Hypnotic gaze: how to determine, how to learn to possess it, tips

Hypnosis is a separate direction in psychotherapy, which involves a targeted effect on a person’s conscious and subconscious mind. But it is very difficult to influence a stranger. He will actively resist your influence simply because he does not trust you. Therefore, a hypnotist needs special skills and constant practice. And one of the most important skills is a hypnotic gaze. Let's look at what it is today.

Stages of hypnotizing a person

You can only hypnotize a person with his consent. First, make sure you really need it. Ask yourself if you are ready to take responsibility for someone else's life and health. If you are ready, you can start.

Preparation with mirror exercises. Maintaining a gaze that carries the necessary information. Learn to focus your gaze. To do this, use a pencil. Hold it in front of you, and then suddenly look to the other side of the room. Repeat the action. Development of lateral vision. Try to see as many details as possible on the sides while sitting in one position and without turning your head. Training for the first hypnosis session. Find someone who isn't afraid to get involved. Realize that you will take full responsibility for this person. Ask the person to look you in the eyes without blinking or turning away

Speak the words quietly, calmly, their careful use will relax the interlocutor. You need to try to show confidence in your gaze

Repeat with authority: “your eyelids become heavy, you want to sleep, you calm down and relax, your breathing becomes calm and even, you don’t think about anything, you just fall asleep. Your body becomes heavy, leaden, you can’t hold it, it wants to lie down and drags you along with it.” Repeat phrases several times. When you see that the person is relaxed, ask permission to touch his shoulder. Tell the person that immediately after you touch them, they will be able to fall asleep. After this, tell him that everything is fine, he is under hypnosis, and his condition is normal. Tell your coachee to listen to your voice. Count from five to one and click with two fingers. The person will be in your attention. He will perceive everything you say with great significance, because he is in a helpless state. You can program this person to think positively or distract him from obsessive thoughts if the situation requires it. You can check a person’s condition by holding his hand in your palm. If it is heavy and cannot stand on its own, then hypnosis works. When the session is over, you need to warn the patient that you will now awaken him to real life. Tell him that when you count from five to one, he will wake up. After counting “one,” snap your fingers sharply. The person will immediately come to his senses. Let him know where he is and what's happening to him by continuing the casual conversation.

Developing a gaze to induce trance

Learning the hypnotic gaze is a long process. Newbies to hypnosis use pendulums or similar things that repeat a single movement (monotonic rotation or oscillation). With the help of such a simple process, a person enters a half-asleep state. Long-term training helps to develop a hypnotic gaze, which is why experienced hypnotists use this technique.

It is useful to develop such an outlook for a person who wants to learn simple manipulations with the people around him. Daily practice helps to train your gaze: use one or more exercises. Additionally, such techniques help strengthen the eye muscles.

The hypnotic gaze is used for superficial hypnosis. This is the easiest hidden way to put a stranger into a trance. Street scammers use this technique (gypsy hypnosis is used).

The necessary training method for a beginner or an experienced hypnotist:

  • exercise “Glitter in the eyes”;
  • training to convey the right emotional message;
  • concentration task (with a candle).

Eye hypnosis is used independently or in combination with other techniques. It is useful for a beginner to master other techniques.

Exercise “Glitter in the eyes”

Exercises are aimed at improving your gaze. According to psychologists, eyes convey a certain emotional message. It is always difficult to take your eyes off strong personalities, but weak people find it difficult to look into the eyes of strangers.

The expressiveness of the gaze, its liveliness determines how long the hypnotized person will be concentrated on the eyes of the hypnotist. The correct emotional message is the strength that the victim of hypnosis feels. For daily practice you need a mirror and a few free minutes. The would-be hypnotist should alternately practice one of the animal gazes.

You need to imagine a predator, take on its appearance, feel its strength and superiority over other animals. The practice lasts 10–15 minutes. In the first week, the hypnotist uses one prototype (until he perfects it, the second image cannot be used).

It is useful to depict different animals: both predators, which are distinguished by their courage, and cunning, nimble inhabitants of the fauna. Every emotion is useful in hypnosis. To improve the skill, it is useful to watch animals (videos are watched before practice). It is important to learn to combine cunning, strength and softness, to learn to demonstrate them with just one glance.

