The concept and essence of professional self-determination

Professional self-determination is a conscious choice of the direction of work activity. It is important that it is carried out with an understanding of responsibility for the implementation of the intended path. Choosing a profession is a dynamic and multi-stage process. To make work an enjoyable part of life, you should regularly analyze your actions and results. If subtotals signal that it is time for change, they cannot be ignored.

You should not rush to interpret the feeling of the need to change your field of activity as your own weakness or temporary whim. Living conditions change from time to time. We reflect, reconsider goals - all these are integral components of a fulfilling life.

The essence of professional self-determination

A professor at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University managed to succinctly define the foundations of professional self-determination. N. Lomonosov to S. Pryazhnikov. In his understanding, they represent a search for personal meaning in the chosen and mastered specialty. This once again emphasizes that without a favorite thing in life it is difficult to develop holistically.

Professional self-determination has a number of functions:

  • Holistic awareness of individual mental and physical characteristics.
  • Analysis and knowledge of one’s personal characteristics (personality psychology).
  • Acceptance of the current socio-economic living conditions.
  • Studying different types of activities, comparing them, choosing a place in society.
  • Mastering your chosen profession. Formation of subjective criteria for assessing oneself as a specialist.

It is also important to study the structure of professional self-determination. There are many theoretical variations of it, but in practice it is often customary to use the development of E. A. Klimov based on the ideas of the outstanding Soviet psychologist S. L. Rubinstein. This model of professional self-determination allows us to decompose the process into three planes and clearly demonstrate the value of successful career guidance, as well as its dependence on personality characteristics.

It includes the following components:

  • "Can". This part reflects inclinations, abilities, skills, abilities, character traits and behavior.
  • "Want". Includes desires, internal needs, motives, values ​​and ideals.

There is also “Should”. These are external requirements determined by social trends and put forward to a person.

Professional self-determination of students

A person first gets acquainted with work in preschool age. Developing motor coordination and fine motor skills requires a lot of effort from kids. Gradually they realize that to achieve what they want they need to take action.

In primary school this understanding is strengthened. For this purpose, different forms of activity are used - gaming, educational and direct work. Also during this period, an acquaintance with social roles and common features of different specialties occurs.

Professional self-determination of adolescents occurs in grades 5-7. At this time, schoolchildren can already explain why one profession attracts them more than others. They are also ready to describe in detail the responsibilities and requirements that she puts forward.

Family and educational institutions play a huge role in the development of first labor skills and the formation of the image of various specialists. Maintaining interest in them largely depends on the willingness of teachers and parents to help understand different areas of life.

Professional self-determination of high school students

For the first time, high school students take serious steps in professional and personal self-determination. They begin to study the area of ​​interest in greater depth in electives and special preparatory courses. In order for their choice to be thoughtful, the older generation requires attentive attitude towards them.

During this period, full-fledged career guidance preparation and immersion in the environment of different professions are important. For this purpose, excursions and meetings with representatives of different specialties are organized.

The upcoming transition from the usual way of life at a desk to serious delving into the chosen field is a huge stress. It is important that teachers and psychologists prepare high school students for the upcoming changes. They should help in professional self-determination through educational lessons and individual conversations.

Great responsibility during this period also lies with the family members of future students. You should not deny young people conversations on topics that concern them, or impose your own opinion as the only correct one. Create an atmosphere of acceptance, trust, support. By doing this, you will help high school students be convinced of the opportunity to realize their own images of a bright future.

Stages of choosing a profession

Self-determination is a changeable state; the process does not stop at a certain age. A person chooses a profession that may cease to please after a few years. Then the individual needs to search for a new calling.

The following stages of self-determination are distinguished:

  • preschool (children);
  • teenage (or school);
  • youthful;
  • stage of growing up (or maturity)
  • retirement or senior period.

Each period of a person’s life is characterized by age characteristics and needs.

Younger age

The child’s behavior and choice are influenced by external factors, since at this stage (up to 10 years) personal judgment and a system of life principles have not been formed. Kids imitate their parents and older comrades. At a young age, the child is guided by the professions of his relatives, creating for himself an understanding of his future professional activities.

An additional criterion is getting good grades or praise from teachers.

Teenage stage

The period (10-15 years) is one of the key life milestones. The child understands and recognizes his own strengths and weaknesses.

A teenager differentiates between work he likes and work he does under duress (from parents, teachers).

