Selectra, 28 pcs., 10 mg, film-coated tablets

One of the most “popular” antidepressants among doctors. According to our data, this medicine is one of the ten most frequently prescribed drugs by psychiatrists.


is produced under many names: cipralex (considered the original, since it was the very first), elicea, esipi, escitalopram, selectra, lenuxin, miracitol, etc.

All of these are analogues, that is, drugs with the same active ingredient, but produced at different factories by different manufacturers.

The drug was obtained as a result of a “modification” of another antidepressant from the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) - citalopram.

The mechanism of action is associated with a decrease in the flow of the neurotransmitter serotonin back into the neuron after it has entered the intercellular space - the synapse.

The drug promotes the accumulation of serotonin in the synapse (the junction of neurons), and if the painful condition caused the depletion of serotonin, then long-term use of escitalopram leads to the restoration of serotonin metabolism and a decrease in the symptoms of the disease. The main effect is antidepressant and anti-anxiety.

Available in the form of film-coated tablets in a dosage of the active substance of 10 milligrams.

Indications for taking escitalopram

  • Endogenous depression of mild to moderate severity.
  • Panic attacks, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, phobias.
  • Organic anxiety and depressive disorders.
  • Neuroses, neurasthenia, mixed anxiety and depressive disorder, somatoform disorders, psychosomatic diseases, prolonged reactive states (mental trauma, adaptation disorders).
  • Alcohol and drug addiction, substance abuse.

The convenience of taking ecitalopram is that you do not need to adjust the dose (recommended - 10 mg / 1 tablet once a day

), rarely have side effects, according to psychiatrists it gives a positive effect in the vast majority of cases of use.

The disadvantages include the slow onset of the therapeutic effect over the course of a month, and a slight increase in anxiety in the first days of use (which is very inconvenient when treating panic attacks, phobias and anxiety disorders).

Impact of Grandaxin

The main effect of the drug is manifested in the anxiolytic effect. It helps eliminate feelings of anxiety and fear, reduce emotional stress, anxiety and agitation, both mental and motor.

Tofizopam exhibits vegetative stabilizing properties to a high degree. With him it is expressed to the greatest extent compared to other tranquilizers:

  • normalizes sleep - eliminates insomnia, promotes rapid falling asleep;
  • restores blood pressure;
  • stabilizes heart rate;
  • reduces sweating;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates constipation.

The vegetative stabilizing effect is achieved by establishing a balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.

The stress-protective effect of Grandaxin protects the central nervous system from the effects of a destructive factor. It gives the patient a state of psychological comfort and provides an adequate assessment of what is happening. Protects against the development of unwanted vegetative-vascular reactions: tachycardia, vascular spasms, destruction of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Eliminates excitement.

Tofizopam has a coronary effect to some extent:

  • improves coronary circulation;
  • reduces the need for oxygen in the heart muscle;
  • normalizes metabolism in cardiac tissues;
  • increases the amount of oxygen delivered to the heart.

This ability of Tofizopam is widely used in the treatment of coronary heart disease. The drug stabilizes the functioning of both parts of the autonomic nervous system, and thereby improves the electrical conductivity of the heart muscle.

The psychostimulating effect of the drug helps restore the patient’s mental and physical activity. Helps improve cognitive functions, restores thinking abilities, improves mood. Strengthens the ability to resist the effects of unwanted environmental factors.

Grandaxin is recommended to be included in complex therapy as:

  • enhancing the effect of antidepressants;
  • to eliminate anxiety and panic attacks that can be triggered by starting to take antidepressant medications;
  • in cases where the dosage of antidepressants is insufficient, and increasing it is impossible due to the risk of adverse reactions.

The use of the drug as monotherapy is undesirable.

The most frequently asked questions about the use of escitalopram

Is escitalopram addictive?

The drug does not cause dependence. Those cases when painful symptoms went away while taking escitalopram, but returned after discontinuation of the drug, do not indicate the formation of addiction, but about too early cessation of treatment or insufficient therapy.

Can I take it on my own?

No. Only after prescription by a doctor.

Can a psychologist prescribe escitalopram?

No. Like any antidepressant, like any medicine, this drug can only be prescribed by a doctor - a person with a higher medical education, then completed specialization (internship or residency) and has a valid doctor’s certificate.

Psychiatrists are the most knowledgeable about the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders and the effects of antidepressants. But doctors of other specialties can also prescribe antidepressants. The psychologist does not have a medical education and therefore cannot make such appointments. Read more about the difference between a psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist here.

How and where can I purchase it? What does this require?

It is sold in pharmacies. To purchase it you will need to present a prescription from a doctor.

Does escitalopram contribute to suicidal behavior?

There is no such data. The described isolated cases of suicide while taking this drug were explained by the fact that there were risks of suicide even before the start of treatment. Suicide was a consequence of illness (depression, psychosis), and not the effect of the drug.

Is it possible to drink alcohol during treatment with escitalopram?