Exercise on conveying emotions

Exercises on conveying emotions will be useful for people who are learning to understand human psychology. Feelings are the main signals that lead to trance. For such training you need an assistant: he will perceive every emotion and give a reaction.

Procedure for conducting the training:

  • the hypnotist and the assistant stand opposite each other;
  • eye contact is established;
  • the hypnotist sends one emotion over several minutes;
  • does not use facial expressions or gestures;
  • ends the training when the assistant clearly captures the emotion.

The transfer of emotions does not work the first time (it is a long process). Internal settings help convey emotion. To do this, the hypnotist silently repeats one thought, symbolizing the emotion. He says: “I’m angry” or “I’m very happy.” There are several training sessions per day. The more practice you have, the faster you will be able to master the technique of eye hypnosis.

Exercise on a candle

Exercises that are opposite in meaning are based on collecting energy. This practice is useful in cases where a person learns control and suggestion. To make it work faster, it is carried out every day for a month.

The technique combines elements of meditation. The hypnotist takes a comfortable position in a room without others. Music is used to relax, because in silence it is more difficult to relax, because any extraneous sound distracts from the main process.

The hypnotist places a candle in front of him (it must first be lit). During meditation, the gaze is completely concentrated on one process. He watches how the candle burns, how the shape and color of the flame changes. Extra thoughts are discarded, and the person continues to watch the fire. At the same time, he relaxes and concentrates his attention (trains his eyes).

Simple ways to protect yourself

It is no coincidence that people often cannot withstand the onslaught of a judgmental and reproachful look and often hide their eyes or turn away altogether. This way they avoid receiving the flow of negative energy and, accordingly, protect themselves. Therefore, the easiest way to protect yourself is not to look directly into the eyes of a person prone to anger and other negative emotions. As a last resort, it would be safer to look at the bridge of his nose or forehead. Then he most likely will not pay attention, unless he feels something subtly unpleasant and cold due to the fact that real contact with you will not happen, and most of the negativity will remain in him. Thus, the aggressor will harm only himself.

In order not to succumb to suggestion from the outside, do not look at the person continuously during a conversation, but glance to the side from time to time. This will give you the opportunity to maintain your thoughts and mental balance. Of course, it is almost impossible for an ordinary person to protect himself from the influence of real hypnotists, so it is better to avoid such people, not allowing the slightest contact with them.

There are special techniques and exercises that will help you protect yourself from third-party energy influences, protect you from other people’s thoughts and dangerous energy. For example: crossed arms or legs are the easiest way to protect yourself. When crossing, the dissipation of the flow of bioenergy of the body is limited, which protects it and prevents harm. Use this technique in a conversation with a potentially dangerous and unpleasant person.

You can also do the following mental exercise: visualization of a mirror shield. To do this, you need to imagine that you are obscured by a large shield with a mirror surface facing the unwanted interlocutor. And every time he tries to influence you, he will always receive a blow reflected by the mirror in response. As a result, all the negativity will return back to the one who sent it, and you won’t even feel anything bad.

How to learn gypsy hypnosis, hypnotize people with your eyes: tips

We have already described above the distinctive characteristics of gypsy or, as it is also called, street hypnosis. In principle, we will give tips that will help you master any other hypnosis.

The first requirement is self-confidence. She should not hesitate, because only a person who is absolutely confident in himself can hypnotize with his gaze

To do this, it is important to have high self-esteem, so work on yourself. Appearance also plays a big role. There must be an image of a presentable and even authoritative person in order for one to want to trust him. Work on your diction

Words should be pronounced clearly and slowly, and the voice should be full of confidence and firmness. But without unnecessary pressure, otherwise you can only scare the patient away. And the main secret of gypsy hypnosis is the rearrangement of words and a continuous flow of information. Also, do not forget that the voice should lull a person’s consciousness. Don't shout and stick to the same rhythm. In the beginning, of course, you need to practice on your friend, who will give voluntary consent. In the future, you can train on strangers, but know how to choose the right person. Even gypsies approach weak and insecure representatives. Therefore, learn to identify and understand people. Another tip is to copy the behavior and facial expressions of the subject. This can help him understand and connect better.

