The concept of socialization. Essence, stages and mechanisms of personality socialization

Personal socialization is the process of integrating a person into the social system by mastering norms, rules, skills and knowledge that will help him function normally in society. If the behavior of animals is determined by instincts, then a person needs socialization for normal life.

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Factors of socialization.

Socialization factors are the mechanisms through which the socialization process occurs. The main factors identified by social educator A.V. Mudrikom, three:

  1. Macro factors are global mechanisms that influence the social development of an individual (planet, space, state, country, society, government).
  2. Mesofactors are conditions that influence socialization, mainly on a territorial or ethnic basis (place and type of settlement, region, town, city, people, ethnicity).
  3. Microfactors are factors that have a direct impact on a person’s socialization (family, peers, school, place of study and work).

Each factor has an active element, thanks to which socialization occurs. For example, in a family there are parents, brothers, sisters, in school there are teachers and classmates. These elements are called agents of socialization.


The period of maturity, or adulthood (from 30 to 60-70 years) is the time when a person has the opportunity to fully realize his potential. In Western psychology this process is called self-actualization. Personal development in adulthood presupposes greater social activity and maximum impact in the profession. Maturity is a period of personal flourishing. E. Erikson considered this stage the age of “committing deeds.”

The main feature of adulthood is generativity and restlessness. A person wants to be the best parent, achieve heights in his profession, and be a support for his family members. The American scientist G. Allport identifies the following traits characteristic of a self-actualizing personality:

  • Realistic attitude in oneself, activity and activity;
  • Feeling of emotional warmth;
  • Interest in the surrounding world;
  • A philosophy of life that summarizes the experience gained and determines human actions;
  • Compassion for other people, the ability to understand and empathize.

The role of agents and institutions

Sociologists distinguish 2 groups of people who influence the development and formation of personality in the process of socialization:

  1. Primary - familiar people, or informal agents. These include members of a small community who are well known to each other: family, parents, neighbors;
  2. Secondary – strangers are formal agents or institutions. This is a set of people connected by formal relationships: kindergarten, school, company, enterprise, city, state, etc.

Both groups play different roles and influence the formation of personality in a certain direction:

The education and upbringing of a child from 0 to 3 years old occurs under the influence of the main agents: parents and immediate relatives. They form the motivation and primary attitude of the individual towards others.

  • After 3 years, the individual enters into relationships with additional agents: educators, teachers, doctors. Most preschool children actively master thinking and cognitive skills under the influence of informal agents.
  • At the age of 8 - 15 (school period) they are influenced by their peers, adults belonging to different social groups, the media, and the Internet. Such a diverse environment does not exclude a negative impact on the individual and the possibility of antisocial behavior.
  • Thus, by the age of 15-18, the personality is considered formed. In the future, other social institutions play their role. They use other means that influence her moral and psychological changes.

Material Fixation Test

  1. 1Socialization of the individual is:
      The process by which certain social patterns are formed from birth
  2. The process as a result of which each individual enters society and from this changes occur, both in the person himself and in the social group
  3. The process by which each individual learns moral and cultural norms
  4. Question 1 of 5

  5. 2How many stages of personality socialization according to Erik Erikson are there?
  6. Seven
  7. Eight
  8. Question 2 of 5

  9. 3Who is part of the main group of people at the initial stages of socialization?
      Relatives and friends
  10. Friends and controls
  11. Schools, universities, and other large-scale enterprises
  12. Question 3 of 5

  13. 4What problem may an individual have when entering society?
      Ignorance of behavioral norms
  14. Difficulties with adaptation, problems with changing oneself
  15. Adaptability problems, low activity
  16. Question 4 of 5

  17. 5At what stage of socialization does a child begin to understand that he is a separate person?
      At the preschool stage
  18. At the early childhood stage
  19. During my school years
  20. Question 5 of 5


Every society has socialization mechanisms through which people convey information about social reality to each other. In sociological terms, there are some “translators” of social experience. These are means that transmit accumulated experience from generation to generation, contributing to the fact that each new generation begins to socialize. Such translators include various sign systems, cultural elements, educational systems, and social roles. Socialization mechanisms are divided into two categories: socio-psychological and socio-pedagogical.

Socio-psychological mechanisms:

  • Imprinting is the imprinting of information on the receptor and subconscious levels. More common in infancy.
  • Existential pressure - the assimilation of language and norms of behavior at an unconscious level.
  • Imitation is following a model, voluntary or involuntary.
  • Reflection is an internal dialogue during which a person critically thinks about and then accepts or rejects certain social values.

Social and pedagogical mechanisms:

  • Traditional - a person’s assimilation of prevailing stereotypes, which occurs, as a rule, at an unconscious level.
  • Institutional - triggered by a person’s interaction with various institutions and organizations.
  • Stylized - functions when included in any subcultures.
  • Interpersonal - turns on whenever there is contact with persons who are subjectively significant to a person.

Socialization functions

This mechanism is of great importance for the development of personality. Among the main functions there are:

  • Normative and regulatory. This means that absolutely everything that surrounds a person can have one influence or another on him. In this case, we are talking about family, country politics, religion and much more.
  • Personally transformative. In the process of communicating with other people, a person begins to show his individual qualities and characteristics. Thus, it is separated from the total mass.
  • Value-oriented. This category is reminiscent of the regulatory category. However, in this case, a person adopts from everything around him not experience, but certain values.
  • Information and communication. In this case, the individual’s lifestyle forms its way of life based on the experience of communicating with various representatives of society.
  • Creative. If a person is brought up in the right environment, this will help a person learn to improve the world around him.

Definition of socialization

Before discussing this topic, it is necessary to understand what socialization as such is.

Psychological science says that socialization

is the process of an individual’s entry into a social system, mastering its norms, rules of behavior, values, knowledge and skills, and psychological attitudes.

Another, “unofficial” definition says that socialization is what allows a person to live in harmony with the world around him. How is this harmony achieved?

