then very often a woman cannot cope with general stress, and panic attacks begin.

Causes of panic attacks in adults

Certain types of people are at risk for panic attacks. From our practice, we want to highlight the following groups of working age: workaholics, overly responsible people experiencing highly emotional stress. Also, if a person experiences highly intense physical or intellectual stress, the body reacts with stress and the risk of panic attacks increases.

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Why is it better to consult a doctor?

First, treating withdrawal symptoms is a complex procedure involving the use of medications.

Secondly, withdrawal symptoms can mask the first signs of dangerous diseases caused by alcoholism. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. The specialist will also tell you whether hospitalization is needed or whether all procedures can be carried out at home.

Thirdly, as a result of prolonged alcohol consumption, a person very often develops a mental disorder. Only a doctor can cope with a patient’s psychotic conditions, especially with withdrawal syndrome.

And most importantly: lack of professional diagnosis and treatment can lead to death. Don’t put off contacting a specialist in the hope that everything will go away on its own.

What to do during panic attacks

It is important to provide proper assistance for this condition. If you understand that you are susceptible to panic attacks, or there is such a person among your friends, then you should know how to act when a panic attack occurs.

First aid for a panic attack

If you observe symptoms in a loved one that are similar to what we have, or the person himself knows when this condition begins and asks for help, it is necessary to provide assistance. Take the person outside so they have access to oxygen. If this is not possible, open the windows and fill the room with fresh air. Support the person: talk, ask about his well-being, it is important to speak in a calm, soft and measured voice. A tactile sign of attention is also important: hug the person or take his hand.

If you yourself are prone to attacks, then you need to know both self-help methods and measures to prevent attacks.

Preventing panic attacks

If you realize that you are having panic attacks, you should make a list of actions that will help you regain a sense of calm.

Switch your attention. You understand what causes a panic attack, learn to switch and not think about the event that caused it. To do this, learn to control your condition.

Concentrate on some subject. Select any object or its detail in the environment. Carefully study the selected object, try to notice all the details that it consists of. Focusing on details will help restore clarity of thinking.

How does a hangover syndrome differ from withdrawal symptoms?

Very often people confuse withdrawal symptoms and hangovers. A hangover is the body’s reaction to alcohol intoxication. With any poisoning, the body reacts with similar symptoms: nausea, vomiting, dehydration, headache, dry mouth, weakness, lack of appetite. When you have a hangover, you don’t even want to look at alcohol. The body recovers within 24 hours even without medical assistance.

With withdrawal symptoms, the symptoms are much more severe. There is a threat to human life and health. A person needs serious drug treatment help.

It is important to understand that alcohol withdrawal symptoms are just the tip of the iceberg. And even after treating withdrawal symptoms, the addiction will not go away. Alcoholism develops for genetic and psychological reasons, and alcohol withdrawal is one of the consequences of alcohol addiction, but not the cause. Without comprehensive professional treatment, a person will sooner or later die from concomitant diseases or disorders of the body caused by alcohol.

The IMC Addiction By Yuzapolsky clinic has been treating alcohol addiction for more than 20 years. A team of professionals in the field of addiction and psychopharmacology will help you get rid of your addiction once and for all.

With severe withdrawal symptoms, treatment begins with a relief procedure. Our specialists visit your home. Treatment is possible both at home and in a hospital setting. The final decision is made by the doctor after a complete diagnosis of the patient.

We work not only with the consequences of alcoholism, but with the causes of pathological addiction to alcohol. Complex treatment includes genetic analysis, which determines disorders of neurotransmitter metabolism. It is the lack of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin that pushes a person to drink alcohol again and again. We solve this problem by selecting a complex of biomolecular additives that normalize the emotional background and reduce cravings for alcohol.

Then psychotherapeutic work occurs. Neurocognitive therapy helps to identify the psychological causes of craving for alcohol. After this, the patient and therapist work on changing internal attitudes and internal motivation.

The treatment process takes place in the comfortable conditions of a premium clinic. 24-hour service, personal consultant, original cuisine, medical and psychological support. Patients live in luxury apartments. The mansion has a swimming pool, hammam, massage and aromatherapy rooms.

Treatment of panic attacks

Panic attacks are treated with medications or psychotherapy. We will tell you about effective treatment methods.

Drug treatment

The goal of the method is to relieve a panic attack and control future attacks.

There are many medications to relieve a panic attack and control the body. Any medications are prescribed by an experienced doctor (psychotherapist or psychiatrist). Under no circumstances try to select a drug on your own; consult a specialist. When selecting a drug, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient and predicts possible side effects, based on this the drug is selected. Tell the specialist in advance about your individual intolerance to substances (if you have already encountered this) and about your lifestyle (when you drive, do you play sports, when do you fall asleep and what time do you get up).

Psychotherapeutic treatment

In psychotherapy it is necessary to identify the cause. The doctor must determine why the panic attack occurs. The psychotherapist diagnoses the patient and, based on this, selects the necessary treatment method. Let's talk about each method in more detail.

Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy

With this method, the therapist teaches the patient to control his thoughts. The patient learns to understand the conditions and factors that cause anxiety. Together with the doctor, the patient understands his lifestyle and rhythm of life and work begins to regain a state of control. The course is discussed with the attending physician individually. The goal of therapy is to establish control over the patient’s emotional background.


During psychoanalysis, it is necessary to find what factors influenced the occurrence of panic attacks. This could be a change of place of residence, conflicts in the family, a hidden feeling of resentment, problems from childhood, a feeling of guilt towards a loved one, etc. After establishing the true factor, the doctor explains to the patient how to correctly look for a solution to the problem.

