A man's body language: how to understand that he likes you?

Men's body language often plays a much larger role than the words themselves. Remember the era of silent films. The actors did a great job without long dialogues in order to cheer up the viewer or make him shed more than one tear.

A look, sexual gestures, facial expressions or even body position - all this can convey your intentions, emotions and inner state better than any words.

The proof is provided by the observations of the American psychologist Albert Meyerabian, who divided the perception of the interlocutor into three groups, giving each a percentage of significance.

1) Body language - 55% 2) Delivery of words (intonation, timbre) - 38% 3) Meaning of what was said - 7%

As you can see, if you speak complete nonsense in a conversation with a man, but do it beautifully and sophisticatedly, you can make a very good impression. As many as 93% of his thoughts will be in the spirit of “she’s okay” and “what a nice girl.”

But now we will not comprehend the art of charming facial expressions and non-verbal gestures. Instead, we will analyze male body language, namely, we will determine the signs of his love or extreme interest in you.

Male body language - eyes

A man's body language is much more economical than that of women.
For guys, you should watch not so much their facial expressions as the expression of their eyes and the size of their pupils. Often, the movement of the eyeballs can say more than the most beautiful gestures and words. Human eye signals are unconditioned reflexes. Signals of this type include, for example, the dilation of the pupils every time the object of the guy’s sighs comes into view. This is a natural reaction of the body, aimed at the possibility of more accurate observation of a woman. Dilation of the pupils is also accompanied by an acceleration of the heart rate. So if you notice this phenomenon in men, it may be a sign that your presence is causing his heart palpitations.

Often a man's eyes say more than the words he speaks. Pay attention to whether the man maintains eye contact and whether he pays attention to your mouth. If he looks from one to the other, most likely he is thinking about a kiss.

The expression of the eyes also says a lot about the feelings that a man’s heart hides. Often, small, almost imperceptible wrinkles appear around the eyes of a man in love, looking at the object of his love. The eyes may appear more cheerful or a little vacant, depending on the situation and the method of communication.

The eye signals of a man interested in a woman almost always reflect his intentions. Men are visual creatures, so if they are interested in a particular person, most often they will just look at it a lot and often. This is the first signal that he is interested in a particular woman. However, it is worth remembering that signals from a man’s eyes alone are not enough to determine his intentions. To get the correct interpretation, it is advisable to pay attention to facial expressions, hand function and posture.

The first signs of falling in love in men

If you think this cute guy has a crush on you, let's find out for sure. The following features in his behavior will help you recognize a person in love:

  1. In a man’s character, his main trait becomes more noticeable: the shy ones become even more lost, the active ones turn into overly emotional ones.
  2. The guy listens carefully to everything the girl says. He doesn’t just nod his head and pretend to be polite, but is actually interested in the story of his interlocutor.
  3. A man likes to spend time with you when you go on a long shopping spree, to a boring establishment, or just stand in line.
  4. The guy is interested in your opinion about the choice of clothes, gadgets and any other things, although you don’t understand this at all.
  5. A man in love treats you with respect, he does not want to offend you and apologizes if something is wrong.
  6. Interest develops into increased attention to the girl. The man calls, writes, and offers to meet more often.
  7. A gentleman in love always takes care of the lady of his heart, tries to behave with dignity, and create a positive image for himself. He will never disappear into the unknown without warning, he will always be in touch.
  8. The guy will not mind the girl coming to him; most likely, he will put aside all his affairs for her sake. A fan will never refuse help.

A man in love can exhibit various verbal and non-verbal signs. Behavior depends on the upbringing and personal qualities of the individual, but if several points are observed, this is a reason to suspect him of feelings for you.

Male body language - body position

A man's body language says a lot about his intentions. The simplest signal transmitted through a man's body language is the expansion of his legs in a sitting position. This indicates that he would like to be noticed, that he is important, commands respect, and needs a lot of space. Often this position adds courage and self-confidence to a man, and should also attract the attention of women to him. Unfortunately, it also indicates an insane ego and an overly high opinion of oneself.