The main thing that gypsies use in conversation is putting pressure on a person’s misfortunes. It doesn't matter if it's in the past, future or present. As a rule, they all have a similar character. Use general phrases, but don’t go too far. There is no need to be too frightening either. Ask questions of a personal nature, but after an established contact. The person, without even realizing it, will begin to answer the questions posed. And the last piece of advice – don’t give up! Gypsies are also distinguished by their pressure (yes, they often attack in groups so that the victim cannot escape), but they do not give up until the last moment. If you fail, don't get discouraged and don't lose faith in yourself. Remember that “Moscow was not built at once.” Therefore, train and next time you will definitely succeed.

Gypsy hypnosis

You should also know what can cause failure or even prevent you from establishing contact:

  • This is nicotine or drug addiction. Yes, we have already mentioned this. The fact is that a smoking person does not control his consciousness. How can it influence the consciousness of another person?
  • Alcohol will also become a blocker for establishing contact. The fact is that alcoholic drinks dissipate consciousness, and you won’t be able to master hypnosis.
  • Even banal coffee will become a hindrance. After all, it is a stimulant of the nervous system.
  • Do not use hypnosis for any harm. Remember that any action will come back to you like a boomerang. And in double size. Therefore, hypnosis can only be used for good.

Tips and tricks

If you decide to learn hypnosis on your own, the following tips will help you:

  • Go to a session with a good hypnotherapist. Watch a specialist to understand how he works.
  • Study the theory - the works of psychotherapists on hypnosis will help you better understand the topic.
  • Engage in meditation and spiritual practices to get closer to a state of awareness and learn to control your unconscious.
  • Look for hypnosis courses in your city - professional training will give much better results than trying on your own.

Believe in yourself, train hard, and you will succeed!

Power of Gaze: Hypnosis.

The hypnotist's gaze is not just a motionless, glassy gaze directed at one point. The hypnotist's gaze expresses unshakable willpower through the eyes, nerves, and muscles. Anyone who meets such a gaze immediately feels what enormous inner strength the gaze expresses. It is no coincidence that in many martial arts fighters begin their fight with a battle of views. And, as a rule, they determine the balance of power by the strength of their gaze. This look is rarely given by nature; as a rule, it is developed through special exercises. As the power of gaze develops, hypnotic abilities also develop. Anyone who develops the power of their gaze will notice after short training that it is easier for them to solve all everyday issues related to persuading their interlocutor. With each new workout this effect will increase. This view is a treasure trove for any person and should be developed even by those who do not intend to become a hypnotist. Even animals are afraid of this look. Through the gaze, thought is transmitted and willpower operates. The gaze, when it reaches all the power of insight and influence, is a terrible weapon if possessed by a person with bad inclinations. There are a number of simple exercises that will give your eyes unshakable willpower. These exercises are given by me in the book “Induced Hypnosis”.

How to influence the subconscious

The hypnotic effect occurs through the invocation of subconscious trust and the establishment of so-called rapport. The theory, techniques and practice of hypnosis are inextricably linked with this concept. Rapport is the connection established by the hypnotist with the hypnotized person.

With the establishment of rapport, the hypnotized person becomes more receptive to the suggested words of the hypnotist, readiness to carry out suggested tasks, and loses reaction to other external stimuli. To create unconscious trust and rapport, the hypnotist identifies himself with the hypnotized person - makes his behavior similar, adjusts his posture, gestures, movements, and breathing patterns.

Adjustment to posture and movements

The simplest technique in creating subconscious trust is to adjust to the pose of the person being hypnotized - it must be copied, directly or crosswise (that is, like in a mirror). If, for example, the client's left leg is on top when crossing his legs, when cross-adjusting, the hypnotist should have his left leg on top. But a person rarely sits still, so movements also become the subject of adjustment. This adjustment is more difficult; you need to be very careful, watching and repeating gestures and facial expressions, and at the same time not letting your partner realize it.

The easiest way is to adapt to a person’s gestures, and when copying a gesture, you don’t have to complete it, but only outline and repeat the direction. It is convenient to reproduce the frequency of blinking - the opposite party is almost never aware of this.