There is a division of professions based on gender:

  • Boys are characterized by a desire for self-expression and self-affirmation;
  • girls choose activities related to fashion and pop.

Sexual division disappears in the next period of self-determination (from 16 to 23 years).

Youth stage

The turning point age is the period of leaving secondary school, when the question of professional self-determination arises. A teenager chooses between work and getting a specialized education at a university.

The choice in favor of education is made by those young people who have not decided on their future profession. The period is characterized by the destruction of the romanticized idea of ​​adult life and work. A person is forced to make decisions that affect his future existence. Often a teenager experiences disappointment in his choice and changes the area in which he wants to develop.

Maturity stage

This category includes people who have completed the education process and are only engaged in a career. An adult has experience and a place of work.

A mature personality shows social and professional activity, thinks about career growth and takes steps for development.

At this stage, the most important age is 30 years, since the problem of self-determination becomes extremely relevant. A person finally chooses a profession, changes the previous one, which can be accompanied by a long search for oneself and emotional burnout.

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Despite the difficulties of self-orientation, the “adult” stage is the most productive in life and ends at 65-70 years of age. Fatigue from the chosen job may appear after 30 years of activity.

Retirement stage

The period begins after 70 years. A person often does not fully realize his professional and personal potential, which causes depression, anxiety, and disappointment. The pensioner is faced with an assessment of his own life path, strives to realize himself in the personal and life sphere. The next stage of professional self-determination allows you to find a new field for activity or hobby.

Soviet cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin spoke about his profession and career in general: “You work well when you love your profession and are passionate about it.”

Professional self-determination at a young and mature age

The formation of an individual as a professional does not end with receiving a diploma of secondary specialized or higher education. After several years of stable work in a certain field, a reassessment of meanings and goals often occurs, which may result in a change in type of activity.

In psychology, this phenomenon was studied in detail by the famous psychologist E. F. Zeer. As the founder of the scientific school of personality development in a professional educational environment, he conducted a number of interesting studies. The results of many years of work have resulted in valuable conclusions:

  • At the age of 27-30, most people experience psychological discomfort associated with work. Any reason is considered valid and adequate for rethinking professional self-determination. Its results can be either a change of place of work or a radical change in occupation.
  • After 30 years, as well as with the onset of maturity, scientists note the most productive age in career terms. Thanks to the accumulated experience and strengthened self-confidence, a person begins to experience “professional optimism.” Fewer and fewer tasks seem impossible to achieve.

The only caution that researchers make is related to the phenomenon of destructive revision of life. To avoid it, it is important to notice not only mistakes and failures. You must be able to appreciate your work and highlight the slightest achievements.

Classification according to Klimov

The result of an individual’s professional self-determination is the decision made to choose a profession. E.A. Klimov proposed the following scheme:

  1. self-introduction and overview of the world of professions;
  2. identifying the limitations and opportunities that are associated with reality and dividing them into 3 degrees of significance: a) which must be taken into account, b) best taken into account, c) can be neglected;
  3. collecting data and information about the chosen specialty, including backup options, and, if necessary, re-clarification;
  4. thinking about options for mastering a profession;
  5. mental consideration of the parameters of a personal professional plan;
  6. final choice of profession.

Culture of professional self-determination

The public idea of ​​professional self-determination has undergone significant changes over the past two centuries. In the 20s of the last century, it was enough to simply get a job. In the 1940s, much attention was paid to assessing personality traits. For the first time, it was noted that taking them into account helps to establish the degree of professional suitability. After the 70s, society switched to the importance of an individual approach to choosing a specialty.

Nowadays, a special area is devoted to the study of professional self-determination of specialists - career guidance activities. Its main objectives are to help and support a person in self-determination. After the results of psychological and sociological research, it is difficult to deny that the development of society directly depends on the self-realization of each person.

How are self-determination and self-realization related?

We have already understood that self-determination, as an independent process, is a very important step in the process of formation and development of a person as an individual. But we must understand one more point: without self-determination there can be no self-realization of the individual! One follows from the other.

First, a person determines himself, and only then realizes himself.

Therefore, the process of professional, life and personal self-determination must be treated with high importance!

People who have decided and found their place in life become happy, successful and rich. And each of us strives for this!

Within the framework of this topic, I can tell you one very effective exercise!

At one time it helped me a lot. I'm sure it will help you too!

It's called "3to..."

Take a piece of paper and a pen. Make 3 columns and write 3 headings.

In the first, write to be, in the third, to made, in the second, to have.