Man is the only creature who, let’s say, is not born by himself. Any animal at birth belongs to a certain species - the same one to which its parents belonged. And only a person, in order to obtain the characteristics inherent to his species, is obliged to undergo a long and complex process of socialization, individual forms of which occur throughout his entire life. In fact, if a newborn is left in the forest and there he randomly survives, then he will not learn to speak, or build, or even hunt. Certain forms of learning, of course, exist in many animals, but they take place only for a short time; an animal that has not undergone “socialization” still has a great chance of surviving and producing offspring, since the basic skills are embedded in its instincts. Long and complex socialization is observed only in higher primates, which proves that this phenomenon did not arise suddenly, but was inherited from our animal ancestors and evolved over thousands of years.

Types and agents of socialization.


- the process of an individual’s assimilation of patterns of behavior, psychological attitudes, social norms and values, knowledge, skills that allow him to function successfully in society, beginning in infancy and ending in old age.

Types of socialization: 1. Primary socialization

. This stage covers the process of formation and development of personality, that is, the process of caring for, raising and educating children primarily in the family, carried out by those agents of socialization who are in direct and regular contact with the child in early and late childhood. During primary socialization, passive assimilation of information, skills, and ideas predominates.

2. Secondary socialization.

This stage covers the rest of the person’s “adult” life. At this stage, the development of the social environment occurs consciously, most of the information coming from outside is subjected to critical consideration. The individual makes a meaningful choice from several options.

3 Early socialization

represents a “rehearsal” for future social relations. For example, a young couple may live together before marriage in order to have an idea of ​​what family life will be like.

4. Resocialization

is re-socialization that occurs throughout an individual's life. Resocialization is carried out by changes in the individual’s attitudes, goals, norms and values ​​of life

5. Organizational socialization

is the process by which an individual acquires the values, abilities, norms of behavior and social outlook that are important for gaining weight in the organization and full participation in it as an employee

6. Group socialization

is socialization within a specific social group. Group socialization is the process of inculcating ideas and principles into an individual as he internalizes the basic values ​​and symbols of the group in which he is involved.

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7. Gender socialization

- this is the assimilation, internalization of social roles, differentiation of activities, statuses, rights and responsibilities of individuals depending on gender.

Agents of Socialization

- these are structural groups or environments in which the most important processes of socialization take place. In all cultures, the most important agent of primary socialization for a child is the family. However, in later stages of life, many other agents of socialization come into play. Agents of secondary socialization of an individual are school, university, army, church.

Peer groups, the media, mass printed publications, and electronic communications have a great socializing effect on a person.

Social deviation: concept, types.

Social deviation

- social behavior that deviates from accepted, socially acceptable behavior in a particular society.

There are many types of social deviation.

Cultural and psychological deviation

(By the nature of deviations)

Cultural deviance is behavior that deviates from cultural norms. Studied by sociologists. Psychological deviation is deviations in the personal organization: psychotics, neurotics, paranoids, etc. These deviations are studied by psychologists.

Individual and group deviation

(By subject type)

Thus, there are two pure types of deviants:

1) individual deviants

deny the norms that surround them. For example, a teenager who grew up in an intelligent family and becomes a drug addict, thereby demonstrating individual deviation.

2) group deviants

are conformists within deviant groups. For example, Children raised in alcoholic families who subsequently become part of a homeless group where substance abuse is commonplace exhibit group deviance.

Primary and secondary deviation

.(By degree of significance)

Primary deviation

- this is a type of behavior that generally corresponds to cultural norms; it is a minor, tolerant, acceptable deviation.

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Secondary deviation

- a process during which, after the act

primary deviation, a person, under the influence of public reaction, accepts

deviant identity, that is, it is reconstructed as a person from the standpoint of that

group to which he was assigned.

Positive and negative deviation.(

By negativity)

Positive deviation

– deviations from the norms that are encouraged in a given society.
A genius, a hero, a spiritual leader are positive deviants. Although positive deviation occurs in any society, negative deviation attracts the greatest attention from sociologists .
Negative deviation

- behavior that is condemned by society and entails punishment. Criminals, drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes are negative deviants.

Successful socialization

In the process of socialization, a person goes through three main phases of development:

  1. Adaptation is the mastery of sign systems and social roles.
  2. Individualization is the isolation of an individual, the desire to stand out, to find “your own way.”
  3. Integration is integration into society, achieving a balance between the individual and society.

A person is considered socialized if he is taught to think and act in accordance with age, gender and social situation. However, this is not enough for successful socialization.

The secret of self-realization and success is a person’s active life position. It manifests itself in the courage of initiative, determination, conscious actions, and responsibility. A person’s real actions shape his active lifestyle and help him occupy a certain position in society. Such a person, on the one hand, obeys the norms of society, on the other, strives to lead. For successful socialization, to succeed in life, a person must have the following basic characteristics:

  • desire for self-development and self-actualization;
  • willingness to make independent decisions in situations of choice;
  • successful presentation of individual abilities;
  • communication culture;
  • maturity and moral stability.

A passive life position reflects a person’s tendency to submit to the world around him and follow circumstances. As a rule, he finds reasons not to make efforts, strives to avoid responsibility, and blames other people for his failures.

Despite the fact that the formation of a person’s life position is rooted in his childhood and depends on the environment in which he is located, it can be realized, comprehended and transformed. It's never too late to change yourself, especially for the better. People are born a person, but they become a person.

The causes of deviation in the concepts of Ch. Lombroso, H. Sheldon, Z. Freud.

The reason for deviant behavior may lie in the structural features of the human body. The most famous supporters of these ideas are C. Lombroso and W. Sheldon. The Italian doctor C. Lombroso believed that a tendency to criminal behavior can be determined by such characteristic features as a protruding lower jaw, a sparse beard and reduced sensitivity to pain.U. Sheldon believed that a certain body structure meant the presence of characteristic personality traits. An endomorph (a person of moderate obesity with a soft and somewhat rounded body) is characterized by sociability, the ability to get along with people and self-indulgence. The mesomorph (whose body is strong and slender) tends to be restless, active and not overly sensitive. An ectomorph (distinguished by the thinness and fragility of the body) is prone to introspection, endowed with increased sensitivity and nervousness. Based on studies of the behavior of two hundred young men, Sheldon concluded that mesomorphs are most prone to deviation, although they do not always become criminals. In accordance with another biological concept, men who have an additional Y chromosome are more prone to display deviation than others, but a clear cause-and-effect relationship between the presence of aberrant chromosomes and deviation has not been identified.