To learn this technique, you need to do exercises - copy the pose of a person who is in a motionless state. Repeat changes in posture, gestures, movements

When copying a movement, you can only reflect it by direction; it is important to repeat its frequency. By copying the rhythm of blinking, you can stop it at some point or close your eyes

If the subject does the same, it means that the adjustment is working and the state of hypnosis is approaching.

Adjusting to breathing

Training to adjust to breathing requires a lot of attention, since there is a direct connection between this function and the subconscious. The direct type of adjustment is an exact copying of the rhythm of the subject's inhalations and exhalations. This adjustment is most effective. But if a person's breathing rhythm is too fast or slow, it may be difficult to reproduce. In this case, indirect adjustment is used - they copy the breathing rhythm by moving, for example, a finger.

When performing training exercises, you need to work on both types of adjustments. Watching the person, begin to breathe evenly in time with his inhalations and exhalations. Then select a subject with an increased breathing rate and try to copy the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation by shaking your leg or moving your finger.

Voice and speech

The voice is the hypnotist's working tool. A clear, strong, pleasant voice, easily moving from tone to tone, introduces the hypnotized person into a state of trance. Speech should be clear, unhurried, and convincing. It is necessary to develop your own voice, which will act hypnotically, train it in accordance with these requirements, learn to change intonation, make it rhythmic if necessary.

There are two more rules used in hypnosis:

  1. The speech should not contain negatives. Negations do not exist in the subconscious; it does not perceive them. An exercise for training such speech is to avoid using the particle “not” at all for some time, and instead of using negative words, use others that are suitable in meaning. Then return to normal speech, but when talking about experiences, do not use the negative particle.
  2. Phrases should be general in nature, not specific to the situation. The person being hypnotized must have unoccupied space for his impressions and feelings. This facilitates a faster introduction into trance.

After these initial techniques have been successfully mastered, you can move on - study and train in a self-instruction manual on the basics of hypnosis, techniques for inducing trance through associations, suggestion with command words, hypnotization with built-in messages, using a person’s natural trance. Mastering the techniques of breaking patterns, overloading, and anchoring will add to your knowledge and techniques.

It is also important to pay attention to autogenic training

This is only a small part of the recommendations and exercises for mastering hypnosis. To learn practical hypnosis, you need to work hard using the hypnosis tutorial for beginners, use videos with exercises, examples of techniques, and advice from experienced specialists. Such information can be obtained on the channel of psychologist and hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

general description

Surely you have met people who seem to be naturally endowed with such a gift. They look into your eyes without blinking, and seem to read your thoughts. Under such a gaze you involuntarily get lost. The hypnotic gaze works on almost all patients. In addition, the hypnotist very skillfully conducts a conversation, constructing sentences in such a way that the person will agree with him. All this is necessary to create the precondition for a special state in which a person will be more susceptible to suggestion.

Moreover, this will take quite a lot of time. It is necessary not only to choose the right ones, but also to repeat the exercises many times. The hypnotic gaze is not difficult at all. You just need to repeat simple exercises day after day. At the initial stages, you need to choose only the simplest ones. They are not so much effective as they are useful.

The first step is to master general gaze training and calmness in presence. After this, you need to learn how to transmit:

  • Sparkle in the eyes.
  • Emotional message.

It sounds simple, but in fact you will have to work hard to master them to the required extent. The required skill develops gradually. The hypnotist goes deeper into training and changes not only his view of familiar things, but also his manner of behavior. That is, his mind and physiology are gradually rebuilt.

Draw a circle with a diameter of 1 cm on paper and hang it at a distance of 2 meters at eye level. Look at it for a minute without blinking. It won't work out at first, but gradually you will get there. Move the sheet to the right or left 1-2 meters and continue looking at the point. Walk around the room without taking your eyes off her. Take two sheets of paper with dots and quickly move your gaze from one to the other.

It is important not to blink.

Every day you need to increase the time a little. Gradually it will become very easy to watch without blinking for a few minutes. This creates a deep, interested look.

Professional tool

Developing a hypnotic gaze is very important for doctors who help patients cure a mental disorder. Anyone can master this technique, but you also need to know what to do next with the patient. The method of constructing a correct suggestion must be carefully and deeply studied.