Under each heading write one question:

- Who am I and who do I want to be? (professional self-determination);

- What is the purpose of my life and what do I want to contribute to society? (life self-determination);

— What personal qualities and resources should I have to achieve this goal? (personal self-determination).

You need to try to answer these 3 questions! On the one hand, doing this is simple, but on the other, it requires a lot of mental and mental work! Many spend their entire lives on this! Your task is to answer them as early as possible! This will allow you to self-determinate and begin to self-realize your inner potential!

As a result, your life will change 360 ​​degrees. I guarantee you this!

I wish you success in the process of self-determination!

The problem of professional self-determination of personality

The modern labor market is changing rapidly. This makes it difficult to choose a specialty. New professions are constantly appearing, and previously popular ones are greatly transformed or become a thing of the past.

When choosing a career path, everyone should be aware of the consequences of the decision. Therefore, you should not neglect analyzing the demand for your chosen specialty. To do this, it is worth studying its technologies, its significance in modern realities, and familiarizing itself with forecasts for the future. Losing the opportunity to work in your chosen profession is stress that will negatively affect a person’s entire life. Therefore, you should not succumb to illusions and make choices based on emotions.

Problems of personal and life self-determination

Since the first two types of self-determination - personal and life - strongly interact with each other, the problems of these processes are common. It is no secret that personality traits and characteristics are formed throughout life, from birth. Some typical personality problems go back to childhood. Here are some of them.

  • Everyone owes me / no one owes anyone anything

Adequate consciousness must be brought up from childhood within a clear framework of the relationship between duties and obligations. Relationships are built on the interconnection and balance of duty and responsibilities - they guide both a large society (the state), and a small one (for example, a family or a work team), and each individual. When this balance of duties and oughts is disturbed, problems arise.

Personal development and professional self-determination

Professional self-determination and holistic personal development are inextricably interconnected. On the one hand, successful work activity is the most important component of a person’s socialization, which greatly influences life satisfaction. The other side of the coin is that without continuous study of needs and comprehensive self-development, people cannot achieve success in the profession.

A. Maslow emphasized that a person’s self-actualization is directly determined by passion for work. When a person finds a place in society, it is easier for him to move towards his goals. His life is filled with meaning and positivity, and society gains another strong member capable of promoting progress.

Theories of self-orientation

A variety of approaches to studying the issue of professional self-determination has emerged due to social, cultural and historical differences between countries. Therefore, it is impossible to identify the only correct theory for choosing a future field.

Markova theory

The author of the psychological method of working self-determination, Aelita Markova, presents self-orientation as a process of determining and achieving the qualities necessary for becoming a professional.

The doctor of sciences divides the essence of labor education into three criteria:

  • obtaining knowledge and skills that shape the employee’s worldview;
  • interaction between student and teacher;
  • the desire and actions of the employee to master the profession.

Markova identifies 5 levels of improvement in specific activities:

  • pre-professionalism (does not have skills);
  • professionalism (stable work, compliance with requirements and performance standards);
  • super-professionalism (the limit of development of achievements, creative development of personality);
  • post-professionalism (does not work in the present, but achieved success earlier, becomes a mentor for less experienced workers).

The psychologist identifies a separate category, unprofessionalism, which is characterized by vigorous activity, which leads to incorrect work or degradation of the employee’s personality.

Super's theory

According to the concept of the American psychologist, personal professional self-determination and types of thinking when choosing a career must be considered as expressions of the self-concept (or ego theory, according to Freud’s tripartite structure of consciousness).

A theory is represented by each statement that a person seeks to tell. The subject's statements determine the personal working self-concept.

Professional self-determination according to Super can be achieved by analyzing several places of work (types of activity) according to the degree of attractiveness for a particular person.

A person chooses a profession that corresponds to his idea of ​​his own “I” and allows him to develop without damaging the Ego.

Holland's theory

Holland's theory indicates that each individual's abilities allow for only one calling. Professional choice is a conscious and rational process when a person, a high school student, independently identifies strengths and correlates them with the requirements of various professions.

Holland proposed a classification of personality types into six groups; the typology is popular among school graduates to determine a suitable profession.