The psychological approach sees the cause of deviation in psychological conflicts, problems and traumas, especially those experienced by the individual in childhood. The most famous is the psychoanalytic theory of S. Freud. Deviant behavior, according to Z. Freud, arises as a result of a conflict between Ego and Id or Superego and Id. For example, crimes arise when the Superego - the individual's civilized self-control - cannot cope with the primitive, destructive, cruel impulses of the Id. Various impulses can be suppressed, thereby moving into the unconscious layers of the psyche.

Features of socialization of children with disabilities

The socialization of children with disabilities - disabilities - provides for their right to diagnosis, special programs of psychocorrectional work, organizational and methodological assistance to families, differentiated and individual education. For children with special educational needs the following are created:

  • Specialized preschool educational institutions, schools or correctional classes in regular schools.
  • Health educational institutions of sanatorium type.
  • Special correctional educational institutions.
  • Educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance.
  • Educational institutions of primary vocational education.

Opportunities for obtaining secondary vocational and higher vocational education are being created for children with disabilities. For this purpose, special educational institutions are created, and various forms of integration are provided for in general institutions.

Despite this, the problem of socialization of children and adolescents with disabilities continues to remain relevant. The question of their integration into the society of “healthy” peers raises a lot of controversy and discussion.

What does it contribute to?

Socialization and adaptation make it possible to form in a person’s brain the necessary set of values ​​and rules that he will subsequently apply to the world. These processes begin in childhood, when the parents of a young child begin to lay the foundation for the first mental and physical skills. After this, the person undergoes training in kindergarten, school and college. During this period, he gains more knowledge from other people, continuing to explore the world. Thanks to this, a person learns to communicate with the individuals around him and understands that the form of interaction with them can be different.

In addition, the socialization of the child is very important, as it teaches him self-control. Gradually, a person begins to learn how to react to certain events in his life. Thanks to this, he learns to distinguish between the internal and external worlds.

Youth and early adulthood

Youth has conditional age boundaries. Most scientists are of the opinion that adolescence, preceding early adulthood, lasts until 22-25 years. At this time, the leading activity is intimate and personal communication. The body completes physical development, growth slows down. The main psychological task of this age is to find one’s place in the world. Foreign psychologists, for example, E. Erikson, call this process the search for identity. Domestic research calls it self-determination, self-knowledge. This process must be completed by the age of 21-25 so that a person can begin to solve other life problems.

Early adulthood, or youth , is the period from 21-23 to 30 years. The main features of this age are rapid cognitive development against the backdrop of an increasingly slower physical growth. A person learns to be independent and take responsibility. Another sign of adulthood is the appearance of new character traits - firmness, determination, reliability. Youth is the time to start a family. It is most optimal for choosing a life partner and having children.


The concept of desocialization of the individual is closely related to resocialization, and means the destruction of previously mastered and accepted norms and rules of behavior, the destruction of previous attitudes.
What is it and why is this process needed? This process is used by psychologists when a person’s learned norms of behavior prevent him from successfully fitting into society. In this case, a person must desocialize - abandon previous attitudes, and then resocialize - accept new rules of behavior adopted in the group.

Desocialization is necessary for victims of domestic violence, people who went through wars and lived in combat zones, as well as those who moved to other countries with a different cultural heritage or when re-educating individuals suffering from deviant behavior - alcoholics, drug addicts, criminals. “Reconfiguration” of the head in such cases is necessary, and the process plan usually begins with an assessment of the attitudes that the individual sees as unshakable, and proof that this unshakability is apparent.

Stages and factors of personality socialization.

Socialization of personality

- this is the process of assimilating social norms, forming one’s own “I” to demonstrate the uniqueness of the individual as a person. That is, the process of socialization represents the establishment of identity. Society constantly dictates its rules and norms of behavior to us, so the duration of this process takes a lifetime, its main part being the period of childhood and adolescence.

The main goal of socialization is to prepare the individual to fulfill social roles for communication and the preservation of society. Instilling qualities and values ​​is the main factor in personality formation.


—The stage of human development from birth to the onset of puberty. Although the time frame for the latter is individual, not constant over time and depends on the adopted age periodization system, the upper limit of childhood is defined as approximately 11-13 years. During childhood, extremely intense physical and mental development occurs. A critical period of development is early childhood. Its violation, for example, isolation from human society, can lead to irreversible mental disorders.

Youth is the most difficult period of socialization. Social and psychological maturity very often does not keep up with physical maturity. The importance of the teenage stage lies in the fact that the formation of the foundation of the personality—the worldview—ends;

awareness of one’s “I” occurs as an understanding of one’s place in life; There is a constant search for moral guidelines.


is the flowering of the human personality. This is a long period, it consists of several cycles. The lower boundary is blurred, approximately 21-23 years. In an extreme situation, growing up occurs early; in calm times, it stretches out. The upper limit is indicated by retirement - 55 years for women, 60 years for men.

The main criterion of maturity: independence. “Criteria of independence”: Self-sufficiency of means of subsistence. The ability to manage money independently of others, Independence in choosing a lifestyle.

Living independently from parents. Adulthood is the most active period of socialization, since it is at this time that a large number of social roles in real life are mastered. Maturity is the most active creative age.

Old age

- this is the period of human life that begins after adulthood and is divided into several cycles: up to 71 years - old age; from 71 to 90 - senile; The age of a person over 90 years old is considered the age of longevity. Old age is a physical condition characterized by the gradual decline of all vital functions. Old age entails separation from certain social roles. First of all and most importantly, the elderly are waiting for retirement.