The easiest way to master the magical gaze technique is for a person with charisma and attractiveness. They will automatically attract attention to themselves. But only by winning over the client, it is impossible to work effectively with him. To do this, the therapist must have knowledge, skills and abilities. Therefore, first training, then practice. And don’t forget about the need to undergo therapy yourself.

Preparatory stage

First you need to find a person who has a sincere desire to undergo a session. This is a must. If the hypnotized person does not believe in the effectiveness of hypnotherapy and does not want to succumb to it, then it is extremely difficult to put him into a trance, especially for a novice hypnotist. People who have mental disorders cannot be put into a state of altered consciousness. The procedure can cause a relapse and lead to serious and sometimes dangerous consequences.

You need to prepare the place where the session will be held. This implies the following points:

  1. Choose a quiet room where the person will feel peaceful and comfortable.
  2. Minimizing lighting and keeping the room as clear as possible will help the person being hypnotized to concentrate on the words and actions of the hypnotist.
  3. Turn off cell phones and other means of communication for the duration of the session.
  4. Close all windows if it is noisy outside.
  5. Warn all close people living in the house (apartment) not to enter the room until the session is completed.

Before the procedure, talk with your partner. The patient should know what to expect. Hypnosis is a simple, but at the same time effective relaxation technique that helps not only relax, but also find the necessary answers in your subconscious. A person independently enters a trance while reading a book or watching a movie, etc. It is better to say in advance that:

  1. No one controls anyone during the session.
  2. He will not be immersed in an unconscious (limited) state.
  3. He will not be forced to do anything he does not like.

Hypnosis helps get rid of anxious thoughts, strengthens mindfulness, and is used for complete relaxation during stressful situations. Understanding by partners of goals and motives helps to quickly bring a person into a state of hypnotic trance.

Another important point that is worth checking with the person being hypnotized is whether he has undergone previous sessions of the procedure. If yes, then you need to find out what they told him, what was his reaction to certain actions? This will help the hypnotist understand what needs to be avoided and the degree of suggestibility of a person. For good communication with the patient, prepare for the most popular questions.

Development of a magnetic gaze: exercises

These exercises are both the best method to develop a magnetic look, and eye gymnastics to improve vision.

Take a clean white A4 sheet and draw a black circle with a 10-kopeck coin in the center. Attach it to the wall and at a distance of 2 meters, while the circle should be at eye level when you are sitting. Place a chair in the middle of the room, just opposite the paper. Thus, focus on the point in the center and direct your gaze directly at it, firmly, without blinking. To begin with, one minute is enough, then when your eyes have rested, repeat this exercise again, and so on 5 times. At first I couldn’t hold it even for a minute, but believe me, over time with regular training, success will not be long in coming.

Leave the chair in its original place, move the paper a meter to the right of its original position. Sit down and again direct your gaze intently at the black dot, without turning your head. Also repeat the exercise by moving the sheet of paper with the dot to the left, and so repeat 5 times, a minute to the right, a minute to the left.

This exercise develops concentration, the main thing is to concentrate on the point without being distracted by anything, you cannot blink your eyes. There may be a lot of tearing at first, but it will go away with regular exercise. If your eyes are very tired after training, you can rinse them with cold water or apply a compress.

It is very important that these exercises are carried out in natural light. This exercise should be performed daily, increasing by a minute every 3 days.

To avoid straining your eyes, you should not perform this exercise for more than 15 minutes.

This exercise should be performed daily, increasing by a minute every 3 days. To avoid straining your eyes, you should not perform this exercise for more than 15 minutes.

After a month of training, exercise 1 can be complicated by adding various options, for example:

After the concentration of gaze is acquired, you can begin exercises to develop a central gaze. To do this, you need to sit in front of the mirror and direct your piercing gaze at your reflection - at the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows. This place is also called the third eye. In order to facilitate the exercise at the initial stages, you need to draw a point between the eyebrows and look closely at it, starting from one minute, every 2-3 days you need to add 1 minute (but no more than 15 minutes). As you practice, you should reduce the point, and then try without it altogether.