Types of thinking:

  1. Realist. They prefer orderly work and love activities related to technology and tools. They have difficulty communicating, so they avoid social work that requires communication with others. Characteristics: persistence, practicality.
  2. Researcher. A person who prefers to explore the world through creativity. They value a scientific approach to activity and avoid professions related to commerce and social events. They have high intelligence, but lack leadership qualities. Features: restraint, tendency to analytical thinking, curiosity.
  3. Artist. They prefer unorganized work and use various attributes to create works of art. They are considered gifted and value the aesthetic side of things. Characteristic features: impracticality, unstructured work, idealism.
  4. Social personality. Such people value self-development and working on themselves. They consider themselves useful subjects, capable of teaching and helping others. They prefer social activities, avoiding work that requires rationalization and a realistic view of the world. Characteristic traits: empathy, generosity, desire for communication.
  5. Enterprising personality. Strives for organizational activities leading to benefits. Considers himself a popular, energetic speaker, leader. There is a lack of knowledge and scientific character, so they avoid work that requires research and analysis. They value political and economic motives for actions. Characteristic traits: ambition, extroversion, optimism, sociability.
  6. Traditionalist. Strives for systematization and analysis, is convinced of his own analytical and mathematical abilities, and therefore avoids creative activity. Appreciates economic and business achievements. Characteristic features: inflexibility, systematicity, consciousness.

Holland presented the types described as a hexagon, the arrangement of the corners of which changes due to the preferences and abilities of the person.

Ginzburg's theory

According to this concept, the concept of professional self-determination is a set of personal values ​​that are decisive when choosing a field of activity. The scientist devotes a special place to values ​​that act as ideas and human goals.

The structure of professional self-determination according to Ginzburg consists of three aspects:

  • motivation (formation of ideas about the future to obtain skills);
  • sense-making (searching for the meaning of existence, drawing up a plan for work activities);
  • implementation (planning, implementation of specific ideas).

The psychologist characterizes professional self-determination as a personal acquisition, which is associated with the formation of internal values ​​and certain psychological aspects (self-esteem, ideal, self-affirmation).

Klimov's theory

The domestic researcher considers the issue of choosing a profession as one of the main manifestations of the mental development of an individual. Klimov considers the most significant part of self-determination to be the formation of professional self-orientation, consisting of:

  • acceptance of one's own membership in a social group;
  • awareness of one’s own compliance with professional requirements (or non-compliance);
  • a person’s understanding of the degree of his connection with a professional group;
  • forming an understanding of strengths and weaknesses, considering ways to develop working skills;
  • own vision of the profession, personal growth in the chosen field.

The result of motivational analysis is the achievement of a socially significant status, the implementation of activities aimed at creating a product valuable to society.

The role of temperament and character in self-determination

Each activity places special demands on the human psyche and on the dynamic characteristics of the brain.

There is no temperament that is exclusively suitable for one profession.

Psychologists give general recommendations on activities for each type of temperament:

  • for choleric people, active work with opportunities for risk is preferable;
  • for a sanguine person - organizational, orderly activity;
  • phlegmatic people are comfortable working systematically, with a clear schedule of the day and week;
  • melancholic people will find themselves in creativity and scientific activities due to their lack of structure.

The role of temperament lies in influencing activity under various mental states that are caused by the atmosphere in the team, environment, and emotional factors.

Temperament is a set of innate behavioral characteristics of an individual that influences professional self-determination along with acquired character traits.

The following traits influence the choice of profession:

  • readiness for responsibility;
  • dedication;
  • ability to concentrate;
  • strength of will;
  • discipline;
  • diligence.

Psychologists argue that temperament and character traits should be taken into account when choosing a profession, as they influence a person’s inclinations, positive and negative traits. A person with a low concentration of attention will not be able to carry out long hours of operations, and a person with a low level of responsibility will not become a team leader. Personal qualities influence work processes and results.

Yevtushenko, a Russian poet who humorously ridiculed enterprising individuals, wrote the following lines:

“I believe in their holy faith.

Their faith is my courage.

I'm making a career for myself

because I don’t do it!”

Factors of professional self-determination of personality

In a compressed form, they are displayed in the previously discussed model of E. A. Klimov. Let's look at them in more detail. The first component is internal motivational factors:

  • Personal preferences. This includes needs, desires, internal motives, moral values.
  • Ideas about a comfortable standard of living. They include an individual image of the desired future (place of residence, readiness for business trips, life schedule).
  • Own assessment of work activity. Individual ideas about the prestige and attractiveness of the profession. This also includes reflections on the complexity of the assigned responsibilities, a subjective assessment of the opening prospects.