Awareness of impending death requires the individual to adapt to a new definition of his own essence. The concept of “dying” implies something more than just the occurrence of some biochemical processes. It entails the acceptance of a social status in which social structures not only accompany, but also shape the experience of contact with death.

Socialization factors

- these are circumstances that encourage a person to take active action. There are only three factors of socialization - these are macro factors (space, planet, country, society, state), meso factors (ethnicity, type of settlement, media) and micro factors (family, peer groups, organizations).

1. megafactors (mega - very large, universal) - space, planet, world, which to one degree or another through other groups of factors influence the socialization of all inhabitants of the Earth.

2. macro factors (macro - large) - country, ethnic group, society, state, which influence the socialization of everyone living in certain countries (this influence is mediated by two other groups of factors).

3. mesofactors (meso - average, intermediate), conditions for the socialization of large groups of people, distinguished: by the area and type of settlement in which they live (region, village, city, town); by belonging to the audience of certain mass communication networks (radio, television, etc.); according to belonging to certain subcultures.

4. Mesofactors influence socialization both directly and indirectly through the fourth group - microfactors. These include factors that directly influence specific people who interact with them - family and home, neighborhood, peer groups, educational organizations, various public, state, religious, private and counter-social organizations, microsociety.

Issues of stages and phases of socialization are resolved in the socio-psychological literature ambiguously. Based on the criterion of “attitude to work,” G. Andreeva distinguishes three stages of socialization – pre-labor, labor and post-labor (sociological approach).

The pre-labor stage covers childhood, adolescence and youth and has several independent stages:

  • early socialization (imitation and copying of adult behavior by children);
  • play activity, when children recognize behavior as playing a role;
  • group games, in which children learn to understand what a whole group of people expects from them;
  • education.

The labor stage is associated with the maturity of the individual, the realization and deepening of social experience.

The specificity of the post-work stage of socialization lies in the realization of the potential of people of retirement age.

In the above periodization, the most controversial issue is precisely the third stage of socialization. A number of scientists believe that the very concept of personal socialization is incompatible with that period of an individual’s life when all his social functions are curtailed. Others, on the contrary, are convinced that the retirement period of a person’s life is the age that continues to make a certain contribution to the reproduction of social experience.

The opposite of the sociological approach is the psychoanalytic one, from the point of view of which the period of early childhood is of particular importance for the socialization of the individual. Psychoanalysis connects the stages of socialization with the manifestation of biological trains, instincts and subconscious motives of a person.

The behavioral approach to the problem of development and formation of personality in society (V. Romenets, V. Tatenko, T. Titarenko, etc.) provides for the fact that life as an act can occur provided that each of its manifestations, acts of will, experience, each opinion will be a form of implementation of the action principle.

Another approach to considering the issue of the stage of socialization - a compromise - takes into account both sociological and psychoanalytic views.

In accordance with this approach, two stages of socialization are distinguished:

  • primary (it covers two stages: from birth to the beginning of education, from the beginning of schooling to the beginning of social maturity and choice of profession)
  • secondary (learning of social roles by an adult in the process of work, cognition and communication).

A person who was born is not able to exist independently in society and interact with the social environment without the help and care of an adult. The life tasks of a newborn are to move from the psychobiological to the psychosocial level of functioning and begin an “actual odyssey” of self-affirmation as a person.

Consequently, an act from birth turns into an act of self-affirmation with the help of adults, who must build their counter activity as an act, create an act environment.

The act of self-affirmation covers the ages of childhood, adolescence and youth. The stage of development after birth is characterized by the child’s great activity in identifying his potential in mastering the qualities of a psycho-social being. Preschool childhood is many times faster in terms of socialization than all subsequent periods of ontogenesis.

From the very beginning, the child asserts his absolute psychosocial competence. The preschooler does not want to play, but to transform the situation according to his imagination; the younger schoolchild psychologically gravitates not towards learning, but towards acting on the basis of voluntariness, being a conscious fulfiller of his desires; the teenager does not want to communicate, but to feel like a subject of decision making; The young man considers it most important for himself to confront his environment in his views on the ideals of life and thereby assert himself. So, the essence of this act is to proactively, through creative confrontation with the environment, establish oneself in the status of a person.

A person answers to himself the question “who I am”, “what I want and can”. Finding answers requires emotional, volitional and intellectual expenditure, one’s own initiative, activity, stability, etc. The act of self-determination has the goal of reaching the definition of oneself as a being, is doomed to an act of truth, beauty and goodness, to an act of love, it gravitates to commit, cannot help but commit.

This is a period of testing for behavioral maturity. The act of self-liberation involves a reflexive orientation in the current situation, clarification of its prerequisites and prediction of its further development from the point of view of acceptability or unacceptability for the implementation of one’s plans.

Socialization occurs under the influence of various influences and means that originate from the macro- or micro-environment. If we are talking about the purposeful influence that society exerts on the formation of personality, then these are agents of socialization.

They operate at the macro level through the media (television, radio, computer, periodicals), culture, art, etc. They influence the formation of the “I-concept”, the formation of beliefs, ideas, and value orientations of the individual. The current stage is characterized by the actualization of clarification of the main determinants and patterns of this impact at each of the age periods of the individual’s development.

Psychological influences, or the means by which a person’s socio-psychological reflection of the realities of social life is carried out, and therefore the transition of external influences of the social environment into internal regulators of an individual’s behavior, are called socio-psychological mechanisms. In other words, this is the process of combining factors characterizing the conditions of society with personality characteristics in the socio-psychological reflection of a person.

There is no systematic analysis and clear classification of socio-psychological mechanisms of socialization in psychological science. Some scientists include imitation, suggestion, persuasion, and infection as mechanisms of socialization. Others are social facilitation, conformism, compliance with norms. The third is the assimilation of standards of behavior, acceptance of group norms, a sense of shame, self-control, social exchange. According to G. Tarde, the mechanism of socialization covers imitation, identification, and leadership.

On the basis of “organization - disorganization,” socio-psychological mechanisms are divided into:

  • purposeful (these include training, education, instruction, etc.)
  • spontaneous influences (identification, imitation, prestige, authority, leadership, etc.).