Drinking alcohol neutralizes the therapeutic effect of the medicine and worsens the general condition of the brain. Therefore, drinking alcohol during treatment is not advisable.

How long to take escitalopram?

Treatment with this antidepressant takes several months. The therapeutic effect usually develops in the first 3 months of treatment; further use usually prevents the recurrence of symptoms.

If indicated, long-term use is possible. Even if there are no complaints about the condition during therapy with escitalopram, you need to see a doctor at least once every 2-3 months. The duration and regimen of administration is determined by the attending physician. On average it is about 6 months.

Is it possible to replace escitalopram with a similar drug with a different name during treatment?

This question often arises due to the large difference in price for the same drug, produced by different manufacturers and having a different name. As experience shows, no changes occur with such a change. But if such a question arises, it is best to consult your doctor.

What is better: the original drug Cipralex or its cheaper generic analogues?

According to the author of this material, there is no fundamental difference.

Pharmacological group

Grandaxin is classified as an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) drug or tranquilizer. Most representatives of this group, in addition to anti-anxiety effects, also exhibit others, including:

  • sedative – decreased mental and motor activity;
  • hypnotic;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • muscle relaxant - relaxing.

Such effects make it impossible to take such drugs during the day while driving.

Grandaxin is a fundamentally new tranquilizer with a pronounced anxiolytic effect. Its active ingredient is tofisopam, an atypical benzodiazepine derivative. It is synthesized by transforming the molecular structure of diazepam. Thanks to this feature, it is not capable of causing addiction and withdrawal symptoms.

The action of benzodiazepines is based on increasing the sensitivity of receptors to GABA - gamma-aminobutyric acid. This is the main neurotransmitter that causes inhibition in the brain and thereby stops excitement and has a calming effect. However, its excess provokes the opposite reaction - hyperactivity, anxiety, trembling in the arms and legs.

All benzodiazepines are divided into 3 classes, taking into account the predominant effect:

  • with anxiolytic;
  • with sleeping pills;
  • with anticonvulsant effect.

Most representatives have all of the listed properties with one pronounced one. Grandaxin has an anti-anxiety effect, and other manifestations are practically absent.

Considering that the drug does not cause a feeling of drowsiness, relaxation and lethargy, and does not interfere with concentration, it is called a daytime tranquilizer and it is allowed to combine its use with driving, but only after consulting a doctor.


The antidepressant is based on escitalopram oxalate.

For better digestibility of the active ingredient, additives are used:

  • croscarmellose sodium;
  • prosolv SMCC90/HD90;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • talcum powder

Release form: film-coated tablets (composition: white opadry).

One package contains a certain amount of medicine: 10; 14; 20; 28; 56 pcs.


The cost of Selectra depends on the manufacturer and the number of tablets in the package ( 461-970 rubles for 28 pieces ).

Price in Moscow – 989 rubles (excluding delivery surcharge when ordering online). You can buy tablets in a pharmacy chain or online store.

The antidepressant is dispensed with a prescription in Latin, which complies with the rules for processing medical documents.

Limitations and adverse reactions

Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • severe forms of depression - with them there is a high probability of suicidal thoughts and actions;
  • phobias, obsessions - possible increase in aggression;
  • allergic reactions;
  • uncompensated respiratory failure.

The drug is prescribed with caution to elderly people due to their increased susceptibility to it. It is not recommended to use it at this age for too long a time.

The drug is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age. It can be taken only in rare cases after carefully weighing the need and risks. In this case, therapy should be short-term.

Taking the drug in the 1st trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated. It easily crosses the placental barrier and can cause developmental defects in the child. Grandaxin can pass into breast milk, so you should avoid breastfeeding while treating with the drug.

Otherwise, when it enters the child’s body, it accumulates and causes a sedative effect. The newborn's sucking reflex decreases, he cannot suck out milk fully, and loses weight.

Despite the mild effect of the drug, it still exhibits some side effects:

  • headaches, agitation and aggressiveness;
  • sleep problems;
  • confusion;
  • increased frequency of seizures in epileptic patients;
  • breathing disorders;
  • poor appetite, thirst, digestive problems;
  • jaundice;
  • muscle hypertonicity, muscle pain;
  • allergic manifestations.

In such cases, taking the drug is canceled.


You can replace Selectra with other means of similar action:

The same group with Selectra also includes more affordable antidepressants:

  • Amitriptyline – 14.80 rubles;
  • Apo-Fluoxetine – 26.60 rubles;

  • Fluoxetine – 25.30 rubles;
  • Amitriptyline Nycomed – 47.60 rub.

The privilege to select an analogue and make changes to the treatment regimen remains exclusively with the attending physician.

side effects during treatment ; this should be reported to your doctor immediately. There is no need to interrupt therapy; most symptoms disappear after 5-7 days. The duration of taking pills is sometimes six months, but thanks to the pharmacological properties of the active substance, it becomes possible to return to a full life.

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