This exercise should be done in a room with many portraits or photographs of people on the walls. At the same time, look at the bridge of the person’s nose in the portrait for one minute, then abruptly move to another portrait and fix your gaze on the bridge of the person’s nose in the other portrait. And so repeat the exercise with portraits of other people, while you need to move your gaze sharply, with lightning speed.

This exercise should first be done with someone you know. Sit opposite him and look at him with your central gaze until he asks you to stop.

Practice practicing the magnetic power of your gaze, but do not forget that at the same time your face and facial expressions should retain your natural expression, and your gaze should reflect strength, confidence, power, and authority.

The ability to stop with your gaze is the highest skill, which not everyone can master. With the power of a glance you can stop a passerby, thieves, or an evil dog. Grigory Rasputin, for example, made good use of this skill. Gypsies are also good at using the central gaze to manipulate people. Also, everyone knows that Japanese geishas mastered the art of a magnetic gaze. And it was believed that a true geisha was one who could stop a man with her gaze.

Yes, you need to train a lot to develop a magnetic look. But the result is worth it, isn't it?

Your own interlocutor

To do this, take a mirror. Place it in front of you and look, without blinking, at the bridge of your nose. First one minute, then gradually increase to 5 minutes. Practice this skill on passersby or people on buses. Do not forget that it is difficult for a person to maintain his gaze at one point, so move your gaze first to the left, then to the right pupil, and then return it to the bridge of the nose. The reflection in the mirror will be an excellent training companion. A hypnotic trance also develops in this exercise, although it is very light. Don't miss the opportunity to set yourself up for good luck.

How to determine your ability to hypnosis

Many are convinced that the ability to put a person into a trance depends on the individual characteristics of neurophysiology. That is, that there are special individuals who have the gift of magnetism or the ability to suppress the will and establish order, making puppets of the weak. It is a myth. It will be very difficult for a person with such attitudes to influence others, since an arrogant attitude does not contribute to establishing trust.

The brain's mirror neurons are responsible for empathy and the ability to accept another person's point of view. People whose functioning of these neurons is disrupted are not able to empathize and try to understand others. They see others only as puppets, and not equal people with their own needs and goals.

Therefore, instead of trying to understand the person, they begin to “push,” causing a reaction of rejection. They are looking for methods of hypnotic suppression of someone else's will, alpha hypnosis and other aggressive levers of influence on others. Such people are physiologically incapable of other actions. They love to manipulate, choosing as their victims people with impaired psychological defenses.

For those who know how to defend themselves and avoid contact out of a sense of personal hostility, the manipulator thinks that they are afraid of him. This gives such people the feeling that they have the gift of influencing others.

How to test your ability to hypnosis? There are a lot of different tests to test hypnotic abilities. It follows from them that a person who wants to learn how to influence people must have the following character traits:

  • be able to persuade;
  • have a well-spoken speech;
  • be successful and self-confident;
  • often win in disputes;
  • serve as an authority for many, inspire respect;
  • have success with the opposite sex;
  • be insightful, have developed intuition.

But if the test result is disappointing, then it is worth knowing that hypnosis and self-hypnosis are used to develop these same abilities. That is, a specialist can suggest that you are improving every day and activate hidden resources.

Emotional message

This is another important skill. The client's hypnotic state directly depends on how much he trusts his therapist. This means that the latter must be able to listen and react correctly. And what better shows his involvement than glowing, living emotions in his eyes? Therefore, we learn to reflect compassion, love, care, participation, empathy and simply the warmth of your soul in your eyes. The ability to convey emotions and charge a person with certain moods is a very important skill. Without it, it will be very difficult to put a person into a trance. But you won’t be able to master it quickly. You need to practice in front of the mirror over and over again, day after day. Every day and year it will become easier.

Functions of the hypnotic gaze

How to hypnotize with your gaze? The hypnosis technique involves an influence that allows you to turn off the victim’s consciousness: the person understands what is happening, but cannot logically comprehend every statement he hears. To hypnotize, you need to understand what motivates a person, what his capabilities and defensive reactions are. Each hypnotist is responsible for putting another person into trance (a state bordering between sleep and wakefulness).