The essence of self-determination

Self-determination is the process and result of a person’s choice of individual values, the determination of goals, opportunities, norms of behavior and criteria according to which a person forms an assessment of his own personality and achievements.

The process of self-determination in a mature person continues throughout his adult life. A person is looking for answers to the questions: who am I, why do I live, what can I achieve, what is my purpose, how can I help those who are dear to me, etc.

In the process of self-determination, a person forms the meaning of his existence, combining into one holistic system an understanding of himself and an idea of ​​the world around him. Self-determination and self-awareness are different concepts; self-awareness does not mean that a person has moved to the next level and thought about what he is really capable of and what is required of him. The stages of self-determination and the very need for it depend on the person’s age, the system of social connections, the environment in which he is located (and how strongly the surrounding situation encourages such thoughts). In addition, personal qualities play an important role - the degree of motivation and readiness for action.

Professional self-determination also depends on a number of external factors:

  • Social status. Stereotypes formed in thinking under the influence of living conditions in childhood and adolescence have a huge influence. The formation of an attitude towards work depends on the position of the older generation, whose daily example unconsciously influences the image of the future in the thoughts of adolescents.
  • Environment. This includes recommendations already voiced by parents, relatives, and friends.
  • State of the labor market. The demand and popularity of the profession play a significant role. Often the wrong choice of activity is a consequence of substituting true desires. A person puts aside his opinion and switches to the priorities of his friends.

You can also add the influence of the media here.

Adolescent self-determination

Adolescence is one of the most serious and dynamic stages in self-determination and development of the individual as a whole. At this stage, personal qualities are formed that contribute to the adaptation of maturing children in the social sphere, the ability to resist the influence of a negative social environment develops, because adolescents, as we know, are the most socially vulnerable group in society.

On the threshold of independent life, young people must prepare a whole scenario according to which they will go through life. This scenario already contains personal, professional and social self-determination. It is the period of a person’s growing up that often becomes fundamental in the search for oneself and one’s future.

Are you satisfied with what is happening to you today?

No! I don't like my life today and I want to change a lot of things


I’m very pleased and I’m glad that I have EXACTLY such a life.


Today I am disappointed in myself and/or in my life


Overall I’m happy with everything, but I’d like to add a pinch of change


Voted: 10

The personal self-determination of a growing child is directly dependent on such decisive factors as individual character traits, worldview characteristics, self-esteem of his personality, the environment in which he grows up, the atmosphere in his family and is reflected at the following levels:

  • cognitive level - characterized by attitude to the norms of society, to the laws and algorithms of behavior and communication with peers and adults; an idea of ​​the subtleties of interaction with them;
  • emotional level – balance and resistance to stress, lack of conflict, tolerance and positive thinking.

General problems of professional self-determination among modern youth

For any individual, professional self-determination is one of the fundamental choices that sets the direction of his entire life. That's why this choice is so important. The professional self-determination of young people is influenced by many factors. Let's list the main ones.

Are you working in a job you love?

“Favorite” is only in quotation marks. No! I don't like my job and don't get any pleasure from it


I enjoy the process of my work. I like


I work with great pleasure and yes, I love my job!


In general, I am satisfied with my line of work, but to love my job - no


Voted: 8

Parental pressure.

When choosing their future profession, teenagers often resort to the help of their parents. However, sometimes instead of help they receive pressure, which limits the freedom to determine their future identity. Often, adults insist on a path that, due to various life circumstances, they could not follow themselves, forgetting that their main task is to help the child analyze his inclinations, the strengths of his character and personality. The teenager expects support and approval from adults.

Should parents be involved in choosing a teenager's profession?

Certainly! Parents know and understand more than a young and inexperienced teenager


They should, but you shouldn’t put pressure on a teenager. It is his (her) choice and let him make it himself.


I think there is no need to interfere. Let them live their lives independently


Voted: 9

Social pressure.

Modern children prefer highly paid professions that provide a high standard of living and material benefits.

Choice of friends.

Friendships are very important when growing up. A teenager, not entirely sure what should become his life’s work, often goes to study and work “for company” with friends. This is not the worst option, but it is better to choose your future profession based on your interests.

Health factor.

Some professions and occupations have a list of medical contraindications, criteria that must also be taken into account when choosing your professional path in order to avoid harm to your health and feelings of dissatisfaction.

Refusal of the profession

Sometimes it seems that the profession one likes is not serious enough, not fashionable, not promising, and a person gives up this idea. However, it should be remembered that there are no unnecessary professions. Any professionalism is worthy of respect.

