Trance state: what is it and what are its benefits?

Do you know what trance is? Do you also think that this is deep hypnosis, when a person becomes “wooden” or can fly, although he has never done this? In this article I will share my opinion on what a trance state is - what its benefits are and how to enter a trance state yourself.

Modern scientists have come to the conclusion that the trance state may be the key to realizing our desires. We naturally reach trance states during sleep. But those people who know how to enter these states in a conscious, waking state achieve their goals much faster.

What is a trance state (trance)

The trance state is a special slow state of the brain. From the table below these are Alpha and Theta states .

Thus, trance is a functional state of the psyche in which the degree of control of consciousness over information processing changes . In this state, critical perception decreases. In addition, other perception filters that a person has in a conscious state also go away.

In addition, medical trance is recognized as a healing state of consciousness in which a person receives twice as much rest as during sleep.

Historically, shamans were the first to learn how to use the trance state to benefit themselves and others.


Here it is useful to remember the theory of the triune brain. Hypnotizable (suggestible) people easily disconnect from their conscious part - the analytical mind. Apparently they have:

  • the conscious part is quite weak;
  • the situation in which a person finds himself is conducive to trance.

Such an inviting situation could be, for example, a road - trees and pillars flash by, a monotonous state arises in which the analytical part of the brain simply turns off as unnecessary or falls into some kind of daydream, because nothing new is happening, there is nothing to analyze in the surrounding environment . A so-called road trance occurs.

Characteristics of the trance state

  • Special logic when there are no restrictions and the impossible is perceived as possible
  • Absorption by oneself and one's inner experiences. The greater the degree of self-absorption, the deeper the trance
  • Altered perception of time (it seems to a person that 20 minutes have passed, although 2 hours have passed)
  • Altered perception of space - when the client is present in two places at the same time. He hears the specialist’s voice and understands that he is in a session. At the same time, he is absorbed in his own experiences - living through situations that he now remembers
  • Living and participating in the history that is remembered
  • A special perception of information - a person can look at himself from the outside, look through the eyes of other participants, look at the situation from above. All this helps to understand why the situation was planned, why it happened to him and what ways out of the situation there are.
  • Partial amnesia - a person forgets almost everything he said during the session. This is why an audio recording of the session is made.

Causes of obsessive compulsive disorder

Before treating obsessive compulsive disorder, it is necessary to understand its etiology. The exact cause of the disease has not yet been established, but a number of factors have been identified that can provoke it. And their complex effects are often observed. It can be:

  • psychotraumatic situations;
  • constant stress;
  • conflicts with loved ones and within the individual;
  • severe fatigue, asthenia;
  • belief in the power of rituals that save you from problems;
  • excessive pedantry;
  • low self-esteem;
  • inability to adequately respond to life's difficulties;
  • hereditary features of brain functioning;
  • disruption of the autonomic nervous system;
  • low levels of hormones (serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine);
  • disruption of the nervous system (muscle tension, stiffness);
  • condition after an infection.

Recently, psychiatry experts have expressed an opinion about the great influence of characteristics of upbringing and other experiences in the formation of obsessive-compulsive disorder. It could be:

  • tough and picky teaching style;
  • the influence of a person important to the child with signs of obsessive-compulsive neurosis;
  • rigor and moralism, religious education.

In order to identify the true cause of the disorder and receive full assistance, you should simply call Dr. Isaev’s clinic. You can do this for free, make an appointment with a doctor and get a full consultation.

Wrong internal beliefs also play a huge role in the manifestation of the disease, including:

  • the belief that if you think about something often, it will definitely happen;
  • prohibiting oneself from certain types of thoughts and fantasies;
  • equating thoughts with actions according to the degree of responsibility;
  • accepting blame for everything that happens around you and trying to change it.

What are the benefits of a trance state?

It's no secret that we now live in an era of overabundance of information and an acute shortage of trance states. There is so much information falling on us from all sides that not all people know how to “digest” this stream and not succumb to other people’s opinions.

Thus, we have a high need to “digest” everything that happens to us and around us. And we can do this by going deep inside ourselves, that is, in a trance state.

Therefore, trance is a resource state and it is our biological necessity .