Weak people can be immersed in a trance using a minimal set of tools - monotonous speech, tactile contact, a pendulum or a coin that moves along one trajectory

They help to concentrate attention on one process. For people with strong psychic defenses, additional conditions will need to be created: their resistance interferes with conducting a hypnosis session

The gaze is the main tool of hypnosis. It helps to carry out suggestion quickly. In such cases, it is not advisable to use additional tools. You should not use deep hypnosis for small manipulations or small changes in the consciousness of the hypnotized person.

Features of application

How does a hypnotist use his gaze? He fixes it on a specific point on which all the person’s attention is focused. The victim can take his eyes off the hypnotist, but does not want to

A hypnotic gaze helps in the following cases:

  • when you need to conduct an urgent hypnosis session (in an inappropriate or crowded place);
  • when the suggestion is superficial, and there is no need to subject the person to unnecessary mental stress;
  • when you need to conduct covert hypnosis.

Doctors who help patients get rid of bad habits, overcome a phobia or cure a mental disorder take a special look. Hypnosis is suitable for quickly correcting a person’s behavior, then the color of the eyes or their shape is a trigger (a detail around which a strong suggestion is built).

Anyone can master the gaze for hypnosis, but this technique of immersion in semi-trance requires long-term study

It is easier for people with charisma and attractiveness to gain skills - their appearance automatically attracts attention


Eye hypnosis is an additional technique. To begin with, the basics of technology are mastered, and only after training are additional skills developed. Exercises done at home help you understand and try the procedure. The more practice you have, the easier it is to use eye hypnosis in real life.

The hypnotic gaze is beneficial for people, and putting the individual into a trance is not necessary. This skill helps to manipulate others and get everything you need from them. It forms the basis of NLP (neurolinguistic programming) and is used to achieve set goals.

Features of application

In fact, preparatory work plays a big role. The extent to which the therapist managed to impress a professional, the person’s attention will be riveted to him. If the work is done correctly, then he can take his eyes off the hypnotist, but does not want to do this. It helps a lot in the following cases:

  • Unsuitable conditions, especially if the place is crowded and not suitable for this.
  • When the suggestion is superficial.
  • When is covert hypnosis performed?

Hypnosis and recovery from it

The next stage is hypnosis itself. In this state, a person loses the ability to look at things critically

. At the same time, he will remember and realize everything. If you're not yet confident in your suggestion skills, try hypnotizing a cat.

There are different techniques


  • you can pet an animal and it will gain trust in you and simply fall asleep;
  • you can use the moment of surprise and catch the animal during a jump, grab it by the scruff of the neck and turn it over in the air;
  • use mechanical methods of influence: the cat looks at the washing machine or at the clock, etc.

There are a sufficient number of videos on how to learn hypnosis. And you can try to hypnotize both animals and people. Remember that individual phrases and methods work

influences during hypnosis. However, never try to scare or do anything illegal.

The fact that a person is immersed in a state of hypnosis will be notified by his uniform breathing and peaceful appearance.

. Try to match the rhythm of his breathing. Don't speak too fast, but don't drawl your words either.

A relatively small stage will be the exit from hypnosis. Take the person out slowly but surely. For example, count out loud to five and ask them to open their eyes

Remember to emphasize that it was a positive experience and ask the person to talk about how they felt


Now let's talk about how to develop a hypnotic gaze. In fact, this is just an auxiliary technique. It seems quite difficult at first, but the more you practice, the easier it is to use hypnosis in real life. Hypnotic gaze training can also be useful for people who are not directly involved in psychotherapeutic work. It is this that forms the basis of neurolinguistic programming.

Of course, this skill can also be used for selfish purposes, since it gives some power over people. Therefore, the question also arises about the ethical side of training. That is, the person who needs it to provide assistance must master the technique. On the other hand, it will require a personal investment from a person.

Article information

wikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. During the creation of this article, 18 people, including anonymously, worked to edit and improve it.