The second group of mechanisms is mainly based on the effect of trust in a person (which carries out the impact), understatement of self-criticism, increased suggestion of the individual, self-doubt, etc.

On the basis of “awareness - unconsciousness” the following are distinguished:

  • conscious (persuasion, group expectations, influence of authority)
  • unconscious mechanisms of socialization (they manifest themselves mainly in early childhood and are expressed through phenomena such as suggestion, imitation, psychological contagion, identification).

The social environment affects the individual not only directly, through examples, behavior, considerations of individuals and groups, but also through books, mass media, laws, rules, norms, and moral values ​​established in society.

At the same time, the social environment is also the objects of labor, culture, science, which are part of the flesh and blood of human life and are its indispensable attributes.

The various components of society are unequal and have unequal influence on the individual at different periods of his formation. On the one hand, special age periods in a person’s life play great importance here, and on the other hand, various economic, political, religious, everyday, sociocultural, socio-psychological conditions and cataclysms of society, the effect of stabilization and destructive factors in it.

Regarding changes in the human psyche, they can occur slowly and gradually, which is connected with the so-called evolutionary changes, which are characterized by quantitative, qualitative and structural transformations of the individual psyche.

However, along with such slow changes, violent, rapid and deep revolutionary transformations associated with crisis periods of development and formation of the individual are recorded.

In the social sciences, including sociology, such a shift of a person corresponds to the concept of “social transition” of an individual from one social state to another. Critical periods and social transitions are often accompanied by painful psychological restructuring, increased sensitivity to certain external influences, which leads to imbalance, the emergence of new needs, etc.

In modern psychology, there is currently no consensus on crisis periods or age-related crises. A certain part of psychologists believe that a crisis is an abnormal, painful phenomenon, the result of improper upbringing, while others see a constructive function in crises and consider them to be natural, an inevitable phenomenon that is determined by biological factors, in particular puberty.

Thus, 3. Freud emphasized that crisis is the result of disagreements between sexual development and social restrictions. K. Levin associated crisis periods in a person’s life with changes in his social status.

L. Vygotsky considered the alternation of crisis and stable periods as a law of psychological development. He noted that during critical periods a person’s constructive work does not stop, and destructive activity is carried out due to the fact that it is caused by the need to develop new properties and personality traits.

The transition to a higher age phase often causes a slowdown in the pace of personality development, which made it possible for L. Vygotsky to put forward a hypothesis about the lack of coincidence between the three components of human maturation in adolescence - sexual, general and social.

A crisis, according to T. Titarenko, is a long-term internal conflict about life in general, its meaning, main goals and ways to achieve them. And a person’s experience of a crisis is closely related to the degree of awareness of the crisis state, the level of personal maturity, and his ability to reflect. The corresponding age crisis is prepared from within, the time of its arrival is determined by how much a person has mastered everything that needed to be mastered at this age level.

G. Sheehy notes that during transitional moments in a person's lifestyle, a person undergoes changes in four dimensions: the first dimension is associated with the internal sense of oneself in relation to others; the second - with a sense of security and danger; the third is characterized by the perception of time (whether it is enough or not); the fourth - a feeling of physical decline. These sensations set the basic tone of life and push a person to certain decisions.

I. Toman, agreeing with the definition of a crisis as a state of sensory and spiritual stress, which requires a significant change in life positions within a short time, analyzes it (this concept) as a structured phenomenon: firstly, the occurrence of an event disrupts a person’s sensory and spiritual balance, secondly, the event changes the normal course of an individual’s life, thirdly, the event requires a change in life position and the ways in which a person acts in a normal situation; fourthly, the crisis requires the search for new methods of exiting an unusual situation.

Speaking about crisis and stable periods of a person’s life, one should also pay attention to the fact that the periodization of mental development primarily takes into account psychophysiological changes in the human body, and the periodization of social development is based on the characteristics of the individual’s interaction with society at different stages of his life (that is, to the extent his participation in social activities, social contacts, the nature of assimilation of social experience, reproduction of social connections). That is why the periodization of social development has slightly different age limits than the periodization of mental development.

For example, according to the periodization of mental development, senior adolescence (14-15 years) and early adolescence (16-17 years) belong to different age periods, while in the periodization of social development they are considered the only marginal (transitional) period of socialization and, through its similarity, mechanisms, institutions, methods, etc. are not considered separately.

In legal psychology, the age of 14-17 years is also not divided into separate periods, and the term “minor” is used to characterize it, i.e. such that it is affected by a certain social status of the individual, his civil rights, privileges and responsibilities.

So, the characteristics that fit into the concepts of “psychological age” and “social age” do not always coincide: our life provides many examples when an individual corresponds to his psychophysiological age, but in terms of social maturity is considered infantile.

American psychologists G. Gould, D. Levinson, D. Vaillant identified the following special periods in an individual’s life:

  • 16-22 years (at this time when a person tries to prove to himself and others that he is capable of independent life; a characteristic sign of behavior at this age is the demonstration of his own independence);
  • 23-28 years (this period is characterized by self-affirmation of the individual; a person develops a stable idea of ​​the place he occupies or would like to occupy in life; this period is characterized by a sharp change in life course);
  • 29-32 years (not a transitional period between two life stages, when a rather sharp reassessment of values ​​occurs, questions arise like: “Is this how I imagined my life?”; this is an extremely difficult period, which is characterized by emotional imbalance, frequent mood swings) ;
  • 33-39 years (during this period, family life loses its charm and all its strength; for the sake of compensation, people give preference to work that contributes to achieving serious results in the professional sphere; at the same time, what has been achieved seems insufficient);
  • 40-42 years (this is a difficult transition period: the results achieved seem insufficient, there is a feeling that life is being wasted; such a depressive state of mind is accompanied by deterioration in health, signs of loss of youth);
  • 43-50 years (new balance; at this age, most people are characterized by stability, possibly creative growth; activity, usually very productive);
  • after 50 years (the period of maturity when a person has come to terms with himself; at the same time, the question of the meaning of life and its value, what has been done and what remains to be done, this is the period when a person tries to avoid any conflicts; labor productivity may be high due to work experience).