A man's body language signals also indicate how close he is to you. If during a conversation he takes a rigidly upright position or recoils slightly back, he may be distancing himself from you. However, if he leans forward a little when the circumstances do not require it (for example, noise), this may mean that he wants to be closer to you. This method is also used in the case of manipulation, when a person wants to convince you of his opinion, so you should also pay attention to the expression of the eyes and the general expression of the face.

Moving lower

Although a man's head can best tell us about secret sympathy or love, the rest of the body also has several curious manifestations of nascent feelings.

1) Shoulders and chest

A technique that is popular not only among people but also among many animals, especially birds. Remember how peacocks, roosters or parrots inflate their chests in order to appear larger and more dangerous in the eyes of their enemies and, above all, females.

Do you think men have come far from such tricks? A protruding chest, a straight back and unusually broad shoulders are signs of a real male!

The main thing is that your boyfriend does not overdo it and does not cause a fit of uncontrollable laughter instead of delight. A man's gestures when he is in love very often go beyond what is acceptable.

2) Belly

Well, with this part of the body in men, everything is either good or bad - it’s all about the dice.

Owners of a beer belly will try to pull in their dignity in order to look better in the eyes of the ladies, lucky ones with abs will try to flash their six-pack in front of you on the beach or in the gym.

And finally, men without any special achievements in the abdominal area will simply try to focus less attention on it, feeling guilty for not paying due attention to the abs at one time.

3) Hands

First of all, the man's gesticulation is obviously activated. He will want to tell everything as interesting and exciting as possible, which will require all the techniques of his body.

Also, his hands will try to touch you, hug or stroke you as unobtrusively as possible. If your communication is not so close, a man may limit himself to simply approaching you and entering your comfort zone.

For almost all men, hands have a special meaning, because they contain their strength. Having sculpted biceps, your interlocutor will strain them from time to time and take poses in which his achievements in the gym will be clearly visible to you.

4) Legs

This part of the body can tell you a lot about your man's character. Firmly and confidently, like a monolith, the interlocutor standing on his feet speaks of seriousness and determination with his whole appearance.

A man dancing and stepping from foot to foot shows with his movements either uncertainty and frivolity of intentions, or a cheerful and playful mood. But it’s unlikely that he sees a hint of seriousness in your communication.

Also take a look at how wide the man spread his legs. This, like the protruding chest, speaks of his self-confidence.

Watch men on the subway or on the bus. Sometimes their self-confidence is so great that they occupy two or even three places at the same time.

It's funny, but in 2021, the Madrid authorities officially banned men from spreading their legs wide on public transport, so as not to cause discomfort to other passengers.

Male body language - gestures

A man's body signals, expressed excessively or too sparingly, say a lot about what he thinks about his interlocutor. It is also important that they perform more or less conscious movements in the company of the person with whom they were fascinated.

Often a man's body language indicates his nervousness, as well as his desire to make a good impression on a woman. Such signals include, for example, excessive sweating of the hands, constant smoothing of the hair, or touching the face. A man wants to make sure that he looks the part, so he often even unconsciously performs gestures aimed at establishing this opinion.

Another of the signals that a man conveys through body language is the search for opportunities for physical contact. Casual touching, holding hands, or brushing hair away from the face can be a sign that a man desires the woman's intimacy. It's worth paying attention to how often he touches this particular woman, because it could be a coincidence.

What not to do

When you had to calculate a man’s sympathy by the non-verbal behavior of a lover, it means that he is in no hurry to show his feelings, so you need to act correctly:

  1. The girl’s strong desire to bring her admirer to light leads to active actions, an attempt through friends and mutual acquaintances to verify his feelings. It is also unacceptable to discuss your suspicions with strangers; this will lead to the loss of your secret admirer.
  2. Proceed with caution. The shy hero-lover cannot decide to take the plunge and confess his feelings to you, because he is afraid of being rejected. But the girl should not force things too much, but delicately hint that she is ready for a new relationship.
  3. There is an assumption that jealousy will push him to take active steps, but this way you can only push him away.
  4. There is a possibility that the guy is not feeling the love he expected. Maybe he is just a sociable, temperamental person and constantly worries.

Women want to believe that an interested man immediately begins to come up with a plan to conquer his beloved, but in life everything is far from being so. A guy may hide his feelings not only because he is shy, but simply because he is afraid of competition or because he was disappointed in a previous relationship. Each person has his own character and ideas about relationships, so non-verbal signs will help you recognize a man in love. And then follow your heart.