On the other hand, trance is also a way of achieving wholeness when there is no resistance from any “offended” or “protesting” parts of oneself. At the same time, all “parts” strive for unification and integrity.

In other words, it is in a trance state that it is possible to hear the voice of intuition and the voice of your Soul .

Stephen Gelligen says that trance “is a safe state that you can always fall back on when you need support. Your unconscious is your ally .”

Consciousness and unconsciousness

In the sciences of the human psyche, it is customary to call habitual mental and analytical activities consciousness , and hidden processes that we are not aware of, and which come to the fore in sleep and in trance states, as unconscious .

The trance state allows you to gain access to unconscious processes and their resources, and use them to solve life problems. Trance states are very useful for rapid learning, relaxation and healing of psychological problems.

The trance state allows you to find a solution to the problem

Brian Weiss said that “trance is the concentration of the mind with a relaxed body”

Jean Becchio believed that trance is “activation of consciousness”

M.R. Ginzburg said that “trance is an internal focus of attention turned inward”

On the other hand, trance is also a state of learning, when a person can perceive new information without resistance. New for your personality, but not new for your Soul.

Because at the Soul level we are all connected to the entire Universal “data bank”. Each of us has access there, but we can only use it in a state of trance.

In addition, trance states of the brain promote the perception of creative flow, relief from stress, and accelerated physical and emotional healing.

Therefore, it is the trance state that is the usual “working” state of artists, writers, inventors, psychics and healers.

What problems can be solved while in a trance state:
  • find a way out of recurring situations
  • eliminate difficulties in relationships, take relationships to a new level
  • find a way out of painful loneliness
  • eliminate psychological complexes, fears, phobias
  • get out of the deadlock, find the meaning of life
  • find your purpose
  • learn how to cope with the loss of loved ones
  • find and eliminate the cause of the disease
What can you remember in a trance state?
  • birth
  • intrauterine period
  • moment of conception
  • planning the current implementation
  • past lives
  • planning any other incarnation
  • conclusions that the Soul made after incarnation
  • the presence of the Soul in the space between lives

In addition, the trance state makes it possible to communicate at the Soul level with those people with whom there is no fruitful cooperation. Then you can come to an agreement and solve the problem. Perhaps the relationship has reached a dead end or the person has already died, but you want to understand something or ask him a question.

After such communication at the level of Souls, relationships in real life also improve.

What changes in a person after immersion in past lives?

Attitude to life

After a regression session, the client has an understanding of Who I am and why I am here . A more responsible attitude towards your life appears. A person begins to take a more responsible and meaningful approach to the choices that face him every day.

Attitude towards death

There is an understanding that death is not the end, but a transition to a new state. That with the arrival of death the Soul does not die, but moves to another space where it plans the next incarnation.

There is also an understanding that the state in which we meet death affects what our next life will be like.

Attitude to birth

After watching your birth, you clearly understand that a child feels absolutely everything during birth. And the state of mom, and the state of dad, and their thoughts, and their fears.

And that at this moment the child still remembers why he came here, with what task. Then he forgets it, for various reasons. First of all, under the influence of society and close surroundings.

But you can remember the birth, relive it and remember why you came into incarnation.

Attitude towards children

You begin to understand that children are not the property of their parents. And in terms of the level of development of their Soul, they can be much higher than their parents. The question arises: do parents really teach their children something, or, on the contrary, do our children teach us?

Attitude towards the dying

After a regression session, you begin to understand that it is not at all necessary to lie to a dying relative, that he will definitely recover. And we can talk honestly about this.

Attitude towards yourself

You begin to understand that I am not only a physical body, but also something more. That I have already gone through the experience of many thousands of incarnations. You begin to realize that you are eternal and have never died.

In addition, in past lives you were in different “roles” and have behind you a large store of skills, abilities, talents, and wisdom. You already have it, but it may be dormant. And this can be remembered and activated.

Attitude towards other people

When you understand that you were in different “roles” in your past lives, then claims and demands on other people go away. If you yourself were a poor homeless person, a despot king, a greedy miser, a homosexual, and a slave owner, then the level of claims decreases.