Categories: Supernatural

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English: Hypnotize Someone with Your Eyes, Deutsch: Jemanden mit den Augen hypnotisieren, Nederlands: Iemand hypnotiseren met je ogen, Bahasa Indonesia: Menghipnosis Seseorang dengan Mata Anda, Français: hypnotiser quelqu'un avec vos yeux, Español: hipnotizar a alguien con los ojos, Português: Hipnotizar Alguém com os Olhos, Čeština: Jak někoho zhypnotizovat očima, Italiano: Ipnotizzare una Persona con gli Occhi, العربية: تنويم الشخص إيحائ يًا بالعين, 한국어: 눈으로 최면 거는 법, ไทย: จ้องตาสะกดจิตคนอื่ น, Tiếng Việt: Thôi miên bằng mắt, 中文: 用眼睛催眠别人, 日本語: 目で催眠術をかける

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The history of hypnosis

The history of hypnosis goes back at least three millennia. It is known that the ancient shamans and priests of Ancient Egypt were perfectly able to put people into a trance; it was successfully used in Ancient India and Tibet. Hypnotic sessions were conducted by healers of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. Then, with the help of hypnosis, they raised the morale of soldiers, looked into the future and treated diseases.

The term “hypnosis” itself appeared only in 1843 after a year earlier the English doctor J. Braid proved that transferring attention and gaze to a shiny object plunges the human body and consciousness into a special state. It was then that suggestion acquired a scientific character. In the 19th century, the opinions of scientists were divided: some recognized the possibility of suggestion, others opposed hypnosis. Nothing has changed since then.

To this day, two camps of researchers (opponents and supporters of hypnosis) are engaged in endless debate on this topic, which, undoubtedly, only fuels public interest in hypnosis.

Basic techniques of suggestion

There are 3 types of hypnosis.

  1. Classical. This practice is used in medicine, helps treat phobias, normalize sleep, get rid of depression, and helps relieve patients from alcohol and nicotine addictions.
  2. Hidden. This type of hypnosis is used in those areas where one can benefit from influencing another: politics, marketing, business. The influence on the psyche and consciousness occurs indirectly, secretly.
  3. Psychotropogenic. This method greatly affects the human psyche and body, since psychotropic and narcotic drugs are used in the process.

Ways to train your eyes

The concentration of gaze varies among people: it depends on the vision and thinking of the individual. While eye hypnosis is easy for some, others cannot cope with this practice. It is used through visual contact only if the hypnotist is visual (perceives the world around him better through the eyes, rather than other senses). For such people, eyeball exercises are useful.

How to learn to concentrate:

  • a circle the size of a coin is drawn;
  • installed at eye level (hung on the wall or furniture);
  • the hypnotist sits in front of the sheet (the distance should be at least 50 cm);
  • looks intently at one point on the sheet for a minute (you cannot be distracted or close your eyes for a long time);
  • relaxes for a minute;
  • At the second stage of the exercise, the concentration point is shifted one meter to the right (you cannot turn your head);
  • the gaze is concentrated for a minute, after which the eyes rest again;
  • the concentration point is shifted one meter to the left, after which the exercise is repeated.

If you learn to concentrate on one point, your eyes will stop watering. Thanks to this durability, the hypnotist will be able to put strangers into a trance without additional attributes

Load on the eye muscles

The hypnotic professional look takes years to develop. This requires good vision and healthy eyes. A simple warm-up is used to train the muscles. Starting position: standing against the wall. The hypnotist should look at all three corners of the room. Alternately, the gaze is transferred from one to the second, and then to the third.

Focuses on points that are located at the same height. It is useful to rotate the pupils clockwise

This warm-up can be done anywhere (at work or in transport). To hypnotize only with your eyes, do not forget about rest, as constant stress on the muscles leads to decreased vision and concentration.

Learning to convey the sparkle in the eyes

This skill is useful not only for psychologists. If you work with people, then it is very important to show not only your attitude, but also your essence. By your eyes, the interlocutor will quickly understand whether he can trust you and whether the joint work will take place. Dull eyes reveal your personal disinterest in the process and confusion. Never forget about this when you come to an interview or conduct important negotiations.

You need to spend at least 25 minutes every day. Standing in front of a mirror, learn to convey the look of an animal. At first they can be calm herbivores, and then predators. It is very important to repeat his look, his manner. The more looks the hypnotist masters, the easier it will be to transform in front of the client. After you have worked on the animals, you can move on to the psychotypes of personality. Here you can go through everyone, from cunning manipulators to sincere children. And again, the more types you master and learn to switch between them, the easier it will be later.

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