Male body language - facial expressions

A man's body language and his desires consist several percent of facial expressions. Men express strong emotions sparingly, but they are not able to hide everything.

When observing a man's body language, it is worth paying attention to how often he smiles and how he does it. Guys don't smile every day for no apparent reason, so it's worth paying attention to this type of facial expression. In addition, if he has at least a slight smile on his lips most of the time he talks to a woman, then he is probably interested in her. A man's body language thus conveys information that he has friendly intentions and that the other person is important to him.

Another sign of interest in a woman is slight changes in a man’s facial expressions. His body language indicates the appearance of his love interest with a slight, approximately 3-second raised eyebrow. This is a completely subconscious reaction aimed at opening the eyes in order to get a better look at the woman. Another subtle signal of interest in a particular person is a gentle fluttering or widening of the nostrils. Movement of the nostrils or ears can be a sign that a man is feeling tense in the presence of a woman. This can be a sign of both interest and fear.

How a woman should behave

Not everyone knows how to behave if a guy shows signs of sympathy. The main thing is to decide what you want. If you like a man, you can let him know that the feelings are mutual. Smile back, keep up the conversation, sometimes be weak and allow him to look after you.

Sometimes psychologists advise asking a man directly about his feelings. But still, you shouldn’t take this step if you have only recently met the guy. Firstly, the young man may be put off by assertiveness, and secondly, you could be mistaken. For example, accept signs of attention addressed to your friend. Get to know the person better so you can understand them correctly.

If you don't feel the same way, gently make it clear.

Gently move away from the guy’s touches, break long eye contact, and remain aloof in a friendly manner. He will understand everything, because not only women understand non-verbal gestures.

To read people like an open book and understand them better, be more attentive to nonverbal communication. With its help, you can not only find out whether a man likes you, but also send him a “return signal”. Remember the non-verbal gestures of a man towards the woman he likes and you will be fully armed.


Male body language - arms and legs

A man's body language is much easier to read when you know the basic rules regarding subconscious body gestures. If a guy crosses his legs or crosses them at the ankles, he probably feels insecure or awkward in society. This is a position of protection from the world.

A man’s body can transmit similar signals using his hands. If a man crosses his arms across his chest and also leans back, he probably feels bad and wants to distance himself from the situation in which he finds himself. If, in turn, his hands are folded on a table or on his knees and extended towards the woman, this may mean that he is interested.

What matters is how a man shows his hands. If he reveals the inside of his wrist, he probably wants to tell the woman that he can be trusted and has no bad intentions. Showing the outer part of his hand throughout the conversation suggests that he may have something to hide.

Interpretation of touch

The language of a man’s touch is very simple and, as a rule, easy to decipher and recognize. Nonverbal sexual signals of men are similar for all nationalities and help to navigate well when it is impossible to establish verbal contact or when you have a suspicion that they are telling you a lie.

Sexual signals of the first level are light flirting, when a man is just looking at his partner. The interpretation of touch brings into this category such non-verbal gestures as straightening the hair in women and sucking in the stomach in men. The main goal is to attract and fix the partner’s attention on your person.

You can use a separate column to highlight the pose of the person who wants to attract your attention. Even outwardly, the man begins to appear taller, significant, his back straightens, his shoulders rise and spread to the side, his whole appearance seems to say: “I am the most beautiful, presentable and worthy of attention.”

We are talking about unconscious impulses without specific intentions. If the relationship develops, it makes sense to study the interpretation of touch: second-level sexual signals.

You will notice how the man gradually reduces the distance and strives to get as close as possible. His voice becomes louder than usual, the interlocutor laughs excessively loudly, and actively reacts to every word you say.

His posture also changes: the man tries to either spread his legs wider (seduction is a real battle with providence, so he needs to stand firmly on his feet), or, on the contrary, demonstrates outright relaxation and imposingness.

The big picture8

Well, now, having collected all the pieces of the puzzle into the overall picture, you can see the image of the “conqueror”.