The above periodization of special periods in a person’s life deserves attention; at the same time, it does not take into account his entire life path (from birth to death), such important age periods as one, three, seven years (these are critical periods in a child’s life); 8 - 9 years (this period is characterized by creative growth); 12-15 years (this is the teenage transition period, the child is critical of himself and his environment, trying to rethink the world around him); 55-60 years (this is a critical period in the life of men and women, because at this age most of them retire, which causes an acute feeling of uselessness).

Modern domestic psychological science attaches increasing importance to the problem of helping an individual overcome crisis conditions, especially at the stage of acquiring and consolidating professional experience, which in time may coincide with the so-called crisis of the middle of a person’s life, as the transition from youth to maturity, a new stage in understanding it provides a table of contents for one’s own existence and purpose in society. In psychological science, there is no unambiguous view on the chronology of a person’s life cycle regarding the characteristics of a given period.

So, if E. Erikson attributes the midlife crisis of a person to the age of forty, and G. Sheehy - to the period between 35 and 45 years, then T. Titarenko believes that the midlife crisis occurs at the age limit of 37-40 years.

E. Erikson characterizes this period of a person’s life as generativity, i.e. At this stage, there is a struggle between the mindset for productive development and the state of stagnation. Moreover, productivity and creativity in various areas of life are closely related to caring for others.

G. Sheehy notes that this period is a state of heightened sense of time, which is “shortening”: loss of youth, fading of physical strength, change in original roles - any of these moments can cause a crisis situation.

According to T. Titarenko, midlife is a period of extraordinary growth and internal changes, which are not without reason compared to adolescence. That is why it is called the second and last chance to do your job, to become deep and more significant, because during this period, maximum expectations from society are combined with a reorganization of personality traits, consolidation of interests, goals and responsibilities.

At the same time, the person begins to ask himself the question of the purposefulness of the life he has lived, its richness, and thinks about why he did not achieve the goals he once set for himself.

K. Jung considered middle age as the time of maximum manifestation of a person’s potential and changes in his psyche, which begin faster in women than in men.

The basis of Sch. Bühler's theory of human development is intention (intention). The intentionality of a person manifests itself throughout life in a person’s choices to achieve set goals, the formation and achievement of which predetermines the main phases of the life cycle.

The first phase lasts up to fifteen years and is characterized by the absence of any goals in a person, the development of mainly the physical and mental abilities of the individual.

The second phase lasts up to twenty years and corresponds to the period of adolescence, when a person realizes his needs, abilities and interests, plans big changes related to the choice of profession, partner, and meaning of life.

The third phase lasts until forty-five years and corresponds to the maturity of a person. During this period, clear goals are set, stability is achieved at the professional level and in personal life, decisions are made to create one’s own family and have children.

The fourth phase lasts up to 65 years. During this period, a person takes stock of past activities and revises goals taking into account his professional status.

The fifth phase begins at 65-70 years old, when most people stop achieving the goals they set in their youth. At this stage, a person tries to comprehend his existence as a whole, analyze the fulfillment of planned goals, which results in a feeling of satisfaction (goals achieved) or disappointment (goals turned out to be unattainable).

A. Milts solves the issues of development and formation of the individual in society by resolving the problem of harmony and disharmony of the individual. The author considers harmony as a concept that covers the problem of coordination between nature, society and man, which provides for mutual correspondence, balance, order, proportionality of various objects and phenomena.

The concept of “disharmony” refers to a lack of coherence, the manifestation of disproportions, antagonism, chaos, loss of balance, degradation, inconsistency of objects and phenomena or their inconsistency with the existing norm, pattern, rhythm. Often this concept is combined with the characteristics of dramatic or tragic manifestations in human life.

Here the scientist rightly raises the question of whether tragedy and drama are always a destructive or devastating force, do they not contribute to the emergence of great cultural achievements and enrich the inner world of a person, and do we have the right in any situation to assert that where there is consistency, then this is good, but where there is no consistency, it is bad?

The dispute, which has been going on for thousands of years, about who is the real owner of nature, society and man - disharmony or harmony, chaos or order is not over at all.

Disharmony brings concern, anxiety, eats away, torments and gnaws at human souls, while at the same time the same disharmony gives birth to beauty. In this regard, the idea was expressed: in order to create a bright star, chaos is needed.

One cannot but agree with another statement: the formation of a new society involves a transition to a dominant harmonious combination of nature, society and man, which does not mean that the dramatic and tragic will completely disappear - they will be embodied in the great values ​​of human culture and human relations.

Types of socialization

Socialization is a difficult, even contradictory process. In the process of his development, an individual becomes acquainted with both humanity as a whole and individual groups of people who have their own rules, goals and guidelines.

Therefore, experts distinguish several types of this phenomenon:

Primary socialization begins at the birth of a child and ends with the formation of a mature personality. It lays the foundations for all subsequent development of a person, and to some extent determines the scenario of his future life. The family is of greatest importance, because it is the first thing a child sees in his life. It is necessary to keep in mind that children perceive what they see around them uncritically, therefore they regard the behavior of adults in the family as basic, standard. Alcoholism and sloppiness, unsanitary conditions in the house - all this is “imprinted” in the child’s mind and can remain with him for life if he does not go through the subsequent stages of socialization. And vice versa - intelligence and cleanliness learned in the family will also accompany him in the future. In the future, kindergarten, school, a group of friends and peers become new social environments, where the child has to get accustomed to a new environment and act in accordance with new rules.

Secondary socialization, or resocialization, is the process of eliminating previous patterns of behavior and learning new ones. This process continues throughout the individual's life. During resocialization, a person experiences a complete break with his past and feels the need to assimilate new values ​​that are strikingly different from those that he previously adhered to. Typically, the changes that occur during secondary socialization are less than during primary socialization.

Group socialization is a process that takes place within a social group. So, if a child spends more time with his peers than in the family, then he more actively adopts the norms and rules inherent in the peer group.