Classic hypnosis

Used as a means of therapy. It must be said that hypnosis is not suitable for all patients due to the fact that it simply does not work on some. A relatively quick method of therapy, the doctor makes certain settings for the patient, which require several sessions.

Ericksonian hypnosis

Suitable for almost all patients. The doctor draws the patient’s attention to his internal experiences, and then directs him to the necessary solutions to problems. During the procedure, the patient communicates with the doctor and communicates with the doctor.

Family psychotherapy

There is joint work with family members: the therapist talks about the patient’s experience to his family members. A list of recommendations to support the patient is jointly developed. Problems that have arisen in the family are considered and ways to solve them are proposed. The patient is treated as part of the family.

Gestalt therapy

With this method, the attending physician looks for imbalances in the person. Moreover, this balance is considered as a set of human needs. The psychotherapist looks for what needs have been denied, communicates with the patient and offers a solution. To restore balance, a person must satisfy his needs in life.

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Treatments at home

The best treatment at home is to call a doctor. But people are in no hurry to turn to professionals for several reasons:

  • Alcoholism is shameful. No, I'm not ashamed. This is a pathological addiction, a disease, and not a problem of upbringing, lack of moral values, or a conscious choice of an alcoholic.
  • Confidentiality. Due to social stigma, people are afraid that others will find out about their sensitive problem. All narcologist services are 100% anonymous, and there is medical confidentiality.
  • I can handle it myself, I'm not a weakling. The fact is that the presence or absence of withdrawal symptoms cannot be controlled. It depends on the body’s resources and the stage of alcohol addiction.

However, in case of withdrawal syndrome at the initial stage, before the doctor arrives, you can support the body with some medications.


  • Vitamin C
  • Preparations of motherwort, valerian, Novopassit
  • Nootropics
  • Activated carbon or Enterosgel
  • Analgesics for severe headache or muscle pain

Self-treatment errors:

  1. Hot bath, sauna, bathhouse. There is a myth that this method is suitable for relieving withdrawal symptoms. The danger is that the heart may simply not withstand the load and the person will die.
  2. Using prescription drugs without a doctor's recommendation. This includes sedatives, diuretics, and psychotropic medications. Even if you have them in your medicine cabinet, this does not mean that you can take them after reading an article on the Internet. Remember that only a doctor can make a diagnosis.

Useful tips from a medical psychotherapist

To reduce the frequency of panic attacks and get rid of it, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Do not overload the nervous system, avoid overexertion and irritating factors. Meditate, learn the described breathing exercises. Work on your irritating factors, learn to restrain and control them. Work on concentration in psychotherapy sessions.

Watch your diet: do not consume sweets and coffee in large quantities. Don't eat fast food. Do not spoil your nervous system with alcohol, cigarettes and energy drinks. Stop eating before bed, don't overeat. Move more, choose a light sports activity for yourself.

If you feel that you cannot cope with panic attacks on your own, make an appointment with a psychotherapist; this is not something to be embarrassed about.

How often do you or your loved ones experience panic attacks? How do you deal with them? If the attacks progress or do not subside, get a consultation at the psychiatric department of the KORSAKOV clinic.


Atarax is prescribed for the treatment of anxiety, disorders of the nervous system, including the treatment of panic attacks. The active ingredient of Atarax is hydroxyzine. The undoubted advantage of the medicine is its rapid action: Atarax reduces the level of fear, muscle tension, and has a mild antispasmodic effect. Anti-panic pills normalize sleep and improve mood. Atarax should be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

USB Pharma, Italy

Adults: to relieve anxiety, psychomotor agitation, feelings of internal tension, increased irritability in neurological, mental (including generalized anxiety, adaptation disorders) and somatic diseases, chronic alcoholism;
withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism, accompanied by psychomotor agitation; as a sedative during premedication; skin itching (as symptomatic therapy). from 100


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This is a first-generation tranquilizer, the active substance of which is bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine. "Phenazepam" has anxiolytic and sedative-hypnotic effects, reduces convulsive activity. Many doctors prescribe Phenazepam for panic attacks. The drug is quite serious and often copes with problems that are beyond the power of modern means. “Phenazepam” has a considerable list of “side effects” and there is a risk of addiction, so it should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor. Phenazepam can be taken once to quickly relieve panic attacks. It is convenient that the tablet does not need to be washed down with water, but rather placed under the tongue until completely dissolved.

PJSC Valenta Pharm, Russia; Novosibkhimpharm OJSC, Russia

Anxiolytic drug (tranquilizer) of the benzodiazepine series.
It has anxiolytic, sedative-hypnotic, anticonvulsant and central muscle relaxant effects. from 83

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This antidepressant is considered the mildest, most delicate and has virtually no side effects. Azafen is prescribed for mild to moderate panic attacks and anxiety. The active ingredient of Azafen is pipofezin hydrochloride monohydrate. And although this is a good drug with a minimum of side effects, it can not help all panic sufferers. The cost of Azafen is low; you first need to take it one tablet a day, gradually increasing the dosage under the supervision of a doctor. You can buy pills for panic attacks only with a prescription, and reviews about them are mostly positive.

STADA CIS, Russia; Makiz-Pharma LLC, Russia; Hemofarm, Serbia

Azafen is a tricyclic antidepressant from the group of non-selective inhibitors of neuronal monoamine uptake.
Used for: Depressive disorders of mild to moderate severity (including depressive states in chronic somatic diseases). from 169

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