The guy doesn't want me: characteristics of attraction, advice from psychologists
September 6, 2019 Psychology of relationships Maria Kravets For a woman to refuse sex to a man -
Anxiety and depressive disorders in women
The prevalence of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is 6%. Median age of onset of disease – 31
Distribution of morbidity in children of the main and control groups by nosological forms
Definition and meaning of colors in psychology according to Luscher
Psychology of Color It is worth talking about the meaning of colors in psychology. The facts are well known
A man averts his eyes when talking, loves or lies
He catches my eye. Why do men look into women's eyes?
The eyes are called the mirror of the soul. This is true, because gaze is the most important part of human communication.
Symbolism of pink
What do flowers “say” and how to choose the right bouquet? Infographics
How did the language of flowers appear? The language of flowers was born in the East, where women were forbidden to communicate with
Tuberous sclerosis: about the disease and its treatment
Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects the spinal cord and brain, causing
signs husband doesn't love wife
How to behave if a man moves away: what to do, which women are not abandoned
Unfortunately, there are times in life when a man rejects a woman, despite the fact that
Brain diseases
Crown in the head: SARS-CoV-2 can cause brain necrosis
The brain is the main organ of the central nervous system. It consists of more than 35
A man in a suit holds a bitcoin in his hand
The art of persuasion: 7 secrets of a negotiator and hostage rescue specialist
Don't be honest Directness and honesty are wonderful qualities. But if you use them
Fairy tales
Fairytale therapy as a method of psychocorrectional work with children of preschool and primary school age
Fairy tale therapy: theory and practical application How does fairy tale therapy work? Fairytale therapy is designed to help the child concentrate on
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