An outdated idea of ​​the profession.

The name of a profession has long meant other functionality. It is necessary to carefully analyze information about your chosen profession before deciding to connect your life with it.

Geographical factor.

There is such a thing as the socio-geographical characteristics of a subject: city, village, where a person plans to carry out his work activity and development.

Advice from psychologists

Despite the fact that many people do not take career guidance tests seriously, they are a fairly effective way to study their personality to determine their aptitudes and abilities. Why not try it?

  1. First you need to take a blank sheet of paper. Think about what hobbies, activities, desires and aspirations accompanied your childhood and were especially interesting and enjoyable for you. Write a list of them, and write down even seemingly frivolous activities. Perhaps they will be the ones who will run like a colored thread through your entire life and become your mission on earth. There is no need to evaluate your hobbies, just write. Perhaps you liked to sew clothes for dolls, assemble cars and houses from construction sets. Or maybe you could spend hours drawing, singing or writing poetry. Please note that children tend to do what they are good at, from which they receive their own satisfaction from the praise of adults and peers.
  2. Now try to compare the compiled list of your childhood hobbies with possible areas of activity, where they can be applied, in what professional areas. Next to a specific activity, write down the professions in which it is used. For example, if you loved to sew, this could be the profession of a tailor, clothing designer, fashion designer. Such manipulations must be done with each item on your list of hobbies.
  3. Now you need to analyze the list of professions and evaluate which ones suit you at all, don’t like them, and don’t respond to you. It is better to discard them immediately. If you don’t like clothing designer at all from the list of professions related to sewing, feel free to cross it out. The result of such manipulations should be a list of professions reduced several times.
  4. The next stage is the most important. You are required to objectively assess your quality in the context of each of the remaining professions. Moreover, you need to consider the state of your health. For example, if the profession of a veterinarian remains on the list, but you also have problems with allergies to wool, you should immediately abandon this professional field. It is unlikely that you will want to combine such work with constant medication use. Thus, analyze each item of professions, cross out “not mine” and the list will again be significantly reduced.
  5. To complete the next stage you will need to use your imagination. It is necessary to pause at each point and imagine yourself in the place of a person in this profession, and an already established and experienced one. Think that you are a pediatrician and in a white coat you are accepting your little patients. Imagine the decor of your office, the smell of medicines in it, the presence of various medical equipment and items. Do you like this feeling? Are you pleased? Does it make you feel happy and pleased? If this is not the case, it may be worth moving on to the next item on the list and analyzing your reaction to fantasies about other professions.
  6. The last, final and decisive stage. You probably don't have many points left. Take a look, perhaps the combination of some of them constitutes one profession. And also, think about whether you are capable of devoting your whole life to this business? Could I do this for free? If the answer is “yes,” then you are on the right path of self-determination, and therefore on the path to your full, happy life.

Stages of professional self-determination of personality

The generally accepted model for describing the life process of professional self-determination is Donald Super's periodization. He identified five stages of personal self-realization:

  1. Height (0-14 years). It is characterized by the formation of children's fantasies, replacing them with preferences. The final phase is self-determination of abilities and subjective assessment of professions.
  2. Research (15-24). The individual tries himself in different roles, analyzing the degree of satisfaction and the possibility of development in different areas.
  3. Career development (25-44). Represents the end of professional self-determination, drawing up a plan to achieve set goals.
  4. Saving achievements (45-64). The individual develops in the chosen direction, maintaining and increasing opportunities.

The fifth stage is decline (65 and older). There is a systematic exit from work. A person watches other people's work more than doing his own.

Read my book that will help you achieve happiness, success and wealth

1 unique personality development system
3 important questions for awareness

7 areas for creating a harmonious life

21 vectors for effective development

Read a book

Professional self-determination (I as a professional) is a person’s definition of work activity.

The core of professional activity is the conscious choice of a profession, taking into account one’s qualities and characteristics, capabilities and requirements for professional activity. Professional self-determination in general is carried out throughout a person’s life and does not exclude a change or choice of several professions.

The relevance of professional self-determination arises at different periods of life: graduation from educational institutions, advanced training, change of residence, dismissal from work, and others. This type of self-determination is an important criterion for the socio-psychological maturity of an individual.

The main thing in life is to decide: Where is your place and what kind of bird you are. You are clinging to us with your teeth. For me, happiness is freedom, for you it’s Disneyland.

Leningrad group – Manager

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