Gender socialization is a process that involves learning the role of a man or woman in society. At the same time, boys learn to be men, and girls learn to be women.

In the past, gender socialization was an important and necessary part of a person's entry into society, but nowadays gender has largely ceased to have any meaning. Equality of rights and opportunities eliminates the need to “command” and “obey”, and representatives of both sexes have the opportunity to master the same professions, occupy the same positions and take on the same social roles (for example, in a family, both parents can take turns working and raising children, either the wife works, and the husband looks after the household and raises the children, or “the old fashioned way” - the husband works, and the wife takes care of the household and children)

The principles of gender socialization are still strong in traditional, backward societies (in the countries of Asia and Africa), but even there they are gradually losing their position.

Organizational socialization is a process in which an individual who is part of an organization learns its norms and rules and masters the skills of his work within its framework.

Early socialization is the process of mastering norms, rules and skills that do not correspond to the current level of physical, psychological and social development. First of all, this type of socialization is understood as a game - a kind of “rehearsal” for future social activity.

Age-related features of personality development in old age

Old age is associated with many negative life changes. Health deteriorates, physical capabilities are limited, and a person loses social status. The age-related characteristics of personality development of this period are studied by a science called gerontology. Scientists identify several features characteristic of the social situation of late age:

  • Contacts with work colleagues may remain for some time after retirement, but then are lost;
  • Pensioners make new friends - often also elderly, but there may also be younger people;
  • Other family members, confident that “he already has a lot of time,” like to leave their children with their grandparents, so communication with grandchildren is also an important element of this age;
  • Most social contacts occur within the family, so close people need to be especially tactful with those pensioners who “have not yet gained experience.”

In ancient times and even in the Middle Ages, very few people reached old age. Until the 17th century, only 1% lived to age 65. Nowadays, life expectancy varies across societies. This is clearly demonstrated by the so-called “Roseto effect”. It was as follows. Residents of the small American town of Roseto, immigrants from Italy, were half as likely as in other cities to die from cardiovascular diseases.

One day, a doctor from Roseto met with a friend and colleague who worked in a big city, and they shared their experiences. It turned out that such a low mortality rate is associated with the lifestyle of the immigrants. Three generations lived in the houses of this town. Families spent a lot of time together at the dinner table and actively included the elderly in social life.

Despite the hard work and traditional Italian food, which residents cooked with lard, due to everyday communication, morbidity and mortality rates in the older generation were low.

Types of personality socialization

There are several types of socialization, which depend on different factors. Mechanisms of personality socialization can be divided into two groups:

  1. Primary
    – implying the perception of society in childhood. The child is socialized, focusing on the cultural position of the family in which he is raised, and on the perception of the world by the adults around him. From this we can conclude that parents shape the first social experience of their child.
  2. Secondary
    - have no duration and last until a person enters a certain social group. With age, the child begins to get into different formations, for example, into a kindergarten or sports sections, where he learns new roles and, on the basis of this, learns to perceive himself from a different perspective. It is worth noting that socialization and personality often encounter certain inconsistencies, for example, family values ​​do not correspond to the interests of the selected group, and then a person goes through self-identification and makes a choice based on experience and feelings.

Gender-role socialization of personality

This type is also called gender socialization, and it involves a person’s assimilation of the peculiar differences between men and women. There is an acceptance of existing behavior patterns, norms and values ​​of both sexes, as well as the influence of the public and the social environment in order to instill a number of rules and standards. This continues throughout life. The concept of personality socialization in gender terms highlights the following mechanisms for its implementation:

  1. Socially acceptable behavior will be rewarded, and deviations from the norm will be punished.
  2. A person chooses suitable gender role models in close groups, that is, in the family, among peers, and so on.

Family socialization of personality

A child learns to perceive the world not only through the direct influence of adults, that is, upbringing, but also by observing the behavior of people around him.

It is important to note that often the development and socialization of the individual in the family comes across a discrepancy between the behavior patterns of parents and the requirements that they put forward for the child. An example is a smoking ban, but one of the parents or other family members has such a bad habit

The main factors of personality socialization are:

  1. Family composition and structure, that is, how relatives interact with each other.
  2. The child’s position in the family, for example, he may be a grandson to his grandmother, a brother to his sister, a son to his father, and a stepson to his stepmother. It has been proven that the socialization of a child raised in a two-parent family and a single mother is different.
  3. The chosen parenting style, so parents and grandparents can instill different values ​​in the child.
  4. The moral and creative potential of the family is no less important for the socialization of the individual.

Professional and labor socialization

When a person gets to work, there is a change or adjustment in his character and behavior during activities. Features of the socialization of the individual in the labor sphere are expressed in the fact that adaptation is carried out both within the team and in professional stratification. To improve one’s own status, the availability and development of labor skills is of great importance.

Subcultural-group socialization

Each person must master social roles that are related to the culture of the environment where he lived, studied, worked, communicated, and so on. The essence of personal socialization is based on the fact that each region has its own distinctive features, due to which society is formed. If we focus on subcultural-group socialization, then nationality, religious affiliation, age, field of activity and other factors will be taken into account.

Social anomie: Concepts and causes.


- a state of society in which a significant part of its members, knowing about the existence of binding norms, treats them negatively or indifferently, a state of lawlessness.
The phenomenon of social anomie was first described by the French sociologist Emile Durkheim. Anomie
is the absence of law, organization, norms of behavior, their insufficiency. The concept of anomie characterizes a state of society in which disintegration and collapse of the system of norms that guarantee social order occur (E. Durkheim).

9 pages, 4337 words

Moral standards and moral behavior in relationships “person...

... in contrast to this attitude, he is looking for stable characteristics of the psyche that ensure the constancy of the behavior of the individual within any era. Biologists are trying to prove the immutability of human nature. Historians, ... the synthesis of natural and social will become a characteristic feature of the coming century. The main part of Society and the natural environment is a set of natural conditions, habitats...