He stands quite relaxed, carries on a conversation with friends, lazily glances at the people around him. As soon as an interesting object looms on the horizon, the man straightens up and fixes his eyes. First, a quick glance, then preening and arranging feathers, then hands on the belt with thumbs, feet shoulder-width apart and, voila, you can smile approvingly and invitingly at this macho: suddenly he is destiny.

Bent like a bow. Stretch like a string3

A man who is interested in a woman will either bend his shoulders slightly to be ready to instantly begin moving towards the object, or, conversely, straighten them as much as possible to become taller and wider. Again: a demonstration of size and the desire to become much more noticeable among others. In addition, a straight back works like a fuse. It tightens your abs, tightens your stomach, and makes your chest more prominent and wider.

“Hands on hips, shoulders wider”5

How does a male attract a female? That's right, a show of strength. It's the same with people. Of course, a man will not run to uproot trees and bend radiators, but he must show strength. Your arms, or rather your biceps, will come to the rescue. The man will put his hands in a position where the muscles will be as visible as possible. Either he will cross them over his chest or place them on his hips. But there is one more gesture: thumbs on the belt.

Then the hands are seductively positioned in the genital area, forcing the woman to look precisely at the fly area. This is also natural behavior. Pure instincts, and nothing more. But the character who has his hands behind his back is uninteresting. And here's why: hands behind your back in a lock, a signal that a person needs support, rear.

Most likely, the lady's problem is utter mischief. It's not worth getting involved with someone like that. Although, upon closer acquaintance, it may turn out that the person occupies a leadership position, and bosses have a habit of putting their hands behind their backs, which has nothing to do with nonverbalism.

Stand “feet shoulder width apart”2

As soon as the man has identified the object of hunting, his posture takes on the most provocative and stable position. It doesn’t matter whether the man is standing or sitting. His legs will be wide apart. Firstly, it is a demonstration of confidence, and secondly, a hidden demonstration of the genitals. This is a purely instinctive position that is genetically determined.

There is one more nuance in the position of the legs: they can be extended towards the woman you like. Even if a man is suddenly familiar with non-verbal speech and tries to take an indifferent pose, it is difficult to control the direction of the toe of one foot towards an interesting lady.

Coordinates in space6

A man who has chosen a lady from the crowd will always occupy a certain position in space. During the tracking process, he will try to take the “Back – Wall” position. Then his interlocutors will calmly carry on the conversation, and he will observe. This way it’s more convenient for him to cover the entire space with his gaze and not spin around like a top if his lady suddenly decides to be behind him.

As a man draws conclusions about the attractiveness of an object, a sign that the choice fell on this woman will be constant approaching her. This gives the man a feeling of control, closeness and convenience of capturing the victim, and possessive instincts are triggered. In addition, he needs to expand his zone of influence as much as possible, because other males may also lay claim to the same lady, and if he is somewhere out of sight, then there is a risk of simply going unnoticed.

From head to toe

The first thing that shows a man's interest in a woman is his gaze. He drills his eyes, clings to the smallest details, lingering on them. In the most attractive places, the gaze becomes harder, the color of the iris darkens. The man does not look at individual parts of the body, and does not even try to hide the direction. It glides over the entire body from head to toe. At the same time, the woman may feel naked, because at this moment the man is simply undressing his victim.

The look is emotionally colored in such a way that the start of the hunt can be felt a mile away. And from the outside it is clearly visible that the woman is under close attention. It is almost impossible to make a mistake at this moment. The psychology of men is such that they strive to please one particular woman, but the whole group of girlfriends. He targets his lady and never lets go of her the entire time.

The position of the head is also characteristic. She leans forward and to the side slightly. The gaze becomes sullen, the posture is somewhat wary and even threatening. But as soon as the man threw back his head and showed his face open, it becomes clear that his choice is over.

Plumage demonstration4

This behavior is common to both men and women. And if preening is a natural process for women and no one pays attention to it, then for a man these manipulations are very noticeable.

These include such things as: tightening a tie, straightening a jacket or jumper, pulling a collar, smoothing hair, and not brushing aside bangs with the palm of your hand, this could be a habit, namely smoothing, shaking a watch bracelet, unbuttoning or vice versa fixing a jacket button. There may be many more such movements on the list, and all of them indicate a man’s interest in a woman.

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