Everyone has many thousands of these roles. This understanding makes the level of claims against other people ridiculous and groundless. After all, you yourself are no different.

Talked for 300 thousand

In Yekaterinburg, cashiers gave 25 thousand rubles to an unknown person after a hypnosis session. At least, that's what the victims say. The local department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported on the incident, which occurred in a regular store, on Tuesday, May 8. According to store employees, the case developed as follows. An unknown person approached the cashiers and asked to change a 100-ruble bill. A conversation ensued between them, after which the sellers - without realizing their actions, if you believe their words - voluntarily gave the visitor about 25 thousand rubles. It took them 10 minutes to come to their senses, after which they contacted the police.

In February, a store employee in the Rostov region complained of theft using hypnosis. At the same time, a trial in Veliky Novgorod ended in a similar case: a local resident who robbed an employee of a jewelry store “using mental pressure” received two years in prison. The victim claimed that hypnosis was to blame: the attacker first asked her to tell fortunes, performed a “lucky spell” on the coin, after which the saleswoman got distracted - that’s when the theft occurred.


Photo: Depositphotos

Scammers sell “magic” bed linen for 50 thousand rubles

Alleged cases of the use of hypnosis regularly appear in crime reports. In April 2021, a sales consultant at one of the capital's shopping centers stated that she was deceived into giving away 28 thousand rubles. The woman, introducing herself as a participant in the TV show “Battle of Psychics,” told the cashier that she had been damaged, because of which her loved ones were in danger. The saleswoman got scared and, in addition to the money, gave the attacker jewelry, presumably worth 250 thousand rubles, so that she would consecrate them in the church. The woman did not remember the deceiver’s appearance, a police source told the portal.

In January, the internal affairs authorities received an even more mysterious statement. A resident of Moscow claimed that during a walk she decided to go to a restaurant and drink tea. At the festival, according to her, illusionists worked in the establishment. The woman is sure that they put her into deep psychotropic hypnosis; she fell “into a state of prostration”, after which she could not remember how she ended up at a night party in the same restaurant. She told the police about this because she ended up without a wallet with a travel ticket.

Ways to go into trance

The easiest way to enter a trance is to close your eyes, listen to your breathing, or concentrate on your pulse. At the same time, you can remember something from the past and try to remember in detail. Or, imagine something, concentrating on the details and your feelings.

The ancient Slavs used special songs with special sounds and rhythms that put the listener into a trance state.

Shamans used and use certain rhythms, sounds, and dances to immerse themselves in a trance.

Prayers and meditations are also suitable for inducing trance.

The specialist’s ability to quickly enter trance also affects the client’s ability to enter trance. That is why it is faster and easier with a specialist.

This happens because the specialist already knows how to do it. He spent many hours of training to hone this skill. That is why he helps his client enter a trance quickly.

Indeed, during the session, a common energy-information field is created in which both the client, the specialist, and their Spiritual Guides work.

Milton Erickson (1901-1980) identified three types of trance:
  • everyday - when a person is distracted from external circumstances and, as it were, thinking, while the focus of attention is transferred from external objects to inside himself
  • in-depth - which is achieved in a session with a specialist
  • somnambulistic - when in a trance a person behaves as if he were not in a trance. This can happen in a session with a specialist after going through the deep trance phase. This person can wave his arms, behave actively, while he feels and perceives himself in exactly the place that he remembers at that moment.

The depth of trance is determined by the degree of self-absorption of a person, that is, the degree of his concentration on himself and his inner world. Most often - on the problem that he solves for himself with the help of trance.

Summing up

I hope the topic of hypnosis and trance has become a little clearer for you. The world of trance states is so diverse that in one article it is impossible to really touch on its full depth and the enormous potential of working with trance. We will try to reveal for you different aspects of transformational work with others and relationships with ourselves in the following articles.

If you use trance in your profession, or want to get acquainted with hypnosis for yourself, we invite you to our training and practical courses on hypnosis and generative trance. We will teach you how to safely and resourcefully access the creative unconscious, and use its incredible power to realize your plans and ideas in life.

And of course, you will learn how to effectively and deeply carry out transformational work with clients.

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