Social anomie indicates that norms of behavior are seriously violated and weakened. Anomie causes a psychological state of the individual that is characterized by a feeling of loss of orientation in life. The reason for anomie is the insufficient development of rules governing the relations between various social functions that are not coordinated with each other. Durkheim believed that socially deviant behavior and crime are completely normal phenomena. If there is no such behavior in society, then it is painfully controlled. When crime is eliminated, progress stops. Crime is the price to pay for social change. A society without crime is unthinkable. For crime is inevitable, ineradicable. And the reason for this is not that people are weak and evil, but that there is an infinite variety of different types of behavior in society.

67. Social conflict: concept and types.

Social conflict

- conflict, the cause of which is disagreement between social groups or individuals with differences in opinions and views, the desire to take a leading position; manifestation of people's social connections.

In the field of scientific knowledge, there is a separate science dedicated to conflicts - conflictology. A conflict is a collision of opposing goals, positions, and views of the subjects of interaction. At the same time, conflict is the most important aspect of interaction between people in society

Depending on which subjects oppose each other, social conflicts are divided into:

Personality conflict

, i.e. a conflict that occurs within a person at the level of individual consciousness.

Interpersonal conflict

, i.e. disagreements between two or more members of one group or more groups.

Intergroup conflict

, i.e. confrontation between several groups.

According to the content of the problems that caused counter-directional actions, they distinguish industrial, family, labor, economic, political, environmental, ideological, spiritual, moral, legal and other conflicts.

According to their functions, conflicts are usually divided into:


(disintegrative) - such conflicts destabilize social systems. Internal conflict destroys group society; strikes could put thousands of people out of work and cause serious damage to industry; marital conflicts prevent the union of spouses; and, finally, a nuclear conflict threatens the destruction of all humanity.

Creating Conflicts

– can enhance group interaction. As a result of the conflict, it is possible to quickly introduce a new leader, use new policies and new norms. Conflict may be the only way out of a tense situation. If individual rights are violated in a group, generally accepted norms are violated, then often only conflict leads to achieving balance and relieving tension.

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The essence of socialization

The need for socialization is determined by human nature itself. He is a unique phenomenon, because he is the only living creature that has virtually no innate forms of behavior. A child who has not undergone socialization is unable to communicate as a person, establish relationships with relatives, or behave as is customary in society. It is a cat or a dog that has innate programs of species behavior, but a person needs to learn everything.

Socialization, in essence, is the process of human adaptation in society. But this is not just knowledge of how to behave in a given situation. Knowledge of social norms does not guarantee compliance with them. For example, a criminal does not steal because he does not know that it is illegal. He knows this very well. But the norm “don’t steal” did not go through the process of socialization, was not appropriated by him, and did not become his intrapersonal norm of behavior. The phenomenon of transition of a social norm or meaning from the external to the internal level is called internalization.

This is the basis of socialization, its basic process. Initially, all norms of behavior and methods of social activity are external for the child. Parents, sometimes through persuasion and sometimes through coercion, instill in their child the habit of performing certain actions, making assessments of their own actions and the actions of others. For example, a small child does not feel any need to eat with a spoon, fasten buttons on his blouse, brush his teeth, say hello, much less put away his toys. But if the parents are persistent and patient enough, then these actions become habitual, and in a similar situation the child himself will feel the need for them. So, we, adults, will experience obvious discomfort if we have to eat salad with our hands or go out to strangers casually dressed.

The complexity of socialization also lies in the fact that a person is a member of different social groups with different norms and rules. We have to undergo additional socialization in every society we happen to find ourselves in.

Age crises

Without turning points - crises - it is impossible to become an adult. Age-related characteristics of personality development are different for each of the crises: youth is characterized by a crisis of loneliness, at 30 years old - a feeling of the meaninglessness of life. At the age of 40, a person realizes his freedom, sums up the intermediate results of life, and returns to the true “I”. 60-70 years is “the time to collect stones.”

In adolescence, a person solves the problem of separation from his parents. He either takes a step into independent life and finds a mate, or remains alone and dependent. But society usually places emphasis not on psychological separation from the parental family, but on the choice of profession. A good solution to get out of the crisis is to start earning money on your own and go abroad to study. A metaphor for adolescence can be the image of a ripe apple falling from an apple tree.

The crisis of 30 years is characterized by the fact that a person ceases to bring joy to everything that was previously its source - work, family, hobbies. The person may suffer from severe depression. He has the last chance to separate from his parents, if this has not been done before. The main task is to understand whether the previously chosen path is suitable. A metaphor could be Sisyphus rolling a stone uphill. A person wonders: is there a difference in how to live life if everyone is equal before the gates of eternity. But after some time, he realizes that the meaning of life is to gain his own unique experience, to live an authentic life.

Organizational socialization

Organizational or professional socialization is the process of an individual mastering the skills and attitudes adopted in an organization for the successful performance of basic functions, as well as for establishing relationships with colleagues.

At first, upon entering the workforce, newcomers become familiar with generally accepted standards of behavior in the organization, master the jargon, communication style, learn to comply with the dress code, and perceive the balance of power between people. This is also the socialization of the individual, and very important - often we have problems with work not because we are bad professionals, but only because even an excellent professional who is unable to establish relationships with people will bring nothing but harm to the organization.

To improve organizational socialization, it is customary for companies to organize various joint holidays, field trips, and conduct games and activities to improve communication between colleagues.

The ability to successfully fit into any system is useful to everyone, and one cannot think that socialization is important only for those who are not successful and do not fit into the framework. Since any framework has its values ​​exclusively in a given period of time, and there is no guarantee that tomorrow the concept of the norm will not change, and that yesterday’s successful person will not find himself on the sidelines of life with his mossy concepts of the norm.

We draw a conclusion

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to prevent age-related crises and somehow circumvent them? Each period has its own age-related characteristics of personality development, and, fortunately, no one can avoid these stages. The presence of a crisis indicates a transition to a new stage - the development of personality at different age stages pushes a person to a new level. Everyone experiences stages of development in their own way and at their own time - science does not tie them to a specific age, all dates are arbitrary.

Topics: Personal growth, Self-realization, Child psychology, Child development, For schoolchildren

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